William Safire justified: Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar

| November 4, 2016

In a notorious 1996 New York Times essay, pundit William Safire famously said this of Hillary Clinton:

Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady – a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation – is a congenital liar.

Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

Could anyone who has followed her political activities since make any sensible rebuttal to Safire’s observation? As many of her critics have noted, Hillary Clinton will lie when she’d be far better served by the truth. Now here we are just days away from an election that could put this woman into the most powerful political position in the world, and apparently she’s still at it.

Conservative site, 100% Fed Up, is reporting this (emphasis added):

Campaigning in Florida on Tuesday, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton claimed that she was in New York City on 9/11, when terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center. She made her claim while discussing terrorism and the threat posed by ISIS.”I know what happened not far from here at Pulse night club in Orlando,” she said. “I was in New York City on 9/11 as one of the two senators. I will defeat ISIS. I will protect America.”

Except that she wasn’t in New York City on 9/11; she was at her home in Washington, D.C. on the morning of that day of infamy and did not get to New York until the next day. Proof of her silly, useless lie is available from her own campaign media operation, the Clinton News Network, which in a 15-year commemoration of 9/11 featuring Clinton said this:

When news broke of the first plane ripping through the north tower of the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, Clinton had just left her house in Washington, D.C., and was on her way to the Senate. By the time she reached Capitol Hill, evacuations were already underway.

Good grief! The woman is running for the nation’s highest office, and mere days before the election, she gratuitously lies to a crowd of supporters? Even the most naive political beginner would know that you don’t publicly lie about something that can be so easily checked. Had Hillary not been lying for so long, as Safire documents, we might attribute such a gaffe to the various head injuries she’s sustained or as a mental manifestation of the Parkinson’s disease some physicians suspect her to have. But no, her previous history all the way back to pre-Safire argues persuasively that this is one of those people whom many of us have met, and most of us have heard of, a person who simply can’t sort out truth from lies in her own mind and her own mouth. She will, in clear fact, lie when the truth would be to her advantage, as in Florida Tuesday.

Hillary Clinton is, quite clearly, a congenital liar. But here’s the sobering thought to take away from this: if she can’t separate truth from lies, is she also incapable of distinguishing between honest and dishonest behavior? Her behavior as secretary of state would seem to indicate the answer is no, she can’t.

And I ask you again today, folks: is this the kind of person we want leading our America?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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The Other Whitey



No, indeed.


I have watched a dozen “breaking news” today and the clinton’s house of cards is collapsing before their eyes….the latest that should disgust everyone in the country is their messing with international sex slavery and pedophilia…that should do it!

Bernie Hackett

I’d say habitual liar, but most politicians include that as their fall back. Certainly she’s much better, being the smartest woman, ever. Uh-huh.
As pointed out, at some point the truth and the alternate version become so tangled, that you’d require somebody to stand next to you (or them earpieces connected to central control) to cue you to the everchanging official version of the partei line.


Fuck no.




Sexist pig….

Ok. I agree.


And she still has supporters.

How do those lyrics go?
“There is none so blind, as he who will not see.”
“Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”

I also think it is ironic that the anti-establishment lyrics of the 60’s apply to these, the old hippies of today.

Marine 0331

The people who benefit from her, I can see why they support her, but how can any other American with at least half a brain or an ounce of common sense vote for her. I just can’t understand this. It’s clear that both she and Obama hate this country because they believe this country made it difficult for them to get where they are or where they want to be. Donald on the other hand, loves this country like the rest of us. You might not like him personally, but I believe he is just the person this country needs to reverse the distruction Bama started and Hillary would finish.


Hillary has been flogging the “vast right-wing conspiracy” angle for over 20 years. A lot of her supporters still believe she’s being slandered by “the right.” It’s in the same vein as dismissing the server controversy as a “witch hunt.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’ve always said I don’t understand why her and Bill lie when the truth is of no real consequence. They seem to lie at times just because they are so used to lying the truth avoids their lips.

The Other Whitey

Anything done often enough becomes a habit.


Skilled practitioners have to stay constantly in practice.

Besides, she believes what she is saying is true even when it contradicts what she just said a moment ago. Because “true” to a Clinton means “whatever benefits me at the moment I say it”.


Just the other day, Billy Jeff said that Obamacare was “the craziest thing in the world”. The next day, he denied that he’d said what he said.


You know what an enabler is? They make up a pair. It’s entirely possible that whatever she/he said 5 minutes ago is immediately forgotten and if she’s confronted with it because it contradicts what she’s saying right now, she has no idea what you’re talking about.

Short-term memory loss — not a good sign.


Grifters, the both of them.

2/17 Air Cav

Hell no.


I don’t get it, any more than Safire did. It doesn’t make any sense, but when greed and power hunger are so embedded in someone like that, the normal checks that the rest of us have are somehow dissolved.

Roger in Republic

She makes Joe Isuzu look like a paragon of truth and honor.




lol, forgot about him. My first new car was a Chevy Spectrum with a 1.6L Isuzu engine right after I arrived at Ft. Bragg. Cost me $6,400. Got an honest 50mpg on the highway and 90k with no problems when I finally sold it.


Trump said pussy.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

He also imitated a handicapped fellow…I see what you did there…



No to the rug munching bitch of bengazi.


Hitlary wins the selection, she would be the best President since George W Bush.


Nah. I changed my mind. She would be the worst President since Bush 2.


Nah again. She would be the worstestest President since ever.


That`s why obama is actively stumping for her. If she gets elected, he will be the worst ever POTUS in history for a (hopefully) very short time. Hell, she may be indicted before she`s even sworn in…if so, the current champ retains his title.

2/17 Air Cav

She is a congenital liar. Her husband is a congenitalia liar. Rim shot. Thursday. Veal. Actually, I can’t believe that one was still available.


[…] Satanic Ritual The Political Hat: Nevada Early Vote Update, Day 12 Of 14 This Ain’t Hell: William Safire Justified – Hillary Is A Congenital Liar Weasel Zippers: Hillary Deleted E-Mail To Chelsea That Contained Classified Info, also, Jury Finds […]


If someone claims to have been an Infantryman at the battle of Wherever, and the DD-214 says Stateside Widget-repair Tech at Fort Podunk, we declare “Stolen Valor”.

If someone says “I was there in NYC on 9-11” in effect, present at the “battle of 9-11” or “9-11 survivor”, and was in fact demonstrably elsewhere, is that not in essence “Stolen Valor”?

The records check just came back “Who?” again, as many times before. Why is this outrageous fraud still a candidate for a major party?

If only for justice on the “Stolen Valor” items, one ought to cast one’s ballot for the person most likely to defeat this mendacious, despicable fraud. The damage she will do to what is left of the Republic boggles the imagination.

We really do not need yet another impeachment. They do not much good, no matter how justified or necessary. Vote wisely.

Silentium Est Aureum

I just dusted off my copy of Christopher Hitchens’, “No One Left To Lie To” and reading it again.

The more I read it, the more of Bill’s bullshit I see coming out of her. The more things change….


“Hillary Clinton is, quite clearly, a congenital liar.” Or as far as you guys are concerned, “President Congenital Liar”.


So you don’t see anything wrong with electing a lying sack of shit with a husband who is also a LSOS AND A PEDOPHILE crawling right along with her?

Gee, and I thought liberals had some vague sense of decency. I was mistaken.

I had no real concept of how completely disconnected you are from reality, Joe. Please do go back to smokin’ whatever that shit is you smoke. Just don’t get too close to the edge. It’s a slippery slope and there will be no one to catch you on the way down.

Silentium Est Aureum

Of course he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. Ends justify the means, shit like that.

Or to paraphrase LBJ, “She may be a bitch, but she’s OUR bitch!”