Weekend open thread

| July 29, 2016

Hack Stone

This weekend’s open thread is brought to you by Hack Stone;

July 29…is what we at Stately Manor refer to Frank Stallone Eve. In case you did not know, Frank Stallone was born on July 30, 1950. Some may consider him to be the Lesser Stallone, but this triple threat (actor, singer, songwriter) is head and shoulders above Sly. Well, he is an inch taller, so that should count for something.

Category: Open thread

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2 for 3 Fuck Bernath, TEE HEE!!! Psul and LonGSchLuRRpER too!! WEEEEE!!!
2 in a row and Bernath is a Ho’.

Round and round and round we go.


I was trying to 3 for 3 but I just can breat that record.

Has anyone ever Threepeeted??


“can’t beat”


Daaaaaammmmmittt! So close, yet so far




First and a half?




I know first, I’m friends with first. And you Chief are not first. 🙂


Not claiming first, since I knew when Jonn was posting this. Now, a shout out to someone we all “know and love”:

This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still Not Eligible to Practice Law!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here.

Let’s just say that being “Not Eligible to Practice Law” doesn’t appear to have been a voluntary decision on Danni-boi’s part.

Moreover, reputedly that’s not the only court that has, shall we say, a less than stellar opinion of the individual.


Check your last link Hondo, I thinhk you have an extra
“http://valorguardians.com/blog” on there.

It’s 404-ing.


Thanks, Jonn. Found (and fixed) the bug in the saved version.


Didn’t I point that out last Friday’s thread? Killin’ me here, Hondo.


You did. Fixed it in last week’s online comment, but apparently either forgot to fix it in the saved softcopy or didn’t save the changes after doing so.

In any case, it looks like I’ll need a new version now. (smile)


Not that I would know, but I’ve heard that the Lee County Florida Clerk of the Court website now lets you view some court documents online. Just in case you were bored and wanted to read up on some more, shall we say interesting, court cases.


Welcome to the new Court Records search inquiry website.
The new website offers enhanced public viewing of court records, pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order AOSC 16-14


I couldn’t get anything “interesting” to pop up. Must not be searching correctly.


I was spelling wrong. How, I don’t know.


Almost sorry I found the “interesting” things. Weapons grade stupidity on display there.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Reading the shit that Danni-boi calls “stating his case” would make just about any sane person lose it. I feel sorry for the judges that have to sit there and read the stuff that spews forth from his smegma infused brain.

Judgement day is coming soon for you Danni-boi… and a set of handcuffs to reward you for your endless stupidity as a lower and a member of the human race.

As for your comrade, CoCkSlUuUuRrRrPeTh41, I’m sure that he’s overdue for a stay in jail and “hooking up” with Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. “Tiny” after he’s scared the local kids wearing his purple piss stained jump suit.

A Proud Infidel®™

AS TO all the shit he pulled in courtrooms, his trying to instigate and antagonize people, I’m guessing the reason he didn’t get fined and jailed for Contempt of Court was that the Judges just wanted to get him OUT of their Courts never to be seen again and a Contempt of Court charge would mean him slithering in front of them yet again.


It couldn’t happen to a more deserving twerp.


Heh. Will be interesting how he splains that. Probably because all the court people were women.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

The usual line of crap from danni-boi… “it was a hit job by the American Legion and it has ruined my means to support myself”.

Hack Stone

Which is worse, having Daniel Bernath as your attorney or your pilot? Either way you are going to crash.


He also claims that some people were in default when in fact, they were not.

He just can’t keep any of his stories straight, can he?

Pineywoods NCO

Now if we can get Bernath to retire from everything else, the world will be a much better place.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Fuckin’ A Bubba!!!

You’re still Hamilton Burger’s BYTCH, DANNI-BOI!


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


I’ll just leave this here while I smile . . . .


My thoughts exactly!!


Well, he could always have a future as a bush pilot in Alaska.


We don’t want him up here. Too much of a liability. He might get eaten by a bear and make the bear sick. Think of the bears.



A Proud Infidel®™

S’about time, Bernath can GO SUE HIMSELF for all I care. One thing is for sure and it’s that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER!! Daniel A. Bernath and *SLUUUURRRP!* QuEeFeRs41 can go Google themselves and see part of what they brought on themselves and I’m sure there’s more waiting for them. Getting Disbarred is bad enough, but getting Disbarred in California?

It’s half past Miller Time, gonna go get another one, I hope all of the other Fine People of TAH®™ are enjoying their weekend!


This is for you, API, since Uranus (the shocker) is going retrograde now and will be for the next five months.

Everything is so Uranian as we end July. But I don’t know if we should celebrate, for August will be so Saturnian. Be prepared to see a lot of the past brought up, for that is what Saturn does. It makes you accountable for decisions and actions made in the past. At least Uranus (July) made us think about the future.

This was written as it relates to politics going on now, but it also relates to other things. Remember, if you do stupid things, they frequently come back to haunt you.

Just An Old Dog

EX-PH2, in the future, unless you want to pitch in for a new keyboard never put the words “Uranus” and “Shocker” in the same sentence.


Old Dog, you have made my day!


Well, isn’t that special???

So that’s three states now where Mr. Bernath can’t play at practicing law.

Well, who wants brownies?

2/17 Air Cav

No, it’s all 50 now.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh. And any court in the Federal system too.


Now, 2/17 AirCav, I was being nice. 😉 (Gigglesnort)

Just An Old Dog

He’s not allowed to charge anyone or represent someone else in court.
With the exception of the Lee County Court System (which he has been ordered to use a licensed attorney to present his filings) he can probably go anywhere else in the country and file his dribble. Which is what he does.
He is all about simply stirring up shit. As it is, it costs him next to nothing to be a pain in the ass. He will continue to put up crazy shit on the internet, send emails to bosses and law enforcement, etc.
The only thing that will stop him is if he is medicated or assumes room temperature.


Oh. Fucking. My. My weekend just improved 10x. Thanks Jonn!!!


I was going to suggest that we might, as a group, come up with some new hobbies for Mr. Bernath to pursue. He will have a lot of time on his hands now and in the future, won’t he?


How about Kachina Doll carving using coconut husks?

Or a Kickapoo juice still? SlUrPeR41 would really go for that.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Working wino wangs at the local Flying W truckstop seems an appropriate profession for both of them.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or being Towel Boys at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Their motto – “We push your stool in”


Baking, perhaps? There are lots and lots of recipes that call for coconut as an ingredient.

Or he could run a beach cabana with drinks involving coconut mlik, for the crowds during hurricane season.

Just sayin’.

2/17 Air Cav

When I heard about a Philly protest in which white people were ordered to the back of the gathering, I was dubious. So, I checked it out and damned if it didn’t happen. It is said to be all over social media. Anyway, here’s the video. Watch as a couple of white media types dutifully obey while other white boys look rather stunned! It’s a cream. It’s a scream.


My $0.02 worth? Regarding new hobbies for this “fine individual”, the phrase “waxing his carrot” comes to mind – if he still can, of course. As well as the acronym “G&FH”.


Out. Fucking. STANDING! BRAVO ZULU to Jonn, TSO, and all the other TAH brothers and sisters affected by this POS for fighting the good fight.

“The wheels of justice grind slowly but exceedingly fine…”

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Daniel A. Bernath Disbarred as of July 29, 2016.
He may claim retirement, but facts are facts. and choosing to claim retirement while a disbarment is pending does nothing to negate the fact that his disbarment has been signed off. He brought it all on himself, insisting on being the narcissist that he so loves to try and be.

Just An Old Dog

He’s a piece of shit. Him saying he retired is like somerone who has their driver’s license taken away that says they decided to quit driving.


Who is Bernath?


For anyone wondering why Mr. Bernath was not admitted to the Oregon State Bar, here is the 1998 decision:


It’s kind of long. You may need a beverage to go with it. Take your time.

A Proud Infidel®™

Since when HASN’T Daniel A. Bernath left a slime trail behind him like a slug does?


Who is Bernath?




I’d love to see the bill he’s going to get from the court.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

With the current $$$ situation in California, it’s probably not in Daniel A. Bernath’s best interest to blow off paying the fees associated with his disbarrment. I’m sure that someone with the State Bar would have a real problem with that…


Full docket entry states: The court orders that Daniel Alan Bernath, State Bar Number 116636, is disbarred from the practice of law in California and that his name is stricken from the roll of attorneys. Daniel Alan Bernath must also comply with California Rules of Court, rule 9.20, and perform the acts specified in subdivisions (a) and (c) of that rule within 30 and 40 calendar days, respectively, after the effective date of this order. Costs are awarded to the State Bar in accordance with Business and Professions Code section 6086.10 and are enforceable both as provided in Business and Professions Code section 6140.7 and as a money judgment. Rule 9.20. Duties of disbarred, resigned, or suspended attorneys: (a) Disbarment, suspension, and resignation orders The Supreme Court may include in an order disbarring or suspending a member of the State Bar, or accepting his or her resignation, a direction that the member must, within such time limits as the Supreme Court may prescribe: (1)Notify all clients being represented in pending matters and any co-counsel of his or her disbarment, suspension, or resignation and his or her consequent disqualification to act as an attorney after the effective date of the disbarment, suspension, or resignation, and, in the absence of co-counsel, also notify the clients to seek legal advice elsewhere, calling attention to any urgency in seeking the substitution of another attorney or attorneys; (2)Deliver to all clients being represented in pending matters any papers or other property to which the clients are entitled, or notify the clients and any co-counsel of a suitable time and place where the papers and other property may be obtained, calling attention to any urgency for obtaining the papers or other property; (3)Refund any part of fees paid that have not been earned; and (4)Notify opposing counsel in pending litigation or, in the absence of counsel, the adverse parties of the disbarment, suspension, or resignation and consequent disqualification to act as an attorney after the effective date of the disbarment, suspension, or resignation, and file a copy of the notice with the court, agency, or tribunal… Read more »


“Tango Alfa Hotel, say SITREP.”

“Roger, saw shitbird, sank same. Out.”

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I would guess that Danni-boi is going to tell the CA state bar off on complying with the order, including paying costs.

That may get real interesting…

BTW – sucks to be you, Daniel A. Bernath, disbarred lawer!

A Proud Infidel®™

Now that he’s disbarred in CA and forbidden from filing sans representation in FL, is he able to sue anywhere else?

2/17 Air Cav

He can sue on his own elsewhere, sure, but there are many problems associated with that, not the least of which involves jurisdiction. Service of process for out-of-state defendants can be quite troublesome. A good rule of thumb is if someone you do not know addresses you by your full name and smiles, just respond, Who?” and walk away.


That’s a good question, API. If someone leaves a trail the way he does, how long before it catches up with him? And it is expensive to move from one state to another and set up housekeeping for the sole purpose of making a nuisance of oneself, isn’t it?!?


Nicely done! Thank you for verification and posting.

Roughly estimating, is sounds like DannyBoy had better pony up some bucks and show material compliance NLT than about September 9th.

Somehow, I see a contempt order looming and the disgraced counselor beginning some foundational training in another aspect of the judicial system as an InMate Trainee.

I don’t think they’re going to let him wear his bike helmet in jail. But, that’s Ok, Tiny or one of the fellows will “protect” him from any ruffians.

Don’t anybody let on to DannyB that calendar days include weekends and holidays. Although, there might be an exception for periods of incapacitation, mental, criminal or otherwise.


He can still notarize documents with allegedly false signatures on them and endorse checks though, right? I mean, they didn’t take that away from him….DID THEY?

Rough year for Birdbath. Battery of the Month Club went tits up, and now this. I think I’ll send him a pallet of potting soil and a manual penis pump.


I think we should pool our resources and get him a couple of packages of bully sticks.



Silentium Est Aureum





In case anyone wants it, here’s the direct link to the source of the screenshot Jonn posted above:



I love it when a plan comes together, Hondo.


Top 10.

Who cares…


Just in case you didn’t know…..today is also…




Okay….. Wings! I can handle that one.

Here you go:

Get about five pounds of chicken wings.

If you want to brine them ahead of time, do it the night before. Otherwise, just season them.

I roast about a dozen in the oven at 375F for about 90 minutes after I season them. You can fry yours. I prefer mine roasted.

Sauce: Whatever you like. They’re so greasy that sauce is just added flavor.
On the side:
Potato salad
Pasta salad
Chips of your choice
Sliced veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini – whatever plus olives and pickles

Dessert: your choice: ice cream, pie, cheesecake or something lighter like a fresh fruit salad

Beverages of your choice.

Several good books, movies on the boobtube, comfy seating. Eat, drink, celebrate the lack of noise coming from the southern hinterlands near the sea.

Go for it.


Steaming the wings for 10 minutes will render out a lot of the grease. Steam, pat dry, and place on a rack in the reefer for an hour. Then roast at 425 for 20 minutes, turn ’em over and repeat for another 20, or until cooked through and crispy.


Steam de wings? Never!!

You can just go and milk a pigeon, just for saying something like that!!


LOL! To each their own, Ex. Two cooks are one too many.


Actually, I like the wings when they’re greasy, because then I consumer fewer of them. Most of the grease turns into pan drippings anyway, which are for future use as gravy base.

Green Thumb

Hot chicken wings and lukewarm draft beer create a lot of Phil Monkress the next day.


Yes. Yes it does.


Speaking of animal-created art, my orphaned dumped cat Miss Punkin Squawkypants was so hungry she was inhaling her supper of canned fish pate, when suddenly, a stray hairball stopped her and returned itself to my nice, tiled kitchen floor, along with half of the canned fish.

Oddly enough, it looked like a sad, old fart disbarred vexatious non-lawyer with a scruffy beard.

But what do I know? It went into the trash.


GT, if you want give that pile of Phil Monkress a little extra steam throw in an old jar of kimchee to the hot wings and lukewarm draft beer.

2/17 Air Cav

We interrupt this thread for a very important announcement. Please refer to TAH Decipher IIB…REPEAT…TAH Decipher IIB.

There is no sausage on the pizza.
There is no sausage on the pizza.


Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Got that, and tracking at the “other” page.

A Proud Infidel®™

Jimmy is wearing a red shirt and a black Stetson.



DIA is covering down on uploads today!

B Woodman

I break the Top Ten! Finally!

As for Sly Stallone, he’s a Bernath Class Idjit. I stopped watching/paying attention to him when he displayed his Libtard idiocy by proclaiming that he wanted the police to go door to door and seize all guns, after comedian Phil Hartman’s wife (off her meds) shot and killed Phil.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Has anyone pondered just how much time, how many hours of every single day, every week, every month that an inept pilot/failing lawyer, and an oLd PuRpLe SuItEd WiNo actually put into thinking, and trying, (while failing miserably), to find some way to get back at some people who only used honesty to illustrate the dishonesty claimed by the two of them? Every waking hour? Even much of their dream time? How much easier would it have been for them to just live with the service they actually had, instead of doing a really poor photoshop job, and making claims of “field” accomplishments that did not happen.


Oh, Frankie – you used the word ‘thinking’ in the same sentence as those two. That is SO silly of you!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Frankie – what those two idjits do is called “mutual masterbation”




Here ya go, Sparks. (smile)


You da man Hondo! Thank you. Oh…to be 18 again and know a quarter of what I know now.

42A Combat Clerk

my youngest son turns 1 today.

my 5 and 3 year olds have decided their life goal is to be on American Ninja Warrior.

I’m thinking about making Jambalaya for dinner.


Eat that Baby’s FACE and give those courageous other two a Big hug. Sound like good kids.

42A Combat Clerk

They are, I’m as blessed as anybody. I sure don’t deserve them on my own merits.

I guess their mother is pretty good too.

Thanx for the kind words.


Happy birthday and many more to come for your youngest, and the same pre-birthday for the other two.

Semper Idem

Congratulations on your youngest son’s birthday. ;o)

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Congrats on the little one’s b-day… enjoy each and every day with a three of your children, time will fly by.


Currently enjoying having my home gutted and being retrofitted (for the next three weeks at least?) after having the upstairs main bath stool back up and pretty well flooded everything.

Toilet water even knocked out the blower motor of the HVAC unit, so no AC until at least next Wednesday.

Pray for us, especially the old Scooby guard cow. He’s likes that AC vent when it’s blowing cool air.

Oh, well, Mrs. Claw was planning on doing new carpet/flooring next year anyway. So we’ll just let State Farm pay for at least 70% of it. After all, we’ve been paying premiums for 40 years and the only claim we’ve ever made was a wind blown out picture window 30 years ago.


I feel for you, Claw. My A/C quit on me on the next to last day of a heat wave in 2012, and I let it go until the next year. The following three years had nice cool summers, no A/C needed. This year’s been annoying, but the heat wave ended last week and I won’t need A/C until next year, maybe.

But when you really need it, that’s when something happens and it quits.

Thomas Huxton

Picking up a ’99 Shasta in the morning. no luan laminates in these babies. v10. Anybody know where to find a plain rubber oem front mat for these? E350

A Proud Infidel®™

Plenty of the Auto Parts chain stores will have what you’re looking for, I found one for my pickup at O’Reilly’s and they offer a Veterans’ discount.


Nooooo! Not the stately Claw Manor! It is/was such a beautiful place. Poor Scooby!


No sweat. By the time they’re done the Stately Claw Manor will be statelier (is that a word?) than before.

Scoobs will just have to tough it out with no AC for a while just like me and the Mrs. I mean, it’s only July/August. It could have happened in the dead of winter. But it’s a hell of a lot easier to cool down than to try and warm back up.

All in all, not too bad off. It wasn’t like we ended up with six inches of standing water in the basement. But the toilet water did run for about a half hour before we caught it.

Some wall board tear out and replace, but all the downstairs and upstairs will get new carpet and flooring, etc.

Life goes on and each day above ground is a new adventure.

3/17 Air Cav

Claw………how many times must you be told not to flush ham and MFers down the Toilet!


Not my doings. You’ll have to talk to the Sergeant Major and just how much paper she used on that particular trip.

No, all joking aside. After the stool was pulled, there was 14 years worth of hard water lime/calcium/etc buildup that was impeding the inner trappings from flowing out, so we’ll be getting two new upstairs stools out of the deal.

It’s that really hard well water that is so prevalent in this area that’s to blame.


Wasn’t me. I peed outside when I was there


Might want to try running a cup or so of Drano down the toilets quarterly in the future – as well as the other drains/traps. Seems to help keep all kinds of issues from becoming severe, isn’t very expensive, and so long as you flush the pipes thoroughly afterwards doesn’t seem to cause issues.

If you do, remember to put up a sign while the stuff is working (you need to let it sit 30 min or so to work). Otherwise, backsplash can be a real safety hazard.

Perry Gaskill

IIRC, the use of Drano is more to get rid of organics such as hair and grease. A typical solution for hard-water problems is to use a water softener which introduces a minute quantity of salt to keep calcium and other minerals from bonding.

Interesting trivia: It’s said that one of the reasons the Blue Grass region of Kentucky is famous for thoroughbred race horses is because the water supply is so heavy in calcium that the horses build stronger leg bones when they drink it.


True. But regular use of lye-based cleaner will keep the rest of the mess out of the drains and traps, prolonging the lifespan and promoting better function.

The hard water scale can be minimized by periodic use of CLR or another acid-based chemical treatment. The acid will loosen and/or dissolve the scale. Vinegar also reputedly works, but reputedly takes MUCH longer – as in hours. However, other than vinegar those are generally hazardous to use products. (So is Drano, but it’s more common and people generally are more familiar with how to use it.)

Perry Gaskill

It depends. My own view is that scale on the supply side is a bigger problem than the drain side. The pipes are smaller, and the minerals can really trash valve and toilet tank seals. And when they leak it causes causes mold which can get into drywall.

A separate issue is that if you use a lot of harsh chemicals on the drain side, it can really mess with the water chemistry needed for the anaerobic bacteria in septic systems. Make Mr. Septic too unhappy, and you wind up having to call Mr. Backhoe.


Agreed on the supply-side being the bigger issue. There are ways to take care of that using either CLR Remover or vinegar, but they also take from one to several hours and are quite somewhat involved (requiring shutting off the water, draining the pipes, filling them with the acid solution, then flushing the system – with boiling water for the parts where that’s possible). Not recommended unless necessary.

If you have a septic system, Mr. Rid-X is your friend. You can also flush a half-gallon or so of vinegar or a box of baking soda (depending on whether you used acid- or lye-based cleaner) afterwards to neutralize at least some of the caustic agent used to scour the drains. Then a day or two later, add Rid-X to re-culture the septic system with anaerobic bacteria.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Rid-X people don’t like to have people know this, but a much less expensive cake of yeast or packet of yeast each month will do better than Rid-X, and and at much less cost.


At least your guy was only at the beach. Mine was off sailing on the 60 foot yacht that I paid for./sarc

The OEM squirrel cage for mine had to ordered out, ETA next Wednesday.

We’ll make it, though. Highs in the low 90’s but overnight temps in the low 50’s, so not all that rough. Just open every window at night and the house cools down to the 65/66 range to start the day.

Those industrial drying fans/dehumidifiers are what puts the heat into the house when they’re running.


Well, Claw, since your blower motor also (I presume) is in your furnace, it’s a positive thing that it happened in the summer, rather than at the very beginning of spring like mine did last year.

It was chilly, but my household lions and I survived to fight another day. Hot soup and hot beverages are always good stuff!


Yes Sir, this is the first home that we’ve ever had with AC, so over the years we have learned not to be dependent on it.

Out here in the high desert, you just learn to live the way the weather rolls.

For us, the AC is a luxury, not a necessity like it is in humid areas east of the Big Muddy. Our average humidity only runs at about 15% all year round, especially since we’re once again having a drought period.

And Yep, the squirrel cage is in the furnace. The whole unit (AC/Furnace) is a combined/plumbed into each other Kelvinator outfit.

B Woodman

I feel for ya. I’m here in SLC, and this past MONTH has been in the low 100s. Fortunately, the humidity is like yours, 15-20%, so a swamp (evaporative) cooler works. When it gets this hot, it works, but not well. But it works.

Perry Gaskill

It sounds like something you might find in a Joe Bob Briggs film fest. The blue rope fu is a natural…

Hack Stone

That Frank St. Allone guy seems to have enjoyed the film. I would like to have a beer with him. Maybe I will. Maybe I will.

Hack Stone

Frank Stallone is to the entertainment industry as Danirl Bernath is to the legal profession.

That is a compliment, isn’t it?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Or,Frank Stallone is to the entertainment industry as Daniel A. Bernath is to Sport Pilots.

Hack Stone

Or, Frank Stallone is to the entertainment industry as Daniel A. Bernath is to airport security.

Or, Frank Stallone is to the entertainment industry as Daniel A. Bernath is to photoshopping.

Or,Frank Stallone is to the entertainment industry as Daniel A. Bernath is to being a tourist guide.



Awaiting further coded instructions.



passing through!


This looked interesting 😉


A Proud Infidel®™

The Dutch Rudder Gang dreks still work wino ballsacks behind bus stops.


Ah-red letter media meets TAH. How cool is that?!


On 29JUL1967:

In July 1967, a fire broke out on board the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal. An electrical anomaly had caused the discharge of a Zuni rocket on the flight deck, triggering a chain-reaction of explosions that killed 134 sailors and injured 161.

Sadness for those killed and horribly burned/injured. RIP, Brothers…Blessings.


Know a couple of folks who were there, and plenty of others who were serving close by. An old friend who was on the flight deck at the time simply would not talk about it. At. All. It wasn’t all that pleasant being stateside and seeing it on TV.


John McCain was on the flight deck strapped in and ready. You can see him run down the nose of his fighter and jump thru the flames.

Thomas Huxton


Hellish day on the USS Forrestal..
RIP Sailors


Lars is drooling for the opportunity to be included in the USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206)ceremonial ship launching and be asked to break “The Flaming Cocksmack” cocktail over the hull.

Meanwhile, Lars is still out on bond from his recent “triple dutch rudder” arrest at his local Target bathroom. He still maintains “This is just unfair, I asked the nice police officers if me and my friends could just finish and they were mean and said no”.

Lars is feverishly seeking legal representation. I am positive a TAH member would have someone in mind, correct?

Semper Idem

Did this seriously happen, or did you miss the /sarc tag?

Just asking…the tone of your post came across to me as serious, but you never know on TAH.


I missed the /sarc tag, my apologies.

Just making a funny about our self identifying friend.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Nah, he’s in some closet at Bezerkley, sobbing about the failure of Bernie “Dear Leader” Sanders to be the donks candidate for preezy.


He is trying to figure out a way to spin the DNC leaks into a positive light.


Crap barely made the TOP 50 this week

2/17 Air Cav

Many of you are familiar with Baltimore’s Freddie Gray case, which sparked days of looting and rioting in that city. To placate the violent horde, the city’s prosecutrix, one Marilyn Mosby, quickly took to the microphones and promised that she would get justice for Freddie Gray. It was clear at once to even the most casual observers that Mosby had all ready concluded that Freddie, whose lengthy rap sheet certified him to be a dealer in drugs, had been done wrong by police. And the involved officers would pay! Well, it’s all over now and Mosby, after failing in three separate trials to obtain a single conviction, has surrendered. The remaining officers will not be tried. She had charged six officers and went 0-6. The city paid Freddie’s survivors 6.4 million (and the officers had done nothing illegal, as it turns out!) and the trial cost another 7+ million. And Mosby went 0-6. But the fun is really just starting for her. She had been charged with ethics violations arising from the trumped-up bullshit she threw in the faces of the officers and she is a defendant in a law suit that was filed against her by five of the police officers. (I don’t think Judge Judy, on whose show Mosby appeared as a young law student, can help Marilyn just now.) There is one thing Mosby was right about from day one: justice has been worked in the case of Drug Dealer Freddie Gray.


Ghetto lottery?

2/17 Air Cav

Yep, except they didn’t have to buy a ticket or play a number. The city threw the money at ’em in the hopes of turning down the rhetoric that might spark another series of CVS Pharmacy raids. Hey, it sure beats climbing onto a bus through a window after it has been in a minor accident. Too bad Freddie isn’t around to enjoy it. With that dough, he could have cracked into middle management at the ACME Drug Distribution Co.

Hack Stone

Not only did Freddie Gray have an Independent Pharmaceutical Distribution Franchise, he was also the recipient of a lead paint settlement, which the dumbass sold the annuity for pennies on the dollar. I wonder how long it will take his family to burn through the latest settlement and resume the work that Freddie did?



Hmm. Are you saying his seems apropos here, Hack?


She hasn’t been charged with an ethics violation. There is an ethics complaint about her. (There is a difference.)

The person making the complaint is John Banzhaf, a George Washington University professor who sued Catholic University for not providing Muslims enough prayer space. He required students to write letters supporting the Bloomberg soda ban. He sued for people not to be able to smoke near campus buildings. He sued to force landlords to prevent smoking in apartments. He sued using the DC Human Rights law to forbid broadcasters to use the name “Redskins” when talking about the Washington football team. He sued or threatened to sue fast food restaurants for making people obese. He has advocated for suing parents whose children are overweight. He threatened to sue the Seattle School District if they renewed a contract with Coca-Cola. He threatened to sue milk manufacturers for their “milk mustache” ads because the ads failed to say that in many cases, skim milk is better for you than whole milk. He has been known to give credits in his class when students sue people.

And my favorite, he sued Catholic University for their plan to have single sex dorms.

This guy is just as bad as Mosby as he uses the courts and lawsuits as publicity. Mosby and Banzhaf deserve each other.

I get the idea of wanting to get rid of Mosby as there are lots of questions in her actions, but if she is a lump of cow manure in a barn, Banzhaf is a similar lump from a different cow.

Eventually the farmer has to clean out the manure and when it is all thrown together, you can’t tell what manure came from where.

Such are Mosby and Banzhaf. (In my opinion.)


This guy who dresses up as Deadpool in the Houston area says he’s a Specialist in the Army with deployment experience: http://abc13.com/1447881/


Seems a tad….weird.

2/17 Air Cav

I like the guy. Nobody claims to be a SPEC4 w/o having been a SPEC4.


Seen stranger stuff from the E-4 mafia. Reports stating that it happened while I was a member of the aforementioned unauthorized organization can neither be confirmed nor denied.


Speaking of “You Ain’t Gonna Believe This Sh…” “Man claims Huntsville Hospital lost part of his skull” http://www.waaytv.com/appnews/man-claims-huntsville-hospital-lost-part-of-his-skull/article_99b9e8cc-5537-11e6-8ec4-efc8532ec25d.html “A Cullman man is taking legal action against Huntsville Hospital after staff allegedly lost part of his skull. It all started when Brandon Cribbs fell through a roof while working in Cullman on February 19th. “Four or five guys, we’d all been walking on it for about two weeks, but I fell straight through the roof,” Cribbs said. He fell 40 feet, landing on the concrete below. His mom, Teresa Welch, was told he needed to be airlifted to Huntsville Hospital. “It’s the worst phone call in the world for a parent, you know. You don’t ever want that phone call,” Welch added. Cribbs broke his leg and both wrists, and his gallbladder, appendix and a kidney all had to be removed. He also suffered severe head injuries, so Huntsville Hospital physicians removed part of Cribbs’ skull to make room for his swelling brain. Once he was stable, Cribbs went back into surgery to have that corrected. But when he woke up, he says the doctor gave him shocking news. “When I asked him what happened, he explained to me that it was a hospital error, and they lost my bones. They were gone,” Cribbs said. “One of them made a joke that my head would grow back,” he added. Cribbs claims no one could tell him where exactly the bones could have gone. He was released from the hospital with a dent on the side of his head. Since then he’s had a seizure and suffers from severe headaches. “If I brush my hair or do anything or take a shower to wash it, it cracks and pops all the way back through here,” Cribbs said while gesturing to the side of his head. Cribbs and his family are now working with an attorney to file a complaint against the hospital. “All we want is his skull corrected. We haven’t asked for anything else. That’s all we want,” Welch said We reached out to Huntsville Hospital for a statement, but the… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

Poor bastard. That’s a helluva dent.


It is a serious dent.
I wonder if they are planning on putting in a titanium or ceramic replacement.

Never get through TSA, tho’

Hack Stone

Maybe if Bernath is working the counter. Remember, among his many accomplishments was being a TSA agent. He ran towards danger. At least that is what he said when he called that talk show host.

A Proud Infidel®™

Daniel A. Bernath didn’t even last long as a TSA groper-goob. Maybe he was too incompetent to even do that for a paycheck?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Daniel A. Bernath couldn’t cut it as a school bus driver and failed as a school board candidate.



He ran towards danger.

Did he run towards Carlos, or another member of the family?


Good God! I’d like to hear their excuses for closing the wound without replacing the cut bone. Were they blind or just stupid? Or both?

2/17 Air Cav

Based upon anonymous complaint of insider dealings with respect to FIRST postings in the WOT, I reviewed the previous 14 WOTS and find as follows:

Between 2 May and 29 July, inclusive, the WOT posting times have ranged from 9:41 a.m. EST to 2:14 p.m. EST, with 12 postings coming between 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. EST. Complainant suspects that insider information permitted one commenter to be the first poster an inordinate number of times. The data do not support that contention. Moreover, if insider information were being dealt, one would expect the unusual posting times of 9:41 a.m. and 2:41 p.m. to be telling. Contrarily, on the dates of those unusual posting times, respectively, 2 May and 17 July 2016, two different posters were FIRST. Moreover, there is no clear common FIRST poster throughout the 14 weeks reviewed. OC prevailed twice; ChipNASA won out thrice, as did Claw. The remainder were solitary FIRSTS. Claw has twice hit First at 1:01 p.m. and once at 1:27 p.m., suggesting, if anything, he is on high alert and at the ready each Friday at 1:00 p.m. and nothing more. Accordingly, the complaint is dismissed with prejudice and w/o right of appeal.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

You used the New Math to figure that out, didn’t you 2/17?

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

File to have the clerk, (a female), and the investigator, (also a female), recused, claiming unfair involvement, resulting in an unfavorable disposition, and then refile the whole damned complaint, but add some gibberish about some really stupid medical condition that no one would believe, say, uh, um, ah, Tinnitus, and see if that will fly.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, I’ve had Tinnitus since I was a kid and thanks to the US Army it ain’t any better now than it was then but I still make it just fine and there are plenty of people that have it far worse than I do that do so as well. I wonder what his next “OH, poor me!” stunt will be?


Neener, Neener, Chili Beaner.

You snooze, you lose.

Luck of the draw.

I sit down randomly at the keyboard and BOOM, there’s the WOT. How can I ignore that?

But wait, there’s more…………. Nah, some other time.


***LARIAT ADVANCE ALERT***: Flawed data!! Flawed data!!

The 2 May posting was not a Weekend Open Thread. It was titled as simply Open Thread due to Jonn’s house remodel.

The WOT that should have been included in the data was dated 29 April. ChipNASA was the first (time stamp of 2:07pm) comment and therefore ChipNASA was a four (4) time winner.

So, no tie between me and ChipNASA for being three time winners. It’s clearly ChipNASA that is the lead horse in this race.

Don’t know who the anonymous complainer was. It wasn’t me. I wasn’t trying to three-peat. Perhaps the data should be reworked to include the 29 April WOT.

Anyway, Smiles and more big Smiles./sarc/sarc/sarc


Frank in Tombstone:


Air conditioning. Air conditioning? AIR CONDITIONING!!! ‘Splain this, Lurch:

‘The West Antarctic has become yet another victim of global cooling. According to the latest study, in Nature, it has experienced “an absence of regional warming since the late 1990s”’



Crickets, huh?

Well, since it’s summer and nighttime at that….



Re the above posts about house problems: A few years back a friend had his toilets back up due to an issue with the lines in his yard. Well, it was a mess beyond imagination. Several inches in both bathrooms that of course had found its way throughout the house. It had found its way into every room. So, he contacts his insurance company, thinking they will cover the bill. Nope. Found out standard coverage of a routine policy does not cover this type of plumbing backup. (Your ‘routine’ policy may vary.) Out of pocket $16,000. Years later he still has remnants of the smell on hot/humid days. So I contacted my insurance and bought a rider for about $60 a year. Money well spent if I return home and find a neighbor’s turds floating in my bedroom.


Yes, I found out that I can’t get coverage for a meteor dropping through my roof, but I can get coverage for an airplane discharging its commodes into my lawn and onto my house and car or for space junk crashing through. Just NO meteors are covered.

So I got one of those riders, too. You never know when the sky will fall right in the middle of dinner.

Hack Stone

Does your policy cover Daniel Bernath crashing his plane into your home?


Why, yes. Yes, it does, under the Vandalism portion of any homeowner’s property coverage.

Now, remember this acronym, which every licensed insurance broker must know, in order to pass the state licensing test for property and casualty coverage: W.H.A.R.V.E.S.
Steam damage
Now, how would I know about that? Because I studied like hell for that test so that I could ace it, and I did.

Hack Stone

Q: Why does Daniel Bernath eat all the ice cream that he wants?

A: Because he doesn’t have to worry about brain freeze.

A Proud Infidel®™

WOO-HOO, nummer one hunnert!!


Ah yes, the updated California State Bar fee schedule for Discipline Costs. Mmm, mmm, mmm, Danny’s disbarment could cost a LOT of money:



Ooooh! That’s gotta hurt!


Yes, it will. Looks like Danni-boi is going to owe the CA Bar some serious coin.

Original Matter that proceeds to the Review Department: $20,989
Rule 9.20 Proceedings: $2,610
Other Fees (7 counts, so 6 additional matters requiring investigation): $1,001 x 6 = $6,006

Unless I’ve screwed up somewhere above, looks like that comes to $29,605 that the “esteemed” former lawyer now owes the CA Bar.

“Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.” People who ignore that old wisdom often find out the hard way it’s very true.


Yes, the government will collect even if you are retired. Those people who deferred paying off their government college loans and are now retiring are feeling that bite, too, because Uncle Sam is getting his money back out of their SocSec payments, whether they like it or not.

SO GLAD I had a scholarship and the GI Bill!

A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like Danny the Lawn Dart needs to hope he has his beat-up Cadillac paid for, he misses payments on it and the Repo Man cometh for real!


Question, Hondo: since Mr. Bernath made the mistake of putting his airplane in his daughter’s name, he can’t legally sell it without her consent, can he? I don’t think so, but I just wondered about that. And since there’s a trespass order on him at the airport, whatever will he do? The crappy maintenance has made that little plane deteriorate in the corrosive salt air of the Gulf, unless I’m mistaken, so it may not be worth what he paid for it.
Hmmmm…. this may be an unforeseen problem, too.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let me check, meh, ZERO fucks given about DAB, he done this to himself!! Whatever they levy against him, I’m sure he’ll always slither around trying to avoid paying it.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

Folks here made fun of me for my Berkeley degree. Well, guess what? I leveraged my degree from Berkeley to get into All Points Logistics, The Dutch Rudder Gang, Chevalier and Associates, and Moerk’s “Team ARCOM”. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s me laughing the hardest!

Silentium Est Aureum

Big changes coming at Casa de SEA.

More to follow upon confirmation.


From Brevard County, Florida:

Brevard’s Borinqueneers honored for battle bravery

VIERA — A full crowd in the Brevard County Commission chamber stood and applauded, with some waving small Puerto Rican flags, as three veterans of the U.S. Army’s 65th Infantry Regiment were honored Thursday with the nation’s highest civilian award.

William Vila Velez, Juan Romero Silva and James Allan – who served with the heroic 65th Infantry Regiment, an all Puerto Rican unit that proved its courage and intrepid abilities at war and became known as the Borinqueneers – were presented with replicas of the Congressional Gold Medal in a ceremony at the Brevard County Government Center in Viera.

“I take this medal in memory of our beloved platoon sergeant,” Villa said as he received the medal from U.S. Rep. Bill Posey. “He was the first casualty we had in the Korean War. He went down like a hero. He made us men, we were 19 and 20 year-old kids. We were a family.”

The three who were presented the Congressional Gold Medal on Thursday had been unable to attend the U.S. Capitol ceremony in April.

“It’s very emotional,” Posey said after the ceremony Thursday. “Your heart, at least for a while, is full. I’m honored and humbled that I had a part in making this happen.”

There is more here: http://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/local/2016/07/28/local-borinqueneers-honored-ceremony/87568044/

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

The British press is as ignorant about weapon description as their American Journalist counterparts:

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

How many bullets does the clip magazine of that 5 inch long gun hold? Can it shoot 30 rounds in a half a second? Does the noise give you PTSD?

A Proud Infidel®™

I LOVE it when they display their stupidity and ignorance for everyone to see!


If you really want to mess with ’em, Naval guns are measured in Caliber (say, a 5 inch bore) and Calibers (length of barrel measured in relation to the Caliber). My old frigate had a 5 Inch 54, meaning a gun with a 5 inch bore, and a barrel length of 5×54, or 270 inches. It was pretty bad ass, but nothing compared to the 16 inch 50’s that were sported by the old Iowa class Battle Ships.


I would like to add a bit of rather important news here. While I’ve been wearing my jeans literally to shreds, so as to replace them with new stock, they’ve all gotten bigger and bigger over the past couple of years. Not to worry, I have a very nice leather hand-tooled belt I wear a lot, and could measure things. Latest is that it is now down to the 7th buckle hole, and I’m looking for new jeans, anyway because everything’s on sale – BOGOs are everywhere. So I took the official measuring stick and did the tape and am pleased to announce that a full dress size has gone missing, hopefully for good.
It’s a slow process, but if I can do it, so can you.


Good for you!!

Myself, I weigh 12 pounds less right now than when I retired 25 years ago this coming December.

But maybe I’ll pick the 12 pounds back up over the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays just so I can say I weigh the exact same as I did way back when.

Oh, and come on football season.


Oh, football! Autumn can’t come soon enough!

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I just plucked this gem from a comment at Facebook. This guy wins the internet today:
“There once was a punk named Brown,
Who bum rushed a Cop with a frown,
6 bullets later ,he met his creator,
now that bitch sleeps underground.”


This news item came up last night, but now it’s confirmed. Drew Peterson, who was serving a 38-year sentence for the murder of his 3rd wife, has been sentenced to an additional 40 years with 3 years of supervision for his attempt to find and hire someone to murder Glasgow, the prosecutor who put him in jail.


Now, the real question that may never be answered is where is his 4th wife, Stacy Peterson? He claims she ran away and there was a massive hunt for her after she disappeared.

It’s doubtful now that Peterson will get out of jail in his lifetime, but his son is serving on the police force where his father worked. If Stacy is in hiding, which I personally doubt, she will never be able to resurface until the Petersons are gone. If she’s not in hiding, where the hell is she?

Bernath's Fuel Plan

I’m a real deal disbarred lawyer.

ifcs guy

Luke Aikins did something that made the hair all over my body stand up while I felt a chill. While I hoped the crazy guy would live through it, that wasn’t expected. Nicely done, you crazy bastard. Truly. Now, would you please step back and enjoy life in a way that will let you keep your mind and body working while you enjoy your family? Damn, but that was supremely ballsy.

A Proud Infidel®™

I HOPE this is the beginning of a trnd among muzzies, according to this article, Normandy is refusing to bury the ghouls that murdered that Priest, even Muslims are saying “NO!”.

“Mohammed Karabila, imam of one of the town’s mosques, told Le Parisien: “We’re not going to taint Islam with this person.”

“We won’t participate in preparing the body or the burial.”



Oh, dear me! That ‘religion’ requires a burial within 24 hours of death. These two demented maggots are now cast into the outer darkness, where dwelleth the eternally damned. The weeping, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth…!

Meanwhile, Pere Hamel will receive a proper funeral and burial in Rouen. May he rest in peace and answer people’s prayers.