AG Lynch: our most effective response to terror is…love
The Washington Times reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch told reporters in Orlando, Florida that her plan to defeat Islamic terrorism is so simple a caveman can do it;
“To the LGBT community — we stand with you,” President Obama’s attorney general said. “The good in this world far outweighs the evil. Our common humanity transcends our differences, and our most effective response to terror is compassion, it’s unity and it’s love. We stand with you today because we grieve together, and long after the cameras are gone will continue to stand with you as we grow together in commitment and solidarity and in equality.”
ABC News says that Lynch also said that we may never know what the animal’s intentions were in that night club;
“Whenever you look at someone’s motivation or intent, whether living or whether they’re dead, you look at their actions and their activities surrounding the event,” Lynch said today. “You look at what they said, you look at what they did, you look at how they behaved. And you come up with the most reasonable interpretation, the one that fits the facts there. I cannot tell you definitely that we will ever narrow it down to one motivation. People often act out of more than one motivations – this was clearly an act of terror and an act of hate.”
It looks like the Feds can’t find the animal’s ex-wife now, Noor Salman, the one who took special ed classes in high school, according to the Sun-Sentinel;
Seddique Mateen — father of the Orlando massacre shooter Omar Mateen — said Wednesday morning that Omar’s wife Noor Salman was “no longer here” and that she was no longer in the area. He would not say where she had gone.
At about noon, St. Lucie County sheriff’s deputies arrived, went into the [Mateen] house for a few minutes, then left. The deputies who came and went did not comment.
Yeah, I’m getting the sense that no one is really serious about this investigation.
Category: Terror War
Dear Loretta,
Take a flight over to Falluja, find an ISIS member, and give him a big ol hug.
Let us know how that goes for you.
AND take the rest, or at least a bunch of the other jackasses in this administration with you!
What I hear coming from her is ‘yapyapyapyapyapyap!’
Man, talk about a lapdog!
You mean like extra-obnoxious “Boot Dogs” such as Chihuahuas or teacup poodles, the miniature refugees from a Korean stewpot that yip and yap while running around you in circles?
More like a cockadoodle or a schnoodle. They’re all bark and no bite. Those teensy dogs do have a bite.
lol..I was going to say basically the same thing! Fly over there and tell them “all they need is love”, you can play the cd to them at the same time 🙂
Well, that did not stop them from speculating on the motives of the Charleston church shooter. Maybe the Orlando shooter saw a Confederate flag, and that triggered his microaggression.
More probably he saw the black flag of islam….
I’m certain her tone will change after the FBI ratfucks his computer and finds links to radical Islam (that is if that information is even allowed to be released to the media to begin with).
“…The good in this world far outweighs the evil. Our common humanity transcends our differences, and our most effective response to terror is compassion, it’s unity and it’s love…”
Pure unadulterated incoherent babbleliscious bullshit…
She may be right, but I still lock my doors and practice my second amendment right to protect myself and family. Both of those two tasks help keep the “good”, acting “good”
If FDR would have used those words on December 8, 1941, millions of lives could have been saved.
Our most effective response is killing a shitload of these sons a bitches, painfully where possible. They all seem to understand violence, overwhelming, pure, unadulterated violence disbursed with a great many high order detonations utilizing as much flammable material as possible…
Oderint Dum Metuant
AKA “tough” love. See, ole Lowretta had it right!
We should hit them so hard that when they survey the battlefield and ponder that if this is the way that allah shows his love, they’ll take a pass……
And the Beatles thank you Casey. We should get a copy to the Ass General of the US.
I’m sure she would not only love it, but commission a new music video featuring the usual suspects.
Does anyone remember a mid 1970’s documentary that had WWII footage with Beatle songs accompanying it? I recall it being theaters, though I (thankfully) never had the opportunity to view it.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha…….Just when you think they have said the stupidest thing ever, they keep talking!
Dafuq is this gal talking about, anyway? She is the Attorney General of the United States, not a pom-pom girl or a psychologist. What a screwed up administration. I visited the DOJ AG website. On it, page one, right side, are tweets from the AG! The topmost reads, “Let me say to our LGBT friends and family, @TheJusticeDept – and your country – stands with you in the light. #OrlandoUnited” and the seconds reads, “No matter who we are, what we look like, where we come from, or whom we love, this extraordinary nation belongs to us all. #OrlandoUnited.”
STFU chick and try looking at your job description.
I think she is a Pom-Pom girl for this administration. That’s why she got the job.
I expect we’ll see more turbo-idiocy like that from her in the months to come as B. Hussein 0bama and the dildocats tell the LGBT crowd to shut up and vote for them while many of their eyes were opened by the aftermath of the atrocity carried out by a MUSLIM in Orlando .
Love is the best approach and its free. The sex and accompanying social disease will cost a few bucks. Is the AG saying go fuck a terrorist?
Sort of. But you better hurry, it’s Wednesday and tomorrow is man love Thursday. You’ll miss out if you don’t hurry.
I really do wish you guys would remember to post a freakin’ SPEW ALERT!
For Pete’s sake, I almost lost the ice tea!
With respect, you should probably put all beverages down when you start reading the comments.
You’re right. It’s just that it was so hot most of the week and I wanted to make sure I’m all iced up and ready for winter when it comes.
Yes, fuck all of the terrorists!
I think you omitted the word “up” in that statement, MrBill.
The AG is apparently is of the opinion that one can fight terrorism with “love”. I guess she’s entitled to that opinion.
I’m also entitled to my opinion. Personally, I think eradicating terrorists is a better strategy for combating terrorism. And I also think that Loretta’s full of it.
It’s easy to say love, love, love when you have taxpayer provided protection from guys with guns.
Don’t forget jobs, love and jobs that’s what these fuckers need…love and jobs…fixes everything.
Fucking idiots…
I was just going to throw out the “jobs” thing darnit.
You mean like $15 an hour burger-flipping jobs? Gee whiz, the MUSLIM that shot up that office party in CA had a good paying job…
Do you think she’ll say that when she’s facing execution by fire? Or being stomped into a hole in the ground and stoned to death?
That’s what those lovely people do, y’know.
To summarize the position AG Lynch has taken on this underwear stain the last few days:
1. He had every right to be a radicalized Muslim asshole.
2. We’ll never know what his motivation was.
3. He probably needed a hug.
Yeah…so with this stupid ass running DOJ, I think we’re likely to see a glut of Amish porn stars before we see a Hillary indictment.
I’ll vote for whoever pledges to fire Loretta Lynch their first day in office.
If Trump wins, and I hope he does, I’d love to be a fly and witness the turnover.
Lynch: Hello, President Trump, I’m Ms. Lynch and I’m here to assure a successful turnover of my office to your administration.
Trump: Get the fuck out of the White House. Don’t ever speak to me again.
I’m waiting for Trump to walk up to Obama and say “You’re fired.”
I would pay $5 to see that.
God, I hope someone puts that on YouTube!!
Well, there typically is a short pause immediately after the new POTUS finishes taking the Oath of Office . . . .
I wonder how many of B. Hussein 0bama’s office lackeys and/or bureaucrats will screech that Trump can’t fire them and whistle for their lawers?
If they’re civil service or union, probably quite a few.
…Which is why I oppose unions for civil service types, including teachers. Too hard to get rid of the bad apples.
That was absolutely amazing! I NEVER saw Obama’s lips move once!
Since when HASN’T B. Hussein 0bama & Company been the ultimate in incompetence, corruption, idiocy and imbecility? Loretta Lynch and the rest of this administration ought to have to take routine drug tests to keep their jobs!
Just wait, God forbid, for Clinton to be elected.
I just threw up a little!
“The good in this world far outweighs the evil.”
No, it really really doesn’t. If she had been anywhere besides behind Barry sucking on his ass, she’d know that about the world.
The US wouldn’t be so busy in other places, providing so much money to other places, and using the military as peacekeepers so much around the world if that was the case.
This is Loh-retta’s message. It’s SO retro, I just had to find the song she’s referring to. Mind you, I can only watch this for just so long before I start giggling. Here you go. From 1971. (moderate SPEW alert)
Jonn: Your otherwise excellent piece overlooks another obvious means to peacefully eliminate ISIS. A libtard administration spokeswoman stated the problem driving scum to become ISIS terrorists, other than the obvious fact that they are scum, is the lack of employment opportunity. Specifically, if we had job fairs here and the ME, targeted to encourage employment among members of ISIS, the slaughter of innocents would not be an issue. Listen, Jonn, the administration told us this nugget so it is obviously true. Please don’t overlook this issue in future posts.
Yes, it’s dripping with sarcasm.
You want a sammich with that, Chief?
Yes, PH2, yes I do. Bwhaaaa
SO IF everyone were to hug a goat-molesting camel-humping fleabag like Loretta lynch says we need to, I wonder how many would yell “ALLAH ALI-BABA” and go *BOOM!* right afterward? Does Loretta Lynch say we need to hug those goat-humping fleabags before they chant “Death to America” or afterward?
Love is the answer
I love my .44
How in the name of Whoever (can’t offend the atheists did we go from the Greatest Generation to arguably one of the Worst generations of babbling bullshit bunglers in only one generation.
If someone had given Hitler a hug…
Someone tried. It didn’t work out. Here’s the actual footage.
Happiness is a warm gun. Bang bang shoot shoot.
And another thing. I do not stand with the LGBT community so I am not at all sure who “we” means in pom-pom girl’s girl’s statement. The LGBT community wasn’t attacked. An American nightclub in Orlando, Florida was attacked. That’s a fact. I suppose that there may have been a reason that particular club was attacked but I see that as no more meaningful than I would if Holder had said that he stands with all fans of the Boston Marathon after that bombing.
It used to be that ‘we’ was the royal ‘we’. Now, I think it means she has a mouse in her pocket.
Apparently she has ignored the urging by some in the LGBT community to ‘shot back’, which makes much more sense that waiting for a big hug.
Hugs and Kisses that’s what our teacher told us at school hats wrong with that
BAH BAH BAH ! ! ! !
Maybe the love she speaks of is the smell of napalm.
Loretta, you try love while I hide behind my Winchester and watch the ISIS barbarians cut off your head with a bayonet. Don’t worry though, I’m sure Barry will send them a strongly worded note.
Note of encouragement?
According to multiple Muslim Imam’s love for gay people is to kill them. So we are showing Muslim terrorist love by dropping bombs on them. They love to die in Jihad.
Must be nice to constantly troll the people paying your wage.
Dang! That woman (I think it is) must psychic! How did she know I name my 230 grain hollow point .45 cal rounds “full of love.”
Wish she’d come on down my way so she “get some love.”
Stupid biotch.
For all this touchy feely type thinking I blame Oprah and the hippies
Lynch is s puppet and a moron.
When I see her interviewed I even think she does not by this bullshit.
But a paycheck is a paycheck. Especially for someone who is soaking up the pay and benefits in SEVERAL pay grades higher than she should be serving.
And I love her personal opinions on issues where she clearly has a conflict of interest.
She would make a great VA attorney to join the ranks of Burch, Hippolit, Stacey, Wall, Kennedy, Hernandez, Baron and the rest.
Unethical turds.
I think the same. I can’t believe liberals believe the ‘convictions’ they hold so dear. They appeal to the low-information voter, those lock in poverty, relying on public assistance, newly minted immigrants and the like.
“Vote for me and I’ll give you free stuff for life.”