Kirk Figueroa; phony soldier in Boston shootout

| October 14, 2016


Wednesday morning we all woke to the news that two Boston cops had been shot by Kirk Figueroa when the police intervened in a domestic dispute. Figueroa was a Boston constable who had passed local background checks for the job – he served papers in civil litigation. According to one police official, he was like a milkman, providing a service and not authorized to carry a weapon.

He also had a security company – Code Blue Protection Corp. According to the Army Times, before that website went belly-up, it claimed that Figueroa had been an Army military policeman for ten years. The Boston Herald wrote about him;

Kirk Figueroa, the 33-year-old man killed in a frenetic Wednesday night firefight, left a paper trail that spanned the East Coast and describes him, in part, as an ex-Army Reservist well-versed in handling guns and private security.

According to the Times, though, he had enlisted in the Army Reserves and that’s as far as he got;

Figueroa, founder of Code Blue Protection Corp., claimed on his company’s website,, he served nearly a decade as an MP, but he served a mere five months, according to an Army spokesman.

“Mr. Figueroa never attended basic training or advanced individual training. He did enlist in the U.S. Army Reserve in February 2003, but received a hardship discharge five months later,” Wayne Hall said in a statement.

So he was an Army reservist in the most remote sense of the term – he’d never spent a day in any kind of training beyond a little drill and ceremony.

He injured two police officers, but despite his body armor, other officers were able to put him down. I heard reports yesterday that claimed that he used an “assault rifle” against the police, but, it turns out that he had a shotgun, not a rifle.

Reportage on the incident wasn’t the media’s finest hour.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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“…he’d never spent a day in any kind of training beyond a little drill and ceremony.”

Bah-if he went to even one drill I suspect he received in depth training in the art of the sham.



The Other Whitey

Fuck him.

2/17 Air Cav

How does one become a reservist w/o ever having completed BCT?


You can sign up as a Reservist under the Delayed Entry Program or Split Option Program. Usually this involves High School kids who sign up during either their junior or senior year in high school and just wait for their departure date for BCT. Apparently this fucktard couldn’t hack being a part time Soldier for even that long. One less to worry about.

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks. I was aware of the delayed entry program but I was unaware one was actually a sworn military member while awaiting BCT.


Yep. Lots of folks don’t realize that because they fail to read the enlistment contract and the services routinely release those who change their mind and are “no shows”. But once one enlists under the DEP, you’re technically not only obligated but are a member of the Reserve Component.

DEP time also counts as part of one’s total service, but not as active service. That’s not generally important to those in the Active Component, but can in rare cases make a difference for those in the Reserves depending on an individual’s grade and number of qualifying years they have at the 18 and/or 19 year point.

Just An Old Dog

I remember the day I signed up and was accepted was my “Pay Entry Base Date”.
It actually counted for pay purposes for the “Over” so many years on the pay chart, and for promotion boards.


heard the ‘assault rifle’ statement yesterday morning on the news. BS like usual…the media practically slavers at the thought of working that phrase in, truthful or not.


It’s their default for “something that goes bang and scares me”.


That definition may be too long… anything vaguely describable as “something that scares me” pretty well makes them pee themselves.


Figueroa did not have a firearm license in Massachusetts, but 
according to an application he submitted in Florida, he underwent a training course just weeks before Wednesday’s shooting Sept. 6 in Florida, where he recorded a near perfect score — 225 out of 240 — at a local gun range in a bid to renew his firearm license in that state.

225 out of 240 is “a near perfect score”? LOL.

The modern news media makes The Onion increasingly redundant.


Common core math

2/17 Air Cav

225 is 100 + 100 + 100% of 25. It WAS a perfect score!

Deplorable B Woodman

Florida firearms training course? I wonder (as do we all) who, exactly, did the training and scoring? Could that trainer and scorer have been a disbarred “lawer”, missing a mailbox door, with extra coconuts in his yard, short of aviation fuel and runway?
Enquiring minds, and all that……


Hardship? What kind of hardship? He was a reservist and after basic and AIT, would have gone home. Sounds really tough. ?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hopefully the officers will bear no lasting disabilities due to their injuries and the good news is that shithead here is dead.

This guy doesn’t even quality to be called anything other than a military wannabe…he didn’t go to basic or AIT? Neither does 99% of the population and no one calls them reservists…


I am hopeful the Officers will fully recover. I am also quite glad this ass hat is dead, dead, dead.

“Near perfect score”, as compared to “near perfect journalism”.


…Both defined by a poor judge of distance…


He almost had that Army Service ribbon.


They don’t exactly hand those out with an MOS award…

Wait.. um..


Call him a veteran if you wish, but he doesn’t qualify in my book. I consider him a scumbag wannabe but, hey, that’s just me.

Combat Historian

A wannabee Soldier/wannabee LEO and actual scumbag now totally DRT…how fitting…


Domestic disturbance/abuse calls are some of the most dangerous calls a LEO can respond to.

Both parties can turn on you, even if the guy is beating the daylights out of the female. She’ll burn you for stopping him.


Maybe he caught the PTSD during his uniform fitting.


A clerk gave him a vicious snark.

Deplorable B Woodman

Stolen Valor — the cherry bomb topping the criminal shit sundae.


Did he have a service dog? Maybe this would not have occurred if he had a pooch to help him overcome his PTSD.


A Proud Infidel®™

I truly hope those Officers make a quick and complete recovery. At least that scumbag is no longer wasting oxygen and taxpayers won’t be burdened with the expenses of feeding, clothing and housing him.

Hack Stone

His demise could be just the opportunity for Ambassador Worldwide Protective Services to move in and scoop up Code Blue Protection Corporation’s customers. Turd Bolling must be drooling. Well, they way that he sexually harasses the female employees, he is probably always drooling.

Bill M

“Reportage on the incident wasn’t the media’s finest hour.”

But then again, have they ever had a ‘finest hour’ when reporting weapons usage, or do they all default to the “evil assault rifle” whenever anything goes bang, including a dropped library book.


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