Recruit abuse allegations at Parris Island

| September 14, 2016

Drill instructor

MSN reports that a number of drill instructors at Parris Island Marine Corps Recruit Training Center in South Carolina are being investigated for trainee abuse. One Islamic recruit charged that a DI repeatedly stuffed the recruit into an industrial-sized dryer and turned it on, burning him.

“You’re going to kill us all the first chance you get aren’t you, terrorist?” the drill instructor thundered at the recruit, the new Marine later alleged, according to the documents that have not been released publicly but were reviewed by The Washington Post. “What are your plans? Aren’t you a terrorist?”

If it happened, it was wrong. That sort of stuff doesn’t teach anything. That’s precisely the reason that I doubt that it even happened. The drill sergeants that I know wouldn’t engage in that sort of behavior. The Military services aren’t some sort of fraternal organization that hazes new members before letting them join in.

Last week, service officials announced that 20 members of Parris Island’s staff could face criminal charges or administrative discipline following the conclusion of three investigations into various abuse allegations. But the documents and an interview with a Marine official with knowledge of the investigations suggest dozens more Parris Island Marines could be implicated in the scandal.

I could be wrong, but, honestly, I’m in denial that NCOs would engage in that type of activity. Pushups in the pouring-ass rain I can believe, but not this.

Category: Marine Corps

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My time at Parris Island was almost 30 years ago (1988), but I doubt the core principles of the Drill Instructors have changed much. My Drill Instructors were tough, intense, and held my platoon to highest levels of accountability.
One thing they were not, was abusive. Yes there were trips to the sand pit, ridiculous games that sent gear all over the place, and an infinite amount of squat thrusts. Still, like Jonn, I find it hard to believe that an NCO at Parris Island would participate in behavior noted above.


Anyone who takes a trip to PI will see that yes, bootcamp does in fact take place in bootcamp. It’s not supposed to be easy. As far as DIs going hands on I’ve only ever seen it in two instances: To make a correction during drill. Even then it was only a correction, hardly abuse. The second was when a DI was forced to defend himself against a recruit who was dumb enough to take a swing at him. That recruit was promptly shown what lights out means.


“We don’t promise a rose garden…”


Lucky: I beg your pardon?


It’s from an old Marine Corps recruiting poster from the 70’s. The caption reads “We don’t promise you a rose garden”.


You must have been born in 1775.


Christ I’m not THAT old…


I remember those posters. My reference was to a country song from the 70s or 80, “I Didn’t Promise You A Rose Garden”. Also within the song were the words, “I Beg Your Pardon”. Great song.
Those posters were effective as I recall. Basically telling kids “If you want it easy, don’t come here”. USMC at its best.


I see now. Not familiar with too many country songs (unless it’s Johnny Cash of course). Just not my genre.



Clock boy joined the Marine Corps?

Wilted Willy

I thought I heard something the other day about clock boy being pissed off because he wasn’t recognized on 9/11?

Intel Pog

I couldn’t agree More, spd. My time on the Island was 24 years ago and I never saw ANYTHING close to “abuse”. In fact, since we talk about posers here, one of my instant “This is guy is a liar” alerts is when I hear some guy who went to the Island after 1992 (When I was there) saying that his DIs kicked the shit out of them in boot camp. I can’t speak to what PI was like before I got there.


I have a kind of reverse “hands on” story…
Not sure if this was common, but after the rifle range my platoon received a 4th drill instructor. The scuttlebutt amongst us recruits was that he was probably new grad of DI school, but that was never confirmed.
What I can confirm…he was on me like flies on shit. Again, not in an abusive way, just I was one of his favorites for the quarter deck.
Fast forward to our series commander inspection….he is inspecting me. At the time I did not realize this was probably on purpose, but when he returned my weapon, as I grabbed it to perform inspection arms, he leaned in and I nailed his campaign cover with my hand. HOLY SHIT…the campaign cover went flying, and he and the rest of our Drill Instructors went Ape Shit.
Yep…they rode me for while about trying to assault a Drill Instructor. As a look back, I realize it was probably all part of the package. I had a 300 PFT and I’m sure i came off a little confident. This guy got me nervous and knocked me down a few pegs.


spd0302, when in 88? I was in the 3064 series, plt 3066…25 June to & Sept. Still in, btw, looking at retirement in 23 1/2 months.

Hack Stone

1988? Pffft! You heading East anytime soon? Stately Stone Manor is open for short term visitors. For the record, Hack Stone DOES NOT consider two years to be short term.


Well, when I retire I was thinking of selling the house and visiting you for three years, rent free. I hear Hack Stone likes putting up folks for free. Can I borrow your car too?
No trips planned back east as of now, but hopefully something before it gets too cold. You headed out west anytime soon?

Hack Stone

No, I took a major career change since we last met. Working for DOJ now. Maybe I can finagle a West Coast trip out of it, but it would probably be a year or two from now.


I was 3074, July – Octiober 1988. I was right behind you. I swung with the wing for an enlisment. Got out went to college and went back in to become an infantry officer.
Semper Fi to you my boot camp big brother!


Well we shared some of the same heat at ol’ PI, that’s for sure.
Take care my brother, Semper Fi.


You will appreciate this CWO5USMC….
Before leaving for boot, my recruiters and some of the admins at MEPS had told me I wouldn’t have anything to worry about, as long as I didn’t get 3rd Battalion. I took that as advice and of course knowing no better, I thought to myself “make sure I avoid that 3rd battalion,” naively believing I actually would have some control of my fate. Fast forward to running my ass off that bus to the yellow footprints at 2am. Now sufficiently scared shitless, I remember running into receiving and as we each got through the door, another recruit wrote a number in sharpie on our left hand. I looked and saw 3074. I knew right then I was screwed.
I smile to myself every time I remember that little episode.
After the fact, it is actually hilarious that I could possibly imagine making any of my own choices at boot camp.

Antwan johnson

I was 3075/1988. Semipermanent Fi

L. Brown

My daughter is just a few weeks away from graduation. She is currently training. However I believe that she ia sheild and cover by the blood of JESUS. and I rebuke anything that isn’t god will. Praying dor everyone of these young people who made the decision to serve our county. Boot camp is hard enough, they dont need abuse on top.




Were there any witnesses? Did he receive any treatment for the alleged burns? How is it no one else saw these burns or heard about this alleged deplorable treatment of recruits?

The Other Whitey

It does sound suspiciously like some little pussy got his feewings hurt and wants payback, but who knows? Hopefully the investigation is an honest one, one way or another.


I’m not calling anyone a liar, but stuffing a trainee in to a dryer, supposedly more then once, seems to be something that would be hard to do a regular basis with no one noticing.


Got you covered scout buddy, I’ll call him a fucking liar. I’ll call him a liar in front of his mom and dad. No fucking way some NCO stuffed a joe into a dryer and turned it on… The kid was getting fucked up and he went to bitch and moan up the channels. He was probably listened to politely, and then the commander or chaplain or 1SG probably explained to him the nature of training men and warfare and all that. The kid didn’t get the reaction he wanted so he escalated it. He got the cry for help out to his hometown, and then his hometown got it out to his press, and then Jonn got it to us. The kids’s story probably got escalated and exaggerated at every single stop along the way…Hell, I heard they made him fuck a pig and then branded him with that Dutch picture of Big Moh with the bomb on his turban.


There’s poor abused motard stories starting to crop up all over the place.

Stinks to me like a campaign to churn up sympathy for the poor motards today to offset the expected rage of the rape and murder games by motards tomorrow.


Apparently this particular drill sergeant was a problem child. There are shitbags in every group, and he may have been one. The Post has a pretty extensive write-up.

I can’t say whether I believe it or not. I don’t have all the information. I’ve never had abusive drills, but that’s not to say it doesn’t happen. We had a senior drill – a 27 year old SFC, who was high speed and on a fast track fucking IET Soldiers at DINFOS. Fucking anything that would spread its legs, really. Huge scandal. UCMJ. You name it. Shitbags happen.

Plan on blogging this later.


For anyone who is interested, here’s what I wrote on it.

Dave Hardin

Come now Nicki, there was no safety brief given on recruits in dryers. No specific guideline was ever give that prohibits Recruits in dryers.

Recent concerns prompted this Safety Brief, just saying safety is “Process”.

Please do not click on this Safety Brief in mixed company or if you are at work. Some people can not handle the truth.


Somehow I expected you to be the first one to comment, oh sensitive one! 😉

Dave Hardin

Maybe I will grace the pages of The Liberty Zone with my proclivity for promulgation. It’s been a while since I published a rant in Russian.


Oh, don’t! I’m going to have to edit your mistakes! :-p

Unless you get the wife to write it for you! he he he

Dave Hardin

She doesn’t allow me to post in Russian unless she reads it first. She says I talk like a Moldavian.


Smart woman! I love her more and more each day!


The nerve of that guy calling people like me a weirdo! After all these years of self-training. First it was farm animals, then progressed to making manatee think they were about to get some fresh lemonade. Finally, relief with strippers, and he calls me names. Back in the day, on the farm, goats AND PIGS loved it! So what’s wrong with today’s PIGS?


Well, Dave, if you publish in Russian or Czech, Mrs. SP4/HMC/Russian can probably read most of it. She can also talk to you all day long in both languages. I have NO idea what she is talking about.


There was a time I didn’t think she could speak/understand either language until she reconnected with an aunt. Now it’s hours of whatever they are saying. I’m good for usually 20 seconds on the phone and I’m gone. Don’t like speaking on phone.


bullshyte. I think that maggot must be Clock Boy’s inbred cousin. Only enlisted in the Corps for this moment, not to serve.


That dryer story pegs my BS meter first thing.

Hoping that this is just a bunch of “everyone gets a trophy” wusses complaining about Reality hitting them in the face.

2/17 Air Cav

“The alleged incident occurred in 2015, and was reported last November by the targeted Marine and two enlisted colleagues who by then had moved on to initial aviation training in Pensacola, Fla.”

And that’s why I’m thinking the dryer business did happen. It’s one thing to cry while one is a Boot, but quite another to report an incident a year or so later with backup from two “colleagues.” Whether the Marine reported it himself or whether the Marines were interviewed as part of the several investigations into abuse back then is not stated. If it is, I missed it.


If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training… with a dryer sheet stuck to your ass. (Um, no, not R. Lee Ermey… stupid doesn’t make hard.)


I agree with Jonn; I’m not buying this story.

I would like to know exactly where this supposedly occurred on Parris Island, where a DI could get a recruit alone and stuff him into a dryer and run it without anyone seeing/hearing anything.

In fact, I think that I’m getting a whiff of a retaliatory false allegation from a butt-hurt recruit who’s playing on his Muslim religious affiliation in today’s hyper-sensitive PC environment.

Just An Old Dog

Mess and Maintainance week. The recruit Laundry does the linen for the entire base. Huge Machines. Recruits provide the labor.

Dave Hardin

Oh my, the Recruits were called bad names and one was told to get in the Dryer and went for a tumble. That is just terrible, poor Recruits should be Medically Retired and compensated with PTSD payment for the rest of their pathetic lives.

Ok, maybe calling a Recruits sister is a bit much…but then again I have not seen a picture of her yet.

This is Parris Island, Third Herd nonetheless…of course it happened. Who gives a shit? Wait until they get deployed or put in the MEU’s, they better pucker up then sweetheart.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, that’s a different angle. It is understood that this shit shouldn’t happen. Gay and etnnic slurs were used! However, we are talking about the USMC and that outfit is not known for its sensitivity to individual feelings.

Dave Hardin

We had a HOG board on the Quarter Deck. Girlfriends, wives, sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins, you name it…if you could get them to send a sexy picture it went up on the board.

Hog of the week honors were a big deal back then. Young Marines are supposed to go through life without getting some really strange pussy at least once in their life?

I never could get mom to send any pictures, but any woman that sent me pictures went on the board. Still have most of those pictures around here somewhere.

Maybe the little shit stain pissed in his pants and the DI was trying to assist in getting him dried out and back in formation.

People are too quick to judge.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s another point. What did he do to wind up in the full heat cycle? It must have been a humdinger or he would have been spinning only on permanent press.

2/17 Air Cav

I found the evidence but the culprit doesn’t look like a DI to me.

Dave Hardin

That is so abusive. Just horrible. OMG, only a matter of time before YOUTUBE will have to take that down.

Maybe the spin cycle set to high in the washer might be a bit much.

Everyone used to be accused of being a “Little fucking Commie bastard, sent to infiltrate our beloved Corps”.

The Corps is just keeping up with the times, now they are “Islamic goat fucking terrorists who will turn on us at any moment”.

I doubt the Mohammad loving little shit had a picture of a woman capable of making it on the hog board.

I hear if you fill one of those large trash bags full and set it out the horny little towel heads will try to hump it. Probably reminds them of mom.


So glad we have a compassionate academic to weigh in on these perplexing issues.

Dave Hardin

Thats why I was in First Battalion at PISC, well that and I am pretty.

Third Herd got the likes of Scotty. Low brow knuckle dragging types. Third Battalion is out in the swamps for a reason. They spend an extra week in training, takes that first week to weed out those who are not quite human.

Evil AirGod

When were you in the 1st Bn, PISC? I was there in ’85 Aug-Oct.

Dave Hardin

March-Jul 1977



I’m guessing we’ll have another “compassionate, omniscient academic” weigh in here fairly soon. And it won’t be DH.


Don’t fear the commies!


Hondo, please don’t incite the troll to make its usual half-baked comments.

Hack Stone

A few years back, may have been in Pennsylvania, some dumbass teenager put his little sister into a front loading washing machine in a laundromat. Apparently, once they get going, that door is locked until it goes through the full wash cycle. Of course the girl died a horrible death. Of course, some shady lawyer stepped up to represent the family against the laundromat and clothes washing machine manufacturer. How the hell is a laundromat responsible if a kid puts his sister in a clothes washer? The only thing more idiotic would be to leave a runway with insufficient fuel to reach your destination, then suing the airplane manufacturer.

Hack Stone

Have you noticed his idiot buddy is all bandaged up? Now I no longer have to wonder what became of Bevis and Butthead.


The HOG board….Ah yeah I almost forgot about that…good times (PI university, Class of 1985 plt. 1078).

Evil AirGod

Alpha Co? I was in 1086.

USMC 8151

They have dryers???? We utilized the wash racks and hung our skivvies out for the world to see…July 1976…1st BN Plt. 1080…wow


I was at PI at the same time, June 76 – Sept 76. There were no Industrial Dryers in any of the barracks. We had wash racks outside and all our laundry went into a net bag that was sent to the base laundry.

This is the evaluation turn in. You do an evaluation at the end of boot camp and you can turn your drill instructors in then. I have to agree, pussy was upset that he was called bad names, awwww, poor baby! Yes we had a HOG board too, fact of life, deal with it. Also I was in Third Battalion, H not I, no “Excuse the Private” in our company!

Silentium Est Aureum

Navy basically went, “Got any nude pictures of your wife/girlfriend?”

“No? Wanna buy some?”

2/17 Air Cav

And what did they ask the male sailors?


I see what you did there.

Good one

Hack Stone

We have a hog board in the break room of the proud woman software company formerly located on Wilson Lane in Bethesda MD, but the only photo is missing person poster of Elaine Ricci.

Dave Hardin


We will never forget her selfless contribution.


Good thing I didn’t join the Marines. I would burst out laughing if drill instructor screamed at me like the photo shows.


OK, maybe you would.

But on Parris Island, you’d only do it once.


Sat Jun 23, first full day of basic at Lackland. Doing close order drill. Someone is fucking up bad, Technical Sergeant is chewing their ass off. Suddenly I see the Smokey the Bear hat in my face, “Are you listening to me Recruit?” “Sorry Sgt Hartman, I can’t understand a fucking thing you’re saying thru that accent!” He chokes back a laugh, wipes it off, says “Well you God Damm Better Understand Me from Now on!” and I God Damned did!

Dennis - not chevy

When I was at Lackland the second time, not as an instructor, I avoided the basic trainees. One day by happenstance I was walking by a flight on their first day of training. The instructor was correcting one recruit’s behavior by asking if his mother was expecting him home for supper. I lost it and started laughing, the TI looked at me and joined in the laughing. I noticed none of the recruits thought it was funny.


Up vote!!

Silentium Est Aureum

I got away with a lot of shit I shouldn’t have in boot.

One of our CCs was replaced partway through due to medical issue. His replacement was telling us nothing would change, etc., then asked if anyone had a joke.

I raised my hand. “Sir! If you woke up one morning in the woods, hands tied behind your back, and your asshole coated in Vaseline, would you tell anyone, sir?”

His reply was, “Fuck no!”

“Would you like to go camping next weekend, sir?”

Dead silence for about five seconds, then the whole company just fucking lost it, including the CC’s.

I ended up with a nice sized sweat pool under my face when it was done, but so worth it.

The other CC for the rest of boot would go up to random recruits in our sister company and ask them if they wanted to go camping. Again, so worth it.

MSG Eric

I was the platoon laughing guy in Basic. I got us some flutter kicks a couple times, but after a few weeks my Drills would be laughing too at the same things. I was fairly good at stuff too I guess, so that might’ve helped.

But then I was too smart to join the Marines and too dumb to join the Air Force.


He does look like he’s about to take a bite out of the recruit’s face.


In OSUT, a Drill Sergeant asked me “OK College Boy! What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

I held up one hand, “knife hand”, extended the thumb, then closed the fingers to the palm smartly.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

The look on his face was priceless. “Uh… Do it louder next time! Drop!”

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

In basic at Lackland AFB is where I discovered I had this nervous habit of cracking up laughing in certain situations, my DI a Ssgt was chewing my ass out over something I can’t remember what, but he was shorter than me and as he was barking at me, his smoky the bear hat brim was tapping me on the bridge of my nose between my eyes, so I started laughing quite uncontrollably in front of the whole flight(platoon for those in other branches) and he got pissed and the more he yelled, spat and tapped me with the hat the more I laughed, he was so mad his face was bright red and his veins were popping out of his neck, I thought he was going to stroke out on me, I finally settled down, but I found myself on 0200-0400 fire watch every night till I graduated BMT
This happened to me 2 other times afterwards, the next one was during my 1 and only reluctant static line parachute jump, all the way down laughing like the village idiot with the added bonus of my knee caps jiggling at mach 1 and once again at my wedding, I had the whole church, including the priest in stitches, I haven’t had an incident since then and that 1 was 30 years ago

2/17 Air Cav

I get that it seems too weird in this day in age for shit like that to happen, but investigations into various alleged abuses were being conducted and it makes sense that investigators visited with Marines who had been members of certain companies and platoons during the time frame at issue. That could easily explain why this report is out now and why there is corroboration. Nothing in the article indicates that Marine Snuggle filed a complaint. BTW, there needs to be another investigation. The reporter says that the info is not public.


I see two red flags here.

1 – Muslim? Why is that important?

2 – Dryer? Do any of you girlie men expect me to believe an adult can be stuffed into a dryer of any size without a fight? It’s one thing if you do it as a prank. It’s another if someone tries to force you into it.

I don’t believe any of this. I want proof. And all — ALLLLLLL — dryers have a non-heat cycle.

Sorry, but I’m calling el mierda del toro on this one.


A laundomat I used to use had a framed picture of their maintenace guy (Small, wiry, former Merchant Marine, one each) with jsut his head poking out of a large commercial front-laoding dryer, one of the “50 pound” types.

He climbed in to get screws and wire junk unsnagged out of the basket. A co-worker took the picture. Classic!

If the DI said “Get in that dryer”, the kid probably would have done it. The USMC seems to focus more on “an instant willingness to obey orders” as an acquaintance put it.

MSG Eric

Hell, our Dryers in Basic training weren’t big enough to stuff a 12 year old in. He must’ve been a tiny recruit.

Muslim is to sell papers. “Oooo more Islamaphobia! We’ll sell a shit ton more papers if we say he’s muslim.”

They’d sell even more if it was a gay guy or a lesbian.


“Industrial dryer” = Base Laundry?

Sometimes I read stuff like the original story, and wonder if -anyone- involved is telling the truth.

I guess I spent too much time listening to Dad’s stories of investigations where ” there were no humans involved”.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I’m suspicious too.

Collaborated by others?

We’re those colleagues also shitbirds?

Certain types of people draw to one another is all I’m saying.

Aside from that, D.I.s know the risks of abusing recruits and the penalties if caught.

Those types of briefings are more frequent than SHARP, DUI, Family Readiness, Sexual Harassment awareness and whatever other kind of briefings they attend. Those briefings start while at D.I. School and continue as long as they’re pushing privates.

We hand washed our clothes Ian’s hung them, but that was 1986. I never saw a heavy duty washer while attending training.

Guard Bum

When I went through Marine Boot Camp in 77 the DIs were merciless on the Vietnamese guy we had in my platoon so it would not surprise me if they singled out the Muslim boot for special treatment. I also would point out that no one stuffed the private into a dryer; if it happened at all he was told to get in the dryer and did so out of fear or just rote abeyance to orders. Lots of keyboard commanders talk shit but in Marine Boot camp you don’t have a lot of resources when the DIs swarm you.

Gen Neller was my series commander as a 2ndLt when I was in boot camp and two of my DIs were relieved (including the Senior DI) for various reasons so I doubt he will be very sympathetic to the command at PI.

Though I am surprised this was allowed to fester like this I really do not see it hard to imagine as happening.


They have dryers????? We had to hang our laundry out to dry.

Dave Hardin

I will bet money the twinkle toed fairy was pulled out of his platoon and put on a working party. He probably needed some special attention to start with.

If I suddenly run out into traffic, leap from a Waffle House sign, or drown in a Jacuzzi full of lime jello…Please don’t blame the Soviet…it was all due to the abuse my Drill Instructor dished out.


Maybe mess and maintenance week? I remember mowing lawns near the theater and mini marina.


The Drill Sergeant’s gotta be the Drill Sergeant. The recruit’s gotta be the recruit. That’s the way of the world in boot camp.

Green Thumb


I went through when hazing was off the hook.


Hazing? I thought it was just everyday shit!!

USMCMSgt (Ret)

One evening during health and comfort inspection, the DI on duty grabbed one recruit by the throat with one arm and lifted him off the floor about 2 inches like Darth Vader.

…but didn’t hold him there but for maybe 10 seconds.


Always wanted to do that. But I’m 5’8″. Makes for a tough lift.

2/17 Air Cav

A very long time before anyone in the military but a few could find Iraq and Afghanistan on a blank map, “goat-smelling ass” this and “goat-smelling ass” that were common expressions in BTC. I always wondered where the hell that expression came from and who smelled a goat’s ass in the first place.


I had this girlfriend once….

MSG Eric

I don’t know how to respond to that, Senator.


Cav, my dad went through Lost in the Woods in ’78, and I swear, til the day I shipped out for Lackland in ’00, It was goat smelling ass this and goat smelling ass that. Thanks for the LOL


I did almost run the dryer once with a cat in it. She got in there when my back was turned. It was winter.Her feet were cold. The dryer was nice and warm and probably smelled good, too – all that nice, clean laundry. Fortunately, I had another load of laundry to dry and pulled her sorry furry behind out of my dryer, but I let her sack out on the top of it while it ran.


Best place to dry a cat…microwave.


only if you don’t have a nice warm exhaust manifold


It’s just not a proper winter till you start your pickup and mom’s cat (sleeping happily on the engine) jumps straight into the fan. Not good for the cat. Or the fan.


Or the neighbor’s cat!!
It put a dent in the old man’s ’62 Chev station wagon hood but didn’t croak!
Didn’t have much tail left either. Hahahahahahahahahaha

Daisy Cutter

Best line – “Walk it off”

Daisy Cutter

I think what really happened here is in context to the day and age.

The recruit self-identified as a pair of wet skivvies.


I was at my sisters house once, my nephew is standing by the dryer, giggling his little 5 year old ass off. Dryer is going thumpa thumpa thumpa…
Opened the door and the poor cat kinda falls/slides out, thoroughly fluffed and thoroughly confused. Gato was never quite right after that.

JarHead Pat

When in fuck did boots get dryers? Whats next pole dancers and handy j’s, fucking pussies.


We girls had dryers in boot camp in 1967, Jarhead.

MSG Eric



We all know that the dryer story is BS. What DI carries enough quarters to get the damn thing started??


I was a Drill Instructor in San Diego in the nineties. Although I honestly believe every working Drill Instructor violates the SOP every day by 8:00 am, I have no doubt there was abuse going on. Any time you place that much power over other people in someone’s hands, there is going to be some abuse. The Corps has gone to great lengths to balance supervision and control without losing the essence of Boot Camp so necessary to the Corps, but there are always going to be some dumbasses. Actions that will get you a verbal reprimand in the fleet will get you NJP or a court martial on the street.
I saw quite a few NCO’s and SNCO’s go down in flames. I never saw one go down, however, that did not deserve it. Not one. I also learned that once the investigation starts, all of the unnoticed below the surface violations are going to come out in a big way. As the RTR sergeant major told us at DI School, if you can stand in front of the Colonel and explain your actions violating the SOP, go ahead. If not, don’t do it. I also found that if malicious, the Hat was going down. If not, the Hat would continue on.
The worst part of this is a kid that obviously had little aptitude for the Corps and should have gone home a week earlier is now dead and an entire recruiting region is poisoned, a lot of good Officers and SNCO’s in the chain of command are going to or have already gone down, and it may impact the way we produce Marines. All due to the actions of some Marines that should never been entrusted with that vital mission.

Just An Old Dog

Tankboy nailed it.
The SOP is VERY stringent in what you can and can’t do. There are only certain ways to address a recruit, they can only be touched at specific times and incentive training has specific guidelines and timelines for exercises.
That being said the SOP is Violated everyday either willingly or unwillingly by DI’s and to various extents.
You call a recruit a “kid” VIOLATION
You just has a recruit do punitive IT and as soon as he is done another DI sends him to early chow. VIOLATION.
You meet a recruit walking and he doesn’t sound off and you scream at him to sound off and he does, but he has just been to dental and had teeth removed VIOLATION.
What the worst thing about These investigations are is that if they really want to find something they will.
As far as the muslim recruit being put in a dryer, it was probably something that happened in maintnance week, and the recruit who had it happened probably laughed about it shortly after.
If an investigation ever reaches out to former recruits already in the fleet, they have no fear or filters, and also have no idea that the things they say are going to be career ending.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Great points. I’m glad a former hat chimed in to give some clarity.


Maybe some liberal is upset the USMC made the standards to hard for most women to get into the infantry and that’s why they published this story?


If the story is true then that’s screwed up. No one deserves to be put in a dryer at boot camp. That’s not training and isn’t preparing him for combat. It’s retardation on part of that drill instructor.

Dave Hardin

Of course it was part of training. Marines are taught to “Adapt and Overcome”. The DI was using whatever tools were available to improvise a period of instruction that the Recruit would remember.

I give the DI high marks for his brilliant example.


Dave,I like your style…semper fi

Just An Old Dog

It was probably done as an “inside joke”, more to provide a bit of entertainment then as an actual punishment. I doubt if the kid stayed in that long or if the machine was even turned on.
Everyone involved in it, including the recruit probably thought it was some funny shit, even at the time.


A Muslim? Shocking….

My care meter is below zero with this perpetual victim group any longer.

A Proud Infidel®™

What happened on 9/11/2001 made me forever CEASE AND DESIST even remotely giving a FF about the feewings of muzzies.


$$$ cha–ching$$$

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well this is an interesting read, both the story and subsequent comments here in the gallery.

If what happened was against the rules and SOPs then it should be punished, you can’t call for action against sexual misconduct by a senior officer in one thread and then excuse some piece of shit DI on a power trip in another. Either he was working the recruits by the rules or he wasn’t.

Call me names, smack me around, it’s all good I can take a hit. My mother hit harder than any DI I ever had so I was never too concerned about any of that. But when you chase a kid off of a balcony to his death I begin to wonder WTF is going on with your training program. Either the kid was able to be a Marine or he wasn’t. If he wasn’t instead of wasting time and energy on a lost cause cut his ass out of the herd and send him home with his separation for being unfit to hack becoming a Marine.

We’re supposed to train to kill our enemies not the weak and non-hacking civilians in our midst. We just discharge the useless fuckers and move on to more compatible humans.

The kid in the dryer, maybe I can get behind it but coupled with the other allegations, if true, indicate someone who isn’t capable of performing to standard as an NCO and certainly not as a DI.

We all had a job to do, there were times when it really sucked ass in the infantry and it would have been easy to cut a corner, break a rule, do the wrong thing. But we didn’t, we did our fucking jobs like we promised even if we bitched about it while doing it. If you agree to act by the rules do that or don’t fucking whine when they bust your ass down and kick you the fuck out. That goes for recruits and the DIs training them.



As I said, I never saw a Hat go down that didn’t deserve it. What I’ve read about this instance is a few Hats that had lost their minds and were not properly supervised. They were not the first, nor will they be the last. That said, what I have read, they will go down hard, and deservedly so.
They are also guilty of the eleventh commandment, Do not bring public shame onto the Corps. This will certainly be a factor in their Court Martials.

Dave Hardin

Of course we pick on the weak. Not only is it condoned it is a requirement. No unit is stronger than its weakest link. They need to be weeded out. This is not a Fraternity in some college.

Not one single account says that Muslim recruit was “chased” to his death. He faked fainting. The DI slapped him several times to prove it. He jumped up and ran out the end of the squadbay and off the balcony.

As tragic as that seems, it is necessary. The fault here lies with the Command that panders to political correctness. By all accounts that recruit wanted to quit. They were told not to let him and to keep giving him second chances. He did not have what it took, once you quit you are out.

The pressure to let Muslims graduate from recruit training is wrong. Where is the investigation into where that pressure came from and what measures are being implemented to stop it?

Nobody wants to talk about that shit. We have ruthless killers at war with us. We need warriors that are born again hard as killers.


Just give me a gun and quitcher whinin’, OK? And could you pack a lunch for me?

Dave Hardin

Yes Mistress…anything else?


No heavy breathing over the phone.

I have no idea where to send an ambulance if you’re having an attack of 15-minute variety emphysema.


PH2: The only lunch being packed will be my Friday sammich.

Got some pickle loaf from Publix. Not so good this time. Boar’s Head, has always been good in the past. Not so much this time.


Ham or corned beef. Maybe a BLT with extra B, easy on the mayo.

Or a francheesie. Haven’t had one of those in a while. Now I have to go get one tomorrow night. Francheesie would be good.


Francheezie…I had to google it. Here’s the first line in a google story:

“The Francheezie might be the greatest food known to man.”

I’m VERY particular about my bacon and hot dogs. Must cook quality bacon and remove all fat. Dogs must be high quality meat, the stuff usually $10 a package or so. I could make this, but the Russian would raise Holy Hell. She’s damn near a vegan now. Picked up from our daughter, who is a vegan. She gave me a recipe tonight consisting of a bunch of veggies, spices and FAKE sausage. I told her if I cooked all that stuff, a Big Mac or Whopper better be the end product.
The Russian won’t let me buy a lot of the stuff I want. Ice cream, which was specifically invented by God, for my pleasure? A few times a year and only if she picks it. Something about the fewer the ingredients, the better. I tell her I don’t care if the ingredients have to be continued on a memo pad inside the carton. I’m all about how it tastes. I usually end up putting more stuff back on the shelf than ends up in the cart. She picks up the stuff, says ewww, and returns it. Sometimes I can smuggle stuff through the checkout by hiding it under another product. Then I unload when we get home.


I tell athletic people who are vegans that some day they will be lying in a hospital bed, dying from absolutely nothing. I want a reason to croak.

A Proud Infidel®™

VEGETARIAN – Ancient word meaning “WEAK, shitty Hunter”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The issue of hazing and abuse at Parris Island surfaced March 18, when a 20-year-old recruit with Pakistani roots — Raheel Siddiqui of Taylor, Mich. — died after leaping from a stairwell landing that was nearly 40 feet high while running away from the same drill instructor who used the dryer.

I generally assume one doesn’t need to run away from someone not chasing you, you just leave if they’re not chasing. Perhaps I parsed it wrong, which would change the sentence certainly.

In any event are you suggesting the Marine instructors in San Diego are making weaker Marines or that those instructors are liars when they say they have no need for the techniques described in this article? I’m curious as to why they’d say they don’t need to use that methodology if it’s the only way to create born again hard killers? Either they are lying and they use the same methods or they are telling the truth and their recruits aren’t as good as the PI recruits if you’re assessment is correct on this one Dave.

I don’t disagree that we need to weed out the weaker, smaller, fucking useless elements. We don’t however need to frighten them into leaping/falling/diving down stairwells or banging them around in a dryer. We have both identified non-hackers while serving, I didn’t need to wait until they were so panicky they’d kill themselves to get rid of them, nor do I suspect did you.

Dave Hardin

We didn’t need to wait until they did much of anything to get them out of our units. That was the thrust of my point. The bulk of the responsibility in this lies with the Command Leadership at the very top. There was pressure to keep this recruit in training long after he was identified as a drop.

All accounts of the incident in the Barracks say he got up off of the deck after faking a fainting spell and ran out the door and over the railing. No account of him being chased and from what most have said there was little time to chase him as the event happened in seconds.

If MCRDSD is passing recruits that would not have made it through MCRDPI…then yes they must be making weaker Marines overall. If that is indeed the case then ship all softer, weaker, needier, nonhackers to SD.

I avoided being a Hat during my career. I had to deal with what they produced. Even after they got to me, depending on the unit at the time, many were sent packing then.



You make some good points about the military, but your argument is flawed. As I said above, if you can justify what you did in front of the Colonel’s desk as having some training value, you will continue. I NEVER saw a hat go down otherwise.

You use the argument against Muslims. I am no fan of the religion or the culture. However, as a prior Hat, 1stSgt, and multiple tour combat veteran, if you did some of that shit to my kid, I would personally see you court martialed.

There is nothing learned in a fucking dryer that teaches a recruit to handle the stress of combat. That is just bullshit hazing. trust me, I know. There is not a prior hat out there that has not hazed recruits to some extent. But there was no purpose in this beyond the Hat’s amusement/gratification.

And now we could have people with zero need in our OODA loop, civilians attached to the current administration known to have little love for us, with a prime excuse to come in and make changes that will have a negative impact on the Corps.

I despised General Krulack, but he said it, “the strategic Corporal”. Not how he meant it, but it sure as hell fits.

Dave Hardin

I appreciate your position. I was no stranger to NJP or Court Martial proceedings. Some of them even stuck…for a while. Insofar as the current administration goes, there is little else they can do to rape the Corps. 9th Marines is gone all together. One only need look at the current manpower levels of 10th Marines since they provide the fire support to all grunt Regiments for the LF6F. We had 5 Battalions now there are 2. The actual Combat Arms boots on the ground element of the Corps was about the same size as the entire 82nd Airborne. It was daunting enough to provide the forward deployed MEU’s, Embassy Guards, Security Forces and Air Alert units as it was. Now it is impossible. I am less familiar with the Army but my guess is they are in a similar state. We have depleted our forces, bloated the ranks to be top heavy, and stretched our resources beyond their capabilities. What people are calling Hazing and describe as out of control actions is nothing more than some grabasstic nonsense. No, all of this, including the idiot that leaped to his own death is being highlighted and elevated to a level that is disproportionate to its actual severity. I could give a fuck less if the guy stuffed in the dryer (which I doubt, he climbed in with very little assistance) is a Muslim, Gay, Black, or from West Virginia. Shit like this happens, it needs addressed but not in the manner it is being done. I would gladly take the punishment to step in and put a stop to my fellow Marines being fucked with. Pretty sure I have a long history of doing just that. This is another example of the Command Staff failure to protect Marines under their Command. The people in Quantico are paper hanging sons of bitches who lack the intestinal fortitude to step up and be accounted for. This is what happens when the Corps starts promoting leaders that are more proficient at covering their ass and couldn’t lead a roll of shit paper to… Read more »


I agree the dryer incident was bullshit, but it was also bullshit in it had no relative value. The reason all of this came out is because a recruit is dead. Like In said above, when the investigation starts, it all comes out. I know, I took my belt off and sat at home by the phone. Probably 30-50 percent of hats have. In my case, one day later I was back at work. From what I’ve read, he was not very suited for military service anyway, and should never have been returned to training after he ideated the first time. In my two years, ideation was a one way ticket home, and I agreed with the policy. I agree with your assessment of the state of the Corps after the current administration. Second Tank Bn now has two line companies. That’s a whole shit ton of on the spot massive fire power gone. I agree with your assessment that the current administration has promoted to command those that are on board with the policies. All administrations do, but those that have thrived under the current one would be suspect in my book. There have always been leaders that would throw their Marines under the bus. Just as there have been leaders that jumped on the sword to save the careers of idiots. I watched a Captain (son of a Lieutenant General) do it for a Sergeant that was an idiot that truly enjoyed hazing and power tripping. The recruit depots have always been more uptight than the fleet for multiple reasons. One, the Corps has a history of abuse in the national press, and we have come very close to losing recruit training altogether. After the McClure incident in 75-76, we came as close to a purple boot camp as we ever have. Being within thirty years of Iwo Jima and World War 2, and so many veterans being around and active is probably all that saved us. Also, recruiting. In the nineties, it cost the Corps about 25k per recruit to put them on the footprints. When there… Read more »


TankBoy, a slight aside if you don’t mind – what was the McClure incident, and what does “purple boot camp” mean? Just like everyone who went through PI, I know all about Ribbon Creek, but I’ve never heard of McClure. Just curious.


In 75 or 76, they had a recruit named McClure. Borderline retarded. He was at motivation platoon (formal hazing platoon, made recruits think regular platoons weren’t all that bad after all). They had him do pupil sticks until he dropped from heat stroke and died. Congress came VERY close to declaring a single recruit training for all services, followed by service MOS schools. With no individual service having a unique boot camp. Hence, purple boot camp.

These incidents are stressed with future DI’s at DI school, because one dumbass is capable of instilling huge bad change to the Corps. The Corps without boot camp and OCS would not be the Corps.


The McClure incident was in San Diego, 1975 or 76, can’t remember.

Motivation platoons went away after the McClure incident, and that’s when officers showed up as Series Commander’s. Oversight, or to keep dumbasses from committing career suicide.


Aha, gotcha.

We had a recruit that I’m certain was borderline retarded. Couldn’t follow the simplest of commands, gave nonsensical answers to questions, pissed his pants at least once that I remember because he didn’t want to request permission for a head call. They dragged him through the cycle and graduated him, though. Our heavy sometimes called him “Instant Medal of Honor”, because if he ever ended up in a combat situation his fellow Marines would save everyone from a grenade by throwing him on top of it.


TankBoy: What is a pupil stick?


Fat fingers, Chief. LOL


Dave Hardin, veganism is a mental disorder.

You may tell the Soviet that ice cream, hot dogs, Polish sausages w/chopped onions, relish, mustard and pickles, and popcorn are part of one of the five major food groups.

Also, your Vegan kid will have osteoporosis by the time she’s 52. Soy milk is not animal protein nor does it contain the same quality calcium as dair milk.

Besides, anyone who says ‘I’m a Vegan’ is obviously from another planet. Veganism is a mental disorder. They should respect your food choices.

Get yourself a Vitamix and make your own ice cream. They sell them on QVC. Ice cubes, frozen fruit, peanut butter, choclate – whatever flavor you like – and milk. Far less expensive than store-bought ice cream and you know what’s in it.

Ivn re: to people entering any boot camp who are unsuitable to military service, I saw as many as 15 women at a time in the REU at Orlando. They weren’t there to serve their country; they were there as runaways from responsiblity. That leaping recruit was suicidal and should have been sent packing on the first episode. You can’t blame the DI for that. The 2nd incident with the dryer: I have my doubts about it, period. Where are the burn scars? Let’s see those. 2nd degree burns do leave a mark, even if they fade after a while.

Excuse me, my starving orphaned cat is whining again.

Dave, go get yourself a Vitamix from QVC and make your own ice cream and tell the Soviet to keep her meathooks off of your stuff.

A Proud Infidel®™

“… veganism is a mental disorder.”

Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian.


PH2: Was that for Dave or me? I c/o no ice cream, etc. Being denied ice cream should be a felony, but nooo. Oh, DH has a Soviet, I have a Russian. She would be a Soviet but DH refuses to share. I also like your suggested food pyramid.
Tonight: Split pea soup, homemade, over homemade cornbread. I finally figured out the cornbread problem I was having.

PH2: There are approximately six hours remaining in this Friday, so you still have an opportunity to provide the agreed upon sammich. If not, maybe next week. LOL

2/17 Air Cav

I was beaten with a clearing rod for screwing up. letting loose with a full mag when we were supposed to be firing three-round bursts. I had to dry shave in front of the comany and then, while bleeding in several places, stand in a corner and scream something about shaving daily. Then, after having a fair fistfight with a guy from another platioon in my company, I immediately became suspect #1 when someone in his company got his nose broken. the guy with a broken nose got yanked out from a tent at night and whacked. I didn’t do it, had nothing against that guy, and wasn’t even there. Nevertheless, being suspect #1, I was invited to a closed-door, blinds-down, shirt-off session with a very lean drill sergeant who said he was going to get me so made that I would attack him. It didn’t work–for one good reason: I was innocent. I rolled with all of it and then some w/o a peep but still wonder who broke that other trainee’s nose and let me get blamed. Shouldn’t that have given me PTSD or something?

2/17 Air Cav

I guess I should point ot, too, that I had all of that fun at Fort Jackson, just weeks after turning 17.

Perry Gaskill

The jarheads own this one, and as ex-Army it might be outside my lane to comment.

To this day, I remember the First Sergeant we had in basic who had a strange disconcerting smile he used when dealing with recruits. Sort of like that of a large predator just before the jaws close on the spine of a goat. The First Sergeant would say, “Private. Smith! (smile) Come here, boy…” And you just knew Private Smith’s life was going to get very unpleasant. Tossing the young private into a dryer wouldn’t have worked for our Top. Too crude and not nearly diabolical enough of a torment.

I also remember there being a lot of peer pressure to the extent that if the platoon had a troublemaker, it was often the whole platoon who caught the punishment, and not just the single bozo who did the deed. After awhile, that caused either an attitude adjustment made by the other recruits, or the troublemaker was shown the door.

Nobody but a complete fool enjoys basic. On the other hand, there were probably more than a few of us who realized, months later on some spooky night in the Central Highlands, that what they taught us was absolutely helpful in keeping our sorry butts alive, and not coming home in a ziplock bag.

The Complete Fool

Well, I must have enjoyed it since I did it 3 times….



I went through PI in 2001. Our DIs could be hands on at times, but abuse? It’s the fucking Marine Corps – who goes to PI expecting it to be gentle? Getting a rifle bounced off your head for being canted at shoulder arms or punched on the back of the hand for not being right on your trouser seam at attention…..those things hurt. Especially on the hand, once you get a nice bruise going there it takes a while to heal. However, if you can’t handle that, how the hell would you ever handle combat? Isn’t that what we were all taught, that the Marine Corps was in the business of kicking ass and winning wars? And don’t get the wrong idea. I wasn’t some badass hardcharger. I was an air winger who served one enlistment and left as a corporal….but I damn sure never whined about getting a smack from the green belts now and then.

If the DI really did stuff a kid in the dryer, then yeah, that’s wrong, but I suspect this is going to be nothing more than a vehicle for pussying up boot camp.


Maybe they need nuns with rulers…



Or maybe just this particular nun. (smile)



Recruit admits the ride in the dryer was not the issue. The recruit was quoted as saying, “I deserved to be stuffed in the dryer, because I am a pussy, the real issue is that the DI did not throw in 3 or 4 sheets of scented Bounce to mask my horrid vaginal oder”.


Recruits have to refer to themselves in the 3rd person. There is never an “I” when a recruit speaks.

Quit being such a sailor!

Dave Hardin

Cut the Squid some slack…I, eye, Aye, it’s all so confusing.


Ay ay ay, que malo.


In ’75 there was some residual training challenges on the same level as FMJ at PI (1st BN PLT 1005). I could not jog in formation to save my life. Typically ended up near the rear of the running formation. An Army prior service fella behind me kept bitching and kicking at me. I finally had enough and turned around grabbed his t-shirt and said “enough”. DI happened to look over at that moment and said report to me when we get back. I did, ended up in the gear locker at attention. He yells you do not touch another recruit. Took a punch to the gut and went over a foot locker backwards. Got back up and stood at attention. Can’t remember if he did it again. Asked what happened, I told him and he said get out. Don’t know what happened to the other recruit. Did see a recruit get picked up by the neck and pinned to a wall in the squad bay for screwing up. Non fatal and definitely attention getting. Got my turn on a force march when I couldn’t keep up. Shots the day before and I was a physical wreck and didn’t sleep from sweating all night. DI on drag came back and yanks me up to the PLT at the stop and does the “this guy will get you killed speech” while holding me up by the neck and shaking vigorously. Helmet, rifle, webgear, backpack and full uniform. That’s what most impressed me… Possibly saw some real abuse. During D and C on the grinder one recruit could not keep his thumb out of the trigger guard during one movement that I forget. The DI’s pulled him out to our front and away. Made a DI screen and went to town. We heard a scream and then he returned to formation ashen and holding his thumb funny. Didn’t screw up again. We did have a DI disappear during the training cycle but since we weren’t allowed to talk to each other, what happened is unknown. This was in the years of total… Read more »


Sissies. Wimmins ALL got picked on by ALL the POs. ALL THE TIME. Shoes not shiny enough. Runs in yer nylons. Are you wearing a girdle? You’re supposed to wear a girdle ALL THE TIME!!! Why is your hair wet? You were issued a swim cap! Do you not know how to put on a swim cap? Do you think I want your hair clogging my pool? Your gloves are NOT to be folded up and stuck into your pockets!!!! YOU WEAR THOSE GLOVES!!!!

You are all sissies.

John D

Sure would be easier to make tape with a girdle. 🙂


No, the girdle just pushes the adipose tissue some place else.


That’s his point. The tape so-called “test” estimates bodyfat based on certain body measurements. In the Army, it is applied after an individual has been found to exceed screening weight for their height/gender.

Change the correct one of those measurements some, and the individual can go from “fatboy/fatgirl” to “pass”. A girdle could indeed potentially do that.


Well, then, why not wear a full-body corset like my grandmother used to wear?

Covered her from the top of her ribcage to well below the hipline.

I think they still sell those.


We Corpsman had a method of reducing size that worked like a charm. Didn’t involve physical exertion and worked every time. No side effects, not much discomfort. Could easily drop 2-4 inches in a day or two.



Damn, PH2, I had no idea you girlies had it so hard. You even had washers/dryers if I remember.
Mrs. SP4/HMC/Russian also had washers/dryers in Anniston. Also hair dryers. She is sitting beside me, talking on the phone speaking with someone in Russian or Czech. Don’t know. Haven’t known for 45 years. Could be plotting my demise with a hitman. Maybe talking with Putin.


She’s probably plotting some nefarious thingy with the Hardin Soviet. Watch your back. Demand food if it gets dicey.

MSG Eric

Tough call. Hopefully the investigation determines based on factual information and not just what a couple of trainees said.

I know a couple of former Drills that worked with me at AIT that were PCS’d to Ft Leavenworth. They deserved it. Drills were getting away with a bunch of things at the time. Though us instructors couldn’t have a hair out of place or we’d get questioned. However, it did come back to haunt them severely. Multiple career endings, couple in prison, etc. Then in 2007/08, drill sergeants were pulled out of all AITs besides One Station Unit Training.

For the Army we have TRADOC Reg 350-6. We pretty much memorized that and when there was an update, we’d find what was updated and ensure all the instructors knew what was what. Not that surprising and most of it was common sense.

We even had a drill during our time that the other drills were leery of because he could get out of control very quickly and would do things just to do them. About a year after he left being a drill, he was told “you’re coming up on ETS soon, you can either ETS or PCS to leavenworth.” He ETS’d and we never heard from him again.


OK, had to look up ETS. Sounds a lot like:

EAOS: Expiration of Active Obligated Service
Military we commonly used in the Navy.

Same Same?



MSG Eric

ETS: Expiration of Term of Service, for those of you who don’t hablas.


Boot camp stories and mothers of America anecdotes aside, stuffing recruits into dryers or other forms of abuse don’t make effective killers. They make scared little puppy dogs who are afraid to take initiative because they are used to being treated like little puppy dogs. This is how you get situations like an overweight TSA douche lording over an E-2 fresh out of boot camp at airport security and the E-2 simply taking it because he’s so used to having somebody in a position of authority boss him around. Recruits should be treated harshly, but they should be built right back up afterwards to make them confident. Psychology goes both ways.


Stuffing a guy into a dryer? Color me skeptical on this one and I’m not a Marine.

sounds like more Islamic bullshit to wear down resistance.


That and/or dollars. I’m not buying it until proven.


All these stories of abuse…It’s been some time since I went through basic and various other schools and I can’t recall any right off hand. I must have been lucky to survive that sadistic time without any black and blue

2/17 Air Cav

You didn’t try hard enough. Getting through BCT w/o drill sergeants knowing your name is something I wanted but, alas, I failed.


oh, they knew my name and there was plenty of yelling and various other things including grabbing the front of my shirt to make a point but I wouldn’t call that abuse certainly not like what guys on here or in the story allege. Of course, I’m not a shrinking violet tender snowflake either. My daughter had one girl object to “foul language” and break down in tears over it. The DI’s were warned to watch what they said. ugh..


Perhaps the DIs need to expand their vocabulary beyond the standard ‘F’, ‘C’,’G’ and ‘H’ words. At some point, they lose their effectiveness.

Creative license is allowed in scathing repartee. Shakespeare was adept at it. He had a lexicon of over 100,000 insulting words, some of which he just cooked up on his own.

MSG Eric

Yeah, but if you’re a christian bakery that doesn’t want to do a cake for a gay wedding, you’re fucked. “I don’t have to deliver beer, but you better make that cake.”

mike w.

EVERYONE gets SOME bad apples. It’s just the odds.
Doesn’t mean Pvt. Abdul is telling the truth either.


I found the article posted at They are using it as evidence. The website was founded by a supposed member of the USMC named Stan Price. Maybe you FOIA his DD214?


Maybe Prince thought he should be treated like a princess.
Somebody’s gotta admit it and here goes. Yep, I went through boot camp at San Diego (Hollywood to those who merely assumed). No shit….Marine Corps Boot camp is Marine Corps Boot Camp. Shit yourself if you think for one minute they were easy on us out there. This was late 1965. No fear of dryers, never heard of such a thing (a dryer in boot camp). No fear of flying off a second or third floor (other than a two story building at the rifle range) for any reason. We spent boot camp in quonset huts.
Abuse? Any who went through boot camp in that day would say yes, but drop the conversation at that point. It was fun to reminisce about certain fuck-ups who had five gallon buckets over their heads and the D. I. banged it all the way around with a heavy board as I best remember. No bruises like that. Once I personally took the sharp end of a D. I. shoe right square in the middle of my ass for talking while walking in formation. This, in spite of the fact that he was not even part of our D. I. command structure. Like to have broke me down to the ground as it hurt like hell for a long time. There were other serious incidents which I won’t sign off on as abuse. Myself and others got what we deserved. This clown who supposedly ended up in a dryer…..has it been posted any where what he supposedly did to deserve it?
Can anybody tell me if the guy was not soaking wet to begin with?
Now they’ve gone and done it. If this clown ends in in Afghanistan and by some freak chance is captured, don’t you just know they’ll have him a dryer until he gives up everything?


Better to be picked on during training than to be picked off during combat.

Just saying…

Daisy Cutter

All of this brings back horrible memories.

When I was in boot camp we were having an underwear stenciling session. When I got my underwear and was going back to my station one pair fell out and dropped to the floor.

The instructor held them up and demanded “Who dropped these?”

Nobody answered, which angered him more.

He then said for everyone to count their underwear and to my horror I was missing a pair. I held up my hand and went to the front of the room to get them.

He made me wear those skivvies on top of my head for the entire session.

Do you think I can get compensation for a PTSD rating for that?

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

Since I went to Army basic training 40 years ago this may be a dumb question…

Where the hell do you find industrial clothes dryers large enough to stuff a man in at USMC boot camp? In the barracks?

WTF, story sounds like BS…


There’s a laundry facility at PI. Now, my time there was 2001, so this may not be exactly how it’s done today, but: recruits turned in their laundry in once a week. Skivvies, socks, and PT gear went in mesh laundry bags. Cammies were piled up on the quarterdeck. Your laundry number was written in Sharpie on both the bag and on all your clothing (#8 here!). Recruit working parties operate the laundry facility (which is off on its own somewhere, not in any of the barracks). They ran the stuff through the giant industrial washers and dryers, then they’d be returned the next day or two.


I’m thinking he may be laying the groundwork for PTSD claim with the VA. Being the PC wonks that they are, the VA C&P will see this as a no win b/c he’s a muslim. Yes, he will get paid, possibly ending up with 100%.