Hasan Edmonds; ex-National Guardsman sentenced
The Associated Press reports that Hasan Edmonds, a former Illinois National Guardsman who plotted with his cousin to kill as many guardsmen as he could at a nearby armory, was sentenced to 30 years in prison along with that cousin who got 21 years.
Hasan Edmonds devised a plan to travel to the Middle East while Jonas Edmonds attacked the National Guard armory in Joliet, about 45 miles (70 kilometers) southwest of Chicago, according to prosecutors. The goal, prosecutors say, was to kill as many as 150 people at the facility.
Jonas Edmonds said he dropped Hasan Edmonds at the airport to travel to the Middle East to join Islamic State fighters. But Jonas Edmonds denied he would have attacked the military armory.
We wrote about the Edmonds last year when they were arrested. Apparently, they were caught because they briefed an FBI informant throughout their plan. Hasan was arrested at the airport and Jonas was picked up when he picked up some uniforms he had planned to use to infiltrate the armory.
Under plea agreements, Hasan Edmonds pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. Jonas Edmonds pleaded guilty to conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization and lying to federal agents.
Category: Terror War
Enjoy prison, bytch…. and the all you can eat “Deli” of cockmeat sammiches and tubesteak (with generous sides of nut butter and manmayo) served up by Bubba, Julio, Thor and Mr. “Tiny”
Yep, enjoy your time (maybe in Statesville?)in the big house.
Say a big “Howdy” to Jake Blues for me when you see him.
If he can’t be with the one that he loves, he will have to get by loving the one (or two, or three) that he is with.
How much for the women?
Why feed that slimey S.O.B. shoot him, hang him, or drop him over Iran from 30,000 feet!!
Who is Mr. Tiny person that people mention from time-to-time? ?
Of Bubba, Julio, Thor and Mr. “Tiny”, Mr. Tiny is the one who’ll make his colon bleed. He ain’t called “Tiny” for nothin’.
Mr. “Tiny” is packing a schnizengruber, IYKWIM….
HMCS: Once more you have overlooked Julio and other Mexican Mafia members. I’m thinking the oversight was intentional due to prejudice on your part. You don’t want our Southern Brothers to ‘get some’.
I’m hoping this turd makes himself available for the Mexican Mafia to ‘get some’ every damn day in the slammer.
30 years and 21 years, may they both have to serve every minute of it and may they hear the words “BEND OVER AND PICK UP THE SOAP, BITCH!!” each and every day of it.
Both will be “wide receivers” in no time…
Prison: where EVERY day is Man-Love Thursday! Little cocksuckers’ll probably love it.
It’s federal time, so yeah, they’ll be lucky if they get a couple of years knocked off, if that.
Too bad we can’t use these two for practice dummies for some hand-to-hand – say by some Airborne, Ranger-tabbed GIs with a deployment patch or two.
Fix bayonets!
Forward, at the double…..Charge!
Make them Impact Zone Dud Inspectors whose only tools are a Ball Peen Hammer and a 2 Pound mallet.
Why aren’t these traitors being hanged?
Guardsman lives matter!
Things not to think about when sucking prison cock
“Are those his balls swinging from my chin and making my neck sound like a kettle drum?”
They’ll have nice presents waiting for them in jail. New tubes of lip stick.
And a tossed salad or two.
They got off easy.
Presidential pardon in 3..2..1
Oh! I forgot. These guys can’t raise the funds to get on Hillary’s list. And Obama can’t take time off from his golf game to deal with muslim prison converts.
Throw away the key.
Weld the cage shut.
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