Wednesday morning feel good stories

| October 12, 2016

A store clerk exchanged gunfire with an armed thief in Fort Lauderdale, Florida store. The clerk came out of it with non-life-threatening injuries, but the crook is in the hospital from multiple wounds.

A licensed, concealed weapon carrying business owner gunned down a thief in his store in Detroit, Michigan. The criminal was DRT (dead right there).

70-year-old Jim Strange in Indianapolis, Indiana, after a physical altercation, ran off a thief from his business with a warning shot, for some reason.

In Odessa, Texas, Al McGruder, 38, was shot DRT by a homeowner in self defense when McGruder and Christopher Starling forced their way into the home. Starling was arrested for the break-in.

A dentist in Houston, Texas had to protect himself and his patients when a man, acting erratically, burst into the office and started chasing the dentist around. The dentist pulled out his gun and tried to dissuade the man from harming anyone, but he charged the dentist who shot him once in the abdomen. The man was taken to the hospital.

If, after all of these thousands of links I’ve provided to you over the years, you still need a reason to protect yourself, here’s the story of Houston, Texas 911 operator, 43-year-old Crenshanda Williams. She confessed to hanging up on callers because “she did not want to talk to anyone at that time.”

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Here are several more instances of legally armed citizens defending themselves against those who have no respect for others. As you read these stories, the last one has a link to explain why going for your gun is better than going for the phone to call 911. This so-called “emergency service” is, in most cases, only good for having someone come around to take a report. The police cannot be everywhere, and are not commissioned to be our private security service.

Deplorable B Woodman

Crenshanda. . . .Crenshanda. . . Even before I clicked over and read the story, I was making bets with myself, with a name like that, how much melanin this person had in their skin, and damned if I wasn’t right.
This waste of skin and air needs to be charged, civilly and criminally, as an accessory during and after the fact, with every crime, every shooting, every robbery, every death, that occurred on her watch when she hung up on the caller. With provisions that sunlight be brought in a bucket to her on alternate Thursdays.


A social justice warrior that doesn’t stand for the National Anthem.


Another “pillar” of the African-American community in Houston… maybe she’ll get to “visit” Juanita, Butch, Bertha and “Strap-on” Sally soon for her lack of common sense.


Here’s today’s TAH armed citizen batting line analysis.

This was a good “day at the plate” for armed citizens. Above, we have 6 total perps; 2 no longer require oxygen, 2 are in the hospital with gunshot wounds; 1 is unhurt but in custody and likely facing felony murder charges; and one is on the run, presumably looking for a new pair of skivvies, after failing to complete his criminal mission.

In baseball terms, that’s 6 PAs, going 5-for-5 with 2 HR, 3 other extra-base hits (I’m scoring the guy in custody facing felony murder charges an extra-base hit) – plus a walk (a PA, but not an official AB). Quite impressive.

Too bad about the store clerk in Florida getting hurt. And regarding the former 911 operator in Houston, well, I hope the local DA goes after her for separate counts for at least 500 of those calls – and gets a week in jail for each, to be served concurrently.

Heart of TEXAS

I hope you actually meant to be served consecutively.


The perp in Detroit was another aspiring rapper sent to an early grave.


Crenshanda, Crenshanda, Crenshanda, may you be the caller, the ‘car slid off the road in the rain’ victim, the ‘someone’s trying to break into my house’ caller, and no one believes anything you say.


When seconds count, the police are just minutes away – if you don’t get a 911 operator like heartless Crenshanda “I don’t feel like it” Williams.

Crenshanda Williams – may you experience the hopelessness of being in a life-threatening emergency with no one to call, no hope of someone coming to your rescue. May the terror sink deep into your soul and lurk there for the rest of your selfish, me-first life.


Fuck you Crenshanda Williams.


One of the few jobs the supervisor had in the 911 call center my department ran was to monitor incoming calls and the operators who took the calls. And to then follow-up to see how the call was sent to the dispatchers. What was her supervisor doing? Laughing it up with Crenshanda?
And, what Graybeard said, I hope that the lines are busy or the operator thinks you’re someone making a phony call for service when you call, Crenshanda.