Iran sends ships to Gulf of Aden

| October 14, 2016

Foreign Policy reports that Iran has deployed two ships to the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Yemen, where US vessels have been the target of shore batteries in recent days.

According to the Iranian Tasnim news site, which has links to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, the frigate Alvand and logistics ship Bushehr are heading to the Yemeni coast “to protect the country’s trade vessels against piracy.”


The Iranian warship heading to the Gulf of Aden — the 45 year-old Alvand, which carries anti-ship missiles, a Mark 8 gun as well as various machine guns — already has a checkered history with the U.S. Navy. In July 2015, the ship trained its guns on a U.S. Navy helicopter and an allied supply ship operating with the USS Farragut in the waterway, but the incident was contained before any violence broke out.

Of course, Iran’s announcement of the deployment comes after the news that USS Nitze took out some radar emplacements with cruise missiles – an act that the Pentagon characterizes as self-defense. Foreign Policy says the deployment of Iranian warships to the area is contributing to an “increasingly complex situation”. It’s not complex at all – Iranian-backed Houthi rebels fired anti-ship missiles at US ships in international waters and now Iranians are deploying war ships to confront US ships. Iran has been at war with the US since 1979, whether we want to admit it or not.

It’s time to take out the trash – not complex at all.

Category: Terror War

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Fuck Iran and their little boats.


Deplorable B Woodman

I like your assessment. Not complex at all.
Only the Beuroweenies residing in Mordor on the Potomac would overcomplicate things, because.


Pretty much anything deeper than the top of the mast is sunk I guess. So sink them, or the little bits left over after they are hit, in no uncertain terms if they light up a U.S. vessel as a target or even fail to heed a warning to veer off. Fuck ’em!


“Iran has been at war with the US since 1979, whether we want to admit it or not.”

Like I said, you can thank Brzezinski for putting us into this heinous mess.

I don’t believe in coincidences at all. My instincts say there is more to come and it won’t be just sniping or aiming at a ship or a helicopter.

God help us, we are leaving a terrible inheritance to our children.


The same children who spend most of their time on their smart phones? They need to toughen up anyways.


Yep and we can thank the peanut man Jimmy “who” Carter for letting go of Iran….he could have stopped the mullahs and the muslims, but he didn’t have the balls….Iran for years was a christian ally! Many Iranians still like Americans…


Hate to break it to ya, but Iran has been over 90% Shia for a very long time. The country has never been definably “Christian.”

Wouldn’t be surprised if most Persians liked the US, tho…


Maybe Ex-OS2 can verify this for me…but every time we go through the Straits of Hormuz the Iranians would light up their Silkworm Missile fire control radar.

When I was told this at the time, it kind of brought me into the reality of my situation.

Like this shit’s for real.


I recall during DS/DS the Iraqi “Navy” on a few occasions, lit up some of our ships. Notably, the USS Missouri (BB-64) which in turn fired over a million pounds of ordinance on a variety of Iraqi installations including artillery, mortar and Silkworm missile positions.

OSC(SW) Retired

I went through the SoH dozens of times between 1993 and 2009 and never once did our SLQ operator ever report us being lit up by Iranian fire control. The ones that were shot at Missouri in 1991 were old as crap and both missed. When I was at the ship handling trainer in San Diego the Captain during that event told us the whole story and how both missiles missed, how Jarrett managed to shoot Missouri with CIWS and how Gloucester shot one of the missiles down after it had already missed Missouri.


Thanks guys, I was Airwing; it was probably some story started on the messdecks anyway.

Still it made me realize there was more to ‘worry’ about than being sucked up an intake, blown over the side, or not-so finely chopped up by a rotor/propeller.

The Other Whitey

If they want to play chicken, well, that’s a dangerous body of water. Pirates are heavily armed. Lots of ways a leaky frigate crewed by Persians (not exactly renowned as seafarers, at least not in the past millennium) could come to grief, never to be heard from again…


In 1996, a ship in our Battle Group, USS Gettysburg, was struck by an Iranian gunboat causing some minor damage.


I think it’s great the Iranian Navy wants to contribute to the man made reef…..


So, the Iranian Dimbulbs want to play tough, huh?

We already have the USS Ray Nitschke posted up on the line, so I reckon it’s time to send in the USS Dick Butkus and USS Jack Lambert to blitz their asses.

Who cares if they bring their best soccer players to the match, we’ll just show them what American football is all about.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sinking those ships as soon as they get a bit too close will send a clear message we’re done fucking around, but I suspect the yellow fucks at the White House and the turds who suck the farts out of their underwear in the five sided asylum don’t have the stomach to authorize that level of activity.


“They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.” President Reagan 1988

“Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed two oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.”

“We undertook this action to make sure the Iranians have no illusions about the cost of irresponsible behavior,” President Reagan 1988

President Reagan was a leader.

Obama apologizes.


Obama would be afraid of the environmental ramifications.

Deplorable B Woodman

Three Arabs in a tub,
And who do you think they be?…….”

Doc Savage

I see the potential for Operation praying mantiS V. 2.0 in the making.


Hope springs eternal.


Osimpleton calls it ‘complex’ so he can spend the next 3 months ‘studying’ the problem and leaving the crap on the plate of his replacement. Any act of aggression on the part of the Iranian turds should be met with absolute destruction of their little navy.

2/17 Air Cav

I guess this means that Iran has rec’d all of its payments from oBaMa. On the other hand, Iran could attempt to strike one of our vessels on Tuesday and oBaMa would authorize a another payment on Wednesday. Yes, that’s quite possible. As for a confrontation, I see this as an opportunity for the Navy to clean the deck of the various stinkin’ pieces of crud that have accumulated on her in recent months. Strike first and without reservation or regret.

HT3 '83-'87

The missile launches happened 2 days ago, and this is the first I’m hearing about it? What has the “main stream media” been discussing? Oh that’s right…they’re only interested in Trump’s missile. The what the hell? Has Barry from Honolulu gone ROAD already?


Methinks Barry from Honolulu has been ROAD for a good while.

But Rejoice, ye Deplorable Citizens. According to my calculations, Obumbles is a Short Timer. A Two Digit Midget.

Yep, 96 days and a drag bag and it’s all over for him. Think I’ll draw up a Short Timer’s calendar in the form of a Scooby dog and start marking the days.


Don’t worry. Obama is planning the surrender now