More Evidence of Clintoon “Pay for Play”? Sure Looks Like It – Part II

| September 3, 2016

I’ve written about this subject before (and before, and before).  But it’s the “gift that keeps on giving”.

Or perhaps that should read that it’s the “corruption that reeks to high heaven”.  Because at first glance, that’s exactly what it looks like.

We know that Clintoon Foundation donors and/or executives appear to have gotten “preferred access” when it came to personal meetings with a certain SECSTATE between 2009 and early 2013.  But it seems that they may have gotten some other perks, too.

In particular, it appears that one of those “other perks” in some cases may have been unwarranted diplomatic passports.  Unwarranted, as in “issued to private individuals who do not travel on diplomatic business for the United States”.

And yeah:  as was the case with preferred access, it looks like Clintoon’s “protégé” Huma Abedin was involved hip-deep in this as well.

Predictably, Clintoon’s        naive sycophants and/or paid “spin doctors”         supporters have sought to downplay this latest revelation.  They’ve claimed that some of those folks “were actually at times engaged in diplomatic efforts”.

Yeah, right.  Sure they were.  Just like I’m the freaking King of Siam.

The Daily Caller has a short article giving a few details; Fox News has a longer one giving more.  Both articles IMO are worthwhile – if disgusting – reading.

You or I would be in jail by now.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Foreign Policy, Legal

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Hack Stone

But Dick Cheney, and Haliburton. No matter what malfeasance comes to light, her defenders always fall back on those evil Republicans did something similar. Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge and left a woman to drown, so I guess that we can all do that too.


As we used to say in my neck of the woods. “More people have been killed in Ted Kennedy’s car than at Three Mile Island”.


Oh btw, doesn’t Haliburton still get govt contracts. And maybe Bush was driving Teddy’s car.


The only administration I can think of that was ever more corrupt than Clinton’s potential admin is Robespierre’s.


Oooh, PH2, you be a history buff n stuff. Ah, yes, Robespierre, he of the French Revolution. Well, you must admit he had his head in his work.


And likely he went to hell in a handbasket. At least part of him


I would not say it was his crowning achievement!



About all we really need to know is that they claimed to be completely broke when they left the White House and now claim to be worth mega millions. That just does not happen legitimately.

Hack Stone

They got incredibly lucky playing those scratcher lottery tickets.

The Other Whitey

Maybe they pawned all the shit they stole from the White House.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

The FBI released it’s report on Hillarys email debacle… On the Friday before a long weekend.

Imagine that.


Why-it’s almost as though there were some sort of playbook.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

they’re relying on the hang over effect from a long weekend bar-b-q


Come on-she could be caught naked making snow angels on a giant pile of rubles and the left and the media (but I repeat myself) would still carry water for her. They don’t care about her, and her family’s, obvious corruption because Republicans are icky and nobody at the ever so fashionable Georgetown cocktail parties they all attend would ever dream of doing something so gauche as even inadvertently help a conservative get elected.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Remember when Bill was POTUS and renting out the Lincoln bedroom to donors & “friends” ? same old chit different decade


Well the banana republic model has worked well for both on the right and left,
I wonder how many republicans are bought and paid for by the Clinton foundation
While CNN is busy trying to make a fool out of anyone who opposes Hillary do they not think
Most out here have woken up to there BULLSHIT yet
There Nelson numbers would say so
Let’s hope the DNC doesn’t try to steal another election

Commissar Poodledick

Election rigging is embedded in the structure at this point and it is no done by the DNC (DNC just manipulates the process in favor of finance regime candidates) it is done by third party operatives.

Commissar Poodledick

I cannot wait to see some of these traitors arrested for selling out the public for profit.

Of course ex-Ph2 insists nobody in government is corrupt.


The left, the press, both believe that a) she is -their- crook, -their- way, b) that she can be controlled, and c) that she is no danger to her “friends”.

She is utterly amoral, completely ruthless, and staggeringly vindictive.

And once she is the appointer of judges, chief LEO, and issuer of Pardon,

She will make life interesting for a whole bunch of folks. Some of whom are going to be quite ….. Disappointed.


We need Ace’s burning skulls over here!! 🙂