Pentagon admits to US ground forces in Libya

| August 11, 2016

Our buddy, Kristina Wong at The Hill reports that the Pentagon admits that there are US ground forces “in and out” of Libya engaged in operations against ISIS there;

Those forces are based in joint operations rooms, away from the forward line, to facilitate coordination among Libyan forces fighting ISIS, [Deputy Defense press secretary Gordon Trowbridge] said.

The Pentagon announced on Aug. 1 that it had expanded its air war against ISIS into Libya, where its fighters have established a foothold in Sirte.

At the time, defense officials said there were no U.S. forces on the ground supporting the air operations, but did not deny there were U.S. forces on the ground there…”They are not on the front lines, nor are they on the ground in Sirte.”

Maybe if this administration had done it five years ago, they wouldn’t have to be doing it now – during an election year. Funny how putting off this stuff doesn’t make the problem go away. Neither does cooking the intel. If this had been George Bush, we’d get this stuff crammed down our throats every half hour on the cable news shows. But, then, George Bush doesn’t have a Nobel Prize.

Category: Terror War

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Hmmm… now they tell us. This Reuters article this morning doesn’t mention US forces.

Now I’m confused.


Isn’t that amazing that they could even find Libya? They didn’t know where it was when the evil bitch of the east was called about Benghazi!!


I think you left the word “undeserved” out of your last sentence, Jonn.


“…to facilitate coordination among Libyan forces fighting ISIS.”

Libyan forces? There are Libyan forces? Gee, that makes it seem like there is a functioning state in Libya. Silly goose.


Click on the link to the Reuters article. There is a photograph of some Libyan forces there – all 4 of them!!

Hey, I’m excited just to know that they actually have anything at all.


I will always remember a photo magazine I bought when younger about the June ’67 6 day War – one of the photos was of a Cessna over Cairo in which the pilot is saying “This is Achmed – I would like to join the Egyptian Air Force” and the reply from the controller was “Congratulations, Achmed- you ARE the Egyptian Air Force”.
(Gawd, that is dating me…)


The war against extremists in Africa has been going on a long time. The SECDEF and SECARMY have authorized award of campaign participation credit going back to 2005.

Nothing to see here, move along now.


A long time indeed.

“Upon Jefferson’s refusal to pay Tripoli’s new demand of $225,000, tensions flared. Jefferson sent three frigates and one schooner under the command of Commodore Richard Dale to attempt to maintain peace and engage in diplomacy with the Barbary states. In the event of aggression, Dale was instructed to protect the ships and their crew from hostility by taking responsive action against the pirates.

In response, Pasha Yusuf Karamanli of Tripoli declared war on the United States on May 14, 1801. Ironically, unlike under the American constitutional system, the Pasha could personally declare war against an enemy country. As a symbolic gesture, he cut down the American flagpole in front of the American consulate.”


It’s like Obama is doing his best to make it appear he’s not a wartime president and he’s even failing at that. So much for his poor little legacy.


lol no boots on the ground Redux #7.


Maj Gen Grove needs a long stay at Hotel Leavenworth DB if he along w/ his deputy obstructed an investigation by deleting e-mails….chances nothing comes of this – 100%. The most trangender,…oops transparent administration in history.