“Follow the Money.”
We’ve all heard about the latest Clintoon email revelations. Everyone’s probably also heard by now that the FBI has reopened their Clintoon email investigation due to a Weiner-related discovery. (smile)
But for Clintoon, that’s likely not her only potential major legal issue. You see, it seems that the FBI has also been quietly pursuing its investigation of the Clintoon Foundation’s finances over the past year also – even though there appears to have been substantial pressure from the Department of Justice to either “slow-roll” or squash it.
Indeed, the FBI’s investigation of the Clintoon Foundation is reportedly now “high priority”. One media outlet has gone so far to cite FBI internal sources as saying that a pay-for-pay indictment regarding the Clintoon Foundation is now “likely”, “barring obstruction in some way” by the Justice Department.
The FBI apparently isn’t the only agency investigating the Clintoon Foundation, either. Turns out the IRS also is investigating the Clintoon Foundation – with focus on its tax status.
Follow the money, indeed.
Oh, and FBI sources also say with high confidence that Clintoon’s email server appears to have been hacked by at least five (!) Foreign Intelligence Services. So it’s a virtual certainty that anything that was stored on that server is now in the possession of multiple foreign nations. Nice.
And while we’re discussing Clintoon email issues: it also seems as if both Justice Department and State Department officials were in contact with Clintoon campaign officials concerning the matter. State department officials appear to have coordinated with the Clintoon campaign concerning the department’s position on her use of “private” email before the matter was revealed to the public.
Specifically, it appears as if the Clintoon campaign was provided an advance copy of a State department statement or press release on the matter – and both requested and got at least one change to the draft release before it was made public. It also appears that at least one senior Justice department official later tipped John Podesta, her campaign manager, that another senior Justice department official would be testifying before Congress shortly and was “(l)ikely to get questions on State Department emails.”
Stay tuned. The next few days – along with the weeks afterwards – could end up being one helluva bumpy ride.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Crime, Legal, Liberals suck
I wish I were encouraged by the reports of “investigations” but I’m not, not since Comey’s laughable conclusion regarding Wide Load a couple of months ago. He laid out what seemed to be a factual basis for charging her or at least putting the facts to a grand jury and concluded no reasonable prosecutor would pursue charges. My ass. My royal ass. The game apparently is to investigate, which placates many of us, and then…nothing. In the meantime, theres oBaMa pooh-poohing the quite obvious lawbreaking as political gamesmanship. And that SOB is the chief executive, the guy who is supposed to be all about law enforcement as a Constitutional duty and who claims transparency as a virtue of his administration. Cripes.
“Oh, and FBI sources also say with high confidence that Clintoon’s email server appears to have been hacked by at least five (!) Foreign Intelligence Services.”
Stuff like this has been my business for over 30 years. Even if there was not one electron of classified on her “unclassified” server, any intel officer worth his or her salt would be drooling at the thought of complete access to the US Secretary of State’s email.
Intel GOLD.
Correct. Now add to that the fact that 2,000 of those “private” emails were indeed classified, with 22 that have not and will not be released because they were apparently TS, and you have a mother lode.
You or I would be in jail by now. And we’d have been there for months.
My [very limited] computer expertise includes what is known as “big data.”
I’ve known for decades what access to seemingly-innocuous data can provide in the way of intel.
Incarceration is not severe enough for what Clint0n and, with increasing evidence, 0bama and his admin, have done to this country.
This looks distinctly like an attempt to ‘exonerate’ Clinton a few days before the election. If the feebies really wanted to bring her down, why wait until the last minute and leak it to the press?
This is like watching films of Johnson after one of his Glory Road trips, manipulating the info so that he could summarize it in ads for the next election. He had an entire camera crew following him around, everywhere he went.
So what is the point of this stuff? There’s no Deep Throat quackery going on, is there? No. This looks distinctly like someone manipulating the press so that she looks innocent of all suspected wrongdoing, right down to the wire. If it weren’t so, you wouldn’t know a thing about it until the investigation is over and done.
Bill Weld swears that she is as pure as the driven snow (and supremely qualified)!
Ah well, at the very least this election has been clarifying in a broad variety of ways.
Bill Weld is IMO an unprincipled fool who cares for nothing but himself, and would sell out his own mother if it were to his benefit to do so. He’s been backstabbing the GOP (he’s a former Republican) and sucking up to the Clintoons since 1997 in hopes of getting a political appointment to high Federal office – but he was so stupid in 1997 that he torpedoed his own nomination as Ambassador to Mexico. This is just another example of him being a suck-up.
I know who he is Hondo, like I said-clarifying.
OK. Wasn’t sure from your response if you knew his full history, so I thought I’d put it out there for the benefit of anyone who did not.
Mo’ Money!
Even if illary wins (steals) the election, I see the investigations continuing. Unless Berry gives her and Bill a pardon.
Well, if she wins, there is a camp that says that she could pardon herself. I don’t agree but I well recognize that IF she were to try it, we would have one helluva mess. And this brings me to another concern. If she wins, thanks to morons, Free Cheesers, and dead democrats, and she twitches herself to death or is tried for the crimes she committed, we may end up with President Timmy. Gawd.
And you don’t want to go and vote, AirCav?
Huh? Of course I will vote. I always vote–but only after I am satisfied that I am educated to the candidates, their history, their positions, and other elements pertinent to my decision making. What I prefer is that those who make their decision based solely on party or a 15-second political commercial stay the hell home.
Win or lose next week, I believe Obama will issue a Congressional pardon to HRC. If she wins it will put a kibosh on any Constitutional crisis. If she loses he throws her a consolation prize
IMO regardless of the winner, the Country loses.
Presidential Pardon
Obama and Holder et al need to face charges the day he leaves office…his claims of executive privilege are ticking down. Will it happen…pfft of course not….what difference does it make now?
Congressional pardon? She hasn’t been indicted for anything yet, has she?
How can you pardon someone without that? NO, she hasn’t even been arrested, no warrant has yet been issued – NADA.
You all act like she’s already been impeached, or indicted for something that’s ONLY under investigation now. Accusing someone of criminal behavior is not the same thing as being booked for it, is it?
Would you like it if YOU were accused of something and hung without a trial? Because that’s what you’re doing.
I’m not defending that bitch, but you’re all doing a witch hunt and nothing else.
Maybe all we are seeing is that she’s so disconnected from everything and so fucking incompetent that she shouldn’t be hired to deliver pizzas from Pizza Hut, never mind elected to the presidency. Has that occurred to any of you?
How can you pardon someone who has not yet been formally charged with criminal activity?
What are you doing? Running a lynch mob?
And no matter who gets elected, that asshole in the White House has no more interest in sticking around after the elections than he did in doing the job he was hired to do.
Pardon her? First, she has to be charged, and by that time, he’ll be long gone.
Actually, the POTUS can indeed issue crimes to someone who has not been indicted. Ford did exactly that on 8 September 1974 – when he pardoned Nixon “for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974”.
I know, Hondo. The air is seething with angus-ridden emotions. I’m just throwing oil on the waters.
I’d like to see some figuratively set her ass on fire, but when the media are so dead seat on getting her put into that office ONLY BECAUSE SHE’S GOT A VAGINA, then you have to ask why a better female candidate wasn’t selected. There are plenty of them. The blinkers those morons are wearing will make this even worse if she does get elected.
Personally, I don’t think she will but that’s just my opinion. She lies about everything, including the time of day of her birth so that astrologers can predict her as the winner, and 12 of them have done so. But she’s given two different times of day to reporters (8PM and 8:06AM), which means their predictions are off. None of them can agree on why she’d get elected, which means it’s obviously another lie from her.
I’m just saying I do not like this lynch mob rhetoric. I truly do not think Obama will stick around any longer than it takes to get the election results, and as soon as they’re announced, he’ll get Biden sworn in and blow town faster than a starving greyhound. He can’t stand her any more than the rest of us.
The problem is the FBI screwed the pooch on this – if this evidence exists, where is it? And why is this now contradicting what was said earlier?
I have two choices – believe an insecure server wasn’t hacked in this day and age when APT groups are successfully hitting far more secure targets, …or believe our adversaries are incompetent. I know which one I’m going with. But, I don’t understand where the claim comes from that they can be 99% certain that it was hacked by five actors.
From my rusty knowledge of the server details, there were no tripwire checks to allow checking for root kits, no hard-copy logs sent to a line printer, no security team monitoring incoming and outgoing connections, etc. So if the server gets compromised at the root level, it’s hard but not impossible to show one compromise. But you can’t simply differentiate between multiple compromises. Not without upstream tracing of connections to foreign governments, which nobody in their right mind would do in a direct fashion. There’s no way to say with any degree of confidence, let alone 99%, that there were five foreign adversaries that compromised it.
In short, sadly, this reeks of a political ploy, not evidence.
‘this reeks of a political ploy, not evidence.’
I agree. I want proof. With Nixon, there was proof that he knew about and approved the entire escapade at the Watergate Hotel. And that Hobo fellow still doesn’t believe that the microphone was simply turned off during those mysterious 18 minutes of missing dialogue.
Nope. What I’ve read indicates there does seem to be evidence of erasure, and as I recall the tape system didn’t run at all when the mic wasn’t “hot”. So there would be no gap if the mic were merely turned off.
I think Nixon – who was reputedly a absolute klutz when it came to things mechanical and technical – erased that missing 18 minute portion.
He’s dead now. So IMO what we’ll never know is whether or not he was trying to listen to or copy the tape and “screwed the pooch” because he was a technical klutz – or erased it intentionally.
My guess is the former. Nixon was no dummy. If he were trying to destroy evidence, my guess is that he’d have burned ALL the tapes vice erasing one part of one tape. No tapes means no chance of recovery of anything.
But as I said: we’ll never know.
True, but if his intention was to eliminate something specific, he’d have been better off using a Steenbeck editing table at the Navy Photo Center, because that is precise to a micromillimeter. And there were two Steenbecks that I know of at NPC in the CHINFO Liaison/White House Editorial office while I was there. They arrived after he was elected.
As I said, Ex-PH2: Nixon was reputedly such a klutz when it came to operating machinery that he would have needed help to do that. I think he was trying to listen to or duplicate that particular tape himself – and screwed up and erased that part.
Further, he was savvy enough to know that such an erasure would stand out like a sore thumb, even more so than even the entire tape disappearing – and that no one would believe he’d done it by accident. I think that’s why he had Rosemary Wood give the press that “cock and bull” story about her accidentally standing on the pedal while she was typing. What I can’t figure out is why she agreed to tell such an obviously bogus story.
Comey’s earlier announcement regarding the Clintoon email “investigation” was patently absurd. The only thing surprising about this more recent announcement contradicting the previous one is that it happened at all.
If I had to guess, I’m thinking that someone in the Bureau who was retirement eligible and was also completely fed up threatened to retire and go public with evidence, thus forcing Comey’s hand. But I have no idea if that’s what happened or not, and I could easily be wrong.
Regarding host penetration: that can at least theoretically be inferred from external observation alone. For example: if you’re seeing traffic indicating remote logins and/or connections to a host that are originating from one or more locations where you have zero authorized users, you may well have a problem.
I have no idea if the FBI did that kind (or any other kind) of analysis here or not. But if they had access to the relevant data, it’s IMO a possible explanation.
No, there need be no charges for a pardon to be granted. The pardon cannot be for future misbehavior or criminal activity but it can be for previous or suspected past wrongdoing. Nice, eh?
Hondo beat me to it–by mere seconds.
You cited the law; I gave a historical example. They were mutually-supporting and complimentary answers.
State charges would be interesting. Clinton as a private citizen could have broken a state law, in which case, the presidential pardon would be meaningless.
Indeed. And doesn’t New York state – where I’m pretty sure the Clintoon Foundation is based – have some reasonably strong corruption laws?
Absolutely. I have no idea whether the facts that will be established would support a state crime or crimes but it would be quite something. The pols would–as they all ready are–shying away and would not be eager to come to her aid for fear of linkage. In NYC it certainly wouldn’t matter but Albany is a different scene. I am hopeful that when the GO button is pushed on prosecution at any level, it will be an all-out effort to bury her and her pervert husband-of-convenience Cigar Clinton.
One can hope.
One way or another, this election won’t have a happy ending, and now this. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, what a mess! I read a thing online last week, not sure how credible, that claims the Clinton Foundation recently paid something on the order of $137 million to an Albanian arms dealer to have some kind of shit BATFE normally wouldn’t like imported into the United States. Normally I’d write this off as tinfoil-hat crap right off the bat, but at this point I’m afraid to disbelieve anything, no matter how far-fetched, about this evil bitch. I’ve said repeatedly that the fact that Donald fucking Trump is actually the lesser of two evils says a lot more about Hildabeast and how fucked we truly are than anything. I really don’t want that guy running the nation, but if the alternative is Das Hildabeast? Well, shit. I’ve agonizing for weeks about what I’ll do come Election Day. Absolutely not Clinton, obviously. But all Trump has going for him is that he sucks less than she/it does. As I said months ago, I love my country, and I don’t want the lesser of two evils! I want a real leader who loves this country, respects the Constitution, and will honor their Oath of Office. Call me a dreamer, but I was born in the time of Ronaldus Maximus. Neither of the front-runners being shoved down our throats by the quasi-parliamentary bullshit of the two parties fits that bill. I get the argument that says not voting for Trump is giving it away to Clinton. I see the logic. I don’t need it explained again. But how did it come to this in the first place? Trump disgusts me, and just because he’s not an overt fascist like Shrillary doesn’t mean I trust the bastard for a second. I get the argument. It’s just that the thought of casting my vote for that guy makes me want to vomit and punch the shit out of a mirror. How, amongst all the hundreds of candidates, did it come down to this fucking guy? Money talks,… Read more »
I’m with you TOW, I voted for Trump (and I swore that I would never eat another GOP turd sandwich after McCain), but I can’t stand the man. I hold out one simple hope for a Trump presidency that seems impossible for a second Clinton administration-he will be on a short leash. The press hates him as does a large part of his own party in congress, so if he screws up he will likely have to answer up (maybe even face impeachment). Hillary has already shown she has no regard for the law, the press has shown that they will enable her and I hold out no hope at all the congressional Dems will do anything to hold her feet to the fire. As much as I dislike the man, Trump is the only option for me in this election.
Same here. Trump hasn’t shown complete disregard for the law. While his business dealings may have at times been harsh and (in some people’s eyes) somewhat unethical, they all appear to have been completely legal. And he’s never had an “official capacity” to sell to the highest bidder.
Very obviously, the above cannot be said with respect to either Clintoon. IMO they each make Trump look like a saint by comparison.
Ditto, TOW. When a man of capable man of principle, that being Ted Cruz, was snubbed by the party elite, those of us who feel and believe as you do were screwed. It was supposed to be cakewalk for Wide Load with Trump as her opponent. I’m praying Cruz is not so discouraged that he makes an exit from government and that, in four years, he is back, wiser and stronger than ever. He was the only true Constitutional conservative among the 15-20 Republicans who originally announced they were seeking the presidency. I am no Trump fan but Clinton must be stopped.
He has Pence as Veep candidate. ‘Nuff said.
No, not nuff said. Does that mean that you view Pence as a good thing, as I dop, or as not a good thing? Frankly, I would be much happier to vote for Pence over Trump.
Pretty sure she was saying that Pence is a good fallback if Trump for whatever reason doesn’t complete his term. Lil’ Timmy, on the other hand, would IMO be as bad or worse than Clintoon.
I hope she agrees. Unlike ‘Someguy,’ I don’t presume to know whether Ex- is a Trump or Clinton supporter. Maybe I should, but I don’t.
Okay, I will clarify this.
In the 1984 elections, Geraldine Ferraro was Mondale’s choice for VP. On the surface, she seemed like a good idea to me, because I thought it was about time for women to get to that level. However, the pot was stirred, and what followed was revelations of serious wrongdoing.
Per Wiki’s summary:
The positive polling the Mondale-Ferraro ticket received when she joined soon faded, as damaging questions arose about her and her businessman husband’s finances and wealth and her Congressional disclosure statements. In the general election, Mondale and Ferraro were defeated in a landslide by incumbent President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush.
Clinton has Kaine as VP. If she’s elected and is kicked or carried out, do you want him in her place?
Trump has Pence as his VP. Not perfect, no, but capable.
Sometimes we miss the basic simplicities of things. As I recall the Clintoon’s email server was originally located in a bathroom at their home. Considering the fact that both Clintoon’s are known gasbags the location of that server reeks (no pun intended) of a heretofore unknown use of something that might be best described as the use of a possible chemical warfare agent (flatus expelled through the anus – which, as we learned here is being legislated against more and more often these days) as a security measure. What if the Clintoon’s kept the money in the same location? Would you want to follow it? This old ex-A-Ganger has been in feces up to his neck more than a few times and even I would hesitate to try and bypass the Clintoon’s Gasbag Security system.
Oh, the humanity…
Also follow the Cheese Pizza, Walnuts, Spirit Cooking and Hotdog Stands.