Manning to get free surgery in return for his selfless service to his country
A large number of people have alerted us to the unsurprising news that the Pentagon will capitulate to Bradley Manning’s hunger strike and they’ve promised him that they will pay for his gender-assignment surgery. Manning is currently serving a three-decade sentence in prison for his traitorous transfer of confidential and secret information to journalists;
Manning ended a hunger strike begun last week after receiving assurances that the government would provide the surgery, said Chase Strangio, her lawyer and an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union. Manning’s doctors recommended in April that she have the male-to-female surgery, Strangio said.
No timeline has been set for her surgery, Strangio said. Manning will meet with her doctors in the next week or two.
Manning sued for access to hormone treatment, and the Army agreed to provide it last year.
This ought to really have a positive effect on readiness. Or maybe not. At this point, who cares? I’m sure he’ll soon be pardoned for his transgressions because his lawyer will argue that he’s not the fellow who committed his crimes.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
I will cut off his tallywacker for nothing! That is all this idiot deserves!
I’ve got a rusty chainsaw I’ll loan you
I wish the media would quit referring to this twink as “she” and “Chelsea”.
Maybe the surgery will get botched.
I thought the same thing as I read the article.
As far as I’m concerned, he is The Wannabe-Eunuch Bradley Manning. This will modify his identity to The Eunuch Bradley Manning. If he wanted people to give a fuck about his special snowflakeness, he shouldn’t have chosen to be a criminal piece of shit.
I repeat my earlier recommendation: toss a pair of rusty scissors and a Bic lighter into is cell and say, “Here ya go, asshole. Knock yourself out.”
Yep, do a dna test and see what it says!!
Elective surgery for a condition that by his own assertion existed prior to service? Nice, better use of resources than paying for prosthetics for the brave soldiers that had to go outside the wire every day and lost limbs but still want to honorably serve. I’m glad I’m done the military for good.
Sounds like time for some Member of Congress to slip a provision into the DAA barring DoD from funding gender reassignment surgery.
Start writing, folks.
Saw in a related article over at Hot Air that people who undergo transgender surgery have a suicide rate 20 times higher than average. We suspect we know why the surgery in this case has been approved but maybe someone did a cost benefit analysis and figured the Army might cut its loses along the way.
I like the way you think CC.
That’s just evil thinking. I like it.
I can’t get replacement parts for broken weapons in my arms room, but this SOS can get a bajillions dollars worth of elective surgery and a lifetime of treatments. Should have let him starved and saved the taxpayer’s money.
Outstanding, while the Soldiers are Fort Jackson have to head to Fort Gordon, 84 miles up the road for treatment. If it is an IET Soldier, takes a Drill Sergeant and two battle buddies for the ride to Gordon.
Is ‘it’ getting a chopadictomy or an addadictomy? Doesn’t appear to have one to chop.
If it’s a chopadictomy, does he get to keep the former “service member” in a jar of formaldehyde?
J.S. Feller
So I feel the military should cater to my physical and motional needs. I have financial dysphoria and the only way for me to feel better about myself is to have the military give be the $50,000 that would be used for a sex change (plus the cost of whatever lifetime follow up meds and psychiatric bills and medical fees after suicide attempts would be). If it will help I could still some TS/SCI materials and give them to ISIS (sorry ISIL). [Sarcasm alert if you are listening in, Big Brother.]
As a retiree, I have a need for a long legged super model. I wonder if Tricare will cover the cost?
Sorry, Jim, I got the last one.
Jim they can do a leg extension on Manning in addition to his lopitofftomy. You can have him/her/it.
Cost effective way to make you both happy.
Bottle of hooch and a razor blade. Cost, about $10.
Otherwise, no go.
Here’s to hoping for permanent and disabling surgical complications!
should’ve let him starve to death, end of story.
the world is sic and getting sicker, here’s yer sign
1. HE stole and published Classified Information.
2. HE was tried, convicted, ans sentenced to 30+ years in prison with a DD.
NOW HE gets hormones and s “snip-and-tuck” at taxpayers’ expense from his hunger strike hissyfits, WTF, WTF? LET the little shit starve itself, one less publicity whore!
Wife hates to hear the kind of language I used this morning when I saw this on the news… here’s to rusty scalpels, staph,flesh-eating bacteria, and dirty ORs. We can always hope.
Ditto: Mrs. SP4/HMC often responds in Czech or Russian. Haven’t a clue what she’s saying.
sadly, the Mrs. was a Czech linguist who also took Russian. Luckily her memory of Czech profanity is weak and I can sometimes get away with that.
Presidential pardon and a weekend in the Lincoln bedroom coming soon.
Will he/she mount his dick on the wall of his cell?
“No, that’s NOT a Vienna sausage!”
Maybe he can use it to service his newly acquired lady parts. Yeah, I know. Don’t care.
I self identify as a motorcycle rider. Where’s my therapy Harley?
I hear lots of post-op transsexuals regret the decision and ultimately commit suicide. That’s genuinely tragic.
If it becomes Manning’s fate, however, it won’t be.
As if there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that he won’t off himself. He’s as good as gone. May as well bury him now.
You guys are not thinking about this correctly.
The Army is doing this for morale
It’s not Manning that will benefit.
It all Manning’s fellow prisoners that will be able to get REAL jailhouse pussy.
I can’t imagine WHAT the price in ramen noodles or honey buns or whatever it is, some lucky inmate is going to have to fork over for first crack at that.
Can you imagine how long the line is going to be??
I think they’d rather have him the other way. Bent over his toilet or his bunk at least you wouldn’t have to look him in the face. Plus he might actually ask to be kissed if you were face to face with him-nope, some things are too gross and degrading even for inmates.
Wait until he is all healed up, then strait to the womens unit and general population.
No more dick for you chelsey boy.
I am ansolutely ashamed of the US Army for approving this.
Dad is a retired Urologist. He hasn’t practiced in 15+ years, his eyesight isn’t what it used to be, his hands shake a little, and he hasn’t stayed current on the latest techniques, but I bet I can get him to cut it off at a discount rate. Anesthesia optional.
Discount rate? Hell, I’ll do it for free.
Just give me 10 seconds and a single edge razor blade.
Grasp, Snip, and it’s done.
Two words: Trauma shears.
Not the Army I served in. I hope the surgeons make him look like Beldar Conehead, front and back.
Well, good. Now he can go fuck himself.
Just cut it off.
Fuck this maggot.
With a dull, rusty knife. I’m so damn tired hearing about this little prima donna’s latest “issue”.
We’ve left normal three-dimensional space and entered the Twilight Zone.
There are obviously some politics behind the decision to accommodate Manning, but it’s hard to tell exactly what’s driving it. At a simple level, it’s apparently an effort to placate an LGBT faction who see Manning as the victim. Give him what he wants, and he becomes the girl he always wanted to be, which also might mean transfer to a women’s prison, a new appeal, or Presidential pardon.
Take things to another level, and it can become more complex.
Julian Assange, who was Manning’s co-conspirator in the documents theft and dump on Wikileaks, has been threatening for weeks to reveal damaging information related to the Hilary Clinton campaign. Depending on the nature of the information, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine Assange cutting a deal so Manning gets to walk from Leavenworth, and the Swedes being talked into forgetting about the rapey stuff they have on Assange. Which means he no longer has to camp out in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London.
The military is still under sequestration and he’s being given this surgery. What a disgrace.
Put a bag over his head when he is transferred. I think seeing the outside is the only reason why he’s doing this shit anyway.
What the fuck is wrong with our country?
Some folks think he should get the surgery, some folks think he shouldn’t. Let’s compromise and give him the first half. We can then further discuss and negotiate if necessary.
Screw the traitor. He should have to pay for it himself or be given a rusty knife and a bucket. That said, I just went through a labor law class on this. Technically, it’s “sex reassignment surgery.” As per the attorney/instructor, “Gender is between the ears, and sex is between the legs.”
Sex is biology; XX is female, XY is male, and everything else is intersex (XXY, XO, etc).
Gender is a social construct – masculine, feminine, and neutral. Sundresses are feminine, crewcuts are masculine. There’s no reason why a man can’t wear a sundress or a woman can’t wear a crewcut other than the social construct of gender that makes these things unacceptable to many people.
Yanno…the more I think about it, the more I’m inclined to agree with the radical feminists who say gender is bullshit and should be abolished. That way, we can just be ourselves without fear of being judged / shamed.
It should reimburse the Government for the cost of the *elective* surgery. It’s only fair…
Another year of prison for every $1 spent on his treatment…
A presidential pardon wouldn’t surprise me much at this point either. What happened to my Army.
It’ been hijacked by the SJW crowd.
It went down the drain, man.
Down the drain.
I talked to a few guys from back in the day that are all E-8/E-9’s and 0-4/0-5’s and they are all biting their tongues to get out and collect retirement.
And the new folks coming in, good and bad.
Glad I am out.
Aaaaand in the meantime, Veterans with honorable service are being denied care for the disabilities they picked up while defending our Constitution from all domestic / foreign enemies.
Real Veterans who served faithfully are dying because of massive VA backlogs.
In the meantime, this traitor – this scumbag, doing 30 years in prison – gets cosmetic surgery to accommodate his widdle fee-fees.
Think about it. Then get outraged. Then work for change.
Make America Great Again!
WTF is next, are the taxpayers gonna get stuck with his/its plastic surgery bills as well (Facial Feminization Surgery, additional cosmetics)? GOD HELP AMERICA with this kinda SHIT going on!!!
Feminized or not, he’d make one butt-ass fugly eunuch!
Yes, eunuch. Because he will never, ever be a woman.