Obama to reduce troop strength in Afghanistan

| July 7, 2016

Military.com reports that after hemming and hawing for the better part of a year, Obama has finally arrived at the politically-expedient solution for troops strength in Afghanistan. Despite warnings from his military commanders, the President has decided to reduce the number from 9800 to 8400. Initially, his plan was to leave only 5500, but ISIS cahnged his mind;

The announcement by Obama at the White House, with Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford flanking him, left decisions on future U.S. commitments to Afghanistan to the next president and essentially scuttled Obama’s dream of leaving office after ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The decision I’m making today ensures that my successor has a solid foundation for progress in Afghanistan, as well as the flexibility to address the threat of terrorism as it evolves,” Obama said. “I firmly believe the decision I’m announcing is the right thing to do.”

The Taliban has been making gains in Afghanistan since early 2014, when 38,000 troops were withdrawn from the fight. But then withdrawal and saving the President’s legacy has been this President’s sole strategy since he took office, so why stop now?

Thanks to AW1Ed for the link.

Category: Terror War

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That’s news. I didn’t know he had a mind.

2/17 Air Cav

“I firmly believe the decision I’m announcing is the right thing to do.” He believes that announcing the decision is the right thing to do or that the decision is the right thing to do? Either way, whenever this puke tells us how correct or right or important something is to him, we’re screwed. Wait! Did you just call the President of the United States a puke? Yes. I was being nice to the POS.


Do you need a safe space?

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t understand the nature of the question. If you explain it, I will be happy to answer.


You were being nice to the POS. I was just being helpful. My interpretation of your comment was that you want to pound something, hence I asked if you want a ‘safe’ space, some place where you can relieve your stress load without damaging your physical self.

<3 <3 <3

2/17 Air Cav

No, I can write angrily about the SOB w/o actually being angry. When I am actually enraged, I tend to clam up, lest I do or say something that I will regret. I know that there are those who say that because he occupies the presidency, he deserves respect. I do not agree. I respect the Office of President but not that bastard who is, for now, the president.


Now, see – you just spoke the truth. His mommy and daddy weren’t married, ergo he is a bastard.

You see how that works?

A Proud Infidel®™

Was his teleprompter working or did he stutter all over the place while babbling like a junkie?
Kinda like THIS:


Is he trying to channel Bill Cosby?


Gess, API, you could post a spew warning, y’know!
I did see that the other day, but others may not have been so fortunate. One brain fart after another. Pffft.


I believe 8400 troops is the minimum to have a Green Beans coffee on base.


And the jordache jeans crowd.


But they may loose the Tim Hortons donut shop.


It is funny.

Liberal sites are reporting this as “Obama extends troop presence in Afghanistan, again.”

Obama has no interest in nation building. Just maintaining a platform to kill terrorists and keep the critical Afghan governance and command and control locations reasonably secure.

Neither side of the political spectrum in the US likes that.


The British had no interest in nation-building. Ultimately, they just wanted to take a walk from Kabul to Jbad.

I say we GTFO.


I’ll never understand how I see so many people walking around in the PX or commissary wearing Obama t-shirts. You know that they have some sort of relationship with the military. There is a huge conflict of interest. They support the guy that hates their career and everything the stand for and defend.

Hack Stone

I remember when retired SgtMaj Of The Marine Corps Estrada endorsed Obama. He was the 1st Sgt of my company at Camp Pendleton back in the 1990’s, a real hard ass. He sold out the military, and Obama gave him the Ambassadorship to Trinidad and Tobago in return. I guess that the lesson is that if there is enough money, anyone can bought.


Will those remaining be required by ROE to engage only the JV ISIS, or are all the goat humpers fair game?