Monday morning feel good stories

| August 1, 2016

Thunderstixx sends us our first story this morning from Washington County, Alabama where Cleveland Jones Gully, 31, has been burglarizing homes for a while there. Nathanial Johnson, 68, decided to put an end to Gully’s thievery. Johnson parked his car at a neighbor’s house and made it appear as if he was away from his home. When Gully knocked on the front door, Johnson didn’t answer, so Gully went to the back door and broke the lock. Johnson tackled him and hogtied his hands behind his back and duct-taped him to a tree. Johnson went to call the police, but when he came back, Gully was DRT (dead right there). We won’t know why until the autopsy is complete. Just a guess here, but I’m thinking that Johnson duct taped his breathing orifices and Gully didn’t have gills. Johnson is on 72 hours hold in the local jail.

In Maynardville, Kentucky, Justin Lee Kiser, 23 and James Dilbert Teague, 39 forced their way into a home where a struggle ensued with the resident. The fight ended when the homeowner shot Teague and Kiser lit out. Teague was DRT when the police arrived, and they just arrested Kiser.

Both the homeowner and the criminal are hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries in Lexington, South Carolina after a gun fight occurred during a home invasion.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Thinking of joining the brotherhood of criminals? The dues can be pretty high. You may even pay with your life, and for what? Dopes.


More duct tape regulations are obviously in order. It’s the Wild West out there with people and their duct tape.

Children can get duct tape without any restrictions. And now they make it in scary camo colors as well as fashionable blingy colors, attracting even more untrained duct tape owners.

When will our legislators do something?!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

When duct tape is outlawed, I will be an outlaw.


Think about the children.


They also make duct tape with Hello Kitty! on it.


Ok, all is good then.


I think they even had Hello Kitty! condoms at one time – the pervs.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

“It’s easier for a teenager to get access to a roll of duct tape…”

– Barak Obama, Aug 1, 2016


Yeh, obama better jump on this uncontrolled duct tape…..why they even sell it at garage sales, unrestricted at that….isn’t someone going to require registration on DUCT TAPE??


They’ll get my duct tape when they peel it from my cold, sticky hands…


What do you need 100 ft of duct tape for anyway!


-Over-active Tear Ducts
-When I go Duct Hunting
-If I have to duct and cover
-Need it when watching Duct Dynasty
-When my kids play Duct Duct Goose

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I am not hitting even one of those links. I have something causing stomach cramps, and if I open them and watch them I will be in agony. Red Green was my only reason for watching PBS.

Pinto Nag

Love Red Green!!


Silence is golden. Duct tape is sliver. Coincidence?

Roger in Republic

It is very useful in small Sport Aircraft to restrain unruly dogs.


Very few problems in child rearing and dog training that can’t be resolved through the creative use of duct tape.

Pinto Nag

Duct tape is like the Force — it has a light side, a dark side, and it binds the universe together!