ACLU hates to honor cops
Mick sends us a link to Fox News in regards to a New Jersey high school that wanted to pay homage to first responders before a football game this last week. the event was planned as a counter balance to the constant reminders in the media that professional football players don’t like the National Anthem. Well, the American Civil Liberties Union, didn’t like that a high school would provide a counter-message;
“As initially described, the event appeared to honor police officers, veterans, service members, and first responders,” the chapter wrote in the letter.
It continued, “It is a disservice to the students and players that an event that should focus on them, their families, and their communities is being used to send a message that people who express concerns about disparities in the criminal justice system are unwelcome, disloyal or unpatriotic.”
One ACLU organizer, Jasmine Crenshaw, claimed the event sent a “frightening message” that police wouldn’t tolerate people expressing views on the nation’s “history of unequal treatment and systematic oppression.”
I’m pretty sure that the police provide protection for all of the students in that school, irrespective of their race or creed. Does the ACLU disagree?
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Racial inequality in the military?
BCT: 3 of the cadre in my training company were white.
AIT: 1 instructor, 2 Drill Sergeants, and the company XO were the only white cadre I had.
MFTC: There were only 4 white students and none of the cadre were white.
PLDC: Half the students were white, two of the cadre were white.
But, yeah, there is racial inequality in the military.
I’ve thought back a few times when this racial bullshit comes up about my career.
In 22 years, I have had a variety of immediate supervisors and commanders, black, white, hispanic, asian, etc.
The military is definitely the mixing pot for putting people together regardless of their ethnicity, religion, etc.
If only the rest of the world was so similar.
They need to gather ALL members of the aclu and run them through the nearest meat processing plants…communist bas-ards!!!
Yes. But what would one do with the meat? I wouldn’t feed it to my dog. It would likely give him indigestion, and can you imagine the smell of those Fido farts.
Paradise Island, 1978….ahhhh the memories. The only color there was green, light green or dark green. The most egalitarian place in the world, where you were all violated equally.
But of course had the high school student body said, we don’t want a special ceremony for LGBT awareness, the ACLU would be there to ensure they did so and threaten lawsuits if there was not mandatory attendance for the event.
ACLU organizer, Jasmine Crenshaw, is a twisted thinking bitch. Hey Jasmine, next time YOU need a LEO for protection or an EMT for an emergency, don’t call 911 because you wouldn’t want to discredit your personal beliefs. Bitch.
She doesn’t need LEO protection because she lives in a very upper class neighborhood where the cops show up in about 90 seconds if 911 is called.
She also has a private doc that takes care of all her medical needs.
Drop her off on a Saturday night in some NJ slum/getto without her body guard, see what she thinks on Sunday morning.
I agree, she should really visit Camden and bring her special Social Justice Warrior badge with her. I’m sure it’ll work out just fine.
On the line between Camden and Gloucester City would be perfect for her.
Fuck the ACLU.
This is the same organization that defended the rights of NAMBLA. If it’ll get them fame and notoriety, they’ll jump on it.
That’s not to say there aren’t other “just” cases they support, but far too many of the major cases they support are about the Politik.
The ACLU was founded to provide criminal defense lawyers to Communists charged with crimes. It’s founder, Roger Baldwin, told it members to never forget that advancing Communism was its true purpose. To make themselves more palatable to the media and public, they took on other non-Commie cases.
Well MSG, we have a saying “Even a blind pig finds an acorn every once in a while.”
That the ACLU does on occasion do something correctly does not excuse their Politik.
(And to be clear, I did not take you as supporting the ACLU.)
Yeah, when people talk about Hillary and what she did as Senator and say how hard she worked to support her constituents, etc etc., my response is basically, “So, uh, what you’re saying is she did her job?” I get the RCA Dog response to that.
Graybeard, the phrase, as taught to me by my Grandaddy, is “Blind Squirrel”
The ACLU has the unpleasant task of reminding all of us from time to time that we actually do need to protect the speech we hate or we all risk losing some of our constitutionally protected rights.
Where they go off the rails from time to time is overthinking shit like this. None of the kids or cops involved are saying there isn’t a problem in the US. All they were trying to say is thank you to the first responders in their community for their continued service
It was a big deal up here in the PRoM recently when two local girl’s soccer teams were lined up for the Anthem prior to their game and the equipment playing the anthem failed. Both teams spontaneously joined together to sing the Anthem and then the crowd joined in. There was no attempt to portray anyone as unpatriotic, just some kids doing the right thing together before the game….
I don’t know if these pro players are unpatriotic, or if they’re just wildly misinformed. When you have money and talent too often you have a lot of people who are part of your entourage who just kiss your ass all day telling you how fucking wonderful you are, in those situations too many people don’t realize they aren’t getting the truth anymore.
I’ve no quarrel with those idiots kneeling…they are free to do as they see fit. I just wish in moments like these where a bunch of kids want to do the right thing AS THEY SEE IT that they get the same latitude some overpaid, genetically gifted, asshole gets….nothing more and nothing less.
That about covers it, VOV. Nicely done.
100% agreement here
Amen to that.
Sure they are free to kneel, just as I am free to call them assholes. The problem is that somehow we are to respect their ignorant antics or we are the bad guys. Bullshit.
In my opinion it’s just a 3rd String QB who has only started two games this year, is completing less than half his passes for about 180 yards per game trying to stay relevant.
In theory the ACLU should be a wonderful organization. Believe I read that they have actually supported the NRA more than opposing them, mainly because on most 2nd Amendment cases the NRA is usually on more constitutionally solid ground than the Bradyites and Clintonistas. In practice, on most issues, especially regarding free speech or religion issues, the ACLU is so far gone as to have virtually no credibility at all. There is one consolation, though – when the totalitarian Left takes over, the ACLU will probably be the first group purged.
I remember reading about an intelligent lady of color who, after joining the ACLU and getting involved in their real-world activities, quit them because they were such selective hypocrites.
Have to respect folks like that.
And does it surprise you that , Jasmine Crenshaw is black? Didn’t think so.
Where is poodle dick? I would think he would be cheering them on??
Zika-Commie must be off his meds, curled up in the corner slobbering and hugging his life size teddy bear.
I heard he was in a permanent time out, could my dreams come true? If so I will immediately buy a lottery ticket.
The ACLU hates just about everything and anybody it cannot exploit for its own purpose.
It used to be a good organization that actually helped the oppressed and those that could not defend themselves.
Those days are long gone.
Now it is nothing more than a political-legal wing of the liberal left.
I know a lot of folks that used to be card carrying members. Not anymore.
The ACLU has been run by Communists and leftists from its inception. If you think the people who run it, and ran it in the past, ever cared about our Constitution and the principles on which this nation was founded, you are deluded. The one guy I know that was a card carrying member also supported the “Freedom From Religion” foundation and Mikey and his MFFR progtards.