Delwyn O’Connor; phony POW
Someone sent us an article about this guy, Delwyn O’Connor, in Fairfield, California. He attended an event where the Solano County Board of Supervisors welcomed home Vietnam Veterans. Delwyn, a Korean War and Vietnam veteran took the opportunity to tell the reporter about his time in Vietnam;
Delwyn O’Connor has lived nearly 49 years in Solano County – the first 3 1/2 in the hospital at Travis Air Force Base.
Those years were largely due to the 10 days he was held captive by the North Vietnamese in the summer of 1967, a period in which he was repeatedly tortured before he and eight others were rescued by a joint Navy SEALs operation.
He has lost vision in one eye, had his nose replaced and has had multiple operations because of the injuries he sustained as a prisoner. That also includes a belly wound he suffered prior to being captured, shrapnel that was removed by his fellow prisoners because there was no medical care available.
“When we got home, three of the prisoners committed suicide because of what they said about us,” said O’Connor, recalling how the treatment they received back in the U.S. caused the breaking point for men who could not be broken by the enemy.
He is the last survivor.
O’Connor, who also served in Army special forces during the Korean War, was joined by more than 50 other Vietnam-era veterans Tuesday when, more than 40 years since the end of the war and in commemoration of the 50 years since the start of the war, the Solano County Board of Supervisors said, “thanks and welcome home.”
SEALs must’ve been busy in those days, reading about all of the rescues they affected. But according to DPAA, there were no O’Connors who were prisoners of the Communist Vietnamese;
O’Connor has no Purple Heart Medals for his injuries, if you look closely at the hat in the picture above, you’ll see he’s also wearing a Silver Star…nope, no Silver Star. In the interview, he says that he was in the Army and Special Forces in Korea (he’s also wearing a Special Forces DUI on his cap), but, according to his FOIA, he was in the Navy soon after he turned 18 years old during the Korean War from 1952 – 1955. After his Navy service, he enlisted in the Air Force and he retired in 1982. No Army service, let alone special forces duty.
His FOIA says that he was in Vietnam, at Cam Rahn Bay Air Base – he was a loadmaster and an Air Passenger Specialist – not many of those became POWs.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
I’ll be in Fairfield CA next weekend. Maybe I will cross paths with him. I’ll let you know if his mailbox has a door.
Idiot….served honorably in two theaters in two separate conflicts and shits on himself…
FUCK YOU ASSHOLE sullying the fine career field of Aerial Port DAWGS.
I was in Transportation for 23 years and no way am I going to bullshit my career.
We are *ESSENTIAL* to getting the troops 1. A fucking RIDE to the combat theater,
2. Supplies for them to fight, 3. Fly their wounded asses back to Theater hospitals and 4. Bring home the dead.
If that’s not good enough for you, then FUCK YOU!
Easy there Port Dawg, you’re going to rupture something.
And Delwyn, you’re a diphit. FUCK YOU
I used to hate when I’d speak to soldiers and they’d say the words, “I’m just a” Just a PFC,just a supply specialist, just anything… I would always try to tell them, never say I’m just a, EVERY ONE and every job has to come together to win the fight. All that matters is to do what you said you would when you signed up. Nothing, at least to me, is more important to the fight.
If we can get legit folks to stop saying “I’m just a” it would be a good way to ferret out the phonies. For example, a “hero” sitting next to me told me of all the great things he was doing. The bartender was listening to his tales of derring-do in C-130’s and asked if he was in the USAF. The “hero” said he was just a Reservist. My bs meter pegged because, with the ops climate at the local USAFR base, no actual Reservist would say “I’m just”
One of the greatest 10 beers + 10 shots I ever bought was in some small sports bar in a suburb of Atlanta.
Trivia night (you could win free food and drinks, to include booze) and there was a question dealing with Vietnam.
Older guy next to me, hadn’t aged well, moving slow and creaky but mentally sharp as he or I ever was. He mentions he was in Vietnam.
My thoughts on hearing this: ‘Please don’t let this guy be a phony, I’ve really enjoyed chatting with him’ (when you’re a stranger in a random sports bar 11 out of 12 months a year good ‘stranger’ company is very much enjoyed and appreciated). Also, Vietnam veterans are my heroes. All of them.
I ask how long he was there, what he did, etc. His reply (paraphrased) ‘I was there a little under a year. I fixed air conditioners. Never saw combat but rockets hit where I was working one night and I won’t lie I pissed my pants.’
I told him being on a base taking rocket fire- well if he didn’t see combat he sure heard it and felt it.
He smiled and I bought lots of drinks and it was a good night. I hope he’s doing well, wherever he is. Probably still at that same small sports bar several nights a week.
nice to hear about a legit nam vet for once. 🙂
I would always tell junior Corpsmen there were no unimportant jobs, people or positions. I would explain to ward Corpsmen that the morale of the Sailor aboard a ship or a Grunt deployed to wherever could be greatly influenced by the treatment their dependent spouse (both wife or husband) or children received. It’s difficult enough to work pretty much all day but can be much worse knowing your child/significant other is receiving substandard/indifferent care. I also explained that there was ‘life after ward duty’ and would direct them to the Career Counselor. We had a stellar CC at my last command. He retained many good Sailors by getting them into schools (lab, pharmacy, radiology, nuclear medicine, etc.). I got great pleasure seeing good Sailors move on and up. There are NO unimportant jobs. There are NO unimportant people.
The stupid is strong with this one. I spent two years on Travis bending wrenches on those god-awful 40k’s, and, lemme-tell-you-what, there are many AP types living in Solano County. This guy is like a stumble bum wandering around the Vatican telling everyone he’s a Cardinal.
Dennis-not chevy, the new 60K’s are even worse. My other half spent many a weekend at APS in Germany trying to keep them and the 40k’s going, especially during old Billy’s time in the white house. I did my time on the refuelers. Gotta love Trans!
I had my doubts when they went from the R-9 to the fire truck style valves and controls of the R-11. How did that work out?
Of course some folks are still complaining about getting rid of the R-5. The R-5 was the only vehicle I knew that Grandma in her electric wheelchair could beat in the 1/4 mile.
‘3. Fly their wounded asses back to Theater hospitals and
4. Bring home the dead.’
Indeed. In their own special way, the loadmaster and transport guys see plenty when there is a war on.
And they are usually only noticed when there is a screw up. Near-perfect ops on a daily basis is invisible to most.
Much respect-
Thanks and
” And they are usually only noticed when there is a screw up. Near-perfect ops on a daily basis is invisible to most.”
“Near Perfect” ….when it’s not, we blame it on Maintenance.
😀 😀 😀 ? ? ? ? ? ?
I never did thank the operators for keeping me employed. Sorry, better late than never.
Nothing beats a load master waiving you to load the ramp of a 130 doing a turn and burn to get the hell out of another shit hole. Best folks in the air force
Another “sekrit skwirrl, real deal special feces/POW warrior” who took an amoebic dysentery shit all over his honorable service.
Hey, Delwyn O’Connor… enjoy the GOOGLE fame, dumbass!
He looks like a nice old man.
He’s probably lonely. It doesn’t excuse stolen valor, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s alone and forgotten. Most of the losers reported on these various sites are so much younger.
I’m not defending him. Just a observation from his appearance.
These Douche bags make me sick. In my town of 5000 I’ve met 3 ex-Navy Seals. I checked them out with VeriSeal. All full of crap.
I have similar thoughts. One of our biggest “celebrity” Veterans in my small community is a complete fraud. Anyone who wears one of those hats that seem to be required for older guys at Walmart make me suspicious….
A good friend of mine was recently talking to a (verified) Navy SEAL veteran of the Vietnam War who told my buddy that “there were about 500 SEALs operating in Vietnam when I was there, and I’ve met all 20,000 of them”.
I have become very cynical over the years. I don’t believe anybody unless i see their ERB or DD214.
The phonies have created an atmosphere of mistrust.
Another old, gnarled phony maggot.
There is a special place in hell for these turds.
The guy couldn’t be happy with his service, he just had to embellish.
We don’t need to hear any of his excuses, records mix-ups, St Louis fire, secret squirrel outfit… NO EXCUSES, you are a liar!
Amazingly his FOIA record reflects award of the Korean Defense Service Medal (KDSM)…
Since that award was established in 2004 and may be awarded retroactively, he had to have submitted a request for award and a corrected DD-214 (DD-215).
It’s a crying shame that people have to shat all over their service records…
“It’s a crying shame that people have to shat all over their service records…” Yeah, especially when they are found out and exposed. At that point, folks who didn’t get a look at their actual papers think that maybe they never served at all. Well, at least the thought warms me.
“When we got home, three of the prisoners committed suicide because of what they said about us,” said O’Connor.” Fucker. It’s not enough that he stacked his lies about himself a mile high. He then saw a need to concoct the suicides of three other fictitious POWs. What a piece of shit.
I find it difficult to believe that any serviceman held for any length of time as a POW would kill themselves just because someone said something bad about them. This guy is a cockmaggot.
“… three of the prisoners committed suicide because of what they said about us.” What exactly was said about returning POWs? Returning POW were held in high regard if I remember correctly. Now, the typical troop returning from VN was often treated with disrespect. But, no, not the POW if I recall correctly. It’s disrespectful to both the POW and troop to suggest he/she would commit suicide b/c of what was said to/of them upon their return from VN. To me, saying that would suggest a weakness which I did not see in those returning troops. Yes, some killed themselves. The same happens today among veterans. Was it b/c of what was said about them upon their return? I don’t believe that is the case. And he personally knows of three who did so?
Can anyone please explain why these posers always want to falsely claim POW status, as if being a POW is some sort of high achievement that one should strive for?
I had a relative who was a POW in WW2, and I have a couple of acquaintances who were briefly held as POWs in Iraq during Operation DESERT STORM. None of them have ever seen being captured and then held as a POW as any kind of accomplishment.
‘Can anyone please explain why these posers always want to falsely claim POW status’
The erroneous perception- mostly in the minds of phonies and treasonous Vietnam era anti-American hippies of POWs being ‘victims’ deserving of ‘sympathy’.
Having said that, any Vietnam POW who considers himself a victim of torture and illegal and immoral treatment isn’t going to hear word 1 from me with the exception of ‘what are you drinking?’
They’d hear one other thing from me, shark: “Thanks.”
You nailed it. Unless they’re mentally incompetent, they’re simply looking for sympathy – and possibly for the tangible bennies (e.g., virtually free VA medical care, plus possible disability compensation if they can swing it) that comes with it.
Well, I can tell them where to find “sympathy” – it’s in the dictionary between “manure” and “venereal disease”. And if that’s too many pages for them to search through, I can give them a tighter word-pair bound for their search.
And if they’re getting bennies based on that lie, I truly hope the Feds find out – and come after them for every penny. Then throw their aged, lying asses in jail.
The “I cannot remember” defense in 3…2….1….
HEY Delwyn O’Connor, you are now gaining something, it’s GOOGLE POWER!!!
Not only is Delwyn O’Connor’s POW experience suspect. There’s also something off about the Andrew Cobb tale deeper in the news story. A lack of the ring of truth. It’s hard to imagine– but I could be wrong– almost anybody who was in country getting weepy talking to a newspaper reporter unless that person was trying to play a victim card.
What also seems to be missing in some of these stories is the actual reaction of those who found themselves treated like dogs after coming home. It wasn’t like a bunch of crybabies wanting the mean people to stop; it was more like wanting to rip their stupid faces off. Something which might have taken awhile to get over.
Standing offer: if someone can come up with Cobb’s info (First/Middle/Last name, claimed service, approx dates, and either DOB plus POB or Service Number or SSN), I’ll be happy to file the FOIA.
Another Low-Esteemed Walter Mitty who needs to contact Jumping Joe Gainey, AKA AWOL PV9 Gainey, 1st SEAC, to defend him.
Also, another Guillible, ignorant newspaper reporter.
Speaking of Gainey: Those durn crickets have been chirping away for quite a while on his buddy, Mike “Killer” Killam. Military bearing in his pocket, my behind. A disgrace to the NCO Corps lying about his NDSM as well as supporting Killer and still hanging around with Rick Cayton, another Phony Vietnam POW, who never admitted he lied.
Cowards. Liars. All of them.
What a jerk, and another damn poser! He needs to stop sullying the reputation of all us who “were in the rear with the beer” errr I mean “… the gear”.
My 3 years on a fleet replenishment oiler taught me being a member of TEAM AMERICA means we all do a valuable part even if some of it goes unrecognized by the masses. It’s all still highly important to defending/keeping this country safe.
Fucking cocksucker.
While we’re praising how important the Supply people were to everybody’s ops, allow me to mention another group that doesn’t get enough praise. Draftees. I’m retired U.S.Navy E-6 and we didn’t have draftees, as did the U.S.Army, but we did have a lot of 3 year enlisted.
There’s no way in hell us small pool of career types could function without the 2, 3, 4, or even 10 year enlisteds, and in the Army’s case the draftees. No way on this earth. I salute, and thank, everyone that served honorably. I join the other commenters in wondering what caused this man, not only a honorable service Vet but a Retiree, to shit on his service so. To Mr O’Connor I’ll quote Mr Welch during the McCarthy hearings “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”.
There was no “I’m just a” in commo.
Our unofficial mottos were (depending on what type of unit one was supporting):
“Without us, you’ve got a 60 ton paperweight” (2ACR tankers)
“You can talk about us, but you can’t talk without us” (general purpose)
There is no excuse for stolen valor. I want to make it clear that I believe that whole heartedly, up-front. However (didn’t you know that was coming?), I pause a bit when it is someone as old as this guy. Most of the posers seem to be between 20 and 60 years old, and should be shunned forever. This guy is MUCH older, and could be lonely and abandoned.
He shouldn’t claim what isn’t his, but his motivation may be different than some “whippersnapper” who wants fame. He may just want a friend. All I’m saying is, at his age, it may not be fame he’s seeking.
…or he has been telling these stories for the last few decades and he does it because, well, who knows why. I used to fell sorry for the older ones, until Dick Stoop who has been telling his lies since the 70s. When we busted him, his family tried to tell us he was dying because of the exposure (the Kansas City Star wouldn’t publish his name because of that) and we’ve caught him doing the same thing every year since.
Yeah, I know what you mean and I would still feel a tad funny if some oldster just started with the lies when he was 80 or so. The problem is that those telling the lies at 80 started 40, 50, or 60 years ago. An old liar used to be a younger liar. That’s all.
why shit on a pretty solid career like that? I just don’t get it.
I just don`t get how these media types/reporters can take a bullshit story to print with absolutely no verification. Especially with the POW claim, because it`s so easy to verify. Boggles the mind.
Fuck this guy.
For completeness: were this jerk’s claims true, he would be on two of the three following lists. They list US personnel who (1) were captured by enemy forces in SEA, escaped, and later returned to US control; (2) were captured by enemy forces in SEA and were returned alive at the end of the war; or (3) those who were POW/MIA and whose status is otherwise definitively known (this list includes the other two lists plus information on those known to be KIA/BNR – plus the bastard Garwood).
Precisely one person with the last name “O’Connor” appears on these lists: US Army CW2 Michael F. O’Connor. He was captured by enemy forces in South Vietnam on 4 February 1968 and was released by North Vietnam on 5 March 1973.
Additionally, the following link lists personnel whose status is still “Unaccounted-For”. The last name “O’Connor” is not found on this list.
In short, this guy is a LSoS. Screw him.
Folks always wonder why, as here, a Veteran will lie about the nature of his military service. Your degree in armchair psychology is as good as or better than mine but mine is expired. So, I just don’t bother any longer. Someone asks, “Why” and I answer “Because.” Done.
Had he invested a few minutes of google research he would not have floated this story. Jeez, Louise, at least invent a story that is not so easily disproven.
It’s not clear from the partial copies that he was a load in Vietnam. I would guess that he was a transportation guy in country then became a load later. Or maybe not.
Some of the toughest guys I knew from the era were loadmasters. Well, them and some of the pilots. I was very grateful to all of them for being my mentors and trainers.
At times I wonder if all of us could collectively do something that would put to rest the need for those to embellish their stories.
For those in supply, I was always grateful for having access to, and being given most all needed to do my job and live as comfortable, all circumstances considered.
For the cooks, even though I seldom got to spend any time at Battalion H Q, the meals served there were a welcome relief from “C’s”, and delicious.
For the admin pokes, I was always thankful for the mail we received out in the field, as well as somebody seeing to it we were paid monthly.
For the Company truck driver, when in the rear, I was always glad for the trips he made daily to the river to fill the gravity-fed river water showers we had.
For the maintenance men we had, I was always grateful for their tank repairs they provided when needed. Same for whatever group of them who maintained a small generator when we came back to Co. H Q after a while out in the field.
This could go on and on; still I’d overlook some folks. My point to all who never fired a weapon, never was close to an incoming mortar, or anything else warriors experienced……You were one hell of a lot appreciated by many of us; and I say “Thank you for all you did.”