Commander John Michael Neuhart II faces rape charges

| September 14, 2016

Cmdr. John Michael Neuhart II

A large number of people sent us this link to the story of Navy Commander John Michael Neuhart II, the commander of a Navy helicopter squadron who flew 36 combat missions in Iraq. He has been accused of rape in San Diego;

Cmdr. John Michael Neuhart II was arrested Monday after police received a call about 3 a.m. from the victim’s neighbor who heard screams coming from the house. According to police, Neuhart ran from the home and was arrested in a nearby canyon.


Police say the victim is also in the Navy and was an acquaintance of Neuhart’s. According to police, the victim was with friends at a downtown hotel earlier in the evening when they ran into Neuhart. She later went home with him, police say. The victim fought off Neuhart and screamed, prompting the neighbor to come to the home, according to investigators.

I’m sure that more Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) training for lower enlisted folks will cure this problem in the service.

Category: Navy

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NO, it will only be solved when an asshole like this is keelhauled and made to walk the gantlet.

HEY! NO MEANS NO! Now fuck off!

Club Manager

No means no but WTF, you go home with a single sailor his intent is not to show you pictures of his shipmates. I suspect he was wearing a hat and the haircut turned her off when he took it off. I’ll wager money lots of adult beverages were involved. It is the cock teasers should be keelhauled.

Green Thumb

Another flyboy thinking he could get his way.


What does inviting a man into your home at 3:00 AM after a night of partying mean?

Also, it is *attempted* rape, which means what, exactly?

Having been in a similar situation myself, I think we need to wait and see what the facts are. I know men are pigs, but some of us are domesticated, not wild boars.



I know it is not PC to say so, but there are, without a doubt, some wacko females out there, particularly after drinking. Sometimes it is actually the woman who is at fault. Sometimes the man is actually innocent! (sound of Earth trembling, glass shattering).


Not arguing that point at all. That door swings both ways.

B Woodman

SHE went to HIS home? What did SHE think would happen, a friendly game of tiddlywinks?

B Woodman

But, granted, at the first NO, HE should have called a taxi and sent her away.


Why waste the money on a phone call? Let her call, it’s her idea to say no after obviously going under her own free will.
Out the door Ma’am…


I read the story as HE went to HER home. Neighbor of the VICTIM called police when screams were heard.

Modern “journalists” could learn a lot from my 8th grade English teacher…..


Any decisions she took after one drink do not count.

If she say no at any point before penetration, this is a rape.
If she says stop at any point, this is rape.

So, more SHARP classes for the lot of us enlisted.

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, khakis do the crime, blueshirts do the time.

Psst, dude. Tailhook was nearly 30 years ago. Try thinking past your zipper after you get out of Leavenworth.


I remember that shit…I had to sit through 8 hours of sexual harassment training at the NAS Cecil Field Galley while the zeros fucked off at the O-Club.


That happened about 3 months prior to my retirement. My command whipped up some sexual harassment training for the troops … the enlisted troops. Guess who got to teach some of the classes? Yep, this guy. BTW, I was the only khaki in the room either class. I remember looking out at dozens of young Sailors whose thought were obviously somewhere else.

I’ll say here at some time in life, ALL men are pigs. And, too, are some women. Equal opportunity here. However, some/many/most evolve and understand the discredit they bring on themselves and the disrespect they place on the (usually) female victim. IMO, both parties are lessened with each instance of sexual harassment. Anything worse than sexual harassment is a damn crime.

If guilty, this guy needs time in the slammer. IF she said NO, the damn answer is NO. The report that she was screaming suggests she, at a minimum, said NO. Yeah, she’s a dummy for taking him to her place. Maybe initially she wanted a roll in the hay and changed her mind. One she says NO, he should freaking stop.

Yes, some women play games. But even so, both parties have the right to call off whatever is taking or will take place.


Where the hell did he get that Zippy the Clown haircut?

CC Senor

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed that. Is he using gel or what?


Yea, “gel”… thinking the same gel in “There’s Something About Mary”.

Hopefully, the next time shitforbrains takes a leak, he gets his “beans and frank” caught in the zipper…


That hairdo is sure to attract the ladies.


Why is he wearing an angry Tribble on his head?


Really??? Now this weekend drill will be all about SHARP training. Thanks Commander.


Maybe he uses Dippity-Do. Know what? It’s still available.


Sounds like this guy needs to go to the chop shop doctor Manning wants to see. For at least part of the treatment Manning wants.

If convicted, of course.

A Proud Infidel®™

HOW many times did he stick his head in a wall socket to give himself that hairdo? Maybe that fried his brain into making him think he’d get away with that shit??


Dammit, API, how about a spew alert? You owe me a computer and that miscreant DH owes me about a dozen.

Wall socket … Bwhaaa

Head in a wall socket


Hey, he’s an aviator (“you see, we we’re inverted… “) only not fixed wing to be turned down for Top Gun.

2/17 Air Cav

“According to police, the victim was with friends at a downtown hotel earlier in the evening when they ran into Neuhart.” It wasn’t a pajama party and I don’t know of concerts at hotels. Wild guess here but some hotel bars are popular meeting places. So, they hook up at a bar, let’s say, and she goes back to his place to do what, play cards? Something happens and she freaks. Maybe she remembered that she’s married (I don’t know that she is), has a steady boyfriend (I don’t know that she does), or is a lesbian (see first parenthetical.) We’ll see but I’m not hanging him yet.


While I agree with the posts that mention she was dumb for going to his place, unless she turns out to be a certified psycho, if his behavior was enough to cause her screams and he tried to run away from his own house – he needs a real good story at this point. Consensual generally is not a term associated with panicky screams. WTF is with senior Navy officers nowadays – they seem to be leading the way – in a bad way.

2/17 Air Cav

Maybe he took his pants off and he had a pussy. That wouldn’t make me scream but it would if I were a woman in a romantic situation and I thought I was with a man.


Well, if you’d read it, he went to her place, not his. Neighbor heard her screeching and called the cops. He ran out the door. The article does not say if he was sans culottes or dragging them with him.

Whatever, it’s his/her word. I can’t wait for the sequel!


There is something strange about the sequence of events.

Reminds me of the story where a woman went to a pastor for some counseling, when what she wanted was to seduce him. He refused, she took off her blouse and ran out of his office screaming that he had tried to rape her – with a couple of deacons in the outer office.
The church secretary looks up as the woman runs out, says “Naw, she’s still wearing too many clothes” and goes back to typing up the Sunday bulletin.


Best funny would be if ‘he’ had female anatomy downstairs and ‘she’ had male anatomy.


😀 😀 😀


I know the victim and can absolutely say with certainty that she does not have a boyfriend, married, or is a lesbian.

This is a case of a girl getting along with her commander, having a friendly drink with someone she works with, being taken home. If you are screaming loudly enough that your neighbours look in to see that you are O.K., then yes, it is attempted rape!

Since when did it not become O.K. to trust your commander to walk you home? How come women can’t have a drink anymore with a male without it meaning she wants something more?? Unless she said…’yes I want to have sex with you’, its safe to assume she doesnt


A little more clear in this article:

He went to her home. This does not bode well. He is married and HSC-25 is actually stationed in Guam. Apparently he was in SD for a conference.

Club Manager

Thanks bullnav, that clears some of it up but the story (as I and a few stated above) remains the same. He went home with her. Maybe she had buyer’s remorse or any number of mind changing moments. Maybe his “seduction” technique sucked, but the fact remains WTF was she thinking.

Silentium Est Aureum

In any event, adultery is still enough to shitcan a career.

Hope it was fucking worth it, “sir”.


What’s with his hair?

Hack Stone

Is that hair gel?


Bad Plug Job??

Silentium Est Aureum

No, I had an XO one who had (or was getting) hair plugs, but his wife left him and took the cash with. All he had was a monk-like ring around his head.

Shit you not.

Hack Stone

Maybe you should have passed the hat around the office to raise enough money to finish the job.


Hair gel? I’m hoping that’s the simple explanation.


Flight helmet hair.

Well, Mzzzz Neuhart, your sons…….different.


50 mission crush


Why don’t they make SHARP mandatory for 0-3 and above ????


Because only Joes do stupid things like this! Everyone knows that! An officer and a gentleman would never do something like this. Now shut up and go to the unit classroom, you have a 6 hour powerpoint briefing that will make sure you never do something like this. Remember, the beatings will continue until you learn your lesson.


Death by power point how I don’t miss that stuff


Yep, more duplicate GMT’s got added to the next fiscal year.


Why? Because they don’t have me lecturing those with flies instead of side zippers.


The dummy risks throwing away his retirement benefits (looks like 21 yrs service)for a little hot action. Running from the scene always looks good. Like Bullnav posted above – dickhead is married.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right and adultery is still a UCMJ violation as far as I know so he was clearly intent on at least committing that violation.


As the old East Texas men advise the youngsters: “Keep yer pecker in your pants.”

A very good way to avoid all sorts of trouble.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well since everyone else has made the observation, his haircut makes him look like a fucking idiot…

His actions appear to have placed him in a rather career ending, if not freedom ending, situation as well. So perhaps the haircut is indicative of the man…lots of fucking idiot officers get away with being fucking idiots for an awful long time before they finally are exposed for being either incompetent like young Mr. Nartker, or criminally inclined like this turd.

In any event, guilty or not, I don’t see how this ends well. If he did it he’s a rapist if he didn’t he’s at least drunk and stupid. Drunk and stupid is not a way to go through life.

Hack Stone

But it is a way to go through life as Vice President of a “proud woman owned” software company formerly located on Wilson Lane in Bethesda MD.

Green Thumb


Send this dude packing.

No means No.


But did she really say no, or did she decide to ambush him?

Green Thumb

If she did, he was a fucking moron for walking into it.


I think he should strongly consider retiring now.

And while I’m at it, for some reason he looks like one of the boot pushers I saw at Bainbridge. Must be her kid.


The Navy isn’t likely to allow him to retire while he’s under investigation, Ex-PH2.

When that’s over, I suspect he won’t have a choice in the matter. My guess is he’ll either be boarded and forced to retire – or will be dismissed.

His career is effectively over either way. And in today’s climate, I suspect that’s the case whether or not he’s guilty (he certainly does not look completely innocent at this point, even if he is innocent of attempting rape).



He’s done, regardless of how this turns out.

Bill M

Absolutely. This situation makes the “rest” of the career take a major nose dive.


Looks like he crashed on his 37th mission.

NO means NO, esspecially after drinking.

BTW, No means No, before drinking too.


Ok, I know the article said “she” but are we so sure? He looks kind of poofy if you know what I mean. Not that there’s anything wrong with that ya know….


I might add here that, if she started screaming at her own home, it could be that he turned out to be physically abusive, as in knocking her around, never mind an abusive drunk.

We don’t have the whole story yet. There’s probably more coming down the road.


“When that’s over, I suspect he won’t have a choice in the matter. My guess is he’ll either be boarded and forced to retire – or will be dismissed.”

OK, you legal beagles, splain this to me. If boarded, what does that mean? OTD with nothing or retirement with bennies?

If forced to ‘retire’ does he get bennies?

At a minimum this guy is eat up with the dumbass.


While I’m not a lawyer, and I’ve never played one on TV, I did spend a considerable amount of time in the Marine Corps and I’ve seen crap like this before, so here goes.

If he gets court-martialed/convicted, he can be dismissed, which I’m reasonably certain is the equivalent of a DD for an officer. He would also be a convicted felon. If he’s dismissed, I believe that he’ll lose his retirement pension and benefits.

As for going to a ‘board’, if he survives the legal/trial process, the Navy will then most likely make him ‘show cause’ for further retention on active duty, and then they can run him out on the equivalent of an admin separation. In this case, I believe that he’ll keep his pension and benefits.

Any JAGs/SJAs out there please pile on here with more authoritative info if possible.

Bill M

I think you’ve pretty well summed it up Mick.


Not a JAG, Mick, but have researched this out of personal interest and have also followed a number of cases in some ways similar that have occurred over the years. I’m pretty sure you’re spot on – with one wrinkle.

If he’s not dismissed (e.g., not convicted; convicted, but not dismissed; or convicted, dismissed, but dismissal set aside by CMCA – all three would be possible), he’d continue on active duty at his current grade and would be eligible to retire. He’d also almost certainly be forced to retire PDQ.

However, in all 3 cases there would be a retired grade determination. Depending on what misconduct is found during the investigation/comes out at court martial, his retired grade may well be different than his current grade (O5).

I’d bet he can kiss O5 goodby, even if acquitted or convicted of lesser offenses but not dismissed. (If he’s convicted of rape or attempted rape, I don’t see how he avoids dismissal and hard time.) If there’s evidence of serious misconduct at lower grades uncovered during the investigation or exposed at trial, he can probably kiss those goodbye too.

JAG types, please advise if I’m wrong or if something else might be in play.

Best examples I know are John Maher and Sinclair, both Army GOs who ended up in trouble due to affairs. Both ended up being forced to retire (one took a plea deal as I recall, the other was offered and accepted NJP, then was told to retire immediately). But both lost 2 grades when their retired grade was determined due to demonstrated misconduct at their 2 highest ranks held while serving. Cost each of them mucho dinero.

Silentium Est Aureum

Not to mention ex-wives get a shit load more from his retirement pension.

Joe Dirt

This guy was Commissioned in 2000, he does not even have 20 years yet. He will have no retirement.


I care little for this guy. If tried and found guilty, he may soon be in the warm embraces of Julio and other members of the Mexican Mafia.

Sometimes forgotten in such a scenario is the family. If he loses benefits, they do, too. I don’t that that is the honorable thing to do. Strip him of bennies, but leave the family benefits intact. IMO


“Family impact” IMO is precisely why so many senior personnel (officers and NCOs) get “cut slack” at court martial after stepping over the line and getting caught. IMO, senior personnel who commit a serious crime deserve to get hammered substantially harder than a young troop; after all, they’re supposed both to know better and to be leading by example. Instead, often they seem to get “cut a break”. My impression is that court-martial panels are reluctant to drop the hammer on senior personnel because senior personnel virtually always have families – and the panels “cut them slack” so that their families “don’t get hurt”. It would take a while to list the examples Jonn’s featured on this site alone of that happening. You want more examples see the site Part of the issue is that ANY punitive discharge (BCD/DD/dismissal) results in forfeiture of retirement. However, absent a punitive discharge someone senior will very often be retirement eligible after being convicted by a court martial. In such cses, the panel is thus “damned if they do and damned if they don’t”. They give such a senior perp what he/she truly deserves, they screw the perp’s family. They cut the perp a break to spare his/her family, the result isn’t really just. For officer personnel who get court-martialed, the problem is exacerbated IMO by the fact that under the current MCM a court-martial cannot reduce officers in rank as part of a sentence; the choices are “retain in grade” or “dismiss” (or, for those few remaining WOs w/o commission, “retain” or a DD). Yes, they may get a lower grade on retirement if they’re not dismissed. But their retired pay will still be substantial – and disproportionately large if their crime was a serious one. In that case, they really IMO deserve little or nothing in the way of retired pay vice a substantial income from Uncle Sam for life. This IMO is something Congress could easily fix, at least partially, by amending the UCMJ to provide explicit authority for a General Court-Martial to reduce ANY officer convicted of an offense… Read more »


I like it. Protect the families. Give the culprit an out that saves the dignity of the family unit. The spouses only fault is hooking their anchor to a buttwipe. Thing is, he probably wasn’t a buttwipe when ‘typically’ married, as a junior officer. It’s all starry eyes and lust. May be the same things. I hate to see spouses, usually women, ruined like this. I’ve seen enlisted be protected as you mentioned b/c they were married. Now, should that have happened? I think yes. I’m talking about those with many years, often enough to retire or very nearly so. If their offense is such that there is leeway and provided their prior years of service have been honorable, I vote for giving a pass. I’m not talking about the losers. By pass, I mean maybe RIR but allowed to stay active. Saw an E-8 go to E-7; an E-7 go to E-6; an E-5 with FIVE kids allowed to stay on AD as an E-4 … this was at a time when there was not much discretion when one pissed hot but CO took into consideration he had five kids, one of whom was special needs. The CO did the right thing, IMO. I also saw an E-8 booted with no retired pay or bennies b/c he liked dipping into the pharmacy stash. Saw NCIS come into the dispensary on Hansen, 1970, and remove an E-6 from the pharmacy. Guy was cuffed and crying as he was led away. Both said they dipped b/c of pain not controlled with prescribed medication. Protect the family is what I say. No point in taking this spouse, probably mid-40s or so, and throw her under the bus with her husband b/c of his having his brains between his legs.

I also like the idea of RIR to E-1/2/3 with pay and bennies. This guy had 21? That’s 52.5% of not much ($1200 ?).

Agree with Hondo assessment. And thanks for the legal stuff response.

Guard Bum

In addition to the impact on their families the courts martial members are going to take the “totality” of a members career into consideration at sentencing which is why it can seem that sentences for higher ranking individuals are not as severe.

There needs to be a culture shift because while it can be argued that getting the boot and losing pay and bennies as a CDR is a greater fall and punishment than for a PO2 for the same crime, what comes with the greater rank is far greater expectations and responsibility.

15 years of warfare has let a lot of turds slip into the punchbowl…no slack for this douche.



Holden Magroin

Things not to think about when sucking prison cock

“Next time, ‘no’ really does mean ‘no’ and not ‘grab me by my buzzcut and cram a firehouse down my throat’”


2/17 Air Cav

“The victim, a Navy woman in her late 20s, was with friends at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel when they spotted Neuhart, who was an acquaintance, [Police Lt] Phillips said. The two talked for a time, and when she went to go home, he went with her. When they got to the residence, he followed her inside.”

Do you see the way those last two lines are written? He better be convicted b/c the whole world thinks he’s guilty with shit like that. And if he is found not to be guilty, or the charges are subsequently dropped, he’s DOA anyway. In the meantime, the woman who was followed into her residence by the Bad Hair guy isn’t ID’ed. Why? She wasn’t raped.


Why? Usually, assault victims are not ID’d in the media until court time, and it’s mostly because you guys like to point and say ‘it’s all her fault’, even if it isn’t.

2/17 Air Cav

And evidence of us guys pointing and saying “it’s all her fault” is found where in this instance? I don’t see it. My question goes to the double standard, understandable many years ago when things such as unwed women pregnancies were kept quiet too, of hiding the name of an accuser but broadcasting for all the world the name and picture of the accused.


It does come up in the general public arena. The double standard still does raise its head.

(I was not pointing at you.(<3))

2/17 Air Cav

I never thought that you were pointing at me. Rape is the most heinous of offenses and a false accusation of it will ruin a man. If he’s guilty of rape, hang his ass, but shielding the accuser (which is not law in a number of states) smacks of a double standard, to say the least. And we all know that but for some sensational cases, papers, radio, and TV rarely splash dropped charges but kill the accused on the arrest alone.

2/17 Air Cav

Just ask the former Duke lacrosse coaches and team, not to mention male students at the University of VA, how false accusations of rape impact lives. When it comes to rape and sexual assault generally, no man is innocent until proven guilty. He is presumed to be guilty as soon as his arrest is announced.


The Duke case was indeed a travesty. But at least the bastard responsible for that politically-driven abomination ended up both disbarred and the “guest of honor” at his own personal legal pool-pah.


Mike Nifong was/is perhaps the most despicable PoS to have lived. In the face of overwhelming evidence the players were innocent, he continued to attempt to destroy them in the arena of public opinion as well as in the courts. Only when the ‘victim’ repeatedly changed her story and eventually vindicated the players was he FORCED to drop charges, and then only reluctantly. He continued to grasp at any straw that would save his career. As soon as the issue surfaced, the media, university administration, university professors, the ‘reverend’ al (intentionally small letters) and damn near the entire black community, having been whipped into a frenzy by those previously mentioned, rose up demanding the scalps of the players. No word yet if the players have received verbal, written and public apologies from the ‘reverend’ al, university administration/professors media and that piece of shit Nifong. I’m thinking not. The ‘reverend’ al is on to other, more lucrative endeavors while simultaneously apparently not bothering to pay federal taxes, per some media reports. The players were left to pick up their lives after their families paid great sums to hire competent legal defense. I wonder if Nifong is paying them back with the proceeds of whatever job he was able to find after being disbarred? Yeah, maybe he’s on that $50 a month plan. I hope that fuck is installing tires and doing oil changes for minimum wage at Wal Mart.

If you think shit like this pisses me off, in which people, regardless of color, are railroaded b/c those doing so look upon their destruction as a step to higher public office, you don’t even have a clue. Nifong is lower than whale shit. Justice should not be predicated upon someone’s social status or degree of reward for those seeking ‘justice’. Just fuck this turd. Yeah, I’m done. Fuck him.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, all’s well that ends well, I suppose. And although the false accusations caused great suffering among the players, coaches, and their families and friends, things turned out pretty well. The key players are successful young men. The coach is coaching lacrosse at a small DI school. The lying woman subsequently killed a man and remains in prion. The other stripper violated her probation. And, Nfong remains disgraced, disbarred, and broke. As for the faculty who petitioned for this that and the other thing in siding with the accuser, I guess they remain teaching at Duke or elswhere.

Mike W

DON’T HAVE DRUNK SEX. PERIOD. HIGH sex is bad too,mmmmkay.

2/17 Air Cav

How will Bertha ever get laid if someone doesn’t get drunk first, huh? Answer me that, Mike.

Hack Stone

All of this could have been avoided if only he went home with Elaine Ricci.

Hack Stone

And yet, the barber that gave him that ridiculous haircut walks the streets as a free man.


May not be the barber’s fault, Hack. It’s entirely possible the guy had a reasonable haircut and decided to “improve” it with some kind of styling gel for his official photo.