Bad Moon Rising

| June 19, 2016

It was dusk and the end of another hot day. Suzie-Q and I settled on the back porch to listen to the quiet. After a few minutes, we began to notice the fireflies lifting off from the grass. Seems there were more than usual. It is a spectacle that still fascinates old kids like us. With their tails momentarily ablaze, they would fly off into the growing darkness. Soon, all there was to see was an occasional small streak of light zipping by. It is calming to observe and admire such a natural occurrence without having a single thought and no feeling except calm.

As the fireflies mostly burned out and went about doing whatever it is that fireflies do, a very bright full moon began to show itself through the tree tops further up the hill. That sight itself causes you to scoot a little closer to whomever you are sharing the view with. No words are required. But something ruined the moment’s serenity. From another time combined with the thoughts of the day, something popped into my mind. The words from a CCR tune, Bad Moon Rising.

I see the bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin’.
I see bad times today.

Last week, I sat down to write about the state of our Armed Forces. It is a topic I have been writing about for a long time. In July 2011, I wrote, I Remember Carter’s Army. After talking about some of the Commanders in Chief I served under during my Army Time, I concluded that by the time the Obama administration ended we may be longing for Carter’s Army. Well, here we are. In March 2012, not quite a year later I wrote, Just Another Vietnam, concluding that liberals (and frankly I probably need to amend that to read Washington politicians) were going to turn military successes in Iraq and Afghanistan into just another Vietnam along with abandonment and the rise of forces willing to fill mass graves. Well, here we are. Over the years, I wrote much about the many social engineering projects that are negatively impacting the force and with it readiness. Now we have added women to combat arms and soon to follow, trans-genders. With the cuts to our Armed Forces leaving them at pre-WWII levels or worse, we are sitting ducks. I never thought I would see the day when I, as an American, would necessarily ponder whether I am prepared to defend my family and my homeland. But, here I am.

I did not write that essay, because I was a little angry with the Orlando attack and the response of the political hacks who call themselves our leaders. It is never a good idea for me to write when I am angry. Keyboards can be damaged and words sent out across the world wild net are there to stay. As time went on, the anger did not subside although my thought process may be a little more rational.

We are in a Presidential election cycle. Although it seems like I have heard the words every single time there was an election, this one is certainly the most important in my lifetime. I will decide the fate of our nation.

Sitting in the Whitehouse, we have a petulant little man who is also an Islam apologist. Just like all of the others, it was not a murdering Islamist that walked into the Orlando night club and killed 49 people. It was a rifle that did it. So instead of an all out war on ISIS, not a drone strike here and there that kills one cockroach that is replaced before the sun sets on the dead one, he declares war on semi-automatic rifles. We must get those “weapons of war” out of the hands of citizens. Do know what weapons of war are Mr. President? They are box cutters in the hands of Islamic terrorists intent on killing Americans and who succeeded in murdering 3000 non-combatants. All the terrorist murders were from Saudi Arabia to whose king you bowed. And there would have been more on that day if some Americans had not said “let’s roll.” And who is in the wings to replace you? Another wholly owned by the Muslim Brotherhood with millions of dollars paid into her foundation from at least 10 Islamic countries – where they execute homosexuals.

And what do we have on the other side? We have a candidate who is a racist and bigot because he suggests a pause in Muslim immigration until they can be properly vetted. Members of his party are working harder to defeat him than they ever did to defeat the petulant one – the Speaker of the House the worst among them. I despise these knee-jerk hacks as much as I despise the idiots on the other side. I do not like it when people play with my life and the lives of my grandchildren. It is time for the adults to assume control. Either they come together with an inoculation for terminal cranial rectal inversion syndrome or we get another wholly owned Islam apologist, military hating, Marxist in the Whitehouse. And this one wants all of the guns. And she will get them with a majority progressive Supreme Court. And America is done. Understand that Republicans. Done! Let’s roll?

Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we’re in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.

©2016 J. D. Pendry All Rights Reserved

Category: Politics

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Spot on!


One of your more in-depth posts which require the ostrich to read between the lines if it is to survive. Those who have fed off gullible taxpayers for so long, have surrounded themselves with wealth, power and an excused accountability are hell bent to see an outsider does not make it into power. For he would surely make changes uncommon to those who write their own tickets, rife with more and more for those who consider themselves entitled. We the public have been f____d for years, primarily because Americans by and large are too trusting, too gullible, and too easily led down the path to slaughter. For many it has never occurred to them WE are the problem, electing repeatedly those with a silver tongue, yellow streak, and black heart. Regrettably the majority of hell raising comes from, of all people, those who have worn the uniform and personally experienced sacrifice those in D. C. think is for the “little people”. If this country for WHATEVER reason elects an evil anti-Christ in a pantsuit, our only smile is that our lives have pretty much passed and it shall be (unfortunately) for those we leave behind to suffer the consequences of stupidity. Take this for what it is worth….If the greatest percentage of us were not at least moderately happy with our position this late in life, when we have lived a full life already, there would be hell to pay by those who crap on our personal sacrifices. Yes, that would be those who have made a living deceiving the public.


This is an important election. Unfortunately the only viable candidates left are a criminal and a nut.

Perhaps we should reform ‘Forgottonia’ but on a larger scale.

For those not in the know;


Or just enact the Heinlein doctrine….


Vote Trump…and see the military STRENGTHENED!!!


Never happen. The president does not have that power. Trump likes to make grand statements. I have yet to hear a rational explanation of how he would go about accomplishing any of them that has a HOPE of passing through Congress.

Not to mention less than a decade ago, he was as liberal as the Clintons. I don’t trust him.


As we used to say on the boat, “dead nuts on”.



I’ve said this before and will repeat it right up to November, because I’m quite sure that I’m right, even if I’m speculating.

The only reason shrillary is running for the Office is to get that skunk slime she married back into the White House. It doesn’t matter what she says or does, it will all be a front for him, and I, for one, do not want to see that happen.

The Bernout still has not dropped out. He is a very stubborn old man. It’s reasonable to believe he will continue his campaign up to the fall conventions, and maybe even past them

She’s a bitch on wheels and he’s a bernout from the 1960s.

The other guy is still pissing off the leftnuts on the street. Fine by me.

No candidate is perfect, y’know.

Are you going to go vote? Or are you going to sit home and sulk?

I suggest you encourage people you know to go to the polls in November, even if they whine that there’s no one they want to vote for. This isn’t a popularity contest.

None of us can afford to be complacent. Complacency is what put that Fool up on the Hill in the first place.


“The only reason shrillary is running for the Office is to get that skunk slime she married back into the White House.”

I’m still not convinced that this isn’t the reason that Trump is running as well. Throw the Republican Party into chaos and help old pal Hillary win. Some of the things Trump has said and done – the nonsense about the “Mexican” judge being one of the more recent – are consistent with Trump actually trying to lose. I have to say that if this really is his intention, being able to split the GOP, grab the nomination, and ensure his own defeat in the general election, has to be one of the most brilliant political stunts (and balancing acts) ever.

Of course, I could easily be wrong; Trump may be nothing more than the brash blowhard that he appears to be.


Everything is zeroed, clean, and lubed up. So perfect for the taking that my old armorer corporal Armeni would be proud. So …. come and get it bitches!

Delilah T

Jeh Johnson wants DHS to take everyone’s guns away.

Drudge’s response was ‘You first, brah!’

Just sayin’ – pay attention.


“…..military hating, Marxist in the Whitehouse.” Actually, Hillary has the respect of a number of generals.


yeah, but are they generals worth respecting or are the political hacks slavering at the leash for the chance to become higher-rank generals…. my guess is #2


As one that served in “Carter’s Army” I can attest to the horrible condition of the armed services back in those days.
I have long said that we were closer to a nuclear war with Carter than we ever were before and up until now.
Carter destroyed the standing Army and left us in the position that a nuclear exchange would have been necessary if the Soviets had come across the Fulda Gap.
Our machines of war were old, dilapidated and spare parts were nowhere to be found.
I too worry about the times we live and what will be happening to our children and grandchildren if the things that are in the making right now continue on the same path of collective suicide as a nation.
I could probably go on for a couple of months on this discussion, but I will leave it where it is at.
One thing I will say is that I have a gut feeling about Trump and say what you want about him, one thing for certain is that he really does love his country.
Reagan was thought to be a disaster before he got into office and he turned out to be one of the best of the men that have served to lead this country.
So my gut feeling is good and that is where I will leave it…

Roger in Republic

I don’t want to join an armed militia, but I will if I have to. It has been almost fifty years since I left the Army but I can still shoot even if I can’t run or hump the brush. I will have to fight where I stand, but fight I will before I see this nation brought down from within.

2/17 Air Cav

“Due Process is killing us right now.” So said a US senator last week and virtually no one said anything about it. What the senator, Joe Manchin (D-WV) was referring to was the fact that a US citizen, a Muslim, had been on and off the FBI’s terrorist radar screen for several years before shooting up a nightclub in Orlando. Manchin was lamenting the legal and constitutional mandate that accords us protection from suspicion of wrongdoing or suspected wrongdoing being sufficient to lock us up and lock us away without all of the pesky niceties of procedural and substantive due process. There should have been an uproar. Manchin’s sanity should have been called into question. Instead, those few who watched the interview of Manchin or read about it afterwards were apparently unfazed by Manchin’s outlandish statement and its implicit suggestion. If due process kills and we want not to see future killings, the conclusion writes itself: do away with due process.

2/17 Air Cav

In case anyone is wondering what my comment has to do with this thread, here’s what. Whether the next president of the US is Wide Load or Big Mouth matters. It matters for at least two major reasons. First, we have an activist Supreme Court whose first order of business is to reconfigure and set social policies. It is so far afield from its traditional role that it would be virtually unrecognizable to citizens who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries and through the first half or so of the 20th. Second, Congress isn’t doing its job, whether it be using the power of the purse, advising and consenting on treaties and certain nominations, or legislating on matters of substance and import. The overreach of the chief executive is appalling and the checks and balances are dwindling and less and less being exercised by the other branches. Thus, given that we now have a king as a practical matter, though few would admit as much, it damn well matters who the next president will be.


Let’s try to not be too far down in the mouth.


I served from 77-89, so I too served under Carter early in my stint. The post Vietnam malaise was in full effect..racial strife and drug use was rampant. Morale was really low…most senior NCOs that served in’Nam were just hanging on to get there 20 in. Soon after Reagan was elected (to me anyway)the difference was night and day. The Airborne got there berets back, leadership improved,as did training. Morale was through the roof when we stood up to Libya when the F-14s shot down the two MiGs over the Med. A turn around is possible with the right administration.