The consequences of the wrong discussion
Yesterday morning, we all awoke to the news that scores of people were killed or wounded in an Orlando night club by a man of the Islamic persuasion – making this the worst terrorist attack inside our borders since 9-11-2001. His reasons at this point, seem to be because of a public display of affection between two men in front of his children. Of course, that’s not a rational reason at all. Regardless of how a person feels about that lifestyle, it’s not worth the death penalty in this day and age.
I’ve been scolded in social media because I’m a member of the NRA. But no members of the NRA were shooters in this case, or in any other case of terrorism. So why is this discussion veering off the real subject into an emotional knee-jerk reaction to a tragedy? Someone told me that Austria banned guns and they don’t have anymore terrorist attacks. I think he meant Australia, but, you know, that’s not true either – five terrorist attacks happened or were thwarted in Australia recently. Norway, Belgium and France effectively banned firearm ownership and that hasn’t ended terrorism in those countries.
The President told us yesterday that it was “easy access” to guns that caused the horrific shooting this weekend. Obviously, he hasn’t bought a gun recently. It may have been that Mr Mateen, the Orlando shooter, bought two guns legally in the days before the shooting, but he was being investigated for terrorist connections by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 and his name didn’t pop hot on a NICS check at the point of sale. Despite suspicions the investigations came to naught. So, the NICS system fails us again like it did in Little Rock, Tucson, Aurora, San Bernadino and Charleston.
The President recently made a big deal out of “fixing” the gun laws in this country with some Executive Orders – twice. Neither of which had much to do with fixing the NICS system. None of these guns used in the instances mentioned above are being bought at private sales or in gun shows, yet the President and Hillary Clinton think that they can convince you that they can quell gun violence by plugging these non-existent loop holes. Bernie Sanders said yesterday the we need to ban the sale of “automatic weapons” – those sales have been banned for the general public since the 1930s. “Automatic weapons” haven’t been used in crimes since then – so Bernie is flailing just like the rest of them.
The truth is that criminals always find a way around laws – like in Norway, Paris and Belgium. The only people who won’t have guns are the potential victims. Like the ones in that nightclub the other night. Florida doesn’t allow guns to be carried in places that serve alcohol. So it was like a big gun free zone. That’s how 100 people end up victims.
But, if the government was serious about gun violence, they’d enforce the laws that they already have on the books in an effective manner. The truth is that people feel safer when the government writes more laws, legislators are better at writing news laws than they are at enforcing those same laws against criminals. The most recent example of that is the case of Lance Whipple who was a felon in possession of a concealed weapon – he was sentenced to two days in jail from his seven days of time served waiting for his wife to pay his bail for his arrest. That doesn’t do anything for gun safety.
We were laughed at when we said that we were fighting terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan so we wouldn’t have to fight them here. Ha-ha – big joke. The government is fighting terrorists as if it’s a law enforcement problem, but the terrorists are fighting it like it’s a war. The government is good at setting up half-wits to arrest with inoperative weapons and inert explosives, but we’ve been warning for years that some fully-witted people are going to be successful at this terrorism thing – and behold!
San Bernadino and Orlando were successful because the government let suspicious people buy firearms because they wanted to be seen like they’re not biased against a terrorist ideology. Meanwhile, they want to further restrict the ability of legal, law-abiding gun owners to arm themselves.
The discussion should be about fighting terror instead of about fighting each other. Terror is the threat – not peaceful, law abiding citizens. However the people that are having the discussion in public can’t even say the word “terror” so how can they fight it? It’s easier to control law abiding people and to appear to care about safety – that illusion works well in an election year.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
I’ve said it here and many places elsewhere: Gun control is not about guns, it’s about control.
And by forcing me to give up my guns, you’re only emboldening criminals who have neither respect for the law nor any interest in giving up their guns to turn me into a victim.
Thanks, but I’ll pass.
“Gun control is not about guns, it’s about control.”
You are quicker to the draw this time my friend. D-:
You speak for me also.
This scumbag was a queer and I think maybe he felt guilty and wanted to appease allah (small a) by killing some people for allah…to make up for it! as for gun control…thats all NWO bullshyt, in Japan how many were killed in the knife attack, how many back east were killed with gasoline and a match, how about the marathon where so many were killed and wounded by pressure cookers, these liberals are INSANE, they are barely able to walk with their heads up their asses and their language is all garbled do to the darkness in there!
Well said and so true.
From the perspective of the left this is the discussion that they want to have. As has been said many, many times before-gun control isn’t about guns, it’s about control. Lefties, nasty little control fetishists that they are, are more worried about some hypothetical backlash by the great unwashed (because then they get to signal their obvious superiority by contrast) than they are about Islamic terrorism. They elevate ideology above reality (they always do) because ideology is what they’ve got-I’m not sure why people are even surprised by this any more.
Amen. The Left, which controls the MSM, are happy to fill this country with those who would murder us, but taking responsibility for doing so will never happen. The fact that two of their favorite minorities are involved would normally cause a serious case of cognitive dissonance, but they’ll deflect the issue by blaming inanimate guns.
Radical Islam didn’t kill 49 people. Those 49 victims were gay, so it must follow that it’s a hate crime perpetrated by conservative white men, they’re homophobes and islamophobes. They were killed by an assault weapon. The conservative white men say it isn’t an assault weapon as defined by Federal Law and the NRA that owns them. The shooter had no other option but to fight against the tyranny of white privilege and strike a blow for ISIS and the process of advancing the caliphate in America! Don’t you TAH people know this is OUR fault?
SARC. I can’t sell it as well as Mr. Hardin can.
Everyone keeps forgetting that it was LATIN night at the club. He hates Hispanics too. Trump made him do it…
I don’t think that the NICS system is at fault in this one. He was investigated and cleared, the last instance being two years ago. Without a conviction, there’s no reason to deny someone a right to purchase a rifle or pistol. It’s the same reason why the whole argument about being on a terrorist watch list should be enough to block gun purchases. It’s a watch list, not a record of conviction. Until there is some sort of due process, no one’s rights should be infringed.
The glaring problem that I see is his ex-wife claiming that he beat her, but I haven’t seen a mention of her filing a police report. If she had, there might have been something there to keep him from being able to purchase guns.
Using the reasoning of the Moonbats, Hillary wouldn’t be able to purchase a gun.
Yeah, well, SHE shouldn’t. And neither should her bodyguards.
She’s protected by secret service because her and Bill were president in the 90s. So, she doesn’t ever have to worry about having her own firearm. We the taxpayers pay for her security for life. Same as will be the case for Barry, his wife and kids.
Another perfect example of “you don’t need guns!” being spewed by those protected by them 24/7.
And they’re not just protected by guns–they have numbers, armor, escorts, perimeters, limos…you can’t get within ten city blocks of them unless you’ve been ‘cleared.’
Good point. Most of us are more familiar with what gun laws are on the books and what they say than the people who wrote them.
Given that, I believe the Lautenberg Amendment covers firearms prohibitions for those convicted of domestic violence or who have a protective order issued against them.
In the aftermath of things like this, proggies and statists will ALWAYS ALWAYS steer the discussion to gun control; it is a win-win for them; it is what they do…
It’s not winning anymore.
What we are witnessing is the last squeal of a hog as it realizes that it is at the slaughterhouse…
Same as with libs right now, they are squealing hard and long, the polls prove this out, we are winning the political battle on most fronts, they are losing.
Demanding that gays be defenseless in the face of mortal danger by making everything a gun free zone will kill more gays and only strengthen our positions in the eyes of the real American public, the only one that matters…
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again here: “Cain killed his brother Abel with a rock. We don’t have a weapon problem. We have a heart problem”.
“Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills.”
Excellent point, both of you.
The best paragraph in Jonn’s post:
“San Bernadino and Orlando were successful because the government let suspicious people buy firearms because they wanted to be seen like they’re not biased against a terrorist ideology. Meanwhile, they want to further restrict the ability of legal, law-abiding gun owners to arm themselves.”
It’s at least a tie with this gem: “The government is fighting terrorists as if it’s a law enforcement problem, but the terrorists are fighting it like it’s a war.” To me, that’s the money line.
Yup, it’s what dems do. Blow Job Billy Jeff fought terrorism as a law enforcement problem, Buh-rock is doing the same thing. Now that they’ve been locked up for a while, Buh-rock is letting terrorists go, from Gitmo, just like he is letting domestic criminals out, with his pen.
It makes no sense to sane people that the left seems to prefer being eliminated by religious extremists than to gratefully accept the tolerance afforded them by the rest of us.
There must be some survival gene buried somewhere within them, which they go to great lengths to mask, that allows sane folks to recognize a true threat when we see it. Most of us take a defensive posture when someone, anyone, declares their intention to harm us, acquires the means to harm us, and follows though on that threat by actually harming us.
Meanwhile, lefties continue to loudly engage in activities which mark them as first targets for those who wish us harm. The rest of us are secondary targets just for breathing. Those who wish us harm will attempt to take out as many of us as they can, but they will go for the most visible, easy targets first. Not a lot of comfort in that thought, but it does give a bit of time to defend ourselves.
Welcome back to Billy “Intern and Cigar Aficionado” Clintoon’s 2nd term, 1996-2000.
Of course, we’ve also been doing the same since around 1 Jan 2011, too. If not since late-Jan 2009.
Al Qaeda and related groups formally declared war on the US in September 1996. We have been at war with radical Islam ever since, whether we like it or not.
Concur. We’re at war with radical Islam whether we like it or not, and we will be for some time. And if the radical Islamists continue to get their way, they’re going to try to maneuver us into a position where we could find ourselves fighting for our very existence.
While the members of Team TAH and other select groups clearly understand this existential threat, sadly the vast majority of the U.S. population does not.
Instead, they’re content to obsess over the latest antics of the Kardashians; mindlessly take their political and social cues from the likes of Matt Damon, George Clooney, and Beyoncé; hang out at the mall; and argue about which bathroom to use.
Meanwhile, the radical Islamists continue to plan their future attacks against us.
Well, we’d all better stand by for close contact. I’ve got the sick feeling that there are going to be a lot more of these radical Islamist attacks headed our way in the near future.
Liberals love to embrace muzzies while saying we need to “coexist” with them. The LGBT community is chock full of libs and look who went on a mass murder spree among one of their establishments. YOU CANNOT coexist with those who do not want to. Once again the Government proves its incompetence just like in the airports where one could see the TSA idiots leaving some muzzie screeching “allah snackbar” alone because doing anything would be “profiling”.
AW1: To be clear and precise, the Holy Scriptures don’t tell us how Cain killed his brother, Able. Gen. 4:8″And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.”
Too many people read language into the Bible that’s not there. Just like the US Constitution: Abortion; homosexual marriage, and the list goes on and on…
Still safe to say that Cain (the original asshole) didn’t have a gun.
He may have had one of those “high-capacity, military grade, fully automatic” assault sticks, though. Adam was clearly lax in his duty to make sure those were banned.
According to the Atheists, the bible was malarkey, so it might’ve been possible that he died by scary black rifle.
It was the jawbone of an ass, according to Supernatural.
Restricting my rights to purchase or own a pistol or rifle would have prevented this licensed, legally armed security guard from obtaining the weapons he used. It just would’ve made me either a target without a means to defend myself or a criminal for maintaining the means to defend myself.
Edit – would NOT have prevented…
A knucklehead posted on a friends’ FB his opinion that the US had the best armed terrorists in the world thanks to the NRA.
My response was that I have yet to see terrorists in the US using RPGs or full-automatic AKs, therefore the US does not have the best-armed terrorists in the world.
Factual beat-downs are so easy with these turkeys.
Life member of the NRA.
I haven’t terrorized anyone yet – dammit.
Don’t be silly, I’m sure plenty of progs are terrorized entirely due to your membership in such an organization-the poor wee dears.
Same here.
I’m also a Life member of the NRA.
And a white, male, conservative Christian.
Therefore, I /MUST/ be responsible for Orlando, right? Even though I was in Texas at home with my wife and family.
Apparently I’m an unindicted co-conspirator, Graybeard. And I was in AZ.
I’ve never terrorized anyone. But if you show up in my house uninvited, with bad intentions, somebody is gonna feel terror. And it ain’t me. You know what I’ll feel?
An eloquent piece of writing – clear, direct and no stone left undisturbed.
The leftnuts are consistently blind to the deadly organism that wants to kill them, simply because they exist. There’s no vaccine for it, either, because you can’t inoculate idiots against their own stupidity. Fortunately, it is not a contagious disease. Even if it were, their heads would explode if they had to get vaccinated for it.
Why is it that only one person in the candidates’ list is willing to say what the rest of us think? Because he doesn’t give a crap who gets pissed off by the truth.
Guns are not the problem. You can kill just as many people at a crowded club by setting a small fire, unleashing some pepper spray and yelling ‘Fire!’ as loud as possible. Watch the mayhem.
I don’t think we need to adopt a siege mentality, but we do need to be more alert to our surroundings.
That means using some common sense and not assuming that the world is just a wonderful place. It isn’t, at all. It can kill off our entire species simply by reviving extreme volcanic activity and resurfacing the entire planet. In that regard, we are quite capable of wiping out our species all by ourselves, with no help from Mother Nature.
I hear more of a whine coming from the leftnuts than anything else, and if I blame any group other than ISIS for this massacre, I will blame the leftnuts because they’re too stupid to live.
“Guns are not the problem. You can kill just as many people at a crowded club by setting a small fire, unleashing some pepper spray and yelling ‘Fire!’ as loud as possible. Watch the mayhem.”
People can still buy as much ammonium nitrate and diesel as they see fit. Don’t need no stinking gun.
True. I’ve said many times that if Laughner (sp?) had chained the doors and set the theater on fire, his body count would have been higher than what it was with a rifle.
But, that doesn’t fit in with the agenda.
This is also why you don’t hear much about the extremist left-wingers like the one in Oregon (Harper-Mercer) or the one in California (Dorner) who wrote a manifesto socialist diatribe about how things needed to be. As I recall, CNN even “lightened” the first picture of harper-mercer to make him look white.
If the zombie apocalypse comes, they’ll be the first ones turned into zombies. (Not that they already aren’t zombie sheep.)
Witness the continued uation of the wrong discussion today on Facebook. Apparently this is a gay rights issue, or an “assault rifle” issue. The shooter couldnt have picked a better target or better weapons with which to polarize us further. They are not stupid. They evolve.
The front page headline on my morning newspaper refers to this massacre as ‘an act of terror’. Maybe the PC filter is starting to wear thin.
I also hope that the media’s PC filter is starting to wear thin. It’s about time that it does. Facts matter.
However, our local media keeps referring to this massacre as a “tragedy”.
A tragedy is when a young mother and her children are killed in a car crash on the interstate.
This, on the other hand, was an ATROCITY.
And despite how Obumble and the other “progressive elites” clearly wish for it to be otherwise, it was an atrocity that was committed by a RADICAL ISLAMIST TERRORIST.
I’ve heard a few media outlets, as well as politicians, refer to this as an “act of terror.” I wonder if the targets in question make it easier for them to deem it so.
No one, gay or straight, deserves such a fate, of course, but it’s surely more acceptable to the Left to call Religion vs. The Oppressed an “act of terror” while Islamic Radicals vs Americans is a weird form of “workplace violence.”
The powers that be keep telling me that we’re not at war with radical islam. I don’t think radical islam got that message.
Right ^^^^
They got it; they’re just laughing their asses off over it.
Well wrote Jonn I wonder how many people out here and taken the time to read the background on this nutcase and who his leader was… Another crack nut given a early release from the big house
A certain cocksucker last night tried to blame this on “religion.” That’s funny, because I’m religious, specifically Christian of the Roman Catholic denomination. And I’ve never murdered or attempted to murder anybody for being gay, being of a particular nationality or ethnicity, or holding a political or religious belief different from my own, nor will I ever. My religion is rather specific about how we’re NOT supposed to do that. Some fuckstick might say something about the Spanish Inquisition, but given that we are multiple CENTURIES removed from that, that deserves no more response than a casual “fuck off.” The Crusade were even farther back. Not exactly a valid current criticism when the events in question occurred so long ago that contemporary accounts have to be translated by professional linguists because the Spanish, French, and Italian dialects In which they were penned are now extinct and unintelligible to modern speakers. Same for Orthodox and the various Protestant denominations. Christian scripture explicitly requires tolerance (real tolerance) for other beliefs. Sure, you’ll find some random wingnut if you look far enough, but they rarely do anything at all and their theology is so obviously twisted that listening to them for 15 seconds is all that’s required to figure out that they’re completely full of shit. It’s rarer than a unicorn to find one that’s not too crazy to be dangerous–even if they are really fucking annoying (like the westboro baptist church, which is intentionally not capitalized). How about the Jews? Well, they do have an ancestral claim to the Holy Land. Maybe not the only one, but it’s there. And following the rather nasty treatment they received for centuries in Europe for reasons as much, if not more, cultural, racial, and political as religious up until 1945 (those last few years were obviously the worst), can you blame them for wanting a recognized defensible nation of their own*? Now they have it, but are surrounded by islamics who believe it’s good to kill Jews for being Jews. Of course there’s political issues in there as well, but never forget that very real… Read more »
Well said.
Spot on. It’s inaccurate to blame “religion”. It’s absolutely accurate to blame it on “Islam”. Political correctness is getting people killed. I will not submit.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Samuel Huntington was right.
If anyone reading TAH hasn’t read Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations . . . you need to.
That’s a winner right there, TOW. You write plainly, not tentatively, the sure sign of someone who knows what the hell he means and says it without ambiguity or vagueness. What you write makes good sense, not requiring an advanced degree in anything to understand the wisdom of your words. I like that. A lot.
Well stated, TOW.
Great write T O W, even if Comrade Poodle Dik appears to disagree again over the negative remarks about Communism.
At the risk of being redundant (Man, that’s an original…sarc.) I think about what the Mrs. reminded me of last Friday, I believe: From Pinterest around three years ago:
“After every act of terror we are told we should not judge all Muslims based on the actions of a few.
Isn’t it time the 80 million gun owners in America get the same treatment?”
I think a correction is in order. We are not fighting terrorists. We are fighting islamic terrorists.
Islam is a political and military doctrine not a religion. They have beards to prevent their ranks from being infiltrated by non believers. It also allows them to cut off their beards and blend into the populace. Their holly book talks about striking at the neck and hands. These were weak points in armor of the day.
Even the ones not committing violence are the human terrain behind which the violent ones hide and are willingly hidden and aided. Look at Brussels attack. The terrorists were hidden for weeks by the community there.
If we do not designate islam as a political and military doctorine and declare war against it they will continue to infiltrate and kill us. It is that simple.
Interesting set of facts to throw at the “more guns, more murders” idiots:
Number of intentional homicides per 100,000 people:
United States – 5.2
Russia – 13.4 (though some argue higher)
Number of firearms per 100 people:
United States – 90
Russia – 8.9
Whether it’s a knife, a rock or the jagged edge of a broken vodka bottle, if people want to kill each other, they will.
Not to mention that since the assault weapons ban expired the market has flooded with “assault weapons” and the rifle murder rate dropped from 390 in 2003 to 298 in 2014. Crime has been dropping for years and is the lowest it has been for 25 years.
My personal favorite is the “high powerd” weapon meme – spread by folks who don’t realize that 80 years ago we adopted the M-1, a quick reloading clip-fed semi-automatic rifle with double the muzzle energy of the AR.
Saw this posted somewhere this morning:
We live in a world where Christians are demonized over a cake, and muslims are defended despite 50 deaths in a gay bar.
Considering that the most popular weapons on the market now are Glock pistols and AR clones, the only surprising thing is that the shooter didn’t buy a 1911 variant. Just as when the majority of cops carried revolvers, the primary ‘crime guns in those days were usually .38/.357 revolvers.
Small correction to the original – there have only been a couple of crimes committed by LEGAL full autos (and both were committed by cops, ironically.) There have been isolated crimes with ILLEGAL full-autos (see the North Hollywood shootout).
I do disagree that the NICS system is not at fault – seems like recently there are a lot of “well, he was investigated but no one flagged the system” – the system needs to be fine-tuned in that case. Equally, so do the ‘no-fly’ lists – both databases seem to inflexible and unchangeable. They need to be responsive enough that if someone has a violent mental health question, they can quickly be added – and if their name is cleared, equally as quick removal.
On the noon news, the FBI rep said that the killer claimed connections to ISIL and Hezbollah that the FBI couldn’t find, and also that he had said things in the past such as hoping that the police/FBI would break into his apartment and assault his wife and child so that he could die a martyr. Well, ISIS took the credit for this heinous act, so there may be a connection that isn’t obvious.
It appears to me that the killer (I refuse to use his name, may he rot in his own sewer) had some sort of deep-seated hatred of himself that may be discussed more in the future. The FBI guys are going through his electronic communications. There should be more info in the future for us.
The one thing the FBI rep said was that we all need to increase our awareness. I agree with that completely. It does not mean ‘adopt a siege mentality’.
Comey also said, almost as an aside, that he believed that the killer, piss be on him, had been radicalized over the internet. He quickly moved on after he said that, so I don’t know if he misspoke or if he let something slip he didn’t intend to.
North, he’d been to Saudi twice, supposedly for the haj but who knows whether or not he was being trained. One thing we all as ex-military have to admit, the guy maintained a cool head to carry this off the way he did, IF he did it completely by himself.
I’ve been wondering about that from the first reports how one guy with semi-auto weapons could get off so many shots. We now know that one victim was shot 12 times. Extrapolate that kind of overkill shooting to the total number of victims and you have one shooter carrying a hell of a lot of ammo.
Here’s a link where people who were there claim there were multiple assailants.
Sorry ’bout that:
Another thing: I actually agree with a drinking establishment prohibiting weapons among its customers. But why the hell weren’t the bouncers packing?
FL law doesn’t appear to allow that, TOW.
Unless the bouncers were off-duty cops, I think they’d have a problem if they were carrying concealed. And even if they were off-duty cops, they’d IMO have some serious ” ‘splainin to do”.
My take on it is that bouncers are security guards. They should be certified and equipped accordingly.
Obviously bullet launchers don’t mix well with a high BAC, with or without the potential for interpersonal conflict, hence the prohibition for patrons. But the bouncers are there to provide security for the club employees and customers. Usually that means grabbing the dickhead who’s a mean/stupid drunk and throwing him out on his ass, but at least one or two should be ready to respond to a greater threat if necessary.
And it doesn’t have to be a “carry” issue; just have weapons secured close at hand if needed.
Here in Pensacola and pretty much the whole state, you don’t have bouncers, you have doormen. The way the law works here, you can “escort” someone out of an establishment. To have actual licensed security guards, the club would have to go through an agency, and no club owner wants to lay out that kind of money.
You’re correct. You can employ off-duty Law Enforcement to provide security, but they have to be in uniform. You’ll find that the majority of the time, they will prefer to stand outside the club and come inside if there’s something they’re needed for. Plainclothes LE, even with the badge and weapon clearly displayed, is likely to cause a panic when someone sees the weapon and not the badge.
Gee. Another massacre in a gun-free zone. Obviously we need more gun-free zones.
If you mandate that folks disarm themselves in your establishment, you incur a moral responsibility to provide adequate protection. One obvious armed guard is simply target number one for the attacker.
I said something on another blog about taking a Red Cross first aid class, and someone suggested a trauma aid class instead because the ARC aid class doesn’t address real trauma emergencies. I think that’s a good idea and allows people who may otherwise feel helpless to DO SOMETHING if they can.
In a crowded area like that bar must have been, how would you tell who the shooter was unless you were facing him directly?
The other thing we have to face is that the majority of people are simply not mentally or emotionally addressing the possibility that this kind of thing can happen to them, too. Instead, they weep and turn their heads away from it instead of facing it and finding a way to stop it.
Surely there must have been a fire extinguisher in that place that could have been sprayed in the shooter’s face? Something, anything, to distract him and maybe stop him?
Ex, the TAH denizens think like that, we know where the exits are, we maintain situational awareness, we notice things that don’t belong. The rest of the world doesn’t think that way, and they shouldn’t have to. Unfortunately, the world has changed. They’re gonna have to change with it.
It’s a bar-douse him with booze and throw a zippo at him, that’d ruin his day.
There also appears to be a racial component to this; the video at this site has a victim saying that the shooter said he had no beef with blacks:
That victim’s story is at odds with other accounts from the terrorist bastard’s former co-workers, who all say the man exhibited apparent hatred for blacks on the job.
My daughter is transgender and he introduced me to LGBT for gun rights which is a libertarian group. Here’s a link to an article about it:
Joe Pags mentioned something about having a group like that on his show tomorrow, sounds like a good bunch
The Pink Pistols-good for them. Milo Yiannopoulos sent out a tweet yesterday posing with a rifle and calling on homosexuals to defend themselves-it’s a good start.
Just seems like a case of recreational place violence to me.
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Chew on this for a while. ‘Wolf Dens’ are more likely to be found than ‘lone wolves’.
If the turd who did this in Orlando doesn’t represent all Muslims, then why does he represent all gun owners to the liberal gun grabbers?
Simple: Liberal gun grabbers see and hear ONLY what they want to see and hear.