September 10th – National Complacency Day
Today is supposed to be Patriot Day, in memory of the 2,977 people killed in the 2001 September 11 attacks. 11 Democrats and 11 Republicans came together in Congress to designate September 11th Patriot Day.
Two years ago, offended by the term “patriot”, I suppose, this administration decided that it should be observed as the National Day of Service and Remembrance by Presidential Proclamation.
I’d like to name September 10th National Complacency Day so that we can celebrate our naivete before the attacks on New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. To remember a time when we didn’t have to face the realities of the world. When we took our national security for granted.
In the days when the national debate was about lifting the sanctions on Iraq while Saddam Hussein was paying a $25,000.00 bounty to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel, and the Israelis were planning to build a wall to keep bombers out of Israel. When Gary Condit was our greatest enemy. When Joe Biden was concerned about anti-missile defense destabilizing the world. When the Army’s main effort was focused on buying black berets from China. Not to mention that we’d just barely missed having Al Gore as our president, by a hair.
So here we are today, worried about football players and other entertainers who won’t stand for the National Anthem…and they’re cheered. Our current president finds it inconvenient to take time out of his vacation day to examine a plan for rescuing American hostages from Islamic terrorists in a timely manner. Both of the national parties have selected a Gore-like candidate to run against each other in a few months and there is no other choice.
Police have to think twice about shooting criminals and more of the officers are being killed as a result of their hesitation. Terrorists on our soil are excused for their conduct – legal gun owners and legal gun dealers are blamed instead. The government’s only plan to deal with “lone wolf” terrorists is to disarm honest Americans, while the government makes a dog and pony show of entrapping retards.
American service members are still fighting terrorists half way around our world, but they’re either forgotten at home or blamed for the terrorists who have swept across Europe. The current administration is focused on emptying Guantanamo and letting the old terrorists get back to their business – and paying them to do so.
I fully expect that there will be another large-scale terrorist attack between now and the next National Complacency Day celebration – mainly because, like we did in 2001, we’re missing the big picture and we’re bitching about the inconsequential minutiae, the shit that doesn’t mean anything while ignoring the really important stuff.
Facebook is replete with memes of the twin towers and the words “Never Again”, but we really don’t mean it. It’s just something you say like “Thank you for your service”. No one really wants to do anything to make us safer if it means we have to give up our free shit.
Isn’t that whole point of National Complacency Day?
Category: Politics
“Nobody” (by which I mean most Americans) wants to do anything because that’s hard and we don’t do hard anymore. Unless and until we decide that hard decisions have to be made we will see chaos continue to spread, but there is a whole movement in our culture that tells the people that they never have to do anything hard or ugly or difficult ever again, so long as they keep voting for the “right people” who can make it all go away-if only they have enough power. Far too many have accepted this premise, but things that can’t continue-won’t.
If you want to win, you have to WANT to win, isn’t that what they say? No one on the left wants to roll their sleeves up and do a dirty job, but they’re too happy and willing to point out that things keep getting worse and assign blame for it.
Can you run the September 11th time line?
You have run it before, per my request.
This was a good day to fly the flag upside down, to signify a FALSE FLAG EVENT imho
It’s the ‘me-me-me’ generation, a/k/a the Millenials. Nothing stirs their pot. Nothing upsets their apple carts. They can’t even do simple arithmetic because they have a computer to do it for them. Their brains will atrophy a lot sooner than yours or mine, mostly from lack of use.
They’ll give a nod to this, but there are children alive now who have no memory of 9/11/01 because they weren’t born then and don’t understand what the fuss is all about. That is difficult to comprehend, because I wasn’t born until after the end of WWII, but I knew about and understood the significance of Pearl Harbor. All of us did.
They want complete freedom, but have no loyalty to or respect for the flag of a country that gives them that very freedom. When they show a lack of respect, they wonder why the backlash is ‘so harsh!’ They have extended childhoods that last into what used to be middle age, when the rest of us had long since left Mom & Dad and struck out on our own. In fact, we couldn’t WAIT to leave home and be on our own.
Since the Fool on the Hill is leaving, I do not care if he shudders at the use of the word ‘patriot’. He can go pound sand up his golfbag sideways. He’s the premier example of what is wrong with that ‘me-me-me’ generation in this country.
One can only hope that whoever follows him will at least take the job seriously and put the damned phone/textbox down at the dinner table.
“National Complacency Day”.
Good one, Jonn.
I hope my friends will click over to here and read this one.
“National Day of Service and Remembrance”
That has such a nice Socialistic Ring to it, don’t you think?
Way more “governmental” than “Patriot’s Day”.
I just took a short walk in the town cemetery and lowered the flag to half mast.
Thank you.
Some of us will never forget. We remember sitting around on September 12, 2001 opining that perhaps finally the borders would be secured. We enjoyed those brief days when there was a solidarity among all Americans as we were united in our grief. Stripped of our national innocence, we were truly one people, something few of us have otherwise experienced in our lifetimes.
It only lasted about 6 weeks or so in my neck of the world, but that solidarity was nice while it lasted. I will never forget it.
Everyone “appeared” to be united at that time in history . Every Tom , Dick and Joe Bob had a Flag flying from their pickum up trucks . But what truly amazed me was the absence of long lines at the recruiting stations of Americans wanting to “get some”. Plenty folks wanted to talk the talk without the gonads to walk the walk .
don’t get overly excited! LOTS of young men joined shortly after!!
I’m glad they got rid of the “Patriot Day” designation for 11 September.
I always thought President Bush deliberately intended for us to forget and ignore the original Patriots Day (which is only observed in a couple of states), i.e., the Nineteenth of April, commemorating “the shot heard ’round the World” in Seventeen Seventy-Five, precipitated by the British Army attempting to seize the guns and ammunition belonging to the citizenry.
Let us remember Tuesday 11 September 2001, but no matter what any President says, let us NEVER forget the bold sacrifices made on Patriots Day, the Nineteenth of April.
Well you could say we are right back to where we started our government is in denial
And instead one big hit we are being bled to death by a thousand cuts
This is the day when we should remember all of the people that lost their lives in The Towers, at the Pentagon, and in Pennsyvania. The civilians, firefighters, police officers, in the afore mentioned places and the brave troops we lost in Iran & Afgan. We will never forget their sacrifices and their courage.
Please let this day NOT be used by disgruntled & selfish sports players who express their selfishness by choosing to sit during the National Anthem and thereupon disrespect those whose lives were taken from us.
God Bless America!
From the proclamation: “By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as “Patriot Day,” and by Public Law 111-13, approved April 21, 2009, the Congress has requested the observance of September 11 as an annually recognized “National Day of Service and Remembrance.”
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2016, as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.”
No offense, but I don’t see where anyone was “offended.” On the contrary, I see a combination of both actions of Congress into one proclamation. “Patriot Day” are the first two words of the day’s title.
I remember someone asking where all the flags were on September 10th 15 years ago. I didn’t raise one, nor did I get all uppity because I was already in the military, and my patriotism didn’t stop at my mailbox, or bumper sticker. We are right back in the same hole doing the same stuff yet again, and no one sees the error of our ways. I am opposed to a mandatory term of service,but conscription use to be a unifying factor because everyone had a relative in uniform at some point. Now military service is frowned upon, and discouraged by the liberal SOB’s and looked at as settling for last place by most of our nation. The Roman’s lost their empire when they stopped honoring those who built it and hiring out their service to others. I feel we are looking down the same barrel, and the hammer is dropping but hasn’t yet but the primer.
Please forgive my rant, I wasn’t in New York, or the Pentagon, but still feel betrayed by our system, and the choices they impose on us.
National Complacency Day. That has such a nice ring to it.
Jonn comes through again with more of his biting wisdom on reality…
Good call Jonn.
Yes, exactly. So it was a drill weekend, and we were informed that, contrary to previous guidance, we will be conducting more Navy Reserve mobilizations. Our unit (and we are quite large) is mobilizing members on average 1 individual every 1 1/2 weeks. This struck me especially poignantly as I was waiting to fly home at BWI last night, and there were a large number of folks wearing their Buffalo Bills jerseys waiting for their flights. Talking about all the partying they did over the weekend. My sailors weren’t partying.