Stay away from Renwaa

| January 1, 2009

Many of you probably remember Renwaa, a member of our TAH community who kept us updated while she was in Mumbai during the terrorist attack there last month. Well I sent her an email yesterday with New Years greetings and I get back an email this morning from her to say that she was in Denmark visiting her in-laws who just happened to live down the street from this attack in Denmark (from Gateway Pundit);

Breaking- Israel Matzav is reporting:

Israel Radio is reporting that a ‘Palestinian’ opened fire on a group of Israelis in a supermarket just outside of Copenhagen.

More… Ekstra Bladet has this on the shooting:

Two people were injured, since shortly after 15 shots were fired in Rosengårdscentret center in Odense, the police, according to Ritzau.

The status is unknown.

We are looking for an offender at the moment, said the guard commander at the 16-time Ritzau.

We have plenty to look for right now, so we can not say more.

Haaretz is reporting the shooters were Arab youths:

So, I’ve come to the obvious conclusion that all of these attacks are Renwaa-related somehow. I suggest to all of our readers they should stay away from Renwaa until she can finish dealing with these terrorists.

Stay safe, Renwaa.

Category: Terror War

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Thanks, Jonn.

The local news is reporting someone has turned themselves in so we’ll see what’s up. I’ll send some updates when they get on-line for verification.


In the ER we would refer to Renwaa as a fecal magnet. 🙂 Stay safe and Happy New Year


Have a Happy and SAFE New Year, Renwaa. Please be careful.


Happy New Year, everyone. Renwaa, stay safe out there!


Happy New Year to everyone, Renwaa, be careful and stay safe.


Happy New Year everyone. Renwaa, don’t worry about careful and safe – Stay LUCKY!

The Sniper

Oddly enough Renwaa just showed up in Gaza…. uh-oh.