Clint Lampkin; stolen victimhood

| June 22, 2016


Don sends us a link to a story about this Clint Lampkin fellow. Apparently, he claimed in some sort of public venue that he was a survivor of the Pulse terrorist attack in Orlando. He got wild applause and hugs for that simple statement. Then folks started questioning the story;

One of Lampkin’s Facebook friends from his home state of Arkansas sent WHNT a screenshot from Clint’s Facebook page in which he said of the Orlando massacre, “Glad I wasn’t at that one.” The post was dated June 12 — the morning of the attack.

Lampkin screen shot

From WHNT, Lampkin goes through some of the stages of being busted for stolen valor;

WHNT News 19 employees spoke to Clint over the phone Monday, and he says his Facebook account was hacked and that he never made that post. He still claims he was at the Pulse Nightclub the night of the shooting. “I have really bad anxiety attacks, so I just kinda, I don’t know, my mind is just gone,” he told us on Saturday.

We asked him for additional details surrounding the night of the shooting Monday over the phone, and he gave us the same response – that the trauma of what he’s witnessed has erased his memory.

“I did lose a friend that got shot,” he told the crowd Saturday. We asked Clint for the name of his friend who he said died inside the club. He answered that he had only known each other for a short time and didn’t remember the victim’s name.

I’m having flashbacks from every phony we ever busted. The TV station says they’re trying to find out from the FBI if he was really there or not. I’m guessing “no” would be the correct answer.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Maybe his old Twitter logs were lost in the St. Louis fire in 1970?

Just An Old Dog



Holy Crapola stolen valor isn’t just a issue with us military folks who would of thought that…


The best part of him got wiped off on the curtains.




L. Taylor would prefer that you give him the benefit of the doubt and wait. You know, just in case it was a typo.


There’s that, then waiting to see if someone actually hacked his FB account.


He’s a liar , I know how he is . He always lying . Known him 11 years no longer friends . He wanted his 15 minutes of fame and got it


He self-ID himself so that makes it “true.”

2/17 Air Cav

Stolen victimhood. That’s a scream but not new. If all of the people who claim to have been at the Twin Towers when they went down had actually been there, Manhattan would have tipped over.


akin to the billions who claimed having been at Woodstock…I have it on reliable info I am one of no more than 3 people working somewhere else that weekend.

Musta been a hell of a friend if he can’t even remember a name. “Oh, I’ll always miss dear old…wait a minute… used to know it…had it on the tip of my tongue….ah, shit”


I was one of the three also. But I could of been there, that was back in my long hair (now no hair) hippie days and I got offered a ride from San Diego in a truly VW hippie van.

Side note:

The van never made it back to San Diego, in went to Taos NM on the way back and stay in a commune there.


did you see that cool T shirt that says, “I am the SEAL Who Did NOT Shoot Bin Laden” ?


Well unless he had his name tattooed on his penis how would he know the guy through a glory hole?


I wasn’t there either. I was 7. MOM D said I was too young to hitchhike from Riverside. Was raised on the music, thanks to older high school age sisters!


2/17: Don’t forget the Beirut barracks bombing. By my last count, on this blog alone, something in the order of 312,000 troops were there. Half were snipers, 1/4 SEALs and 1/4 Army Rangers. Oh, and all were wounded and later pulled survivors from the collapsed building.


I was there, oh wait I was at Ft Campbell. Please excuse my confusion, they do look a lot alike. I did have a POS NCO in my Platoon that bragged about getting an extension on his EARMYU by saying that he was helping during the recovery at the twin towers.


If you remember Woodstock, you weren’t there.


LSoSs gonna be LSoSs. It’s their nature.


To be pedantic, that should be “LSsoS gonna be LSsoS.”


By that logic, it should also be SGsM vice SGMs.

Go ahead. I think I’ll stick with adding the “s” at the end of the acronym, thanks. (smile)


What’s my dead friend’s name? I’m sorry, that’s classified.

Roger in Republic

He probably does not want to name his friend because said friend had not yet come out. Ethics, you know.

NR Pax

Can we have him in an Honorable Mention category for the next tournament?


Posing as a Rump Ranger?


Looks like he’s trying to decide whether to talk into the microphone or swallow it !!!!


He’s probably had lots of practice swallowing.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And catching… as a “wide receiver”

Pinto Nag


The Other Whitey

What a colossal fucking shitbag.

Green Thumb

Turd is the new Word.

Mike Kozlowski

…The first, but I’ll bet the house payment he’s far from the last.


Black Bart

Guess ya get to keep that roof over your head for now Mike! 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

“WHNT News 19 employees spoke to Clint over the phone Monday, and he says his Facebook account was hacked and that he never made that post.”

GEE WHIZ, have we ever seen that before? /SARC Next he’ll blame an ex-lover.

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, I forgot rat turd.


PTSD claim in 3, 2…1

Roger in Republic

He is just getting ahead of the lawsuit. Staking his claim to damages, real and punitive.


Not to mention imaginary.

Hack Stone

I have it on good authority that his dear friend who died that evening was Will Chamberalin. Or maybe it was Elaine Ricci.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I think that this attention whore lives a life so pathetic that he must make claims like this to be part of “The In Crowd”.
He probably finds excitement in blowing the seeds of a dandelion stalk.I wonder if he has ever claimed to have hUnG oUt In ThE tReEtOpS.


I keep reading this douche pickle’s way in a totally dirty way! *giggles*


That’s some pretty lame shit even in the stolen valor realm.


Ahhhhhhh….unforgettable whatisname…my dear close friend….sob sob


Wow. Thought I’d seen everything and some asshole shows up with a new version of everything. This parasite goes beyond graceless and disgusting.


His dead friends name is Doe, John.

Club Manager

There is an easy enough test to determine if he may be telling the truth. Okay hotshot, if you were at Pulse, how about proving it by giving me a BJ. (Forgive me Chaplin).


Careful C M….hundreds will be coming out of the wood work WANTING to prove it to you. You’ll end up a happy meal for a lot of posers. All with stick boy arms, recapped lips, looking for a bone to feast on.

2/17 Air Cav

“You’ll end up a happy meal for a lot of posers.” That is funny as hell.

Green Thumb

Good luck with that.

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) is already in line.

And I can only imagine he will control the action.

Green Thumb

Dude will be playing at the next All-Points Logistics evening social.

And supplying the party “favors” to Phildo and the boys afterwards….

Hack Stone

Brian Williams has confirmed his story. In fact, Brian shared a bathroom stall with. Just a coincidence that gunfire broke out shortly afterwards.


Wow. How sh!++y is the interior decor of PULSE that this guy mistook the truck stop bathroom he was gobbling nuts in for Orlando’s premier gay club?