DNC resurrects Ku Klux Khan
While most liberal pundits will tap dance all around the fact that the cross-burning, bloodily racist, black/Jew hating and hanging Ku Klux Klan was made up almost exclusively of Democrats, it’s a demonstrable truth that can’t be denied. Like most of the history of slavery and overt racism in America’s history, there seems to be a hovering, ominous presence of the Democrat party everywhere one looks. The Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist wing of the Democrats. Striking swiftly under the cover of darkness and disguise, the Klan instilled deathly fear into those the Democrats saw as either unworthy, like blacks, or as scheming, moneyed, too well informed political enemies of Jim Crow and segregation, the Jews.
Amazingly, it was the Democrat National Committee, embracing all those former enemies, the blacks and Jews, and being warmly embraced in return, who resurrected a 21st century version of the Klan when they staged an event at their convention that had no other purpose than to politically lynch Donald Trump on the testimony of one aggrieved Gold Star father, a lawyer as it turns out who is closely linked politically to both the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabian officialdom and most importantly, Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s closest personal advisor, a woman with strong links herself to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The practiced and purposeful testimony of the aggrieved Muslim father, one Kizr Kahn, was designed to ignite a burning cross on the political lawn of Donald Trump which would serve as a flaming beacon to attract frothing media nightriders, the Ku Klux Khan. With red meat denunciations fed to them by the Democrat party, they proceeded with the very public political lynching of Donald Trump. To his everlasting regret, Mr. Trump grabbed the noose and placed it around his neck with some careless, intemperate remarks about the Khan’s culture which further incensed the media mob and set them truly howling for blood. Fortunately there was sufficient backlash from the conservative media and the veteran community to retrieve Mr. Trump’s head from where he had so accommodatingly placed it.
Fortunately the DNC’s masterplan is not working with the target voting bloc, the veteran community and military personnel. While most of us are not pleased with Trump’s insensitivity, we are not so dense as to not see counselor Khan as the political plant he was and the cynical attempt by the Democrats to play on our emotions. Most comments that I’m reading from other vets like myself are expressing anger at the Dems rather than Mr. Trump. The best way to sum it up from a soldiers standpoint is that Trump is the big-mouthed, blowhard New Yorker who somehow always seems to be able to back up his bullsh*t. You don’t necessarily like the guy but you learn to respect his ability to soldier on and get the job done. So, Democrats, you may have unleashed the Ku Klux Khan, but they’re not going to lynch any of our people, not in our America.
We’re thinking there are other necks far more deserving of that rope…
Category: Politics
At least Trump didn’t offend the RNCs midget or drag queen they had on stage.
p.s does anyone else think The Hiladbeast is looking at those beautiful photos of Trumps wife with carnal lust in her snake like eyes?
No, she’s jealous because she only wishes she looked that good.
What did you expect from such a boatload of blatant hypocrites? It’s very Machiavellian the way they go about this – do whatever is necessary to get the job done without making enemies.
Unfortunately, as you and several others have pointed out, it doesn’t always work quite the way they hope it will.
I do wish, however, that Trump would stop reacting to what they do, and take a moment before responding to it. Get something solid to discredit their trumpeting and fanfare.
The vagina candidate needed a male to talk about his son, while the wife/mother remained silent. Also where did the DNC find the pocket Constitution for Kahn to use as a political stunt?
I’m willing to bet a dollar to a doughnut that it wasn’t a pocket Constitution, but a pocket Quoran in disguise. Taqiyya.
Anyone have a good, non-pixilated closeup to be able to tell for sure?
This image seems clear.
What exactly did he say that was untrue? Heard him say it, read what he said, and I simply can’t find the misrepresentation in it.
Meanwhile, there are millions of folks around the country who are relieved that there is finally someone who reacts swiftly and articulately to silly lies coming from the left. His greatest “offense” seems to be calling liars what they are. Gee, that is terrible – for the entrenched ruling class of both parties.
It’s been mentioned before: The loss of Capt Kahn was tragic, but his father is no saint.
There’s no doubt he grieves for his son, but I question his “love” for this country and what the Constitution stands for.
He’s a muzzie apologist. From that frame of reference, I think the guy is dangerous.
(Sorry… wrong thread)
Works here too. 😀
Of course there is always the real McCoy, or the real Spock letting his feelings about Kahn be known for all the world to see…
The problem is that the democrat strategy works well with uninformed voters that are lazy to do a little bit of homework or just pay attention to several news outlet instead of just CNN or MSNBC.
It’s a shame that our elections are mostly decided by citizens that don’t know what the hell they are doing or how our government is actualy supposed to operate.
Free shit trump honor and integrity.
This right here, but don’t let the Republicans off too lightly-part of the reason we have Trump is because he had name recognition over the more mundane politicians-some of whom had been doing a lot of the heavy lifting for conservatism over the last few years, but weren’t as recognizable to voters in the primaries as the reality TV host.
Ageed. Trump was not my original choice, and may be a terrible CiC I just think that it will be worse with Obama2.0
I’m trying to read how he’ll really be if elected, but I am convinced for now that he’d be better than 0bama2.0
I sort of disagree. I think a big reason Trump got it is that the establishment republican party has finally jumped the shark and turned into democrat lite. People feel betrayed.
Trump is no victim.
Stop being a propagandist, Poe.
You telling anyone to “stop being a propagandist” takes major chutzpah.
Pot, meet kettle.
Bullshit, I am a progressive but I am non-partisan.
I hate both parties equally. And both major party candidates equally for that matter.
If a Democrat had pulled this shit Trump is pulling about veterans, PoWs, Gold Star families, Purple Hearts, and dead service members there is no way in hell any of you would be defending them.
And Poe would be leading the charge posting endless blog rants about how despicable the democrat doing it was.
Instead he tries to frame Trump as a victim.
That is flat bullshit partisan propaganda on Poe’s part.
What fucking planet do you exist on Lostcause aka Lars aka triple dutch rudder boy?
Democrats DID pull this shit, are you off your meds again? The DNC trotted out a muslim activist who advocates sharia law over the constitution, who promptly stood on the body of his dead son, a CPT who served his country honorably and nobly, and preached the constitution to Trump. The victim here is CPT Khan, he deserves a better memorial that to be used as a political prop by his father and the DNC. And just to make it official, fuck you Lars. A rose by another name would smell as sweet, but a turd is still a turd under any name.
Hey farthead, what are you gonna do now that Bernie got the nomination stolen from him by Das Hildebeast? I know, you and your fellow booger-eaters can write him in! C’mon sugarbritches, start the crusade!
They did. Read up on John Kerry’s actual deeds in the 1970-1971 time frame. (Someone really needs to teach that tool how to pronounce “Genghis”. Mongolians don’t pronounce it “Jen-jis”.) Then look at how you’ve spoken glowingly about him and his work as SECSTATE (specifically, the Iran Nuclear Deal) in the past here.
Or read up on the questoinable financial dealings of Bernie and his wife (as discussed in that “right wing rag” Vanity Fair, no less). I don’t seeing you say a word about how it’s unseemly for Bernie the Commie to be associated with such apparently unethical financial dealings.
You didn’t say a word because in both cases they’re from “your side”, and you agree with them overall. You’re thus willing to keep your yap shut vice criticize them. You’d do the latter if you were truly nonpartisan.
And don’t get me started on your blatant politically-correct Christianity-bashing camouflaged as support for “religious freedom”. You take that to Mikey Whinestein levels and beyond. Or your absurd support for the “right to migrate”, coupled with your implication that anyone who doesn’t agree with you on that point is some kind of fascist or racist.
As I said above: kettle, meet pot. You’re a damned hypocrite, “lostcause” – plain an simple. You’ve done exactly the same here in the past (advocate a particular cause or point of view with little regard for the truth) as you accuse PT of doing above.
How the hell is this a rebuttal?
I never mention Kerry or defended him. Not once.
I am talking about Trump. And that you guys are not only giving him a pass but you are DEFENDING him. Framing him as a VICTIM.
It is pathetic.
The fact that you are still pissed about Kerry 16 years after that fact proves my point that you would not be giving Trump a pass or defending him if her were a democrat.
So don’t call me a hypocrite when your posts right now prove your hypocrisy.
Oh pointy-headed candyassed booger-eating thumbsucker, you are SO full of shit it isn’t even funny! You advocate socialism, yet you don’t utter a peep when someone mentions the current situation in Venezuela. You come here spouting your shit and then get all pissy when we call you out on it and you can’t take what you dish out. Go to DU or KoS and stay there, o deluded farthead!
No, lostcause – you originally were castigating PT for being a propagandist for Trump. Perhaps you’d forgotten that fact? If so, read your first comment above.
What I did was merely point out the fact that you’re just as much a propagandist as he is.
I haven’t said word one about Trump in comments to this article. So you’re 100% wrong with your claim that I’ve been defending him in comments above. Well either that or you’re baldfaced lying about that. Take your pick.
Regarding Kerry – you’ve repeatedly lauded the Iran nuclear deal and many other aspects of current US foreign policy, like the NQA admission of Syrian “refugees”, going as far as to assert some nonexistent “right to migrate”. You do remember who is currently SECSTATE and thus in charge of US foreign policy, right?
A suggestion: perhaps you need to take off your shoes and socks when you attempt math. Last time I checked, from 1970 or 1971 to today isn’t 16 years. And yeah, I’m still pissed about seeing someone sell out his own country (and fellow vets) via lying through his teeth and literally meeting with a wartime enemy in violation of the Logan Act in order to make a political name for himself while suffering few consequences for doing so.
Further, if by 16 years you’re referring to a presidential election, well, . . . Kerry didn’t run for POTUS 16 years ago, fool. That was the self-proclaimed “inventor of the Internet” Al Gore, remember?
Sheesh, are you really that freaking ignorant? Next time, how about you do a bit of homerwork and make sure you actually have a clue before you run your yap.
Any other inaccurate statements you want to make, dipstick?
You, non-partisan?
Lars, do you really believe your own bullshit? Look up any of hundreds of archived threads in which you’ve made some ridiculously-outlandish full-retard claim, insulted us for calling bullshit, refused to back up said claim, and then somebody else cited multiple sources proving you not only wrong, but seriously full-retard. And you have the balls to accuse ANYONE of propagandizing, you sack of shit?
You have all the credibility of a cheating wife/girlfriend trying to invent excuses for why it’s okay and she’s not really a lying slut. You’re not “progressive” (a very misleading term), you’re just a dickhead.
Trump didn’t say anything about gold star anything. Guess what, they ain’t special when they get up at a high profile forum and run their mouths. A lot of you people seem to fail to grasp that. The son made the sacrifice. Mr Muzzie didn’t do shit. Except prostitute his dead son to make some vague insulting accusations at Trump. He didn’t even make much sense. Trump didn’t start this, that muzzie mouthpiece for the socialist democrat party did. Now the truth about how scuzzy he is is coming to light, and he is doing damage control at the cyclic rate.
You guys are completely full of shit for defending Trump on this.
The hypocrisy and cognitive bias on this board is insane.
Your comments makes no sense, you should consider enrolling in a remedial writing class.
And you’re twice as fucking stupid as well as intellectually dishonest for not calling out Hillary for the same shit, as well as not speaking out against the media bias so fucking blatant Helen Keller can see it.
“The hypocrisy and cognitive bias on this board is insane.”
OK. I’ll agree with that, insomuch as it applies to Lostcause. ‘Cause you’ve lost yourself in your fantasy world.
Was it cognitive bias that led you to call us ALL racists, based on the “fact” that death threats against Obama were up a staggering 400%. As Clong would say, “pot, kettle…you know the rest.” Oh, and fuck you Lars. Oh, and Clong, fuck you too!
Lostcause AKA Commissar AKA Comrade Poodle Dik AKA Triple Dutch rudder boy AKA Mr. Fu___ing Know It All, AKA The biggest asshole to ever continue to rant incoherently on T A H and not recognize your welcome mat is over a pit of alligators. A week or so back someone gave you a compliment suggesting you appeared to have toned down your rhetoric. And here you are again vetting your pent up hate for those who do not say “Yassah Mr. Lars”.
Really???? What the hell is wrong with you always being such an ass; always being the one to know ALL the answers, always ending up calling people names on this site. You make Don Rickles look like an ameteur when it comes to insulting people. Tell us oh please Mr. Wonderful…do you even have any friends?
Before I close, how are your friends in China and North Korea? You know, the Communists you claim people who worry about are foolish? DO us all a favor and move your ass over there. Guess you can spout your B. S. to them and they’ll give you a pass since they are such good people.
You are still an asshole, always were, and always will be. So much that I have included a “Special” link for your indulgence. Custom made for one Commissar…Comrade Poodle Dik. You’ll LOVE this knowing it was made JUST for you.
Lost Taylor, I won’t say I don’t like you, BUT I REALLY enjoyed the absence of you and your blatant idiocy while you were gone.
You do in fact realize that one can in fact criticize Mr. Kan without defending Mr. Trump, yes?
Good boy. Here’s a cookie.
Khan. Fucking autocorrect.
Poe is defending Trump.
Does he need your permission?
Lars, let me try this one more time. Khan insulted Trump for not sacrificing anything, like HIS SON DID, and proceeded to slur Trump. Trump contradicted this apparently shady lawyer dude, and he responded specifically to Khan. He did nothing wrong other than to respond to someone slurring him at the behest of the DNC. And by the way, if we are considering military service as the only sacrifice there is, which is incorrect, then well over 97 percent of the current population hasn’t sacrificed anything either.
I’m not the only one who has observed that telling people like it is has been reclassified as “hate speech” or language that sets off certain “triggers”. It’s all nonsense. The left is trying to redefine what TRUTH is – and that’s dangerous.
Liars are liars and need to be called out on it. (That happens regularly here, and for good reason!)
BLM and the narrative they follow is bullshit too. No one wants to have the discussion that really needs to be had because it’s uncomfortable, and a lot of people would be forced to face a reality they simply don’t want to face. I’m no shrink, but I believe that’s called “denial”.
For Lostcause to tell Poe to “quit being a propagandist” is absurd. Doing so is right along the lines of what the left has been doing all along – that actual TRUTH is now considered propaganda.
Trump was not lynched.
Trump is not a victim.
Poe’s post is propaganda NOT truth.
I didn’t say Poe’s post was truth, dickhead. You did.
Now go home and get your fucking shine-box!
The clusterf*uck of rabid frothing mindlessness that follows my posts is absurd.
Yes, with respect to the Democratic/Republican party divide I am NON-PARTISAN. I literally hate both parties.
I also hate both candidates.
And if I had to choose Trump or Hillary I would prefer Trump because over the long term he is more likely to cause our nation to move toward a progressive socio-economy than Hillary will.
But the FACT is that if Trump were a democrat the shit he has been saying about vets, the Purple Heart, this Gold Star family, service members and a half dozen other issues WOULD PISS YOU OFF.
But instead most of you are defending him.
And that is flat bullshit.
He is a shitbag. Plain and simple.
The clusterfuck or rabid frothing mindlessness that YOU post is absurd.
Yes, with respect to the Democrat/Republican party divide I an NON-PARTISAN. I strongly prefer listening to either for hours rather than read your boring rants.
I also despise your blithering.
And if I had to choose Trump or Hillary, I would prefer either to your bitching because over the long term both are more likely to cause our nation to see progress, where you are a damned waste of time.
But the FACT is that if Trump were to read the shit you post about those of us who refuse to bow to your every rant, Trump would say, “Why do you let that idiot piss you off so easily?”
But instead, most of us browse through the many posts and pretty much HAVE to see your scribbling delusions.
And that is a flat bullshit fact.
You are a shitbag. Plain and simple.
Most of us are not, as you assert, defending Trump. We’re attacking the hypocritical use of a fallen Soldier for political Gain. Used by a father that has openly declared that sharia is the only law, and that the constitution is subservient to it. A father whose son died in defense of the constitution. A father that declares the primacy of sharia and then preaches to Trump about knowing the constitution. Mr. Khan is your kind of people, Lostcause. A lying, hypocritical, useless attention whore.
People who speak at political conventions are there for political reasons? News at eleven, I guess.
And it isn’t just the left-wing media that thinks Mr. Trump’s reaction to this was poor – even Dakota Meyer said he needs to apologize to the Khans: https://twitter.com/Dakota_Meyer/status/760592745178083328
God, this is election is such a shit-show.
Yeah, they generally are. That also means they’re hardly “blameless innocents” appearing there to speak as concerned parents.
But it is rare to see someone “pimp out” the death of a member of their own family, a la Sheehan and Khan, to score political points. Especially when their own past acts and writings call into question their support for the very Constitution they use as a political prop.
“And it isn’t just the left-wing media that thinks Mr. Trump’s reaction to this was poor – even Dakota Meyer said he needs to apologize to the Khans:”
This is what Dakota Meyer tweeted last Tuesday, while the media were in a frenzy of quoting and re-quoting one another regarding their unabashed Trump bashing: “If @realDonaldTrump wants to be the Commander in Chief, he needs to act like one. And that cant start until he apologizes to the Khans.
5:46 PM – 2 Aug 2016”
He has said nothing since. Wide Load’s campaign jumped on it and re-tweeted it 8 million times! That’s much political hay, precisely what the campaign wanted and what it got, but I find no repeat of that tweet or any other similar sentiment coming from Meyer since that early and solitary one. I dare say that most people (perhaps Dakota Meyer as well) were not reacting with knowledge of Lawyer Kahn but rather to what the media were saying and writing about it. That is, with all sources characterizing Trump’s retort as an attack on a Gold Star Family, of course reasonable people would call on him to apologize. And now, days later, we know much more about Lawyer Kahn. And what we know changes much for many, maybe even Dakota Meyer.
He also hasn’t deleted it. And I just picked him as one example – there are plenty of others, too.
As for Mr. Khan, I take the stuff from Shoebat with a grain of salt for a variety of reasons. Oh, thirty-plus years ago a Muslim man wrote about Muslim religious law? That surprises me about as much as a Christian talking about Biblical law. (No, I’m not equating Christians with Muslims here, just commenting on the fact that ‘sharia’ being talked about doesn’t scare me. If he was pushing hard for it to supercede civil law here, I’d be singing a different tune.)
Fact is, thirty-plus years ago I was a good Catholic, not the infidel-atheist that I am now. People change and adapt over time – often based on their environment. If you were born in Pakistan, chances are you’d be a Muslim. How do you reconcile the idea of Khan as an evil Muslim Brotherhood agent with the reality of his son serving in the US military?
You might want to read the quote from Khan listed at the Daily Caller link I provided above, LC. It goes a bit beyond “follow Shai’ra in your private conduct”.
Last time I checked, I don’t believe Khan had publicly disavowed his previously published scholarly opinions either.
That’s it, he hasn’t deleted it? He stuck his neck out too quickly and was used like a two-bit whore for doing so. You think he wants to go anywhere near there again? You can beyt he was contacted by every mahor network and newspaper to repeat the statement and…nothing. That tells me what it does not tell you.
There are plenty of Kahn’s writings on Scribd.
IMO, Kahn was practicing “taqiyya” on stage. He doesn’t actually believe anything he said about the Constitution because our legal system runs afoul of what that book they follow teaches.
I’d argue that’s your interpretation of what their book teaches. I mean, Catholicism forbids birth control, yet the majority of Catholics use it in some form or another. There are countless examples of this in all religions – the texts or leaders say one thing, but few people follow it to the letter. They tend to simply use the parts of their religion that resonate with them.
Um, no. That’s not my interpretation. Islamic jurisprudence interprets it that way. If it’s good enough for them to publish and teach within the Muslim world, then that’s all the proof anyone else needs.
The concept of Islamic law is contrary to laws of the U.S..
By his own writings, Kahn has proven his beliefs are firmly grounded in Shar’ia law, not law that has been established by the Constitution.
I don’t think it’s an either/or thing – Mr. Khan and Mrs. Smith (at the RNC) were clearly both speaking as ‘concerned parents’.. and their speech was also used for political reasons. Notably, though, I didn’t see Mrs. Clinton going after Patricia Smith. (Not that I think this was out of any goodness in her heart, but rather a political awareness that such a thing would be stupid beyond belief.)
As for Khan’s writing about sharia law, I saw this come out, first by Walid Shoebat if I recall, and was immediately amused by the irony of it all. Walid claims he himself was a terrorist until he converted to Christianity in 1994, and yet he’s castigating a guy for an article written in 1983 -a time during which Walid was, by his own accounts (though lacking in evidence as they are), an actual terrorist.
His son, Theodore, also recently talked about how gays and maybe Mrs. Clinton should be killed for practicing witchcraft. These aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, and see conspiracies everywhere.
At the end of the day, even if you assume Khan was a fanatical Muslim / sleeper agent at some point, you have to reconcile that with how anyone in that position would allow their son to serve in the army of the ‘infidels’. And if the answer to that is that his son, too, was a sleeper agent (as Roger Stone is now pushing), despite his honorable service and ultimate sacrifice, and without any evidence to support it,.. then I think we need to call on Occam’s Razor. Which is simpler to believe? That a Muslim family who have lived in the US for over 30 years can love this country and their son can serve honorably, or that the Khans, their fallen son, and pretty much every other Muslim who loves this country is actually a sleeper agent?
Or perhaps, the brave Capt. Kahn despised his upbringing and revolted like every single one of us has done to our parents. Just a thought.
Their “concerned parents” act is as reprehensible as Mark Kelly propping up Gabby Giffords in order to further his agenda. I live in Giffords district, I really liked her in spite of our differing party affiliations. I respected her views even when I didn’t agree. Now she’s a political prop. Shame on them all.
Concur. One of the few things I can think of that’s worse than “pimping out” a relative’s death for political gain is doing the same with a living but mentally disabled spouse.
For doing that, Mark Kelly can Leck meine Arschfotze. Ditto the tools at the Brady Campaign who did the same.
Not making any statement whatsoever about “all Muslims”, LC. My reply here pertains to the elder Khan only. However, as a sidebar: your argument concerning “all Muslims” in your last para above is flawed; it’s not an “either/or” choice. Loyalty is a personal choice vice an inherited trait. It is eminently possible for a disloyal parent to have a loyal son, and vice versa – or for all in a given family to be either loyal or disloyal. (One example: Adolph Hitler’s nephew – son of his brother Alois and an English mother – emigrated to the US prior to World War II – and served in the US Navy during the latter part of the war and afterwards, 1944-1947.) Best evidence indicates the late CPT Khan was indeed loyal to the US, given the circumstances of his demise. But I don’t know the individuals involved, so I won’t speculate about his parents. I’m also not interested in discussing whether Khan might be some kind of “sleeper agent”. Here, I’m simply addressing his use of the US Constitution as a political prop given an apparent “disconnect” between the US Constitution and his prior writings. Those writings may well still be indicative of his current thoughts on the matter – which are relevant, given his decision to become a public figure. Now, back on-topic. I’m sure you’ve heard of the “stopped clock principle”. While I indeed have concerns in general regarding the Shoebats’ credibility, here their claims can be independently verified. And here, those claims indeed appear to have been at least partially verified. The article in question by Khan was published in the Houston Journal of International Law in 1983. Since he wrote it, the article presumably conveys Khan’s opinions on the relative importance and precedence of Sharia and secular law for practitioners of Islam as of 1983. It’s available here: https://www.scribd.com/document/320016152/Khizr-Khan-Juristic-Classification-Islamic-Law Either that article still accurately represents Khan’s current views, or it does not. If it does not, or if it requires clarification, all Khan need do is state how his views have changed in the past 30 years… Read more »
However, as a sidebar: your argument concerning “all Muslims” in your last para above is flawed; it’s not an “either/or” choice. Certainly true. I was simply arguing that finding an ‘acceptable Muslim’ to many on the right seems a nigh impossible task. When a grieving father can’t be taken at face value and instead has to morph into an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood so he can be properly demonized, I wonder what would pass for genuine. Again, to me, a Muslim having an interest in Sharia is as natural as a Christian talking about the Ten Commandments. I think, though, you and I may disagree on this. (More on that below). I’m also not interested in discussing whether Khan might be some kind of “sleeper agent”. Here, I’m simply addressing his use of the US Constitution as a political prop given an apparent “disconnect” between the US Constitution and his prior writings. Again, without drawing a direct comparison between Christianity and Islam, do you think it’s possible to believe in Biblical law (eg, be a Christian) and yet also believe in the Constitution? I mean, certainly the answer is yes, as many of our founding fathers did just that, and countless people do it every day. So religious law and state law can clearly coexist, right? Ah, but Muslims want Sharia law to take precedence over state law, don’t they? Well, .. sure, I imagine many do. But I also know many Christians want their religious law to take precedence. We see this in everything from the debate about gay marriage to comments from leading political figures like Ben Carson and Marco Rubio (http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/261298-rubio-gods-rules-trump-supreme-court-decisions). Yet despite all that, despite the vastly greater number of Christians than Muslims in this country, they haven’t been too successful. So why would I fear Sharia succeeding where the considerably greater force has failed? In other words, I think it perfectly natural for people who believe in X and live their life centered on X to think X should be a major component of government. But fortunately those efforts fail, thanks in part to… Read more »
LC, you sound like one of those defenders of moral equivalence who would argue for the right of the Muslim executioner about to decapitate you to use a dull knife.
I simply fail to understand those like you who are willing to bend over backwards to allow your culture to be invaded, undermined and ultimately destroyed.
I fail to see where you get that. Anyone who seeks to execute innocents is my enemy, I simply don’t care what religion they are. But if a Muslim man wants to raise his kids Muslim and yet follow the laws of our land? Yeah, I’ve got zero problems with that. I wish they weren’t Muslim, but hey, I wish there weren’t so many Christians, Jews and Scientologists too. I find all that stuff strange.
I’m going to hazard a guess that you’re Christian, correct? So maybe from your viewpoint the lessening of Christian views in this country makes you feel like the country is losing ground, and at the same time with Islam making its appearance you feel that’s gaining acceptance. This is, understandably, a ‘loss’ from your perspective. (Let’s talk in the US for now; the world is a whole different ballgame.)
For me, it’s different – I’ve seen the US becoming (slowly) increasingly secular. To me, this is a win – we’re getting better about doing away with religious influence on our laws.
So, given that, I’m not threatened by Sharia, no. But I can understand why you might feel otherwise.
Well you swung and missed, LC. Ol’ Poe has subscribed to no organized religion since he was thirteen years old and realized that damned preacher had no way of knowing what he was standing up there pontificating about.
That said, I do recognize the benefit of the Judeo-Christian underpinning of our constitution and our system of laws, a point on which we apparently disagree. You celebrate the secularization of the American legal system which begs the question, upon what belief system is it then to be based? Humanism? Good luck with that. I think you are celebrating your own destruction and defending those who will quicken the process. Their Sharia will not take long in, historical terms, to supplant your ungrounded, orphan system.
When you look at Christianity and Judaism as being equivalents of Islam, you are disregarding the all-encompassing aspect of a religion which is based on the principle of total human submission to those who will arbitrarily determine what are the satisfactory standards of adherence based on their interpretations of Sharia.
There is no way that our American Judeo-Christian based system of laws demands that degree of submission of our citizens and you well know it.
It’s quite brave and noble of you to pronounce that you have no fear of sharia, also quite foolish.I’d love to hear what your wife or mother feels about your bravado.There are hundreds of millions of noble but ignorant souls like you who have been ground into dust in the cogs of various religious or political movements in humanity’s past. Those movements rolled over the brave souls like you who rationalized away their true threat.
I’m an old geezer so I don’t fear Sharia for myself, but I damned sure see a future threat for the country I love and all my younger family.
It’s fine to be a freethinker but don’t free-think yourself into discarding a well devised system that works better than any other ever created by man.
You celebrate the secularization of the American legal system which begs the question, upon what belief system is it then to be based? I’m not sure I understand the question – what aspects of our legal system seem based on Christianity now? To me, it seems based on reason, as filtered through prior law. Sometimes it gets things wrong, mind you, but I don’t see it as being based on a belief ‘system’ so much as a foundation of common sense and prior law. Maybe that’s a belief system? Their Sharia will not take long in, historical terms, to supplant your ungrounded, orphan system. How? How will this happen? Because as I stated above, we’ve had various Christians trying to supplant our non-religious legal system (that exists within a government with Christian roots, mind you) for ages now and with little success. How are the ~2% of Muslims in the US going to suddenly achieve what a substantially larger section of Christians have been trying to do for quite some time? (No, not all Christians, certainly, and not even most, in fact, but more than 2% of the country would like to see that happen, I’d wager.) When you look at Christianity and Judaism as being equivalents of Islam, you are disregarding the all-encompassing aspect of a religion which is based on the principle of total human submission to those who will arbitrarily determine what are the satisfactory standards of adherence based on their interpretations of Sharia. This is the critical thing we disagree on. I mean, I look around at Catholics and I see some who are die-hard Catholics who insist women still cover their heads, only do their service in Latin and think they’re in a constant battle with Lucifer. I also see Catholics who go to church twice a year, pretty much ignore all the teachings, but still call themselves Catholic. The point being I see, in every religion, a wide spectrum of beliefs about what that religion means. You’re telling me though that somehow Islam doesn’t have the same? That the vast majority of its adherents… Read more »
I don’t have the time nor the inclination to get into an extended discussion with you, LC, but I think you are poorly informed when it comes to the extent to which most Muslims’ daily lives are directly impacted by their religious beliefs, far more so than most Christians. Here’s some links to some very informative reading on the topic:
I’d be interested in your response after reading those articles and following some of the links in them. They are very informative as to how Islam impacts the secularist culture you seem to think is impervious to Muslim religious practices .
Panem et circenses
Well, I see a couple of freaks, so that must be the circus-but I missed out on the bread.
It’s coming, along with the cortege of the Sirdar and those fake gold coins tossed at random to the thronging crowds.
Nice try, but I can’t see either Herself or the Donald tossing anything that even vaguely looks like money to the great unwashed (plus neither or them deserves a processional march with any more dignity than yakkity sax).
For Clintoon, perhaps “The Internationale” would be apropos.
Ahhh, I was just being my cynical self!
Ahhhhh, Lou Rawls – one of the best things ever to come out of Chicago.
Sharia law and Muslim immigration to the US are Kahn’s specialties. And he advertised both during his incendiary DNC speech in which he shamelessly and sickeningly used the 2004 combat death of his son, US Army Captain Humayan Kahn, as a weapon in a personal attack against Trump. Lawyer Kahn’s main thrust was Trump’s views of immigration, about which even The Hill said Kahn got Trump’s views wrong. The Sharia law matter came in the form of Lawyer Kahn’s wife who stood beside him, occasionally looking up at him, as he carried on about Trump. Tell me she was distraught. Tell me she looked to be anything but the model of subservience expected of a Muslim wife. Here’s what that ultra right wing rag, Time, wrote about Muslim marriage: “Women’s rights are compromised further by a section in the Koran, sura 4:34, that has been interpreted to say that men have “pre-eminence” over women or that they are “overseers” of women. The verse goes on to say that the husband of an insubordinate wife should first admonish her, then leave her to sleep alone and finally beat her. Wife beating is so prevalent in the Muslim world that social workers who assist battered women in Egypt, for example, spend much of their time trying to convince victims that their husbands’ violent acts are unacceptable.”
I am as sorry for Captain Kahn’s death as I am for any other American combat death. It’s unfortunate that Lawyer Kahn, accompanied by his silent slave, did not speak about the contribution of their Muslim son to the country as their keynote. It might have done some good in a country in which Muslims are viewed, quite rightly, as terrorists, at worst, and silent supporters of terrorism, at best.
(By the way, Lawyer Kahn’s legal website suddenly disappeared from the net.)
OK, now you’ve got Lostc in an apoplectic fit. You’re citing facts.
“Why you cite facts? They no apply to my beliefs!”
I’ve heard it mentioned, has anyone done any REAL background research into this Cpt Humayan Khan? What was his branch? Where was he stationed? What was he doing, and where was he doing it, when he was killed, supposedly “in action”? What makes him a hero – besides the words of his lying father and silent mother? Anyone spoken to his peers and subordinates as to what kind of man he was?
Otherwise, he’s just a ghost, a name, used as a political prop.
US Army Captain Kahn was on extended tour when, on 8 June 2004, a taxi with two men in it approached his post. He was immediately threat focused and ordered other troops down as he walked toward the stopped or slowing taxi. It detonated, killing him, the enemy within it, and no one else. His superior officer wrote about Captain Kahn, in part, that “He died selflessly and courageously, tackling the enemy head on.”
Captain Kahn’s action saved lives and cost him his own.
Thank you for asking. Captain Kahn and his supreme sacrifice seems to have been lost in all of this garbage.
A man, superior to his father.
Seems that he should have received more than a Bronze Star….
Yeah, Capt Khan and his heroism have been thoroughly discussed. He is held is very high esteem by everyone who knows the circumstances of his death. It angers me that his father chose to use his son for political theater as he did.
The son died to secure the freedom for his father to act ignorant in public.
By the way, Poetrooper, nice job on this piece.
Rndom thoughts:
Yes, Poetrooper is a shameless advocate for Trump, Lostcause for the liberal side of the fence. This is worth debating?
Seems to me a while back Hondo pointed out that Lars and Lostcause were from geographically separate areas and not the same person. Ideologically similar, but distinct. Or am I misremembering?
Khan just demonstrates to me that fine people can come from rotten parents and vice versa. His son’s sacrifice reflects absolute zero on the father’s character except that he seemed to have raised a good man somehow. While I feel for the Khan’s loss, in this case THEIR characters are in question, and not the son’s.
Indeed, just as the heinous twat Cindy Sheehan somehow produced a fine and honorable young man, the same appears true of the Khans. And from what I hear, Chelsea Clinton is reputedly a decent young woman bearing no similarity to her parents, probably because neither ever had any interest in her beyond using her as a prop for photo-ops (and Bill later trying to get in her friends’ pants when she was in high school), and she was raised by her Secret Service detail. She still gets trotted out occasionally in support of Hillary, but if anything, I feel sorry for her when that happens.
This episode has not changed my opinion of either candidate, however, as I detest both of them. Trump is a loudmouth blowhard asshole who doesn’t give a shit about his country. Hillary Clinton is an evil cunt who, if elected, will very likely trigger the “all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC” portion of the Oath.
Pretty sure that was a different individual, David. Believe that was CLong vice Lostcause.
Don’t believe I’ve made any statements one way or another regarding whether Taylor and Lostcause are the same individual.
Hondo and Poe – thanks for the clarification. Hard to tell ’em apart without a scorecard. Always seems to be one around, though
David, the email address for Lostcause is xxx@xxx.xxx so somehow or another I think they’re the same dude.
As for Lars calling Ol’ Poe a propagandist, he’d do better to direct that label at the Ku Klux Kahn, the fevered liberal media who did the DNC’s dirty work for them. The MSM could have done a bit of quick Internet investigating and learned what a sleaze this character Khan is. Instead they seized the DNC narrative and ran with it for no other reason than to virtually lynch Trump, hoping to sucker some of the slower thinking veterans, unfortunately including Dakota Meyer, who should know better than to believe anything the media says regarding military matters.
But the lynching quickly failed because there are simply far too many vets who don’t trust the liberal media any more than they trust Muslim lawyers with ties to Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood, and the research is too easy nowadays.
And thanks to all of you for defending me against Lars but even in my advanced years I can handle a yapping pup like him. When your opponent believes he knows everything while constantly demonstrating he actually knows very little, he’s not much of an opponent. I usually don’t even bother to respond to Lars anymore, especially when his best argument is playground name-calling.
When Lars thinks I’m a propagandist but those lying whores in the liberal media are truth-tellers, that provides a rather insightful view into the worm-filled cranial cavity of Commissar.
I’m so very over this election. The fucked up system has offered us the choice of “sucks” (Trump) and “sucks worse” (Hildabeast). It never should have come to this. The two-party system itself is unconstitutional, as the Framers intended for there to be NO POLITICAL PARTIES in this country they created.
Ben Franklin said that we had “A republic, if you can keep it.” We have not kept it. God help America.
You really need to read up on what “unconstitutional” means. The founders didn’t like political parties, true, but they didn’t put that in the constitution, did they?
Making that claim is at least as much a stretch as claiming a constitutional “wall of separation” between church & state based on Jefferson’s letter.
This country has been going to Hades since it was founded. Nothing new there.
“…the baneful effects of the spirit of party” Washington farewell speech, 1796.
Smart man.
True. But the personal opinion of even a beloved and indispensable outgoing POTUS does not equate to “what I don’t like is unconstitutional”.
Seems to me it’s kind of hard to square the 1st Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech (and by logical implication, freedom of association) with the position that political parties are “Unconstitutional”, TOW.
Every right has its downsides. One of the downsides of free speech is that ignorant fools also have the right to run their yap.
“Every right has its downsides. One of the downsides of free speech is that ignorant fools also have the right to run their yap.”
That is an aspect of the Constitutional recognitions of our rights that is overlooked by too many on both sides of the debate.
Good point.
Thanks. It’s in general true of any right – if you have that right, the village idiot also has that right. Taking away his right thus endangers your own.
Which leaves us scratching our heads over those who want to squelch speech they don’t agree with – or go hide in some “safe room” somewhere.
Where do they miss the connection? I suspect “The Self-Delusion is Strong With This One”…
Have you read Blackthorn’s legal writings on “rights” and “no-rights”?
Ave atque vale, O tempores, O mores.
Bis repetita placent.
The Democrats are bring in their new Klan from Syria. Hillary wants them wearing their Klan gear when lynching. Such as burkahs and black face mask. It’s the Democrats new Klan.
Have you ever noticed the similarity between silhouette targets and the ISIS-favored uniform?
We’ve been training for the conflict for a while now…
Interesting take, but it misses the point.
For one thing, Kzir Khans speech was designed to highlight what he sees to be the problems with Trumps proposed policies. He very cleverly turned these into attacks on Trumps character. Ordinarily, this type of ad nominim attack is a distraction from the issue.
However, in a political campaign, the character of a candidate is very much an issue, just as much as the candidates record and stance on various policy issues. Furthermore, Trump is a masterful character assassin- Crooked Hillary, Lyin’ Ted, Little Marco, etc.
Meant to say ‘. Ad hominem’.
If you want to know about a person, look at what their family is about….the Kennedy’s got their start importing liquor and the like illegally….but I have not heard anything of substance about the Trump family, other than the father built a successful real estate foundation…so I thought what else? Did some digging and found this: http://boingboing.net/2015/09/09/1927-news-report-donald-trump.html
“He’s onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. “That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells.” -Clint Eastwood Source: Esquire, as reported by Washington Times 3 August 2016
The Pussy Generation.
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