Secret Service discusses “2d Amendment” comment with Trump

| August 11, 2016

The other day, Donald Trump mentioned the fact that the Second Amendment is in danger if Clinton is elected to the presidency. He also said that gun owners should rally against her, like we did in 1994 to stop her husband. Of course, the drama queens on the Left took that as a threat and misinterpreted the statement to mean that gun owners should shoot the candidate. CNN reports that the Secret Service contacted the Trump campaign in regards to that comment.

A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the Trump campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments.

“There has been more than one conversation” on the topic, the official told CNN. But it’s unclear at what level in the campaign structure the conversations occurred.

The campaign told the USSS that Donald Trump did not intend to incite violence, according to the official.

“No such meeting or conversation ever happened,” Trump tweeted in response to CNN’s report.

My liberal friends on Facebook took to that media to spread the fear, too. No rational person would construe Trump’s comment to be a threat beyond the political implications. But, we’re not talking about rational people here.

The Secret Service’s time would be better spent investigating murders on the streets of DC of Democrat operatives who released DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Because the Left isn’t willing to have a rational discussion about gun violence, even the mere mention of the Second Amendment is now considered a threat of gun violence.

Lost in the hyperbole and the drama queen bullshit is the simple truth that guns are a scary issue for the Clinton campaign, as it should.

Category: Guns

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Briebart says Reuters said: “Reuters reported that “a federal official on Wednesday said the U.S. Secret Service had not formally spoken with Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign regarding his suggestion a day earlier that gun rights activists could stop Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from curtailing their access to firearms.”

Who knows who is right. “federal official” could be anyone.

2/17 Air Cav

A cap police building guard?


I’m going to go with CNN is Hillary’s shill and they’re making shit up.
The farking media are so in the tank for her it’s ridiculous.


Clinton News Network…


Here’s a link to the Reuters article in which the secret squirrels say they did NOT discuss gunzzz/gunzz stuff with Trump.


Yet, morons in the country still vote dumocrap!! The lying s.o.b.’s!


If Trump had the mental discipline to actually think about what he says before saying it – rather than the stream-of-consciousness verbal diarrhea that comes out of his mouth day in and day out – we wouldn’t be having stories like this. And I’d probably support his candidacy.

No, I don’t believe he was actually threatening Hillary. But the way he said it is consistent with the casual sloppiness that characterizes much of what he says – and left himself wide open to these kinds of accusations.

2/17 Air Cav

MrBill. Trump called. He wants you to know he doesn’t give a shit whether you support him or not. He says that if the measure you take of him is that he doesn’t meticulously parse in minute detail what he says, lest it be misconstrued or deliberately twisted, as his routinely opponent does with her comments, than so be it, that your standard is far too shallow.


Great, I’ll wait for the tweet. “MrBill is a loser, a real low-energy guy. Sad!”

2/17 Air Cav

It could be worse. Wide Load may tweet saying, “Trust me MrBill.”


Anything the man said leaves him “wide open” to accusations…if there’s nothing offensive about it, that’s okay, they’ll say it’s a “dog whistle” for something that is.

Trump’s broken from the pattern because he doesn’t backpedal, apologize, or go on the defensive when these tactics are used on him. (Doing so never stops the attacks anyway. The sharks just smell blood and frenzy.) He’s gotten the nomination in part by using this method; whether he gets further, we shall see.

2/17 Air Cav

And yet, nary a peep when Wide Load, w/o any press assistance whartsoever, contradicts herself, prostitutes herself, arranges not to be sworn-in to avoid perjury, and lies outright. She, I guess, is thought to be oh-so-smart and oh-so-clever. Yep, that’s presidential material, not a guy who says what he thinks–too often and too loudly for my taste, but says what he thinks.


She’s “their girl”, 2/17. So they’re not interested in investigating her, and she gets a free pass on any and all unseemly or illegal conduct.


I remember Reagan announcing that the USSR was now illegal (or something like that) and that the bombings would commence immediately.

Yep. He was a loose cannon too…


Sure, and he got some grief from the left then, too. But it didn’t have any staying power because most folks took it in the manner that Reagan intended it, and knew that Reagan was a decent guy. When someone steps on his Johnson with the regularity of Trump, however, I tend to view it as a bug, not a feature.


bought a T shirt that had his comment on it on Victory Drive back in ’84….one of my all-time favorite shirts.

Yes, Reagan took some grief over that but most everyone knew it was a joke. Nowadays the media has a perpetually outraged lack of humor about anything which doesn’t match their narrative. They would call for impeachment.

A Proud Infidel®™


Silentium Est Aureum

I remember when he used the phrase, “Evil Empire,” when describing the Soviet Union.

The lefties still get the vapors over that one.

Hack Stone

He can just say that it was a brain short circuit. That works for Hillary, he should have a “Get Out Of Shit I Should Have Not Said” card too.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Do they get their talking points, and drama script from a disbarred lawyer?


Did anyone here ever read/hear this interview of Daniel Bernath for the Veterans History Project back in 2007?




I read the transcript, as I couldn’t stand to listen to his verbal drivel. I’d like to know how he made it through law school in “two years.” There isn’t any law school in CA where you can complete the curriculum and graduate in two years that I ever heard about in the 40 years I’ve been in the law biz.

2/17 Air Cav

This is much the same as what happened with the distasteful speech by Khan at the DNC. With that story, as with this, media (big and small, social and anti-social) repeated the same gross mis-characterization of Trump’s response. It’s the game. Saturate the airwaves and www with lies and the lies become truth. Few stop to read the actual words spoken or written in the candidate’s response.


Yep. That particular propaganda technique is called the “Big Lie”.

Anyone who cares can look up who first described and used the technique as a matter of policy.


Khan is little more than a ‘woe is me’ professional victim, liberal shill. I do feel for the loss of his son. I do. But why is he hammering Trump? Why not blame the goathumpers who killed his son? Not a word about that as far as I know. I just love when people use the Constitution, wave the Constitution and demand to know if their adversary has read it. I doubt Kham has read it. It’s little more than a prop, a talking point by the liberal trash in this country to ‘prove’ they have taken the high road. In fact, the liberals are selling out the country in an attempt to lock up future elections until the end of time. Do I feel liberals have more compassion for citizens than do the conservatives? Not a chance. They are merely useful tools on the government teat to be manipulated by the liberals. BTW, I’m not in love with most ‘conservatives’ but I absolutely will not vote for Hillary and the vast majority of the lying snake oil salesmen liberals.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Yeah, we’ve discussed Khan and his antics here before.

What he and his wife don’t realize is that after his usefulness has been exhausted and the DNC decides they are done with him, he and his wife will be left twisting in the breeze.


Cindy Sheehan, anybody? When’s the last time the media went running to her for her opinions on anything?


And she now realizes that she was used like a cheap date, and they didn’t even leave a tip on the bedside table.

Kinda feel for her, because she is at least consistent in her anti-war stance, and after the death of her son I can, to some degree, understand why. But she had a very bitter awakening.


Oh, puh-LEZ! Absolutely nothing to feel sorry for with the She-beast. She didn’t think enough about her son to retain custody of him when he was a child or apparently see much of him. But, she had no difficulty using him to garner attention. What a certifiable bitch.


“There has been more than one conversation” on the topic, the official told CNN. But it’s unclear at what level in the campaign structure the conversations occurred.

Trump and his people are so full of shit…classic morons of the infth degree the way they spin shit like a elementary school child…whenever the USSSS meets with anyone IT IS OFFICIAL…nuff said.


What’s the “USSSS”? You haven’t noticed that the “classic morons” on the left are worse? Or, you have and you don’t care?
I met with Secret Service agents all the time. It was never official. Unless you count talking about the people demonstrating for or against their protectee “official”.


But this was met with chuckles and laughs…


Some greatest hits from the donks…wonder if the men in black interviewed these “distinguished” individuals:

2/17 Air Cav

Perform your own poll, at home, at work, wherever and see what you get. Casually mention the DNC speech by Kahn and then say something innocuous about Trump’s response to it. See what others thought of Trump’s response. I guaran-freakin’-tee you what the reply is likely to be. When they’re done, ask the person what Trump said exactly, and you might also ask–since the person will feel quite strongly about ‘Trump’s horrible attack on the Gold Star Family’–the branch, rank, and first name of their son was. That will be two “Dohs.”


I got in an argument yesterday on Facebook with a female lawyer Hillary supporter. I asked her: what we’re Trump’s exact words? She answered that his exact words were irrelevant.


You should have asked her if she felt the same way concerning testimony against her clients in court.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No kidding, and with all due respect to Gold Star families are we never supposed to be able to challenge their words when they use them politically? Because of their loss? That doesn’t make them above reproach, nor does it offer any particular protection from criticism when they promote political speech.

I don’t care if you won the medal of honor, lost a child, or whatever when you decide to make political comments you become fair game for counter criticism and discussion. That’s the downside of free speech, just because you had a death in the family or are a brave and valiant individual doesn’t insulate you from criticism once you initiate speech in a public forum.

There is no constitutional requirement that only speech by experts or those who experienced a situation be considered the only valid speech. Any asshole with an opinion is free to exercise their right to voice it, if you don’t like that…well Europe has several countries that limit speech and prosecute the speech they don’t approve of legally so feel free to emigrate.


Juxtapose the lefts comments regarding Sean Smith’s Mom speaking at the RNC.

Chris Matthews MSNBC: I Don’t Care How The Mother Of Murdered Benghazi Victim Felt, Wrong For Her To Get Up There And Lie About Clinton

Nathaniel Friedman GQ Magazine: “I don’t care how many children Pat Smith lost I would like to beat her to death,”

Adam Schiff (D) Commiefornia: “But watching Mrs. Smith I have to say was just very hard. She is deeply grieving. You have to respect that grief. You don’t have to respect the fact that the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign have decided to exploit this tragedy for political gain the way they have. We met with most of the family if not all of the family members and they were divided in their view of events, and I just think it terrible that to try to exploit this terrible tragedy. That the Republican Party would stoop to this….I think that this has been consummately politicized in the most blatant way….We’ve never politicized a tragedy like this, and I think it’s really unfortunate to bring a grieving woman in front of the convention in this way.”

And that’s just two minutes of google-fu. Remember how we all had to accept the “absolute moral authority” of Cindy Sheehan because she lost her son in Iraq? Fuck all leftists in this country.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m in total agreement with that last sentence…and of course you are correct in your rather perfect examples of the left’s moral compass which is actually without direction because they alter that compass based solely on politics.

I no more have to accept their politically exploited family than I do the republicans. People can use their experiences to state whatever they wish politically. Once they do they and their words are open to all manner of discussion both polite and not so polite.


Funnily enough, it’s the last sentence I disagree with. Right now, one some left-wing blog, someone is quoting right-wing people about the Khans and saying, ‘fuck all right-wing assholes in this country’.

And that’ll stoke people up, and they’ll be angry, and they won’t even consider trying to see things from a different point of view because, hey, ‘fuck those people’. And that, to me, is the single biggest problem in American politics right now.


Yeah LC I’m sure I can find some common ground with some fucking dedicated left wing dick on a blog site somewhere. You’re living in lala land thinking that me not being able to agree with left wing activists is the biggest problem in American politics. But I’ll play your sill ass game for a minute. I actually agree with most left wingers when they say Donald Trump will or would be a terrible President. But don’t think for a second I would vote for the Queen Cankles because Trump sucks. Trump is dangerously uninformed and needs to shut the fuck up and get some good advisors. Queen Cankles in just plain dangerous to our country and surrounds herself with advisors that are equally dangerous to our country. And they have no intention in changing course.


I’m considered a ‘dedicated left-wing dick’ by some people here – yet I can’t stand Mrs. Clinton, support the Second Amendment, and even on things where I ultimately disagree with people here, like the refugee crisis, I support bringing refugees in because it’s like 55% for and 45% against for me. There’s lots of common ground that is completely and utterly missed when you read only the most ridiculous, out-of-touch notions from one side or another.

And there’s no need for agreement, either – understanding is a good thing. I can absolutely understand why many people here are completely against allowing Syrian refugees into the country, even if I ultimately disagree with it. I’m not saying you should vote for Hillary or start singing Kumbaya in a drum-circle with some pot-smoking hippie, I’m just saying that demonizing half the country is a bad thing for our nation as a whole. That applies to democrats, republicans, whomever.

Understanding that people who disagree with you generally aren’t racists, morons, fools, wimps, whatever, has an effect on how we approach politics. We’re stronger as a nation when we find common ground, and alienate the extremes, rather than let the extremes tell us fully half the country is out to destroy everything we hold dear.


Dude, if you support the 2nd Amendment and can’t stand Cankles then you are NOT a DEDICATED left wing dick. A truly DEDICATED left wing dick hates the 2nd Amendment and loves Hillary.

USMCMSgt (Ret)


It’s astounding how so many idiots are out there – the ones who misinterpret the First Amendment.

If people lie or say dumb shit, they get challenged and scorned in public. Then they turn around and cry about how they’re “free speech” is being “infringed upon”.

(Folks would do themselves a favor if they’d do some research first. They’d be surprised how many people have gotten fired from their jobs for posting dumb shit on FB and elsewhere).

USMCMSgt (Ret)

“their”, not “they’re”.



“you become fair game”

Exactly. Once you step into the arena, you become one of the players.


Two idiots running for office. Makes me not want to vote and/or leave the country.


Well, you’re half right.


I hear that Australia is nice this time of year.

Be sure to drop us a line when you find work…


Naw, not Australia. It’s the dead of winter down under right now.

I hear you can find lots of work as a pool cleaner in Rio right now.

A Proud Infidel®™

Australia IS a beautiful country, never mind that they have spiders the size of your face and much of the wildlife there is toxic enough to kill you!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Australia? Really? No guns, lots of Muzzies, and that damned beer that is bottled ‘roo piss. Ewwwww.


Have a nice trip.


YOu’re leaving?


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Be a stranger! Forget to write!!!


Can we get back to our poker game now? I think I was winning, for once.


ok, you guys are so lame at times! so who you going to vote for? They are both bad for the country.


It’s true that neither candidate running for POTUS is IMO a particularly good one. That fact is also irrelevant.

Elections are often not about voting for some “good” candidate. Sometimes both candidates are badly flawed.

Moreover, in our 2-party system, in any national or statewide election it’s a virtual guarantee that one of 2 individuals will be elected – e.g., one of the major party candidates will virtually always be the winner. Acting like a petulant child and either staying home or casting a protest vote doesn’t change that fact.

Regardless of how bad the 2 major party candidates are, one of the two will be elected. And it is always possible to determine which of those two candidates is likely to do less damage if elected.

This year is such a year. Perhaps you can’t, but I can certainly figure out which potential alternative this time around IMO will be less damaging to the nation.

2/17 Air Cav

School’s out. Go to the beach.


It’s still OUR country and we’re not going to act like a bunch of Hollyweird pussies and say we’re leaving if we don’t get our way. Sometimes democracy sucks but it’s still the best place on the planet.
As they say – “Love it or Leave it” but don’t expect a rousing attaboy from any of us when you say you’re too butt hurt to vote or that you’re leaving the country because YOUR candidate didn’t make the cut.


The Greeks had a word for people who refuse to vote. It was “idiot.”

True story.


Wonder when the press will ask how The Bern, who’s never had a private sector job, can afford a $600K lake place?

2/17 Air Cav

He kerried.


his third home, apparently. Apparently being a socialist pays extremely well.


Hard to say, sj. Apparently there are more than a few “questionable financial dealings” in Mr. & Mrs. Sanders’ past:


Most ironic sentence EVER: “Getting money out of politics” is one of the planks in Sanders’ presidential campaign platform.

Yes, he certainly is getting money out of politics – LOTS and LOTS of money.



A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, how many starving homeless people could Bernie have fed with the money he spent on that house? Just asking the same thing that litard moonbats do every time some rich Conservative does the same.


Oh and let’s not forget the mantra of all leftists “Why does anybody need x amount of these?” insert whatever it is they’re whining about. In this case they should be asking why does anyone need more than one house? But introspection is not a strong suit of leftists.


I wonder if it Berns when he urinates???

USMC Steve

The Trump campaign and Trump should have refused to discuss it with them at all. And should have asked if Clinton was ever interrogated about her death threat statements, or Kerry for that matter.

charles w

A lot of actual people seem to wind up dead when they cross her.


Jeeeezuss—anything the alleged “press” says is bullshit. Can’t even believe BBC anymore. I find myself sitting in front of the screen for hours trying to get to a kernel of real news. Where do ya look? Even Breitbart has crossed to sensationalist headlines.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, it’s a problem of major proportions. All a reasonable person can hope to do is read work hard to recognize, using multiple sources, where the facts end and the editorializing begins. Most people can’t do this–and the media know it and love it. The Daily Caller is decent. For high quality writing and depth on an issue, The Christian Science Monitor usually never disappoints.


I get all the news that’s fit print from TNN.

TAH News Network


Yo, Mr Bill, you are sadly mistaken. The media have ALWAYS been left wing partisan and full of bullshit and manipulation.

The diff is now is easier to see them for what they are. Since their homeboy Barack Hussein was elected they have dropped all pretense.

By the way, you do realize all those polls are opinion makers, right? There is no neutral media because they are the product of the far left wing elite controlling the educational system.


Not me – different Bill.


Here’s a good debate between don lemon and ex secret service agent dan bongino.


Bottom line~
Elect Cankles in a pantsuit and say goodbye to the 2nd amendment. She has made that a major point of her campaign. With 3-4 Supremes in play, it will be the fundamental change that Obama has been working on.
The Donald is a wild card, I honestly believe that he started the race more as a lark and it morphed because he was saying things that weren’t PC and it resonated with a lot of people who are sick of it.
He could turn out just as bad. I’d rather take my chances. Any other choice than Trump is a vote for an Obama 3rd term, with extra Supreme Court sprinkles.

A Proud Infidel®™


2/17 Air Cav

All else aside, I am sure that those who favor oppressive taxes, suffocating regulations, and constraint by Constitution only when no workaround can be contrived, will happily vote for Wide Load. I know that it is far too much to expect the average voter to know anything about the Constitution, let alone about the Supreme Court and its impact on our society. My money is on the economic divide. John and Jane Q. Public know taxes. And the owners of small businesses are sick and tired of attorney fees, not to mention this fee, that fee, the other fee, and regulations by the ream. Human nature being what it is, I believe the contrast in the eco’ic views between Wide Load and Trump is the only thing that bring Trump success.


You think it’s just the 2nd Amendment? *sigh*. I remember those good old days when I, too, was an optimist. Think Citizens United, or “hate speech”, or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or….

Sleep well.

2/17 Air Cav

timactual. There are two Supreme Court decisions in recent years that leave no trace of doubt that the court is a highly politicized and agenda-driven group of lawyers. The first is that beauty regarding the oBaMacare mandate in which Roberts unilaterally determined that it was a tax. No one could ever with a straight face, anyway, argue that he genuinely believed that, but it was DOA if viewed through the lens of the Interstate Commerce Clause. The second was more recent, when a majority of the lawyers discovereda previously hidden fundamental right in the Constitution to enable gays to marry. It was made all the more outlandish bu virtue of the fact that the traditional test employed by the Supreme Court for so-called fundamental rights was not used. It was an abracadabra moment. (Oh, and just for good measure I’ll toss in that Lawyer Ginsberg was quoted by the NYT as saying that if Trump is elected she will leave the country and settle in New Zealand.)


Will Ginsberg take Kevin with her to be her love slave??


As API put it so eloquently, ^^^^ This ^^^^.
But, the First Amendment is in play if Hillzy gets her way, not to mention, being neck deep in illegals and Jihadis.

2/17 Air Cav

We seem to have Bill, MrBill, and Bill R here. You guys need to sort that out.


I think I’ve been over-Billed here.

Almost like being over-taxed…


You didn’t know we’re having the Fraternity of Bill reunion this weekend? 🙂

No, I don’t do alter egos. Too confusing.


I’m sure the conversation went something like this……

SS: Sir, we are sorry but we are being ordered to talk to you about your recent comments which were misconstrued intentionally because Democrats can’t answer for the almost endless volume of scandals recently. Could you please tone it down a little?
Trump: Sure thing.
SS: Thanks, Mr. President. I mean, sir!


More like:

SS: “Mr. Trump? Good point, sir. Want to join the NRA as a Life Member?”


I am just frustrated about the whole process this election year. And I know one of them will win. Which one will be better is another question.


Better is such a nice word. Too nice to use with either of those two. I use ‘less dangerous’, or ‘not as bad’, or the ever popular ‘lesser of two evils’. Be creative.


Try to take it from this perspective: which Veep candidate would you rather have on board? Kaine? or Pence?

And which Veep candidate will have bill clinton pulling the strings behind the curtain if anything happens to the elected president?

Green Thumb

This should be filed under “Dumbass Bullshit”.

Gotta love the liberal media.


Only stupid morons watch CNN aka Clinton News Network…. Like the Docs say they work for us !!!!
Maybe the reason why they are in last place again
Just give me un biased news and not more BS

Mark Lauer

You have to feed the Secret Service every once and a while, or they feel like they’re not being taken seriously.
And they are just about as rational as a social justice freshman at Berkley.


They should know that shrillary is truly not worth the effort it would take to bump her off, including the cost of even one single bullet.


I didn’t see a personal threat to the Hildebeast in that comment.

Maybe if she got to eviscerate the 2A with her judicial appointments, and a regime of confiscation began, he might have meant it could result in something like this…



Guys, what you are talking about here is not some aberration. It’s the policy of the DNC, according to Wikileaks.

Left Planned to Stage Violence to Bring Down Trump PowerPoint playbook on the messaging — slide number 6 — with the messaging theme number 1: Violence.

The whole point has been to blame Trump for inciting violence, and because he has not done so, they just pretend he did.

Yes, the DNC has been stealing from the HAMAS playbook.


Yeah, but I thought the staged violence would erupt the way it did in Chicago in 1968 when Hizzoner Daley gave the ‘shoot to kill order’ at the DNC convention, in regard to the war protesters outside.

What we’ve been seeing now is peanuts by comparison.


In spite of what many are thinking, I’ve brainwashed myself into believing that Trump’s “gaffs” are borderline tactical genius. Every time he says something it’s in the news cycle for 48 straight hours, effectively drowning out any message that Clinton is trying to get out there.


This will be the nastiest election ever held in this country.

I guarantee it!

Stock up on your preferred amuse bouches (snacks!).


See, those who support shrillary are too dimwitted to understand that she’s only in this to get slick willie back into the White House. He’ll be the man behind the curtain, just like that scene in the Wizard of Oz. And all those campaign promises she’s made? Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah!

They are so dumb, she could tell them the sun rises in the west and they’d believe her.

charles w

You mean booze?


What EVS, dahlin’!

I think it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. The hyperbole will be close to the ridiculous level used by Accuweather when they insist on naming snowstorms.


It was a stupid open ended statement that could be interpreted many different ways. However, it was clear he was talking about what could be done to stop her AFTER she became president.

I consider it an irresponsible and idiotic thing to say on the campaign trail but it is not the first or the last moronic or irresponsible thing he will say.

It also was not a crime so there really is no reason for the Secret Service to be involved beyond rolling their eyes at the idiocy of it all.

Some nutcase *MAY* interpret it as a call to stop her by using the “2nd amendment” in the figurative sense.

So it marginally increases the risk some nutbag will take a shot at her.

Regardless of what he meant by it, and regardless of how people across the political spectrum or the nutcase spectrum interpret what he meant for themselves his statement was stupid.

Stupid in the same way Bush’s “Bring it on” statement was irresponsible and idiotic..