IVAW’s Matt Howard is a dumbass
I ran across this video last week at IVAW’s OneStop (where they go to find mean stuff being said about them on the internet – which why they always find their way here). It’s Matt Howard who is supposedly an expert of some sort on depleted uranium usage in Iraq by US forces. His IVAW profile says he aspires to be a holistic healer and work with Chinese medicine – which must be different that western medicine somehow.
But anyway, to the video, you have to sit through 4 minutes of propaganda about the IVAW and Winter Soldier, and then another minute-a-half of some dill weed strumming his guitar and mumbling like he’s on ‘ludes to get to Howard’s insane rant;
He begins by admitting that he’s not going to give any specifics about the use of depleted uranium in Iraq – it’s up to us to research for ourselves. He doesn’t even give any reliable sources where we can start doing our research. So what the hell is he testifying about? basically, he’s just telling us we’re a bunch of dumbasses because we don’t already know about the issue.
I’ve had some email exchanges with some of these DU zealots – they are absolutely impervious to common sense. Howard seems to be their Grand Poobah.
Howard says that the US is firing off tank rounds in Iraq just so we can dispose of our nuclear waste – he even mentions that we’ve got so much nuclear waste in the US, that we don’t know what else to do with it. He gets exercised because we’re “changing the genome” of the entire planet because we’re firing so many DU tank rounds in Iraq. Into what?
He admits that there’s no purpose for using the rounds, since the enemy in Iraq has no tanks. So apparently we’re just firing the stuff off randomly just to get rid of nuclear waste. Um, if we were really going to dispose of nuclear waste in Iraq, Matt, wouldn’t it just be cheaper and easier to bring it over in barrels and bury it in the sand?
Of course, bigger dumbasses than Matt Howard are in the room applauding like imbeciles on cue and you can see some of them in the video doing the famous VFP/VVAW bobble-head routine that tells everyone around them that they’re veterans and they’re not surprised that the government is poisoning the planet with tank rounds.
How can the anti-war crowd expect to be taken seriously with performances like this? And how does it add to the credibility of Matt Howard when he makes idiot statements like this (as quoted from Obiter Dictum);
“During the initial invasion we killed women. We killed children. We senselessly killed farm animals. We were the United States Marine Corps…and we left a swath of death and destruction in our wake all the way to Baghdad…”
Matt Howard, Iraq Veterans Against the War“We would declare zones ‘weapons-free’…and shoot everything that moved…weapons-free means you can shoot anyone and that’s exactly what we did…tanks went in and shot everything that moved: men, women, children, donkeys—it was a turkey shoot.”
Matt Howard, Iraq Veterans Against the War
And he writes idiot essays about the “surge” last year when he hasn’t even been in Iraq for the last four years. How would he know the surge is failing? Just like how would a future “holistic healer” know that we’re changing the “genome” in Iraq by disposing of our nuclear waste with tank rounds?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Terror War
You Eco-terrorist! Don’t you even care about our daily attack on Gaia’s genome?
“IVAW’s Matt Howard is a dumbass”
The same can be said for all of IVAW
I assume that this idiot’s “we” is somehow meant to be a generic “we,” as opposed to a criminal confession that HE shot and killed everyone in a “weapons-free” zone. And since he is presumably “lecturing” other morons, I suppose we must assume that the audience is too stupid to realize that, even in “weapons-free” zones, all of the usual rules of engagement still apply (i.e., it’s unlawfully to indiscriminately kill everyone on sight).
If, of course he’s willing to make this a personal admission, I’m quite certain I can find some federal law enforcement authorities who would be happy to take his statement.
What a flippin’ Dingbat. He and his IVAW are every bit as combat qualified as their poster boy Jesse McBeth. And, why doesn’t DOJ, (Dept. of Justice to the uninformed), bring charges against these civilian killing “warriors(?)”?
Anyone who believes anything that he says eats road apples for snacks.
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