“No Significant Voter Fraud”, Eh?

| November 3, 2016

Well, riddle me this,      Socialists      Progressives       Leftists      my liberal “brethren” – what would you call this little “escapade”?  (Emphasis added)

Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro, Calif., home Saturday when he noticed something odd: Two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox.

The 83 ballots, each unused, were addressed to different people, all supposedly living in his elderly neighbor’s two-bedroom apartment.

“I think this is spooky,” Mosna said. “All the different names, none we recognize, all at one address.”

To add insult to injury:  Mosna and his wife initially got the “run around” when they tried to report the matter to proper authorities.  They first contacted the LAPD, who referred them to the Post Office – who in turn referred them to the LA County Registrar’s office.  To their credit, the LA County Registrar’s office apparently took the matter seriously.

Fox News has a story on the matter.  It’s worth reading.

“No significant voter fraud” in America?  Yeah, right.  “No significant voter fraud” my ass.

We seriously need positive voter ID laws nationwide.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Crime

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What? They were not pre-marked for a certain straight(jacket) party?


Voter fraud? Really?


FIFY ex-OS2.


I appreciate it!


Move along nothing to see here! Hey shiny things.


Don’t you mean “Ooo piece of candy!”


Strange stuff indeed. Oh, surely, that must simply be a case of misaddessed mail, right? Right?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Lazarus Long is alive and well at DUs little sister site Discussionist….I know you are not he, just by his comments.

Which would make your skin crawl amigo….

Kinda Old ET1

You may be Lazrus Long, but you are no Woodrow Wilson Smith. (Smile)


Voter ID??!!

Bu-bu-bu-but that would be RACIST!!

… or some such BS.

Forest Green

I’ve been working for the Voter Integrity Project (http://voterintegrityproject.com/) for the last year or so. We have scrubbed the rolls to prevent just this type of occurrence. The worst places are the college towns. The dorms and rental places have 100s of people registered at these addresses. They need to be scrubbed because these community organizers are doing exactly what has happened to the guy above. They are sending in for absentee ballots, collecting them, and voting them. Of course those of us scrubbing the rolls are “insane” (http://www.wral.com/naacp-nc-back-in-court-this-time-over-voter-challenges/16186143/)

We also compared voter rolls between Florida and NC finding hundreds of dual registrations. We actually caught one in our town who voted in both Fl and NC last election. He is still pending his day in court.

Forest Green

Yes, we have a group getting ready to check NC and Northeast States. The FL/NC link is pretty strong though. Lots of FL people actually come up to NC for the summer.

The upshot is that there is a huge voter integrity problem nation-wide without much appetite to correct it. The big problem is getting the various Secy States to agree to release the voter information.


I’m glad someone/group is working on this. We’ve actually had election mail come to my house for a person who’s never lived there, we checked with our land lord. When my hubby called the election board they were all “are you sure that person isn’t living there?” yes, I’m fairly certain we don’t have a Mexican living at our address, since no one by the name of Concepcion has ever lived at our address.


The latest is to bring in out of state names of dead people, because the new state wouldn’t know if these people were new moves, or aliens or whatever…dumocrats are not short of scams!!


Another Fox News article shows a lot of fraud in Indiana. Of course the dems claim it as an error.

According to the article Indiana was told in 2006 to get their act together when data was reviewed with all sorts “errors”, like double or triple entries, people on the voter rolls who are too young to vote, and (the killer) somewhere around 3,000 who would be over 110 years old (if still alive).

I’m so sure that it is all just an error and no democrat would ever think of committing voter fraud. Just absolutely unheard of.

MSG Eric

As I’ve seen recently on a meme:

My grandparents are voting for Hillary next week. I would try to talk them out of it, but they died in the 1990s.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, I saw this story and immediately, “How many other bundles of ballots were SUCCESSFULLY received?” Bastards.


I’m to the point that anyone refusing to recognize the massive, organized voter fraud needs to be subjected to the old school Roman punishment for sleeping on watch.

It takes aggressively willful blindness to pretend it’s not happening all around us.

And that makes a person complicit, imo.


The whole problem is that registrars in the various states that are liberal/communist dumocrats will let this stuff fly, so how do you control it? EASY, VOTER I.D. the republicans have put these bills in several times but the dumocrats keep shooting them down….it removes too many of their illegal voters!!


And, sometimes, they telegraph so blatantly that even aggressive willful blindness won’t cover it.



n a blow to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a U.S. judge on Thursday upheld a Pennsylvania state law that could make it difficult for his supporters to monitor Election Day activity in Democratic-leaning areas.

Trump has repeatedly said Tuesday’s presidential election may be rigged, and has urged supporters to keep an eye out for signs of voting fraud in Philadelphia and other heavily Democratic areas.

Democrats worry that could encourage Trump supporters to harass Hispanics, African-Americans and other minority voters in a state that could determine whether Trump or his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, wins the presidency.

Democrats have launched a legal blitz of their own in an attempt to shut down Trump’s poll-watching efforts in Pennsylvania and three other battleground states, arguing in lawsuits that Republican monitoring efforts amount to “vigilante voter intimidation” that violates federal law.

Democrats are also trying to stop the Republican National Committee from supporting the poll-watching efforts of the Trump campaign or state parties. Those cases have not yet been resolved.

The RNC has said in legal motions that it is not involved in poll watching, which would violate a long-standing court order. State parties have argued that they are engaged in legitimate efforts to make sure the election is conducted accurately.

end snip.

every single vote cast in that AO should be gone over with a magnifying glass, and when the obvious result comes up, the judge should be arrested and held for conspiracy to commit voter fraud as well as everyone else involved.

2/17 Air Cav

Same-day voter registration is reeeee-dik-u-lus. You register, you vote, and who is going to diligently after the fact check this?

The Other Whitey

Am I surprised to hear about something like this in the cesspool between Orange, San Bernardino, and Santa Barbara counties? Only that anybody noticed.


When people are so desperate to win that they do these things, they don’t deserve anything but the back of your hand.

Unfortunately, you have to catch them at it.

Just An Old Dog

“The back of your hand, and the smell of your liquory breath”

( Inspired by the movie “Somebody Up There Likes Me”


“One man, one vote” implies “One man, only one vote”. Voter fraud disenfranchises honest citizens just as much as not letting them vote at all.

Perry Gaskill

Some years ago, I worked on an 18-month IT contract for a registrar of voters. There were some curious aspects to it.

Most of the time, the elections department was treated as pretty much the red-headed stepchild of county government. Nobody paid much attention to it except near an election. It also depended a lot on temps, I’m guessing as high as 90 percent, who were around only for six weeks or so, then let go once the ballots were counted.

Both the local politicians and the media also tended to focus more on speed than accuracy. If the polls closed at 7, as sure as God made little green apples, by 9 you would start getting phone calls with “When are you guys going to be finished?” or “What’s taking so long?” We were able to implement, for example, returns online in near real-time, but it only went so far in feeding the beast. Things might have also gone much faster if those same politicians and media had STFU and let us get on with it.

The need for speed also had an influence when budget time rolled around. There seemed to be a tendency to throw money at hardware, and not towards hiring more bodies to clean the voter database.

Requests for data dumps of the voter rolls were fairly casual. In general, they were supposed to be released to a bonafide political entity such as, say, The Citizens Committee to Support Measure 12 or whatever, but to this day I have not a clue if anybody actually checked to verify if such a committee actually existed.

The dead voter problem was interesting. I once spent an afternoon with a guy in the county health department, they’re the ones who were supposed to keep track of the departed, and it turned into a weird hairball discussion involving health department policy, funeral directors, hospitals, etc. The upshot was that he told me I was welcome to come around and make photocopies of records, but couldn’t vouch for how accurate, complete, or timely they might happen to be.


Well, some of you might remember that It took me two years to remove my name from the IL, DuPage County voter rolls…I wonder how NC will be in removing my unexpectedly dead spouse’s name from the rolls? I’m taking a signed death Cert to the polls on Tues. and making them write deceased in the book and taking a photo if the law allows. I.kid.you.not.
RIP Martin…27JUL62-30OCT2016
USArmy 1984-1987


You have my condolences, Defend.


Our condolences on your loss, Defend.