DU and depleted uranium [Jonn]

| January 4, 2009

Our friend, William Teach at The Pirates Cove and Stop the ACLU plumbs the depths of Democratic Underground who’ll believe anything as long as it’s anti-Israel – especially if you can hit their hot button conspiracy theories;

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies.

It’s our buddy antimatter98, who is actually using a news story from an Iranian source

The Left loves to think we’re firing depleted uranium across the globe. Remember the IVAW clowns storing their urine in their fridge at the IVAW tree house so they could prove it?. IVAW uber-dumbass Matt Howard even testified at Winter Soldier that the US was disposing of it’s nuclear waste by firing depleted uranium rounds all over Iraq and “changing the genome of the entire planet”.The Iranians are playing to their paranoia and ignorance.

Try explaining to a Leftist that depleted uranium is only effective as an anti-armor weapon because of it’s density, that the US (and Israel) would only use depleted uranium against armored vehicles (which Hamas has none that I’m aware of). The anti-tank round, actually a DU-tipped dart, doesn’t explode, it penetrates the armor. The energy of it passing through the armor causes it’s target to explode.

But the idiot Left that emotes before they think, are convinced that DU rounds are some sort of dirty bomb that the US and Israel would use against civilians. The first argument I had at this blog was with one of those idiots. They are impervious to common sense facts.

Category: Liberals suck

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The idiot left doesn’t do math, science, or fact. That’s why they are idiots.


Oh good grief! And to think that these people are capable of and allowed to procreate. Sheesh!


The Iraelis are freezing Millard and Kokesh’s urine and making DU Ice Bullets.

By the time the UN can send their CSI unit to investigate, the evidense has melted.

I always suspected that Geoff and Elvis were Moose-Odd agents.


Storing urine in the fridge?

I hope none of them mistook a sample for some gatorade…

Holger Awakens

If there’s any depleted uranium in any Gazans it’s from “humanitarian aid” shipped into the Strip from Tehran.


Depleted uranium has been used since the 70’s exactly as your article states. It penetrates armor and your watch puts out more radiation. Why would the left tell the truth (if they knew a truth) when lies serve them better. Old member of the Tactical Air Command


Tankerbabe, to take your point and run with it, they’re also allowed to vote!!! Small wonder He Who Will Lower the Seas got elected.


Lol @ skye:

Storing urine in the fridge?

I hope none of them mistook a sample for some gatorade…

Don’t forget also about the white phosphorus hysteria nonsense.

Winter Soldier

hmmm wot about the DU tipped BunkerBusters that ripped into all those building in Iraq?

oh an fyi being on a CAAT team i also had to serve with TOW Gunners (their missile is also made by raytheon)

more importantly, when you go to your VAMC next time look for this dept WRRIISC (WAR RELATED INJURIES AND ILLNESS STUDY CENTER). in the DC VAMC Antoinette Lomax is the head i believe their contact number is 202-745-8000 ext 8249. This is the dept responsible for handling the Agent Orange & DU stuff. all your asnwers should be there… oh wait though. if you havnt been exposed good luck talking to them about anything. since your not their patient, and your lack of clearances. ole scrapy-iron

Winter Soldier

oh yeah on the DU Issue again here a pretty unbiased account of what a BB is capable of. 400+civilians died from just 2 bombs?! wtf


Winter Soldier

hmmmm no comments from old skrapy must be past his evening med time. and what none of you other pukes can defend the claim of DU or the horrific sideeffects? go ahead and call that phone number to the DC VAMC they will send you a kit no problem. if its a legitimate concern but the particles that are stored on your kideys there scabby doo they are flushed when you pee.

now the bigger argument its said that that amount of exposure to a servicemember is small and not in large enough quantiy. however imagine now instead of you being the trooper inthe tank; your the infantry man who uses a bombed out building for storage or shelter. maybe your standing watch or walking through all these building.

during the ground invasion in 03 there were 30′ skylights that appeared in lotssssss of building in country and down range. while we used the MSR to travel north we still had to search out a feasable AO. this would include walking through the former military barrarck and police barracks that we had followed on and rolled into. why?….. how much farther down the rabbit hole can we go…

well i spent 47 days out in the open during the ground invasion only in the last weeks had we secured a large hanger that had only sustained minimal damage on one side and had been spared. there were still trash everywhere

in the former barracks you could see service manuals and uniforms strewn about and everything was covered in dust. be it from concrete or mortar and stone or what. its said that when the penatrator pierces it does fragments into a bunch a pieces.


then there are the weather conditions to factor. i will never forget and i know anyone who was there wont either.. the sandstorm that blotted out the night and day for like 2-3 days during the initial invasision.

before i start with the half life of it all. it was already said but the UK that gulf war vet link to birth defect from

Winter Soldier

still no proof against my DU dept in the DC VAMC? SOMEBODY GO BY SCRAPPERS hous and look for and see if his modem connected?


If I understood what in the hell you were trying to get at, I would research it, since I go to that VA. But you don’t seem to be writing in any recognizable manner that includes interrogatories.

Winter Soldier

call the number 202-745-8000 ext 8249 if u want verification if the VA is testing for DU, its being done in the WRRIISC. and when you go there if u have been around sites that were hit with friendly arty/tanks/helo/patriots/well anything DU then you tell them. or if you worked with the stuff in over abundance.

but what i was getting at is the test is useless to most of us. since the DU stays in the kidneys for a short time and that’s how they detect it for now at least… who knows how they will in 10-20 years.

Winter Soldier

funny your also not blogging jonn during the ground invasion of iraq. when i was there mar-may 2003 when we pounded them with all this stuff. why jonn why wouldnt you save or look for those articles showing the mighty proud patriot missiles and the bloated iraqi bodies in the GOSP’s?

i was there jonn wanna see photos? my S-2 officer and NBCOWO sure took alot.