Brandon Wayne isn’t being completely honest with you
Last month, someone sent me this link and asked if Brandon Wayne was legit. He penned this article in which he used his military career to boost his creds to condemn the ownership of AR-style rifles – a rifle that he admits that he owns.
My weapons training began in college while in Army ROTC. While there, I enlisted in the Army National Guard Infantry. A few years later, I commissioned as an officer in the Army and in my career did tours in Afghanistan and Africa, was Airborne and Air Assault qualified, and commanded a support detachment for the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne).
His real name is Brandon Wayne McAnally, he was enlisted and then he commissioned as an officer. He did serve in Afghanistan and he was a commander of a Special Forces detachment. McAnally was a chemical corps officer of an artillery battalion in Afghanistan. His Special Forces detachment was actually the Chemical Recon Detachment at Fort Carson, Colorado.
I’m sure that if he wanted you to know that, he would have told you in the introduction.
Along with anyone else who has been to war, I understand how dangerous it is. Given the past few years everyone else in the world should know as well. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria… Newtown, France, Orlando… It is an instrument of war. It was made to kill large amounts of people… in war.
This is an assault rifle. I understand there is much derision in certain gun owner’s circles regarding this term, but that is the truth. This rifle was not made to go hunting. No one needs to take down thirty antelope inside of a minute to feed their family.
As a responsible gun owner and citizen, I know that living in an atmosphere of paranoia of and isolationism from my government is the easiest path toward failing myself and my family.
It’s time to grow up and have the discussion on gun reform. It’s time to grow up and realize that the world is a very different place from when the Constitution was written. It’s time to grow up and realize that none of us have any business owning an M4 or other high-capacity human assault rifle.
Yeah, well, good for him. None of my firearms are for killing animals or hunting. They’re for self-defense – the same reason he may (or may not) have carried an M4 in Afghanistan, you know because that’s the only reason that a chemical officer in an artillery unit would have a weapon.
I’m not calling this stolen valor, I’m just saying that McAnally should have been completely honest with his audience. Speaking of complete honesty, I wouldn’t have used that last name either.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
“I wanted gun owners to step back far enough outside their constitutional rhetoric and look at that weapon and realize it’s absolutely unnecessary to have the much specific destructive power,”
Screw you.
Molon Labe.
I take it he doesn’t believe in the Constitution.
I don’t need a car that can run 160mph down the highway but I CAN have one….
and people rely on somebody buying such a car for their livelihood. Since the kids moved out I got a little speed machine. I actually drive more responsibly in it than I ever did in the family transport.
Got a speeding ticket in a mini van once (No, the kids weren’t riding along) and joked about it with the officer and asked him to imagine what I’d do in a
There’s a difference between a civilian AR-15 or M4 compared to the military style, and I could give two fucks what he says I’m thinking he’s fake! Myself I’ve worked overseas with different type Special Forces groups not on the same team but around them
His premise, and the premise of those like him is meaningless. They talk about need who needs this, and who needs that. It’s nothing to with need and everything to do with the right to ownership regardless of need.
The founding fathers wanted the civilian population of the United States to carry the basic infantry weapons of their day. They wanted this for a variety of reasons. They didn’t like standing armies, and they were very suspicious of professional armies. All for good reason in their day. They felt the citizens of the nation were far better suited to defending themselves and their new republic should they be equipped with state of the art infantry weapons. They knew a government that disarmed the population could rule as it wished without repercussion.
Paraphrasing Ben Franklin, “We’ve given you a republic, if you can keep it….” meaning it would be up to the people to do the heavy lifting to maintain the nation to the highest standard. We the people have abdicated that responsibility. We hardly vote, and we know very little about our government and who represents us and what their job functions are supposed to be. Most people can’t name their congressman, or their senators…that says all we need to know about the state of the union really.
It’s what gives assclowns like this the idea that their flights of fancy over who needs what has any bearing whatsoever on the laws and established protections of rights of the nation.
Well, VOV, I may be a grumpy old lady, but I need these asswipe politicians and their ilk to STFU and go away. Right. Now.
They are mostly useless.
Well, VOV, I have never read a copy of the Bill of Needs, but I have read a copy of the Bill of Rights.
Huh, huh. Heh. Mc-Anally.
–Beavis & Butthead
Doin’ it in dah butt.
Mc-Analy. That’d be Gaelic for Son of the Clan of Those who take it up the Woohoo.
A most ancient and ridiculed band funny-walking men.
Feh. Lowlanders.
You’re right! Heard they went extinct. Dude-on-Dude didn’t reward them with any newer generations.
‘I’ this, ‘me’ that – not getting enough attention? Poor thing. Well, he’s entitled to his opinion, isn’t he?
He would do much better and be more credible if he just admitted he’s simply looking for a way to get into political office.
The only gun discussion I want to have with him is ‘how come it’s okay for you to have one, but not me?’
I’d like to ask him how he can take down 30 antelope w/in a minute with an AR or M4.
needs to make a video. That sounds even more entertaining than the “Exploding Varmints” series.
I’d like to know where he thinks he’s going to find 30 antelope all at once.
A very fondly recall our BN Chem Officer “cleaning” his M9 in the office before sending a round though the wall into TOC located next door.
He went home early with less than 30 days into the deployment with a GOMOR in his pocket and was never seen again.
Well, that is one original way to get fired from your job.
There’s a well known NCO that intentionally shot a SEAL in the chest (I know them both)with a pistol he thought was unloaded. The SEAL survived. That NCO is now a sergeant major.
Sometimes it’s Fuck up , move up.
Anybody points a gun at me and pulls the trigger, it better be loaded and I better die; otherwise, the shooters health is going to deteriorate rapidly when I catch up with them, and I wont be particularly interested in WHY they did it in the first place.
I very fondly recall our BN Chem Officer “cleaning” his M9 in the office before sending a round accidentally though the wall into TOC located next door.
He went home early with less than 30 days into the deployment with a GOMOR in his pocket and was never seen again.
In all of my deployments, NDs with M9s were so common as to be almost not worthy of reporting.
99% of the time the ND happened because the person carrying the M9 had never qualified with (or in some cases, never even fired) the weapon and had only a vague understanding of how it worked.
So, you might ask, if they weren’t qualified with the weapon, why were they carrying it? That’s easy: Regulations in-theater require that all personnel be armed when off base (or in some cases even on base) and so if you’re a busy staff officer or somebody’s driver, you don’t want to lug around that M16 (you know, the weapon you actually qualified with), instead you get the armorer to issue you an M9 off the weapons rack and that way you don’t have to worry about where to sling that cumbersome rifle.
It probably doesn’t need to be said that one thing all these people who had NDs had in common was a complete absence of experience carrying or handling handguns of any kind.
“before sending a round negligently through the wall”… Sorry, had to fix it for you.
Brandyn (pulled from his FB page) must be one of those “sensitive New Age” type of guys, since he spells his name like a wymyns studies major.
We get it, Brandyn… you’re in touch with your feelings. Turn in your guns before the big, bad government tells you to. The rest of us that are responsible adults, will protect you from the bad guys with the big, black bang sticks.
BTW – enjoy the fame for taking a shit all over your military service Brandon Wayne McANALly.
Here’s a clue for Brandon: The oath that you took was to uphold the US Constitution. If you prefer to uphold the lefty agenda, that is your choice, but it has nothing whatever to do with your military service and is in fact contrary to your military service.
If you don’t want to be around gunz, Brandon, than get rid of yours. Those are the only ones over which you have a part in deciding who owns them. Get over yourself.
His service isn’t going to mean anything if he gets on the wrong end of our rights.
I bet his boyfriend doesn’t like guns either.
Am I the only one left wondering what a “high capacity ‘human’ assault rifle,” is?
No, but I can tell it’s probably the gun that elephants use on safari.
Well, he seems to be living up to his given last name, McAnally.
In his commentary above, he’s certainly blowing it out his azz.
That said, like Jonn I can’t really get too worked up about his military “claims”. He did clearly identify himself as an SF support detachment commander vice leaving off the word “support” and claiming to be an SF “detachment commander”. The former is completely accurate. The latter would have implied he’d led an ODA – and would have been both BS and IMO a clear case of stolen valor.
Yeah I have to agree. I don’t see anything dishonest or even misleading. He stated it was a “support” detachment and those who know about SF will understand that “support” = “non-tabbed.”
Whether you agree with his opinions or not, he’s not a faker or even an embellisher.
I agree. There is no stolen valor to report here, so why are we publicly shaming him again? I’m sure he heard all the jokes about his name growing up and had a great time in BCT because of it. A lot of people here don’t agree with his views on weapon ownership, but is that really a good reason to display his DD-214 on the web for all to see?
Well, in case you haven’t noticed Jonn (and many others who frequent this site) take a pretty dim view of fools who openly advocate restrictions on Constitutional rights – particularly those guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. Perhaps that had something to do with it?
I have noticed. But again: what does that have to do with his (seemingly honorable) service? Regardless of his views, the way this case is presented here is in the vein of a typical SV doofus, which IMO isn’t warranted. Others may disagree, but that kinda bugs me.
I get your point SG….but it’s not listed under SV…it’s listed under Dumbass Bullshit
SG. I didn’t consider his service at all in my low regard for his comprehension of the Constitution. However, I will note that BUT FOR his military service, his FB message would not have gotten steam and the story would not have been picked up. It was precisely b/c he was a soldier that his personal opinion merits attention. So, here, as I see it, we are merely providing a contrary viewpoint on the issue.
Well, he’s in the military spouting his opinion. This is a military blog where we discuss opinions.
I don’t see what your issue is?
If anything, this is showing proof that he isn’t an SV candidate to those who might have thought so.
Brandon should be publicly shamed…he public ally shames and harasses people on a daily basis online. He is a classic online bully who attacks people’s character. I’m not saying two wrongs equal a right here, but maybe if he got a taste of his own medicine he would understand how it feels to be attacked for no reason. He is not an American. An true American values that we are a country of different beliefs and we approach a level of understanding through democracy. He is a one sided hater of anything he doesn’t agree with.
From his FB page:
“If you’re younger than 45 and think botox injections are a good idea… you infuriate me. I hate you. I hate you so much.”
He seems to have a lot of angst regarding freedom of choice in a variety of matters in this country.
Hmm. Reading that makes me wonder why he chose to leave the military after just over 8 yrs commissioned service. Seems to me an environment were he had authority to order people around would suit him well.
It also also makes me wonder if he chose to leave, and if so whether that choice was “suggested” to him.
Passed over maybe? Isn’t 8 years about the point where it’s “move up or move out” in the officer ranks?
Believe “first look” for MAJ typically occurs somewhere between 8 and 10 years commissioned service (it can vary, but if I recall correctly typically that’s what it’s been historically). Selectees typically “pin on” the rank sometime during the next FY after selection.
Since CPT “pin on” is typically somewhere around 4 years (give or take a few months), that gives a few years (4-6) for the individual to develop a history as an O3 for the board to look at.
Given that, it looks to me that his guy apparently decided to “bail” before his year group’s O4 board ever met. Pretty sure it still takes HRC a bit of time to process a request for resignation, and it also takes a bit of time to outprocess. Looks like this guy was discharged (e.g., military ties terminated entirely) about 2 weeks after he achieved 8 years commissioned service.
Not sure what the zone of consideration for the FY 2013 O4 board was. Might have to see if can find that if time permits today.
Maybe he just didn’t feel like staying in? As I’m sure you know, Army life takes a toll and not everyone feels like sticking it out for 20 years. I know quite a few people myself who did their initial obligation and then got out for various reasons and I’m sure there are a bunch on this forum who did the same.
Agreed. See below.
Follow-up: doesn’t look like he was passed over – analysis indicates he wasn’t ever considered for Major. Couldn’t find the zones of consideration for the FY12 or FY13 Major’s boards (more on those in a moment). However, I did find this Army Times article concerning the FY2016 Major’s board: The FY2016 Major’s board meets in July. My recollection is that’s been the case for the Major’s board for a while – barring something unusual, as I recall they tend to meet at about the same time of the year each year. This year’s Major’s board will consider a primary zone of consideration CPTs with dates of rank between 31 Mar 2010 and 8 March 2011, inclusive. That primary zone tends to remain relatively constant from year to year as well, with possible minor date shifts. The secondary zone (the “early look”, which doesn’t count as a non-selection if an individual is not chosen) is about one year later than the primary one. For the FY2016 board, the secondary zone is DOR to CPT between 9 Mar 2011 and 22 July 2012. Working backwards, since he got out in 2013 that means the guy could possibly have been considered by the FY2013 or FY2012 Major’s boards. However, since he left the service in May 2013, it would have almost certainly have been the FY2012 board. To be considered by that FY2012 board, he’d have had to have had a DOR to CPT in the primary or secondary zone. PZ works out to a DOR to CPT between early 2006 and early 2007; secondary zone, between early 2007 and mid-2008. The guy was apparently commissioned in 2005. Given the 4 year (more or less) typical commissioned service before being promoted to CPT, it’s extremely doubtful he’d been promoted to CPT early enough to be considered by the FY 2012 Major’s board – he’d have made CPT in early/mid 2009. And even if his records were seen by the board, it would have been his SZ “early look”, not his 2nd “record” nonselection (which would have triggered a discharge w/severance pay). I… Read more »
So he is no loner in service? He keeps stating on Facebook that he is still in the army working abroad in Afganistan.
lubbs him some Chelsea Manning too…what a surprise.
He’s certainly checking all the boxes for a full-on Libtard political career.
Not surprising. I’ve seen quite a few officers voting democrat every time and following the party line to the t.
I blame it on the educational system. Its really hard to come out college these days without getting your mk 1 brain totally brainwashed.
I mean, they really really believe in climate change.
I have yet to see one in Combat Arms. I’m sure they exist, but not many.
I think younger officers (01-03) tend to skew much more liberal than field grade and higher. That’s my observation, at least.
Blue falcons never rest.
What a turd factory.
Your feelings don’t trump my rights, kid. Don’t you have some fucking off you could be doing?
“As a responsible gun owner and citizen, I know that living in an atmosphere of paranoia of and isolationism from my government is the easiest path toward failing myself and my family.”
Spoken like a cotton candy-headed shittyassed booger-eating libtard. I’m sure we’ll at least see Brandon Wayne McAnally running for office or at least stumping for some of these booger-eating gun-grabber outfits, FUCK HIM!
Molon Labe.
“Wayne, which is not his real name, told BuzzFeed he was compelled to write the post as a response to the ‘terrible things have happened recently, and I feel I was part of both sides of the debate.’”
What did you say this moron’s name is, Brandon Wayne McAnally? From Florida? That Brandon Wayne McAnally or some other Brandon Wayne McAnally? Must be the Florida Brandon Wayne McAnally.
You mean Brandon Wayne McAnally from Florida? THAT Brandon Wayne McAnally from Florida? DAY-UM, are we increasing the Google Hits for Brandon Wayne McAnally from Florida? Hey Brandon Wayne McAnally from Florida, GO GOOGLE YOURSELF!!!
Another self-serving ass clown.
“It’s time to grow up and realize that the world is a very different place from when the Constitution was written.” That’s true, Brandon Wayne McAnally, it’s time for you to grow up. The rest of your sentence is silly. Shall we dispense with the freedoms contained in the Constitution because it’s a different world in the 2000s than it was in the 1700s? How about those constraints on government, such as requiring a warrant before you are seized and your house is searched? And let’s dispense with those after-acquired amendments, such as the Civil War amendments, eh? That way we can return to slavery and involuntary servitude. What a freakin’ moron.
Yeah I don’t see much in the principles of the constitution that have become irrelevant with the passage of time. Overall, quite the opposite.
It wasn’t written to give us fashion advice.
I think I know the root cause of all this.
He was really sweet on some semi-hot (and thus AStan-smokin’) USAF enlisted chick in AStan.
He went looking for her one afternoon, wandered where he shouldn’t have, wound up in the local Clandestine SF ‘lounge’ (probably 2 bean-bags, a bang couch, and a big TV w/CD player) and walked in on some SF dude banging the USAF chick in question like a cheap gong, the SF dude still having his M4 on him (of course).
The sound of that M4 rhythmically clannging against something, combined with the slapping of hips on ass, along with her chanting/panting ‘De (gasp)…Opresso (gasp)…Liber…(gasp) Pineland…(gasp)…(climatic scream) FOREVER!’…
Let’s just say the very sight of an M4/AR-15/etc. now represents a negative mental association for the poor kid.
I’m just kidding about the SF dude, the USAF chick, and the Secret SF Sex Lair. Nothing like that ever happened nor would it ever happen in AStan.
And the CD player would be a laptop with movies and videos on it in the scenario that is totally fictitious.
I feel compelled to add that in the make-believe would never happen story, even if the USAF chick was a stateside ‘2’, The Sarc would hit it. Like a brick through a plate glass window.
(chuckling) Yep. You’re right. Nothing like that could ever possibly happen in-theater.
NAAAAAHHH, NO WAY!! *chuckling*
I think maybe it was all a ‘bad’ dream. ‘Bad’ like Catholic high school girls (I was in high school too, in my dream) ‘bad’. 😉
I think maybe I had that bad dream a lot while at DLI as well.
I thought that kind of thing only happened on night watch over there.
Yep, only those Civil Affairs types would have things like fancy bang couches, big screen TVs, microwaves, private rooms, etc…..
Not that I’m saying I did, just what I heard from a friend.
SF Guys are too hard core to have any luxuries downrange.
Isn’t this because one of the parts of testing for SF is how willing you are to hit a solid .5?
“stateside ‘2’, The Sarc would hit it”
Yes, but there are score multipliers that can be applied to the base score depending on her sexual appetites, promiscuity of her friends/sister/mother, hootchwenching skills and how fast she can make food/booze runs, to name a few.
We all need The SARC to writer a primer for TAH.
These seemingly random, short yet always wise (to the initiated, and the indicted-yet-never-convicted) comments are all priceless life advice to a certain sub-set of young warriors- especially the ones who will find themselves overseas and far from the central control and oppression of Big Dumb (Army/Air Force/etc.).
As in, can she make you a sammich while you are literally hitting it?
an ass wide enough to hold the meal and a beverage is also a plus, as is a hair style that doesn’t obstruct the view of the TV while you’re dining and driving.
Long live the Republic of Pineland. And may the SF dudes always get the semi-hot chicks. But seriously, I think this tool has some SF envy, and I believe he thinks he has some authority to opine on gun rights because he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express near the 10th SFGA rifle range. The only advice he should give is what to wear at Comicon. (Check out his facebook page.)
rgr769 you can only get to Pineland after crossing the Pee Dee River (point of no return)
‘But seriously, I think this tool has some SF envy’
You are almost certainly correct.
But in the interest of self-entertainment through brutal humor, I am sticking with my ‘could never happen, ever’ story and the fact that he all-of-a-sudden realized that his true love and bride-to-be had had more SF inside her than an armory AK at the SF weapons Sgt. course.
Know what you mean. Those are some well worn pieces. We also had some back at Ft.Devens. They were known as the Fitchburg girls.
He tries to speak with authority on hunting, yet has absolutely no idea of the effectiveness of 5.56 on feral hogs, small deer etc, nor that many other available cartridges like 6.8 work quite well in normal hunting situations, or that in an AR-10 platform most of the cartridges ARE highly respected hunting cartridges, nor that a quick follow-up shot to anchor even a perfectly shot animal can help its death be merciful and short…. maybe this asshole just hates animals and wants their deaths to preferably be lingering.
‘feral hogs’, well, it was a boar but close enough. I learned my lesson about respecting them about as easily as possible. I really lucked out. I’ve never been a hunter. As a kid I was taught to hunt deer and prep the deer and cook it by lifelong deer hunting relatives- because it was something I should know how to do if necessary. Growing up on or near the ocean, spearfishing was my thing. Years ago, a buddy of mine is working on developing a swank golf course and resort on the CA. coast. Still in the clearing/shaping terrain stages. They were having occasional problems with boars coming out of the coastal foothills as the future golf course used to be part of their stomping grounds. Scaring some of the landscapers, etc. I’m in town visiting, and there’s 1 big boar that’s been a recurring problem, in the same general area, for almost a week. Big brazen MFer, roaming in daylight, gives zero fucks about the landscapers nearby and acts a little pissy around them which frightens them (completely understandable). Friend is not mil or gov, but he likes to shoot and he’s got a nice AR-15/HBAR. Asks me if I’ll go hang out at his ‘transit villa’ on the golf course under construction for a couple of days and if the boar gets spotted we’ll jump in a golf cart (yes, an open golf cart) and go zap him. How hard could it be? So I do my prep work. Ask some mil buddies who are hunters where to zap a boar with a nasty .223 hunting round. Familiarize myself with the anatomy a bit- so I can 3D the heart from any aspect/angle. They tell me .223 is a little light & small, but if I put a couple behind the ear or in the heart I’m good to go. Behind the ear by far the best option, heart is fairly well protected from some angles. Get some nasty .223 hunting rounds, make certain I’m Robin Hood with his AR-15 @ 200m, easy day. Good to go.… Read more »
Evil little fuckers just don’t go into shock, even if your shot explodes their heart. He’s dead, but too pissed off at you to realize it. I’ve seen black bear run 400+ yards after a heart shot. When we cleaned the carcass there wasn’t a piece of heart bigger than your thumbnail left.
The last Whitetail that I shot ran for about 75 yards. That was with a .30-06, through the heart.
I’ve shot two coyotes with an AR, both moved about 20 yards or so, then dropped. The last one I shot, I thought I’d missed, because he never flinched or missed a step. Just kept loping along til he fell over.
Back in the day, one of the rifles of choice for wild boar in coastal California brush was the Ruger Model 44. It looked like an M1 carbine, but was chambered for .44 Magnum. Muzzle velocity was roughly similar to a .308, but bullet weight reached to better than 300 grains depending.
A .223 seems way too light to me. Back then, it was considered an excellent varmit round, but not something you would want to use on anything larger than coyote.
Not questioning his service, just his incoherent attempt to make an argument for or against weapons ownership…
He’s ready for primetime liberal politics…
“I voted for it before I was against it.”
“We have to vote on the bill before we read what’s in it.”
“What difference at this point does it make?” (Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans?)
and my all time favorite…
“It depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.”
(lip biting for effect)
Let’s not forget what this tool’s infantry bona fides is. He served in an army NG unit during three years while he was in ROTC. Thus, he went to weekend drills and a couple of two week summer camps. He was never much of a trigger puller and never commanded trigger pullers. Dropping his last name and putting the “y” in his “Christian” name says is all. Who am I to criticize? Well I do have a CIB and a 31542 MOS; and I did command two ODA’s, two rifle companies and a Ranger (LRRP) company in RVN. He is apparently now back in academia where his progtardism is held in high regard. His opinion has as much legal merit as that of Master of the Gun Bateman.
Brandon, you say “It’s time to grow up and realize that none of us have any business owning an M4 or other high-capacity human assault rifle.”
None of us have any business being a whiny little bitch, either.
Yet here you are.
He can’t help himself. He went to the beach the day before he penned that article and he still had sand in his mangina.
McAnal…McAnal…let’s just stick with Brandon. While you didn’t exactly lie about your service, you certainly weren’t honest, either. You clearly meant to imply that you were some kind of badass snake eater, when that is not the case. Your job was certainly very important, but you seem to consider it (and yourself) inadequate somehow, and felt the need to puff your resume, however indirectly, to artificially bolster your credibility. So you’re being dishonest right out of the starting gate. Nice. Next, you should know that my AR-15 is not the M4 you may or may not have been issued by the Army. The M4’s full-auto/burst fire control components will not fit in my AR-15’s reciever. As far as it being a “weapon of war,” the same could be said of my M1 Garand, M1 carbine, and SKS, which are semiautomatic (just like my AR-15). It could also be said of my M1903A3, M1917 US Enfield, Lee-Enfield No.4, and Mosin Nagant Garbage Rod, which are all bolt-action. They were all designed, built, and issued as infantry combat rifles. So what? You say that the world today is different from that of 1791. And you are correct about that, albeit inadvertently. The threat of tyranny is greater today than our Founding Fathers ever imagined, because modern technology offers our government opportunities to monitor control us that they never dreamed of in their darkest nightmares. An educated lad such as yourself should know that the explicitly-stated reason for the Second Amendment was “common defense” against both foreign aggression and domestic tyranny. Therefore, responsible citizens SHOULD be able to bear the basic firepower of a light infantryman, at least. Our right to vote only exists until those in charge decide to take it away. The well-armed citizen is the deterrent which prevents that from happening, and promises dire consequences if it ever does. Why do you want to be an oathbreaker? As far as we can tell, it appears that you served honorably, at least prior to this little deviation. What went wrong with you? Finally, I will not surrender my weapons. Some on… Read more »
Where do I sign this..
Here, here! I give this post five out of FIVE COCONUTS!
When a person actually knows his topic, is sincere, and believes what he says or writes, the message exudes exactly that, as TOW’s does.
What all these guys said about your post, TOW. Well said.
The only rifle I have ever killed my deer with is an AR-15. Why? It’s so simple to use and I see no reason to buy a bolt action .223 when I have a .223 (5.56) that will kill deer and defend my family and farm! And I know how to break it down and clean it. Lol.
I don’t see where he was dishonest at all.
Of course you don’t.
Do you? Or is this just a case of you know liking what he said and thus not liking who said it?
You not, not know.
Tongue twister haha
Better get your moral compass checked then, clong. Seems to be more than a few degrees off if you can’t see his dishonesty.
Yep. Deceiving someone by technically telling the truth, but doing so in a misleading manner or by using language you know will be misinterpreted, is merely a sophisticated form of lying. It’s just as unethical as telling an outright whopper.
haha? Are you transgender, Clong, or just gay?
C.Long: Considering he’s had all that military training you go on about ad nauseum, he knowingly lied in his writing. That is by definition dishonest.
I don’t see where he lied though.
I don’t see where you don’t see where he lied.
..and with that, I won’t waste further keystrokes on the likes of you. lol
ID SARC. I do see where you don’t see where Clong doesn’t see where he lied.
He made an implication that he was a Green Beret Doorkicker, which he wasn’t, counting on an audience that doesn’t know any better to not challenge him on it. So, no, maybe he didn’t lie per se, but he deliberately made a dishonest implication, which is still (obviously) quite dishonest.
Do you get it now?
I don’t see any implication. I see stated fact backed up by his records. Clarify.
Even if he did imply anything ,which he didn’t, that’s an excuse I’ll remind you that this very community accepted not days ago for another. I think “tall tales” is how it was put.
Yeah, I was waiting for that, Clong. You see, you dumb shit, when someone by omission or puffery talks bullshit but is otherwise a legitimate Veteran with a good record, well, you just don’t read about him here–unless there is an underlying story that is near and dear to Jonn’s heart. One of those is the 2nd Amendment. You still owe a number of points, authorities, citations, and examples owing to the horsehit you served up repeatedly. And you offer? Absolutely squat. Oh. And fuck you.
And lest anyone forget, Clong regards Chris Kyle as a common liar and two shooters recently in the news as just another pair of angry or crazed Veterans who were taught their criminal craft by the military or had it honed by the military. He also makes other disparaging and nasty comments about Veterans but thinks that’s just fair play because the good things Veterans do is commonly featured here. Tit for tat. He does get it, but he rejects it in favor of an agenda that is as screwed up as he is.
Your talent for being obtuse is almost as natural as breathing.
Until you close your mouth, that is. Then you’re fucked.
You’re pushing willful ignorance at this point, as it was pretty fucking blatant.
The author said he commanded a special forces detachment, as backed up by the records correct?
No. He said he had commanded a special forces support detachment. That is indeed supported by his records.
Had he claimed to have commanded a “special forces detachment”, he’d have been implying if not claiming outright that he’d commanded an ODA. He decidedly did not. That would have been a clear case of stolen valor.
Sadly, most non-veterans won’t know the difference. He’s counting on the ignorance of the public and hoping they’ll mislead themselves. Unethical behavior? Hell yes – IMO he wasn’t clear enough, and is trying indirectly to mislead. Had he inserted “(not a SF team)” or similar words after his statement that he’d commanded a SF support detachment, it would have been sufficiently clear and unambiguous. He chose not to do that.
However, as IDC SARC points out, your argument here is moot for a different reason. Jonn didn’t ID this as stolen valor – he IDed it as “dumbass bullshit”. Which is precisely what this guy’s article is: ignorant BS.
Wrong. Your reply shows you know nothing about Army Special Forces. His chemical unit was not an organic part of the 10th Special Forces Group, a unit in which I served as a special forces officer for over 2 years. His “detachment” was an attached support unit. He was not Special Forces qualified; his records show that. It is also unlikely that any of the men in that detachment were SF qualified. He and his men probably spent more time with chemical test equipment than M-16s or M-4s.
I readily admit I don’t know much about Special Forces. Unless Chuck Norris movies count. That said he never claimed to be qualified nor implied.
“I readily admit I don’t know much….” If only you had stopped right there, Clong.
Oh, good. You admit you don’t know something. Good. Then zip your lip and go away.
Argument for the sake of getting attention – that’s YOU, clongodongo – does not make you a better person. It only makes you an attention whore.
“Unless Chuck Norris movies count”.
Are you fucking kidding me??
Come on, that was funny.
To lend credibility to his meritless opinions on gun control and the AR-15 class of semi-auto rifles, he implies he was some bad-ass infantry warrior and commanded a detachment of the 10th Special Forces Group, when in reality he was only a national guard infantry trooper weekend warrior and led a non-SF chemical support detachment. As an officer, he was a REMF in charge of REMF’s. His service in “war” was as an artillery Bn chemical officer (staff officer). He also falsely claims the semi-auto AR-15s we own are “weapons of war” and “assault rifles,” when we here all know they are not, because they are incapable of select fire, a basic function of all military assault rifles since they were invented for the Wehrmacht in WWII.
Again, where does he imply? That vary word is subjective and, based of others talked about here, not much of an excuse to call someone out especially a decorated officer.
Isn’t it more likely that people are reading into what he wrote to find a reason to dismiss his opinions?
No. It’s far more likely that the man intentionally used language that, while technically accurate, he knew would be misinterpreted by the vast majority of the public – and did so specifically to mislead his audience.
Clong you stupid shit. No one needs to read-in anything to dismiss his asinine opinion. He capitalized on his military service so it’s fair game for those who want to go there. Puffery isn’t SV but it sure helps to add weight to one’s opinion when the topic is right. Personally, I think of him as I do Bateman, although this guy isn’t against guns, just certain ones. Both, however, used their officer/former officer standing in much the same way.
I dismiss his opinions because they are bullshit, IMHO. Who taught his Con Law class? Mine is now a USSCt justice. If he wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment, let him start a campaign to do so. But he is obviously not competent to opine on the constitution and how to interpret it. As for his decorations, they are, with the exception of an ARCOM, nothing more than what we used to refer to as “I was there” medals.
So now it’s that he isn’t the right type of veteran? Is there a hierarchy chart you can link me to that lets us all know, based on branch\awards\mos\era\etc, when someone is allowed to voice opinions and when “fluffing” is just tall tales and when it’s kyung? Thanks, that would help.
Sure, Christopher Long, I have one. Go ahead and ask me for it.
Technically. any false statement made with knowledge by the publisher that the statement is false is a lie. Lies, however, come in different types, are used for different purposes, and carry different consequences. Some lies are mere puffery. Others can constitute a crime, others a tort, still others can lead to injury and to death. There are white lies and little white lies as well. A reasonable person with some years of life experience under his belt recognizes the differences among the “lies.” One can readily see why you do not understand this, Clong. The standard to do so requires a reasonable person.
He was/is allowed to voice his opinions. Its protected in the First Amendment. He can express any bullshit opinion he wants; but we are merely exercising our right to refute his opinions. And we reserve the right to question the qualifications of anyone who claims his military experience gives greater credence to his views. Also, if you haven’t carried an “assault rifle” in the field, in combat, we are not impressed with your opinion on which semi-auto rifle is a “weapon of war” subject to confiscation by
Big Brother.
Except that is what’s happening here. What’s actually happening is that a veteran is being labeled a liar, albeit on the sly, simply because of what he is saying. Everyone keeps talking about what he is supposedly implying. Well what about what’s implied when you post his real name(after he decided not to) and his records on a blog whose main purpose is stolen valor? Oh that’s right it wasn’t filed under such.
In the end you are disparaging a veteran, the same group you expect to be held in high regard because of your membership, simply because you don’t agree.
“He\she is wrong because they aren’t a vet.” ” oh they are? Well they don’t have the right medals, job, weren’t in the right place so they still don’t count. But hey, I’m a vet too so I have free reign to run my mouth.”
Give me a break, be better than that.
Clong, you are more full of SHIT than ten million geese.
Clong fancies himself to be a fair fellow but he has an odd sense of fairness. He demands explanations from others but provides none. He thinks that disparaging Veterans evens the score for the many positive stories that appear here about Veterans. He thinks some of us are racists and homophobes and, because of that, he can’t bring himself to reply lest someone of his ilk think that he endorses what Clong regards as racism and homophobia. I called him spineless for that and he is. Can you imagine taking that position? I can’t. Sure, if you have reason for which you don’t want to deal with someone here, fine. But whoever heard of not doing so because others might think you ill of you for exchanging comments with that someone? That’s a stance I can see an 11-year old girl taking. In short, I find nothing redeeming in what Clong offers, other than a sideshow. And to this day, I have no idea whether Christopher Long is a Veteran at all.
Highly unlikely; especially if he relies on Chuck Norris movies for info on SF. Although, I could see him as a PFC in a mess kit repair detachment. I think he just enjoys messing with the ex and AD military types that post here because it is a little more challenging and entertaining than dealing with the moonbats and useful idiots at DU and Huffpo.
Close. I was one of those green guys that pop up on the range.
Yeah, Clong, we called them targets. Like you, they were mindless and had no balls.
Clong, you should revert to type, because one of their endearing qualities when we hit them is they were silent.
Haven’t been hit yet. 😉
You are alright, I like you!
You made Clong gush, rgr769. He may have even squealed.
Hell, he squirted in his underoos….
I thought so, Clong. YOU ARE your own Cousin, aren’t you?
Well, gee, if veteran status is based entirely on the number of awards one wears in the appropriate spots, and ClongoDongo the Moonbat Primary thinks that the comments disputing li’l ol’ Brandon’s attitude (which stinks, frankly) are being nasty toward a ‘decorated vet’, I have to wonder how come none of them have gone that route with me?
Could the difference be due to a simple fact that Brandon is a conceited, self-centered, arrogant prick who, while entitled to his own opinions, has no business making demands of other people or deriding them when they disagree with his attitude/opining? Hmmm… And I’m not like that? Could it be that?
Or could it be that ClongoDongo is so flaming ignorant of the military in general (except for Chuck Norris movies), and also such an arrogant ass, that he just wants to pick a fight over nothing by sticking his splintery oar into the pool?
I mean, after all, guys, you haven’t given me a pounding lately, so it can’t be because I have all this ‘bling’ hanging on my dark blues, or all those hundreds of slots filled in and initialed on my assignments sheet, could it?
I could go back to that dreadful freezing cold night in the Bayuska Peninsula Wars, and how we all shared one cup of hot grog among us under the stars, and just carry on from there, couldn’t I?
Ideas, anyone? Excuse me, the phone’s ringing.
Clong is probrably Brandon writing under an alias…again.
Someone else can cover the lie of omission, if he wants. Oh. And fuck Clong.
Clong is his own Cousin.
Sorry, AirCAv, there is not enough money in the entire Universe for that. Now I need to go scrub my brain. Where’s the bleach?
Here ya go Ex-PH2.
And he’s singing it just for you.
Those trollops sitting near the piano are just playthings compared to TAH’s Ex-PH2. 😉
Oh! Bruce Campbell. Hunkalicious!
Thank you, Sharkman!
Clong, if you don’t mind…..why must you be so damned continually argumentative? If you insist on always proving yourself, may I suggest you take up biting the heads off live chickens at different county fairs? To make it even more real, please learn to swallow!
I think saying he commanded a special forces support detachment is accurate and honest.
That is precisely what he did. A support detachment.
Loca! What took ya so long?!?
Sock puppet for Clong?
more like a love sock