Gun trafficking laws for New York

| October 27, 2016

New York has tightened gun control so that possessing an unlicensed firearm is illegal. Even if you have your firearm licensed where ever you live, if you take it to New York, you’re breaking New York’s laws and you can be punished there. So, naturally, most of the guns used in crimes, by criminals, in New York are brought from out of state where ownership of guns is less restrictive.

This week State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman released a report on how guns get to New York from out of state. From AM NewYork;

More than 50,000 guns connected to crimes were recovered by New York law enforcement between 2010 and 2015. Of the 46,514 whose source could be traced, the report finds that 74 percent originated out of state. In NYC, where gun laws are tighter, that proportion was 87 percent.

The report compiles data on those guns’ histories. Such data has been sorely limited by the NRA and gun rights lobby — as with much research into guns. What is the NRA afraid of finding out? Limits on research and gun data block solutions to our national crisis of gun violence, particularly the vast majority involving handguns.

Somehow, gathering data will solve the problem. I could have told the State’s Attorney’s Office that out of state guns are the problem, since ownership of guns in New York is so restricted and since legal gun owners don’t normally commit crimes. But they have to find a way to blame the NRA. So what do the liberals think will solve the problem? More laws;

The report estimates some 20 percent of guns with known time lines were brought to New York with the intention that they be sold illegally. The State Legislature could pass a “kingpin bill” to increase penalties on traffickers. But solutions must be national to block the flow of guns from states such as Virginia and Georgia along the I-95 “Iron Pipeline” corridor. That means a federal gun-trafficking law, universal background checks and no gun-show loopholes.

Can we stop calling it the “Gunshow Loophole”? There is no such thing. Buying guns at a gun show from a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer still requires a background check. What the gun-grabbers want to regulate is the “Private Sales Loophole”. They want background checks for folks who transfer guns at a yard sale.

Criminals don’t care about laws, that’s why they’re criminals. They won’t stop dealing guns because of kingpin laws, they won’t engage in background checks. The only people who want more laws, who think that laws work, are legislators. When you’re a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Despite more restrictive gun laws in New York, gun violence has increased in New York City. But, hey, at least everyone feels safer, right?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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sings a mighty “amen”… That whole last paragraph needs to be tattooed on every politicians face. Be a big improvement to some of them, and help all the stupid ones remember that goofy thing called the Constitution and it’s red-headed stepchild the Bill of Rights.
Criminal by their very nature don’t givE a fig what stupid laws are passed: THEY DON’T FREAKIN’ CARE. And if we can’t get everyone to obey a basic speed law WTF makes you think a punk “livin’ da lifestyle” will suddenly start obeying a new gun law? Sure, sure, and I’ve got some fine oceanfront property real cheap in Colorado and Nebraska… Jonn, ya done it again, my friend! Nail on the head…


Ghost, is that Nebraska real estate in the Sand Hills? That used to be ocean front property about 600 million years ago, you know. Part of the Tethys Sea.


‘Despite more restrictive gun laws in New York, gun violence has increased in New York City.’

That should really say ‘Because of more restrictive gun laws….’ but then, the truth about gun laws is what hurts these chickenheads the most.

Tight laws on marijuana didn’t stop the sales of it, didn’t stop people from using it, and in fact, didn’t do anything at all. Now it’s legal for medical needs in some states and it’s generating taxable sales. I’m not advocating smoking dope, mind you. Just pointing out the obvious. People are going to smoke dope and get high, so fine them for DUI if they have an accident.

Oh, yeah, lest I forget: da stoopid sugar-soda tax law is going into effect in Cook County, IL, because Chicago’s tax coffers are starved for money. The excuse is that it will force people to make ‘healthier’ choices. Well, no, it won’t do that at all, and they’ll just go next door into Lake County or Will County to get soda made with sugar if that’s what they want. Haven’t we heard this song before, too?

And if it’s about sugar, why not tax dry sugar to death while you’re at it? Well, in reality, they can’t because it’s a cooking ingredient required in a lot of recipes. And these morons forget that the sweetener used in sugared sodas is not table sugar. It’s high fructose corn syrup, which is a prime ingredient used in the fuel ethanol industry.

Try reading the labels, you stupid ass politicians. Try doing a little research once in a while. And get off the moronic idea that you’re smarter than everyone else because you aren’t. You make that plainer and more visible every confounded day.


Egad. Soda trafficking. Who said “every new law opens up a new method of graft”?


C’mon down to my part of the southern border. Mexican Coca-Cola made with real, honest to God, refined, processed, tooth-rotting cane sugar. It’s a wonderful thing!


Yeah, see this is what I don’t understand.

If you read the labels on canned and packaged foods, one of the first ingredients that comes up, especially in sweet products like jams and preserves, is high fructose corn syrup. It’s right there on the label. It even appears in peanut butter because it sweetens the peanut butter. It is not harmless. The effect it has on the liver is the same effect that constant use of alcohol has – cirrhosis.

Recent studies have found that two common ingredients — trans fats and high fructose corn syrup — are major factors in the skyrocketing number of people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Over time, liver cells are replaced with scar tissue, called cirrhosis, and liver failure or liver cancer may develop. Source: Newsmax Apr 8, 2015

I’ve started looking for products that include only natural ingredients, e.g., for preserves, it should be fruit, water, sugar and pectin. For peanut butter, it should be peanuts and salt, and I’ve found a peanut butter that does not include salt, which gave me a chance to find out that untreated peanuts (no salt when roasted) have a slightly sweet flavor, which indicates that they have a sugar level of their own, hidden when salt is added to the peanut butter.

I can understand the concern about HFCS in regard to general health, but since it is an ingredient in nearly ALL packaged food products (read the labels), adding a ‘sugar tax’ to non-diet soda is ridiculous and uninformed.

But THAT is politics for you.


Thank you, thank you, and thank you. You said plainly what many of us are thinking. I mean really if I can’t buy a really big sofa, I would just buy more small ones and put them into a to-go container. Some of these politicians spend so much time pandering to their own egos, they have no time left to do the job they were elected to do.


I clipped the entire first line:
“Criminals don’t care about laws, that’s why they’re criminals.” And the choir sings…

Old age sucks… 🙂


“…along the I-95 “Iron Pipeline” corridor…”

Are they trying to make this a thing now? I mean all the study indicates is that the firearms used are from “out of state”, but I guess something like “maple syrup boatride” to indicate firearms brought in from Vermont doesn’t sound so ominous.

Anyway, they go on to say: “Donald Trump and others who oppose measures to curb gun trafficking like to use Chicago to prove their point. So much gun control, goes the argument, and still so many guns and deaths by gun in the city.
This is false logic. Their argument ignores the well-documented ease with which illegal guns travel to Chicago, as in many urban areas, because of lax gun laws nearby.”

Die Strawman, take that and that!!! Yep, that’s exactly the argument those of us who oppose the grabbers are making, not one where the law abiding are denied the opportunity to defend themselves by those locales at all.



I wonder when they’ll start advocating requiring “internal passports” for interstate travel.


It is on the (D)’s agenda, the unpublished one.


“Your paper, please.”

“Alles klar, herr kommissar?”


I’ve said that before: how long will it be until we have to show identity papers everywhere we go?

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean like in Nazi Germany or the USSR? I’m sure that today’s liberal proglodytes drool and slobber about making American life like that.


They are the ones who complain the loudest about TSA inspections and being stopped by cops for driving drunk.


Yah , how come they never stop anyone when they’re not breaking the law? And by the way driving drunk down a sidewalk is profiling, and that’s wrong.


I’m ok with that on the AZ/CA border.

2/17 Air Cav

I was just talking about that very thing with someone yesterday. I can foresee the day, long or not after I am dead, that one will require permission to do things such as that or pay a lot of money for travel. You mean you want to spend precious resources just for your LEISURE!? That will cost you. Got a 4 bedroom home and only two people in it? Special tax, just as in Great Britan. We are so far from our Framer’s design of a relatively weak Federal gov’t with relatively strong ind’al states that they would not recognize this country. And it’s all happening w/o much of a peep.


That sounds like the guns are migrating to Chicago all by themselves without any criminal assistance. Look son! a flock of Glocks on their annual migratory flight to Chi-town. Such majestic beings they are! Ain’t Nature wonderful?


Awesome comment, love it and want to steal it. You should totally make a meme of that. I would post it on Fb.


Oh, didn’t you know? They hop box cars at railyards and ride the rails to a new destination, like a bunch of long-barreled hobos. See?

Wilted Willy

I’m sorry, but I will have to wait to express my opinion until I hear what Commissar Poodle Dick chimes in and tells us all what to think?


Funny how the places with “lax” gun laws seem to have lower gun related crime rates than New York and Chicago.

Smart people tend to imitate what is working, but we know politicians and paranoid gun grabbers have never been accused of being smart….


It is the Quaker gun runners from PA & OH.


And Amish arms merchants…

A Proud Infidel®™

More Gun Control Laws will reduce crime like 0bamacare reduced healthcare premiums and costs.


Check the site tomorrow AM. (smile)

Wilted Willy

If you like your gun, you can keep your gun? Sound familiar??

Silentium Est Aureum

More laws, like IL requiring a permit to buy ammo? How’s that working for the murder rate there? Probably not a damned thing, but Indiana and Wisconsin sure appreciate the business.

And more laws for a product people are going to get anyway–well, except for the law abiding citizens. THAT’LL show em!

It’s like NY taxes on cigarettes. IIRC, I read somewhere that about 2/3 of the smokes in NYC are bootleg cigarettes, which I’m sure is a nice little windfall for the mob, anyone trying to fund terrorists, little shit like that.

But you keep passing those laws, Cuomo!

The Other Whitey

The “blame the NRA” bullshit is really getting old. The only thing blocked or banned is “research” with an explicitly-stated antigun agenda. They know it, but that just doesn’t have the same propaganda ring to it.


Unlicensed guns are illegal.

Apparently the US constitution isnt a big thing in New York.

Calling the Supreme Court ….


The number you have dialed is no longer in service of Liberty.

Please hang up and appeal for permission or mercy from your masters.





Libtards and there agenda I’m tired of their whining I’m still laughing at Hilary’s line at the debate about the Heller count case


No worries. I will never go there anyways. I even make sure all my flights never even have a layover in either NY or Chicago.

For those that continually vote for politicians that pass this BS, “may their chains rest lightly upon them”. Yeah, good luck with that.

I’m waiting for Texas to secede soI can immigrate there.


Crap I have friends that have left that shit-hole from up state to move to places like Kansas and Texas because they love to blame everything on guns and especially guns from out of state
The same ole same ole bullshit


I have a “Democratic” solution to all these gun law problems.

(insert SARC tag here)

Here is what NYC should do, pass a law that requires all criminals who wish to “sell, possess, operate or transfer a firearm” to register as an illegal firearms dealer, owner or user with the municipal government (NYC) that should solve all their problems. I bet the crime rate goes down by -200 percent.


I read something the other day about how, since NYC doesn’t filter it out, a lot of the drugs that get flushed end up back in the drinking water.

NYC is self-medicating via it’s water supply.

And now you know the rest of the story…


They are real fucking assholes in NY.

I used to work at TSA HQS. I remember situations when a person would fly into NYC and get held over because of weather, missed connection, etc. Of course, they would pick up their luggage with their pistol or whatever in it. They never thought about it cause they declared the gun when they originally checked in.

Well, they did the same thing the next day when they checked in at LaGuardia or Kennedy.

“Hi, I need to let you know that I have a gun in my checked baggage that is properly cased etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.”

Called over the Port Authority cop who promptly hooked them up and brought them to jail. Wouldn’t listen to any explanation.

Yup, they’re a-holes.


So let’s look at those numbers: 46,514 of the guns tracked and 74% from out of state – so they are saying that 12,094 guns originated in their vaunted gun-controlled state. I’d say if about 25% of their bad-boy guns are acquired in-state (by the usual means, theft, illicit gun-dealing). According to the ATFE stats for 2014 bet no other state contributes anywhere near that high a percentage, by almost 4:1, no matter if they do try to foist the blame on Georgia etc..

Oh, and for Hillary’s Vermint is the problem claim – Vermont guns came in at 55 guns in 2014 out of 7700. And almost 50% of the guns were over 3 years old before being used in a crime…so much for the “buy from a dealer there and bring it here to kill” lie.

NR Pax

It’s never the fault of the criminal who is breaking the law in the first place. It’s always The Outsiders. If only they would go away, criminals would obey the law and everything would be right in the world.

2/17 Air Cav

This is all formulaic. It’s all prep for the population to accept that the only genuine solution is NO GUNS except in the hands of law enforcement. These people know damn well what the end game is and that passing more laws is a gesture to ultimately PROVE that laws alone do not do the job. The guns must be seized. You can keep your shotgun, so long as it cannot accommodate more than one shell at a time!

2/17 Air Cav

BTW, don’t anyone argue logistics. It will take much time. It will take much money. And when the Big Law, the seizure law, occurs, you law abiding citizens will be criminals. Your jobs will be at stake. You will comply. It’s romantic to say otherwise (cold dead hands and all of that) but when someone says “You are under arrest for possessing a firearm” the shit will get serious.

2/17 Air Cav

One more thing. Know what it takes to reverse the Sup Ct’s present, controlling ruling regarding the right to bear arms? If you said, “Just a 5th or 6th justice” you would be correct. Give yourself 10 pts. The next president gets to put one on the ct for sure. If Clinton wins, Ginsburg retires and that’s two. That’s a 6-2 or 5-4 majority. What’s more, Justice Thomas isn’t a spring chicken. He may leave in a couple of years. If he does, the ct would then be 6-3 or 7-2. That’s what the Clinton presidency means. And people say they won’t vote for Trump b/c he’s an asshole? Yes, he is, but he isn’t Clinton.

2/17 Air Cav

6-2? Damn math. 6-3.