Americans who stockpile guns

| September 21, 2016

Americans who stockpile guns

Our friends at Maxon Shooters Supply and Indoor Range send us a link to the photo at Atlantic discussing the new poll that claims only three percent of Americans own the 300 million guns in the country. Here’s a better picture of the photo that they use;

I guess Atlantic couldn’t find a picture of someone who actually knows how to insert the magazine into their rifle. I couldn’t bring myself to read the article after looking at the picture, the caption says that the fellow with the magazine problem is “pro-gun”. I kinda doubt it.

Category: Guns

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3% yup! Its taken a few years to get their.


Those evil 3 percenters have all the gunz and all the poor pipple have notin.

It ain’t fair. We need redistribution of gunz.


Gee, whiz. I don’t have a gun. You’d think with 300 million of them, I could find one, but there don’t seem to be any homeless Gunzz anywhere.

Dontcha just love yuppie hysterics? Adrienne LaFrance must be afraid of her own shadow, too. What a D.O.R.K.


Don’t worry Ex- we’ve got five in our house so we have you statistically covered…


I used to have slightly more than five in our house but then there was this tragic boating accident and my guns weren’t wearing their float coats.

Sadly they all drowned.


I may or may not have lost my firearms in a flash flood. I told them not to try and cross the flooded arroyo. They were last seen headed for the San Pedro.


Do you have any books? Because according to the Prez, it’s easier to get a Glock than a book. 😉


Geez, I’ve got a library full of books, but no guns. Wall full of replica swords, one handmade mace my brother made me for my 30th birthday (10’lb chain and spike), several fencing epee’s from back in the day, couple of masks, several flags of different era’s, mugs from every station, and that big oaken sonofabitch everyone brings back from Germany….No guns though. Did get a FOID card in case I want one, but so far,,nope. Think about going hunting with my nieces husband or a friend from work, but, It’s cold, and I’m old.


Underachiever! Go do your share!

Seriously: One should have one in the house, on principle.


A call for the equitable redistribution of Pew!

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, GAWD, I’m sure we’ll hear from some shitpants moonbat about how that’s some sooperdooper extra-lethal ASSault Ghost Rifle with a 30 CLIP Magazine and all that shit, I’m sure we’ll see more idiocy…

The Other Whitey

No, no, no, no, you got it all wrong! It’s a thirty-magazine clip! Get your inaccurate anti-gun political terminology right, dammit!

Old Trooper

Don’t forget the “high capacity” bullets!


I dunno how you could get the mag in like that unless it was intentionally designed that way. The AK mag doesn’t just go straight up the well like some weapons…unless it does on that particular model. I find that picture….. disturbing.


Well, IDC SARC – I strongly suspect this is either a picture using one of their “models”, or that the guy was at some type of demonstration where he wanted the police to realize that he did not have his rifle ready to rock-n-roll.


I strongly suspect a lot about that “man”.lol


I’ve never seen an AK mag inserted like that, so I’m not sure what’s going on there, and I hope that that mag is not somehow still functional (i.e. modified to feed a limited number of rounds?) while it’s reversed as shown.

However, if he wanted to show an easily identifiable safe weapon, then he should completely drop the mag and have an empty mag well.

In addition, upon close inspection of that photo, it appears that he’s also carrying that weapon with the safety lever in the ‘fire’ position.

Like IDC SARC, I don’t like what I’m seeing there.


Diane Feinstein tried it once in front of the news cameras back in the days of her initial campaign against the evil AR-style rifles, using an AK semi-auto. But she did not have any success getting the mag in backwards.

Doc Savage

How odd…..Pew says 37%…Gallup says 34%…so I am going to assume a plus or minus error of 3-5%. ( other sources place it near 60%, but this is just going to be a quick math exercise)

That being said, how did these people arrive at 3%?

What was their methodology and sample size? What was the demographics of the sampe?

Assuming the latest census was correct: @ 322,762,018, 3% of that is: 9 682 860.54

Assuming 300,000,000 guns….( low estimate, I know) then the math says each of those 9.6 million owns about 310 guns. ( actually, 309.8..but I wont quibble)

So I ask again…HOW did these moon bats arrive at those numbers?


Mirror-image processes, Jonn. In one case, they pulled something out; in another, they shoved something in.

I’ll leave determining the precise location of the pertinent extraction and insertion here as an “exercise for the reader”. (smile)


“That being said, how did these people arrive at 3%?”

Easy. They skew the numbers.

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, I’m gonna have some lefty Brit rag tell me how I should be skeered of bang sticks, cause, they make noise and shit!

Oh, and in case that wannabe pussbag Bateman shows up, fuck you too.

There. I feel better. Pass me another box of .45, would ya?

The Other Whitey

I’ll trade ya a box of .45 for some .308, SEA. You prefer ball or hollow point?

Silentium Est Aureum

I use ball for the range, and load up with P+ hollow points in case some meth head thinks he wants to play Avon lady at 3 am.


“( actually, 309.8..but I wont quibble)”
What’s to quibble? I own a few fractional guns.

The Other Whitey

I think my spare parts might add up to .8 weapons!


Doc: I multiplied 9.6million by 310 and came up with 2.97 BILLION.

Actually, the article said the 300 million guns are owned by 3% of American ADULTS. Just rough math here, but if the current population per is taken at 324.5 million, the ADULT population of 18 and older would be 250 million (around 77.04% percent of the entire population). 3% of that would be 7,500,615. That would break down to about 40 guns per owner.

Not as high as 310 per owner, but still a moderate amount. I don’t own that many….


Believe the article says HALF the guns are owned by just 3% of the people… that makes it more like 150,000,000 guns owned by that 7.5 million you arrived at – call it twenty gun average. I would have to say I know lots of people who own upwards of ten or more each and that isn’t even straining. It is probably safe to say that in any hobby field there are super-owners and regular guys. I know of folks have several Corvettes, for instance.

Figure at minimum one should have a deer-capable rifle, at least one shotgun, a .22 rifle, a .22 handgun, and a larger caliber handgun – that is five guns for a very, very basic battery. That can easily be stretched – a concealed carry gun, a light caliber rifle (like a .223 or 5.56), a heavier rifle for larger critters, a second shotgun for more specialized sports like turkey hunting – and they multiply secretly in the dark. That’s my story of how they keep adding up…


Any way you figure it, I don’t seem to have my quota.

Reckon we could get a grant to study whether the average in our neighborhood is above or below the national average?

Lurker Curt

I feel so… inadequate…
Must be time to go shopping!


DS: hate to say it, but I think you got yer decimal point off by one.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Easy Doc, some of the people polled don’t necessarily answer honestly as there is no law requiring them to answer honestly and the number of firearms in my home is exactly nobody’s fucking business.

Doc Savage

gentlemen…I do believe you are both correct.

My apologies for my bad math…..but moving the decimal still makes for a rather absurd number.


Doc, I think you moved a decimal somewhere. I got 31 guns using the same numbers.


When I’d give range briefings, I’d generally start with “pointy end of the bullet goes in the weapon first”. You’d be amazed at the quizzical looks that’d produce. This guy would’ve probably had a stroke.

Dave Hardin

Of course there are “super-owners,” that’s why they are called Gun Nutz. They are White ultra right wing Jesus freaks who will give the entire country away to a Megalomaniacal Maniac if he promises to leave their guns alone.

By Jonn’s own admission, these Gun Nutz don’t even know how to properly operate the Assault Weapons they intimidate people at Toys R Us with.

Something needs to be done. We need reasonable and responsible restrictions to safeguard the rest of us from these loons.

Please kill responsibly.

Roger in Republic

I always do Dave, I always do.



No stockpile here. I mean I *used* to have a stockpile, but I lost them all in a horrible boating accident while sailing across Groom Lake.

Doc Savage

Sank straight to the bottom, did they?

How sad..and as “deep” as that lake is, they may never be found.


They were gone in the blink of an eye. I blame the black hole they’re using to power place.


power the* place.

That damn black hole is stealing my words now.

Doc Savage

like liberalism does with logic.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

While I was going through my post-deployment divorce, my soon-to-be ex looted my house. At first, I though she just took her crap (gold lame toaster covers, sheets, curtains etc…). One day I noticed my welding machine was missing. I asked her if she took it, and she denied it. I told her I was going to file a report on the theft if she did not take it. She said to do whatever. I filed, and a couple days later, the PD called and asked me to come in for a chat. The detective asked if I were going through a divorce. I told him I was. He told me they found my welding machine at a pawn shop, but the DA did not want to get involved since Texas is community property state. I told him that the stbx denies taking it. He said ,”she did”. That must be what happened to all my guns too, since I never inventoried them because I thought she took them.


I was working out of state and coming home on weekends. The ex was cheating on me and when I found out told her to leave and take all her shit with her.
When I came back the following weekend and entered the house the lights wouldn’t
work. She took everything, including the light bulbs.


Classic Laura Lee track, Rip Off:

“Ah but one of these days, he’s gonna walk through that door, and girls his good thing will be gone. I’m movin him out. Starting with the sofa, the chairs, and both TVs, I feel like he owe it all to me. I’m not gonna leave him a box to sit on, the bed and the freezer full of food will be gone. I’m taking the carpet off the floor, and wall paper off the walls. I’m taking the telephone so he can’t make no calls.”

Roger in Republic

And people wonder why we kill them.

Roger in Republic

Man I am really short of the average, no matter what the real number is. I am coming into some money soon and we had planned to pay off the mortgage. Now it looks like that money will be spent on guns. Gotta keep up with the “Jones'” you know.Maybe I’ll drop 25 G’s on a Ma Deuce and a belt or two of API’s.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

Yeah, “they” will be directed to her when they come looking for the guns I had back then. A police report was filed over stolen items, but I was told ,”too bad” so I dropped the issue.


REALLY!! Same damn thing happened to me!

The Other Whitey

My buddy said that target shooting on Lake Tahoe is fun, so I brought all my guns. Sadly, my buddy’s boat leaked. Alas, we barely escaped with our lives…

John Robert Mallernee

Depending on the area he was in, maybe he deliberately inserted the magazine backwards so local police would recognize the weapon was unloaded.

During my service in the United States Army, I’ve seen and done the same thing done with an M-16 rifle, by deliberately inserting the magazine upside down, in situations where we weren’t permitted to load our weapons.

I’ve seen similar actions by veterans marching in the parade on Veterans Day.


You could be right. I’m at a loss. I’ve fired semi-auto AK style as well as various authentic (RPGs too:fukk yeah!)select fire soviet and chicom weapons, but I never tried to actually put a mag in that way…can’t say I ever actually tried on any weapon I’ve ever handled. It’s just an unnatural act. lol

Silentium Est Aureum

Back in the day, most of us on the boat were required to qualify .45, shotgun, and M-16.

We had the Mossbergs, and did the “combat loading”; with forend back, put a round in the ejection port, then slide the forend forward. Simple.

Until the time on my first boat one guy put the round in BACKWARDS, and actually managed to rack it all the way forward.

I was impressed.


Wait what? Ok, I am just an infantryman so I do not know much – but if you put in the AR mag upside down, it doesn’t lock.. sa mere friction is holding it in. In other words it would fall out.

I can see no reason, or instance where one would on purpose put a magazine into a weapon in a wrong way. None. It would be better just to tape the damn mag to the stock.


Unless he jammed it in really hard and cannot get it out…

The Other Whitey

In that case, just leave the mag at home.

John Robert Mallernee

@ SNOTCROW, Et Alii:

You could be right.

It’s been so many years ago, and now that I’m old, my memories are all scrambled.

It seems like the magazine did stay in the weapon when it was inserted upside down, but maybe I held it in with my hand, or maybe it was really jammed in tight.

I never had any trouble removing it from the magazine well, even when I packed it in as hard as I could.

Like I said, my old memories of long ago are all scrambled, but it does seem like inserting the magazine upside down DID work.

The Other Whitey

That article drips bullshit. And seriously, what the actual fuck is up with that dickhead’s backwards mag? Will an AK mag even fit backwards well enough to stay put? That photo has to be staged somehow.

The Dead Man

The mags I used to own for my dearly departed clone were bigger at the back. That’s a custom job or he’s jammed something.


OK, what if the AK-WTF guy is a wiseass, and made a mockup mag that was backwards?


No it won’t. The AK magwell is narrow on one side only to allow the classic pivot lock when you attempt to insert a magazine.


You are correct. An AK mag will not fit reversed in the mag well of an AK or AK variant. Also there are a number of things wrong with the “AK” depicted in the photo. The top of the receiver lacks the top cover and the receiver and safety lever have some odd contours, causing me to believe this is a stage prop or an airsoft gun.


At what point does a “collection” become a “stockpile”?

I just want to know where I stand and how much work I have to do.


For liberals? If you have more than zero, it’s a stockpile.

Hack Stone

I must have a stockpile of new wave/punk riock albums.

The Other Whitey

Besides, 300 million guns, national population is…what, 320 million or so? Just eyeballing the math at a glance, that would mean the average gun owner would have to possess 85-100 weapons. Though I consider such a collection an excellent goal, I’m far, far below that level, and I have a larger arsenal than average.

Yeah, they suck at math, just like they suck at everything else.

The Other Whitey

Shit, just realized my math was wrong, too (albeit less wrong than theirs). Sorry, it’s still early in the morning in the Pacific Time Zone. Anyway, my point remains the same.


So if 3 percent of the population owns half of the guns, who owns the other half?

Hack Stone

We needs quotable distribution of firearms. Maybe Bernie Sanders can get that going.

2/17 Air Cav

Is six (make that seven if a .22 counts) a stockpile or just a good start?

Silentium Est Aureum

I’ve got 3 of them. Personally, I think it’s a great SHTF type of gun. Great for hunting small game, simple, ammo is cheap and easy to carry a shit load of it. What’s not to love?


hell, I thought he meant seven .22s…that’s called a”good start”. SeA is dead on the money, too….a GREAT round. If I could have only one (tragically after the boat accident…) I would choose a .22 rifle. Preferably box magazine fed but tubular is OK, 16″ barrel with a decent scope. Semi, lever, pump – it’s all good.


I was looking at a nice .22 with scope on the Academy Outdoors web pages the other day. 10-rnd box, synthetic stock, bull barrel, and scope coming in at 6# – which I like a lot.

Some of the reviews had it doing sub-3″ at 200-300 yds. I think I could fill up the stew pot with squirrels with one of those.


sub 3″ at 200 yards is outstanding. At 300 that’s a very accurate tiny howitzer. I don’t have the foggiest idea what the real holdover would be but a quick Internet search says between 8 and 10 FEET.

David to be accurate, the chart toward the bottom shows 128″ of drop based on a 50 yard zero…10 feet 8 inches. Less than 6 foot-pounds of energy left – better use paper for your target, it might bounce off cardboard.


Can ADRIENNE LAFRANCE, the AUTHOR of that ridiculous claim, be sued for plain ol’ lying? It helps to stop the spread of bovine defecatory byproducts if someone like ADRIENNE LAFRANCE can be held to account for compiling fiction and labeling it non-fiction.


If we could find a way, I’m in.


Reminds me of the old joke about the guy who is reported to have 15 guns and 5,000 rounds of ammo.

The joke goes through several localities, and winds up with
“In Texas, he’s Bubba who’s a little low on ammo.”


In Montana, it’s called a good start


Had to double take on the mag in that AK. Like HK loading rounds into the magazine backwards for their catalog. HK no compromise. Because you suck and we hate you.

MSG Eric

I’m 147% sure there is something wrong with their statistical analysis.


The firearm shown in the pic is the AK47RFM (reverse facing mag).

When the downrange “target” sees it, they usually raise up to get a better view while uttering “what the fu–“…..which are usually the last words spoken.

Clever option, huh?

Lurker Curt


Silentium Est Aureum

I’m gonna take a wild fucking guess here and say that this “survey” was conducted by picking random names out of the phone books in Chicago, Washington DC, and NYC.

Just throwing that out there.


While I agree that some of the explanations above are plausible, I think I may have the best answer….

It was obvious to me that the guy at shoulder arms is a far-sighted, not so ambidextrous shanty Irishman having just finished a half quart of Irish Whiskey. After 20 or 30 tries he’ll eventually get it right.

Yes, I am the pot calling the kettle black. 😉


A real Irishman would just club you with the AK after 3 or 4 tries


So, if that really is one of those horrendous SKS/AK kinda bang sticks, does it count as a single or a double when the survey takers ask how many gunzzz reside in/around the old compound? ‘Cause it sorta looks like something I saw one day that started out with wooden stocks and got some even scarier looking black metal replacement stuff. Or something. Must count as at least 1.5 (or 83 to some hippie math majors) in the stockpile/collection/mythical inventory.


US Population above 19 years old in 1994: 185MM
US Population above 19 years old in 2015: 260MM
Increase of 40.4%
(from census data)

Guns in distribution in 1994: 230MM
Guns in distribution in 2016: 300MM
Increase of 30.4%
(300MM today, less 70MM sold since 1994)

And yet they write, “the nation’s stock of firearms has swelled by some 70 million guns since 1994” – I’m sorry, that is THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF SWELLING. Gun density among adults went from 1.24 to 1.15 – that ain’t swelling…


It’s an SKS, dipsticks.


The Other Whitey

The abomination in the eyes of Common Sense pictured above is definitely not an SKS. AK bolt, AK reciever, and AK selector. But given the backwards mag, all kinds of departures from reality are possible…


It does have a wang to it.


After looking at the larger photo in the Atlantic article and lots of AK variant photos, it appears that the receiver is or attempts to look like that of a Dragunov sniper rifle (7.62mm X 54). But the magazine in the photo looks like an AK mag, which might fit reversed in the longer mag well of the Dragunov. In any event, the photo was likely staged and or photoshopped.


It is not an SKS. Not even one with an aftermarket stock. The bolt and barrel don’t approximate the those of an SKS. More likely it is a stage gun or some type of airsoft gun.


It looks like I need to go shopping.


I had a thought: if 50% of the guns in the U.S.A. are owned by 3% of the population, how does one reconcile that with the exploding number of CHL permits being issued around the country?

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Every time I see an article like this, it makes me want to go out and buy another gun…

The Other Whitey

I’m trying to decide between a new rifle & new pistol! Sadly, can’t do both at once. Budget’s a bitch.

A Proud Infidel®™

You sound like me, TOW! In my current state the Spirit is willing but the checkbook balance is weak.


It looks like a MOLOT “Boar” rifle. They’re brand-new aftermarket RPKs cut down to look like AKs or sporting rifles; that explains the offset iron sights and the “tacticool” black stocks. They come in military calibers: 5.56mm NATO/5.45x39mm Soviet, 7.62x39mm Soviet, 7.62x51mm NATO, and 7.62x54mm Russian. They were banned from importation a few years ago due to Putin’s current round of dickishness.