General Mark Milley saving the world

| October 14, 2016

Mark Milley

Bobo sends us a link to the Army Times which reports that General Mark Milley, the chief of staff of the Army was on his way from Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, DC Wednesday night when they came across an accident between a Metro bus and a car. The General and his staff pitched in to try and rescue the victims;

According to Army Lt. Col. Rob Shaw, two soldiers helped pull one person from the car before it caught fire, and two others provided first aid to that person until the ambulance arrived.

According to a person familiar with the incident, Milley helped direct the response and assisted with the first aid. The soldiers were unable to pull the other victim from the car because it was in flames, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly about the incident.

The soldiers who were with the general wished to remain anonymous, otherwise you’d read their names here, too. But, I can imagine someone else in government with equal rank and responsibilities to the general driving around the accident without lending a hand, their job being more important than a few lives, so kudos to the general for stopping to help out. I hope he properly rewards those soldiers who did the real work, but I’m sure he will.

Category: Army News

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2/17 Air Cav

Milley? Does he twerk?

Jon The Mechanic

The only twerking he does is in his right arm when he comes into the presence of stupid people.


Fine job by these people. I like to see good news about the military. This makes a good start to the weekend.


Nice to hear something about a general officer that doesn’t involve an affair or misusing of funds. Good job by everyone involved. Set the example.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, it’s about time, huh?

Strong work by all involved. It’s a shame about the other occupant, but they did everything they could. Somebody is alive because of them who otherwise wouldn’t be.




Good job to the General and his detail!!! I would imagine the anonymous members may include his security detail.

As Jonn wrote, there are other GO/FO types who would say, “Drive on, nothing to see here”.


Well done. I want to know the others involved. The general should see their identities are revealed if he knows.


Good job, General.
You are doing it correctly.

2/17 Air Cav

“According to Army Lt. Col. Rob Shaw….” Want to guess who his boss is?

“According to a person familiar with the incident, Milley helped direct the response and assisted with the first aid.” A person familiar with the accident? Not a rescuer? What does “familiar with” mean?

“The soldiers were unable to pull the other victim from the car because it was in flames, said the person.” Really? How is it that no picture of the accident shows any fire damage and that this is the only acct of the accident that mentions a fire? HAZMAT was called because the bus was leaking fuel. Fire, a fuel leak? No, this is screwy, including the anonymity of the other soldiers. I smell an asskissing here. BIG TIME.

2/17 Air Cav

Uh-oh. I was looking at the wrong crash. My apologies to the General, Lt.Col Shaw, and anyone else I pissed off by my post. I will now clean the egg from my face and stand in the corner. Thanks, AZ to VA. This is what I mistakenly thought was the report:


I too have had to make the “Walk of Shame”. It happens to the best of us.


As we say on the Bay, “If you’ve never been aground, you’ve never been anywhere.”


NP, Air Cav. I’ve stepped in at a few times on this site.


The guy who never fails never does anything worthwhile.

No prob 2/17.


Happens to us all! Correcting it is everything. Way to go – drive on!