Patricia Driscoll used charity like personal ATM

A number of people have sent us links to the story of Patricia Driscoll, the former girlfriend of Kurt Busch, the NASCAR driver, who looted Armed Forces Foundation, a charity set up to help service members and their families. Prosecutors aren’t sure how much money she took from the coffers of the altruistic organization, but she’s suspected of taking nearly $600,000 to use for personal expenses.
Driscoll was indicted on seven federal charges: two counts each of wire fraud, mail fraud, and tax evasion, and one count of attempts to interfere with administration of Internal Revenue laws. She also faces a first degree fraud charge under District of Columbia law.
An 11-page indictment charges Driscoll with using foundation money to pay her personal bills, diverting foundation funds to her personal bank account and lying to the Internal Revenue Service about her salary and benefits.
According to their website, the Foundation’s purpose;
Through direct assistance programs, awareness and advocacy campaigns, we seek to honor the military population for its service, improve military-to-civilian reintegration efforts, and preserve our fighting forces for the future.
I guess Driscoll lost sight of the overarching purpose of the organization. She resigned last year after 12 years of running the Foundation like it’s her personal ATM.
Category: Crime
Fuck her. Well not literally, unless your name is IDC SARC but bury her ass UNDER the jail.
It’s a federal beef so she’s probably going to get probation cause she’s hot.
(Well that’s relative and open to debate)
If IDC SARC is willing to hit Renee Chalice Zeitner, then this one’s a no-brainer..
Maybe Thor and Tiny and Bubba would like a whack at her?
Nope, she’s crazier than a shithouse rat, too. Accused Busch of beating on her. Didn’t happen.
Where there’s smoke….
He would still hit it while telling her what a bad girl she is.
Boy has issues.
There may have been a little of teh crazee on both sides… Busch claimed that she was a “trained assassin”
Yeah, thought that was her.
Nut and a twat.
I’ve met her (And Mr. Busch) when I was in Vegas for an event with Sheldon Adelson. I don’t actually believe she’s an assassin mind you, but she does seem like someone who could have some sort of INTEL background.
According to this published article, she’s indeed claimed both family and business connections to the IC.
Whether the claims are true or BS, I can’t say.
Like my daddy used to tell me, never stick your dick in crazy.
My dad used to say, “You can’t stick your dick in a cash register.”
Damn good advice.
The ride may be fun while it lasts. But there’s a damn good chance you’re going to get gored during the dismount.
Toss her is a cell and throw the cell away.
Tossed and sauced…giggity
“Dear Diary, Jackpot!”
+5 Innerwebz to first person who gets the reference.
Family Guy
LaFawnda, Juanita, Butch and “Strap-on” Sally probably would have some fun with her…
Patricia will know the other meaning of ATM.
“Driscoll and Bush had a very public breakup in 2014 after she accused him of physically and verbally abusing her about a week after they split. Driscoll said Busch smashed her head into a bedroom wall and choked her in his motorhome at Dover International Speedway in Delaware. Law enforcement officials said there was not enough evidence to bring criminal charges against him, but a family court commissioner in the state ultimately granted her request for a protective order requiring Busch to stay away from her.”
I wonder…No. Maybe…No. What if…No. Wouldn’t it be nice to learn that…No.
He probably found out the shit she was up to
IIRC, her accusations were what put her in the spotlight and eventually put her in the predicament she’s in.
She is going bye-bye. She will be a experienced carpet cleaner in a year or so.
I’d hit it…naughty gurl!
got them same psycho eyes as Chalice whatsername… lotta harder lookin’ tho. The other one might bite yer schwanz off, this one would barbecue it and serve it to you on a bun with relish and mustard. Best be careful with this one, boy.
You’d hit the crack of dawn if you’d get your ass up that early! 😀
Dawn Wells….Awwww yeahaz!
Doing the same as some of the Congress Critters in Dee Cee.
Yeah, but it’s only okay when THEY do it!
I think a couple of Marines were gesturing a way for her to work off the debt.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
She certainly looks willing in that pic…
Oh yea!
Never trust a woman with crazy sideways nipples
She’s no Barbi Benton for damned sure.
Barbi Benton…Damn that brings back fond memories. Showing your age bro.
Marthew Stewart will have a cellie!
So, no more plastic surgery for her, huh? Bummer!
And just possibly no more hair spray or makeup. Wonder just how much her appeal value will go down…
Hell, if Bradley can get it, why can’t she?
She’s not Hitlery Cankles, thus I’m sure she’ll do time, the soulless twunt!
I think that was her goal in life.
As a guy I once knew would say, she looks like she was dipped in sin and beaten with misery.
Well she learned about foundations from the Clintons, she just failed to learn the necessary steps to how the foundation should leak the funds.
A truly “Phildoesque” broad.
I would not touch that with a ten-foot Pole.
And i got notin’ against polish people. Just scared of crazy bitches and fake blondies.
“NEVER stick your tool in crazy…” Wise words.
She looks like she’s only sorry she got caught.
Shoulda changed her last name to Clinton.