Canadians want to keep Iraq War absconders

| August 4, 2016


Back in 2009, TSO wrote one of his first posts here at TAH about Joshua Key’s book “The Deserter’s Tale” about his journey from Iraq to Canada. The story was packed with unadulterated BS. According to The Guardian, Key is still in Canada and begging their stank-ass hippie Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to stay there.

I guess what is surprising is the Guardian’s claim that most of Canada wants the criminals to stay;

Polls suggest most Canadians support the idea of allowing war resisters to stay in the country, with 63% saying in June that they should be allowed to become permanent residents. “I don’t think this is surprising,” said Michelle Robidoux of the War Resisters Support Campaign, which assists Iraq war resisters as they forge new lives in Canada, pointing to Canadians’ widespread opposition to the Iraq war and the welcome extended to resisters during the Vietnam war.

Across the country, others have also gone out of their way to help the war resisters.

Good. They can keep them. Let Canadian taxpayers pay for their keep and give us a break. The only reason that Key and his pals won’t come back to the US now is because they don’t want to pay for breaking faith with the American people. The others who have come back spent about 8 months in jail and got on with their lives. When Obama didn’t issue them a blanket pardon like Jimmy Carter did in his first day in office, they were disappointed when the others went to jail. if we can’t put them in jail, let them stay in Canada.

Thanks to Lucky for the link.

Category: I hate hippies

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Without the draft, their so-called protest action is BS. No draft, no protest.

They don’t have to like being sent to a war zone, but no one forced any of them to join the military. Therefor, their protests are non sequitur and meaningless, by their very nature.

MSG Eric

“I joined the military. I wasn’t supposed to be sent to a combat zone for that! I was just supposed to have a job for a few years and get some college money!”

The Other Whitey

The stupidity of the quoted statement is painful.

A Proud Infidel®™

And yet I remember reporters quoting people in the Military saying that after 9/11 like they were owed a deployment-free career.

MSG Eric

I know, especially to hear it from Civil Affairs troops. Especially after 9/11 when CA’s OPTEMPO was over 100% because we were so busy with everything going on.

Bernie Hackett

Goodness! Is that what the recuiter told you? Missed that bit for assignment in accordance with the needs of the service, huh? Oh, well! Live and learn, kid. You shouldn’t have joined, if you can’t take a joke.


I am almost positive MSG Eric was being facetious Bernie.

Bernie Hackett

And so was I, but not as well! The old saying (which I used for the previous bunch who “immigrated”) You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Oh, and spare me the whining, it makes me doubt your sincerity, Eh?

MSG Eric

I said something similar to AIT kids pretty much every cycle. “Don’t want to deploy? Well, guess what Civil Affairs does….”


MSG Eric, that was exactly my plan in 1987. 24 years later… I forgot to get out and go to college. Exciting trips to Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq along the way. Sometimes plans just go to all to shit!

MSG Eric

While I picked civil affairs because it brought me loan repayment and a bonus (2000) in 1993, yes I have heard that statement in various ways from younger Soldiers. All 3 of my combat deployments were voluntary.

I would give my incoming briefing to my AIT students on a Tuesday after the course started and in 03 and 04 I had students go back after my briefing and tell the Drill Sergeants, “I didn’t sign up to deploy, I’m just here for college money and I shouldn’t have to do this job.” Among other things. I seriously shook my head that “kids” in 03 and 04 were joining the Army and not thinking they’d have to deploy at all when we had so many troops in both sand boxes.

Part of my briefing was telling them that within 6 months every single one of them will most likely deploy. Might be Iraq, might be Afghanistan. Might even be exercises or other missions around the world, but they’ll be going somewhere. Luckily it was only 2-4 at most that didn’t want to. Most were eager to get back and deploy. I had former students who had 2 deployments before I even escaped SWCS because they wanted to go to both sandboxes.

I know its a shock, but some of them actually had recruiters that *gasp* lied to them! “Civil Affairs? Oh that’s just an admin job, you sit behind a desk and you never deploy anywhere. Totally.”


You hit the nail on the head with that one. I’ve also been confused about it. Join and then be expected to fight? What nerve of Uncle Sam.

MSG Eric

As an AIT instructor, I had over 900 students in 20 cycles and I really heard it all. Literally Every cycle, “Wow, that’s a new one. I haven’t heard that before.”

USMCMSgt (Ret)

When I was still in uniform and some Marine would start pissing and moaning, I’d remind them they volunteered and have them read the back of their DD Form 4. They usually shut up after that.


We sure don’t need them back, that’s for sure.


Yep, just let them stay in Canada.

If they want to get on with their lives and be contributing members of society, all they have to do is go visit good old Wavy Reynar.

He’ll teach them how to be sticky bums bakers and multi-colored tennis ball therapists.

Both necessary trades that are in high demand in the northern regions.


Teach them how? Hell, I thought all of those scared-sh!tless cowards already qualified as “sticky bums”. Or was that was “stanky bums”?


More like “stretched out stanky bums.”

But no sweat, Obummer will issue a blanket pardon on his last day in office and another surge of returning citizens will hit Camp Atterbury.


So who went in your place?

Who may have died or been wounded because you didn’t go; when it should have been your assigned mission that day? I hope that haunts them for the rest of their days…but it won’t because they are selfish fucks.

No fucking sense of Duty or Honor; someone should slap the shit out of the parents for raising these sacks of garbage.


“I hope that haunts them for the rest of their days…”

Don’t count on it.

Joseph Williams

Mustang,not going or deploying will haunt to their drying day. the question will be would I be brave enough.Also a feeling of being of lesser of a vet. JOE


I wonder how many of these fuckers will be calling themselves war heroes…like some of these damn Vietnam Veteran fakers do today.


It won’t. They don’t care. They are attention whores making a statement that has no meaning.


Some of the dodgers that dicknose the peanut farmer pardoned say they “feel” guilty. Fukem.


Stay there, enjoy your new home. You are not wanted here. You made your choice, now you can live with the consequences. You are not the USA’s problem. You are now Canadian.


Fucking rat bastards.

A Proud Infidel®™

Okay, let Canada keep those HOSERS, the longer they do, the less chance those worthless rat shits will return and be another burden on the U.S. Welfare System, eh?


Good post, you used hosers an eh. Five stars.

A Proud Infidel®™

Stars Are OK, but I’d prefer a five coconut rating!??

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, this is me, not giving a fuck. Stay up there and freeze, assholes.


Having had a Canadian mother, I have to ask: what do we have against Canadians to wish them our trash? I know the poll shows 63% of them want to let them stay, but I would a) like to see the poll questions to see how they were worded and b)we did re-elect our CiC, so it’s not like we’re so goddamned smart either as a country.

Hack Stone

They come down here to destabilize our economy be slipping in a Canadian penny every so often. Plus, they gave us Justin Bieber. I’ll let the penny slide, but no way on Justin Bieber.


Justin Bieber is a cocksucker.

A Proud Infidel®™

Justin Bieber is Miley Cyrus sans makeup!!!


Well, yeah, but they gave us William Shatner, Pamela Anderson, and Alex Trebec and they loaned us James Doohan for several years so we probably came out ahead on the deal.

Beside, I haven’t heard a peep out of Bieber lately; maybe he grew up.

A Proud Infidel®™

I doubt that and I hope Justin Beiber grows a huge zit every time someone posts on TAH or Facebook!

2/17 Air Cav

Dafuq is that guy doing in the US? Beaver has been arrested in our country how many times? Three? Four? What does he think he is, Mexican?


Periodically, he self identifies as a Mexican and Lars is ok with that.

Just An Old Dog

One of my favorite sayings when I see someone unsuccessfully trying to do something using an idiotic methods. “You are just running around like Justin Bieber chasing a dick at a fag-fest”

The Other Whitey

That little fairy fuck is a crime against humanity.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice one. In my quiver as I write.


comment image

V. funny!

2/17 Air Cav

Most excellent, grasshopper.

Shayne MacKinnon

They discontinued the use of the pennies.

Combat Historian

Little trudeau is almost certainly going to grant them permission to stay, so that’s that…

The Other Whitey

I know what my WWII vet Grandpa, Korea vet step-Grandpa, and Vietnam vet uncle would say:

Don’t care what the hell they do if they stay gone. If they come back, we’ll have a noose waiting with their name on it.


Hymn, hymn fuck him.

2/17 Air Cav

There are said to be about 50 deserters from the Iraq/Afghanistan War era in that Canadia place. I don’t know how many of them deployed and, of those that did, how many were exposed to war and its attendant horrors. No matter. I say that b/c if one undergoes some sort of genuine catharsis regarding one’s chosen military path, the he ought to stand up, say “I’m done” and take his lumps. This whole notion that one can sidestep personal responsibility by running away to foreign soil and then being forgiven for doing just that is ludicrous. Oh, and screw the Hockey State, Canadia, for giving these people–some mere cowards–refuge.


Yeah, bet on these weasels in their middle age sick of grey skies & chilly temps trying to snowbird in warm climes of Florida, Arizona, etc.

A Proud Infidel®™

Somebody let me know if they slither back into the USA, I’ll buy the rope!!

Joseph Williams

My comment is not to be of forgiveness. My position is in making a choice. Play the hand out no matter. Joe


Why Canada and not Mexico?

MSG Eric

I’m surprised they didn’t head down to Venezuela. I hear that’s a hippie / socialist paradise!

Bernie Hackett

Joe, amen!

Bernie Hackett

Dayum, he do look like a lost soul, don’t he? Or one of the MacKenzie brothers.

Bill M

For the life of me, I don’t know why my Canadian friends would want to keep them. But if they want ’em, they can have ’em. We sure as h*ll don’t need ’em. Obozo will probably pardon them as one of his last acts when leaving office; kind of a final “F*ck You!” to all the men and women who have served this country faithfully in uniform.

2/17 Air Cav

He’s an equal opportunity asshole. He just released several hundred more inmates, one of whom (among the half examined) had eight prior felony convictions and some of whom were convicted of gun offenses, along with their CDS distribution charges. And he;ll be living in Georgetown with a contingent of armed security surrounding him.


I read that 56 or so of the 214 released this time had gun crimes included in their crimes.
I forget, who is the real problem when it comes to gun crimes?


My father-in-law was a true yellow-dog Democrat who never voted Republican in hi9s life – but abstained from the ’80 election and never forgave Jimmeh C for his amnesty.

To the Canadian below who says Bieber isn’t a total waste of space…he’s all yours, bucko…

A sad proud Canadian

As a proud Canadian, the fact that these stank ass dirty hippies are going to be allowed to stay hurts me. I work damned hard for my money and my taxes are going to be used to pay these fuckwads a living here..
Christ almighty, I’d rather trade Bieber for these a moralistic self centered, least Bieber isn’t totally a waste of space.

The Other Whitey

Bieber most certainly is a complete waste of space, but I don’t blame you wanting to get rid of his ass. The deserters are an affront to Canadian Iraq/Afghanistan vets as well as our own.

A Proud Canadian

TOW, These “people” are an affront to all vets, if I had my way they would all be tarred feathered, keel hauled and then maybe if they were lucky to serve jail time for making a mockery of the refugee system here.

Bernie Hackett

And that’s the word I was waiting for, deserter. That’s what they are, and there’s no high ground attached. All the twisted logic, excuses, and virtue signaling counts for nothing. Deserter. Keep calling them that.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, feel free to leave a coconut or two outside their homes, eh? As for paying taxes to support deadwood, welcome to the club. We have at least 100 million more if you want ’em. Just feed ’em, clothe ’em, provide free or reduced housed and utilities for ’em, provide ’em with free health care, and maybe toss some cash their way now and then.

Sapper (ret'd)

What the hell? Spool up that extraordinary rendition party van for a few trips up north for old times sake.

Or Bieber stays, fuckers. Ha ha.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Dear Justin,

Keep the little pussy’s and let them suckle off the Canadian Government teat for a few generations.

P.S. – you’re just as much a loser as your dad.