Jimmy Carter: Trump tapped a reservoir ‘of inherent racism’
So, this happened today – Jimmy Carter told the New York Times that “we haven’t resolved the race issue adequately” in this country since Obama became President;
He said that Republican animosity toward President Obama had “a heavy racial overtone” and that Donald J. Trump’s surprisingly successful campaign for president had “tapped a waiting reservoir there of inherent racism.”
You know what’s really ironic about that? Jimmy Carter, in the 1976 campaign, he ran on the fact that he supported “ethnically pure neighborhoods.”
At a news conference in Philadelphia, Carter made a public apology for using the term ethnically pure neighborhood.
Democratic Presidential Nominee JIMMY CARTER: I do want to apologize to all those who have been concerned about the unfortunate use of the word ethnic purity. I don’t think there are ethnically pure neighborhoods in this country, but in a response to a question that I thought was adequate on my part, I used a phrase that was, that was unfortunate.
So, I guess he would know all about “tapping a reservoir of inherent racism” for a presidential campaign bid, wouldn’t he?
Category: Jimmy Carter
Well, as a white guy married to a beautiful woman who isn’t, and is the father of two wonderful half-white kids with her, ‘ol’ Jimmeh can kiss my Black Irish ass.
Why is that peanut headed, freaking wart on the azz of society even doing on the news? He is a freak of nature and needs to be put away…his own mama said she should have drowned her boys when they were born……!!!
Where did I leave that picture of Hillary in blackface?
I’ve got a copy of it, but I can’t post it here…
Methinks the powers that be feel that giving us the tools to post pictures will push the site into the abyss of chaos and hilarity in a very short period of time…
Either that or someone posted an old picture of Jonn and Hondo in Speedos a long time ago and the world hasn’t been the same since…
When is that senile old gas bag going to shut his mouth permanently?
Doesn’t he have houses to paint or something?
I used to think Carter was a miserable president, but basically a decent human being. But then he quit building houses and tried building bridges with N Korea. Now I think he was a miserable president and a freakin’ moron.
anything has heavy overtones when it resonates inside a big empty space like Jimmy’s fukking head
8 years and these a-holes still cling to ambiguity
Just think-the Peanut has not been President for about 36 years.
We probably have about that long to continue to listen to Obama’s blatherings.
Look at that pic. He looks like an extra in “The Walking Dead” doesn’t he?
There’s a Carl joke in there somewhere.
Good one!
I was thinking that he also needs a cape, some fangs, and glow-in-the-dark eyes.
Last I heard, he has cancer. Don’t remember if the article said what kind.
some kind of brain cancer
Just what the hell is that cancer surviving on?
Killer Wabbits.
I hate to point out the obvious, but Jimmy ‘shit-eatin’ grin’ Carter IS a reservoir of inherent racism.
And BS apparently.
Poor Jimmah. Back in 2009, when he was only 84, Jimmah told NBC News that “an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward … Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man.” The White House responded by saying, “Huh? What? No.” and kindly asked Jimmah to stop helping. Even Walter Cronkite’s black counterpart, Rev Al “Mulch” Sharpton said at the time, “I do not think it is fair to say that everyone who opposes the President has a racial bias.”
No shit. Poor Jimmah. I think he has always meant well. It’s just that it always comes out wrong.
not sure who said it, but someone who got their back up about the phrase said “I’d rather be called a son-of-a-bitch than that I ‘meant well’.”
Carter needs to just shut up and be happy he’s not considered the worst President of all time by most people anymore. Does anyone take anything he says seriously anymore?
No, he’s still the worst. He’s the marker by which the others, including Obama, are judged.
I thought Carter died. (Must’ve been wishful thinking). Anyway….fuck him.
The US Navy even named a nuke sub after him, the USS Jimmy Carter. Its companion ship, the USS Walter Mondale shadows it and always goes belly-up whenever the USS Ronald Reagan comes near it.
^^^Nice one!
As I’ve heard it, the “Goodship JC” is an absolute nightmare of a boat that nobody wants to sail on, being described by former crew as a “floating shitheap.”
Go figure.
Give Carter that much, he served in the Navy and even Rickover found him acceptable at one point.
Then again, it was pretty much all downhill after that…
“…even Rickover found him acceptable at one point.”
Everybody makes mistakes.
Poor Jimmah the Peanut.
No worries folks. He’s just disgruntled that he is no longer considered the worst President in U.S. history.
He sort of enjoyed that crown, I guess.
If Trump tapped a reservoir, jimmy tapped a cess pool.
He was worthless as president and reminds us of that fact periodically.
At least after obama, jimmy was the 2nd worst president in US History.
Well, I don’t know what Carter knows about “latent racism”. But he’s sure as hell knowledgeable about overt racism. He used exactly that to help himself get elected governor of Georgia in 1970.
Damned hypocrite. Wonder how he’s going to explain that one to Someone In Authority soon?
My thoughts exactly… probably has a full Klan uni in the closet.
I’d guess not, HMCS(FMF) ret. After he was elected governor in 1970, he turned out to be quite liberal and a foe of segregation. But he was willing to do or say damn near anything he had to to get elected.
If he had to pretend he was a segregationist bastard (and thus lie through his teeth about himself to the voters of Georgia), he was willing to do exactly that to get elected. And from his upbringing, he knew exactly how to act and sound to portray himself as a racist. That makes him a deceitful hypocrite bastard, but not a racist.
He still IMO has much to explain to the Almighty, but being a racist probably isn’t on the list.
A few weeks after he made the “ethnically pure neighborhood” comment, he told the New York Times editorial board that he’d never give away the Panama Canal.
Just to be clear, this was before the election!?
The only “tapping a reservoir of inherent racism” I’ve noticed lately are the activities of the BLM and SJW idiots. What Trump has tapped, for better or worse, is a hell of a lot of pissed off people with all the horsesh*t those self-same idiots have been spouting the past couple of years.
Everything is racist. Better stop breathing, Jimmy.
Still haunted by “white” rabbits?
This dickhead, draftdodger pardoning sob is still the poster boy for Habitat for Humanity. Which is why I would never donate my time or money to them. I guess it is ok for us right wing nut to protest too isn’t it
Worse, he pardoned John Kerry and most likely had Kerry’s general (possibly dishonorable) discharge converted to honorable.
So, think about that, we have Carter to thank for the never-ending presence of Kerry on the American political scene, screwing things up to this very day.
So true.
If you’re calling Carter a “draftdodger,” think again.
Carter graduated from the Naval Academy in 1946. He served from 1946 to 1953, and was in the Naval Reserve from 1953 to 1961. He served, among other positions as XO for SSK-1.
Carter is a dick, but he served.
I think he meant that Carter pardoned the draft-dodgers, not that he was one.
‘Ol Jimmeh Kahtuh is almost as much of a loudmouthed attention whore as the Clintons, I predict that B. Hussein 0bama will be at least ten times worse, he thinks that the world revolves Around him a thousand times more than Blowjob Willie and Hitlery Canlkes do!
Jimmah is a cocksucker.
With the shadow English for which there is no apparent dictionary, statements like this are very confusing. For instance:
Is Jimmah suggesting that “inherent racism,” whatever that is, might be worse than the variety of racism practiced by lefties to enslave people based upon their race? Or maybe it’s one of those new phrases that is intended to trigger assumptions about people who are not lefties, and do not support lefties either actively or passively.
Who knows. Wouldn’t even care except that lefties tend to drool a lot when their kings and idols speak. It can be messy if you accidently happen upon one of them at the wrong moment. (Not that there is a right moment.)
I went in October 1977 and served until November 1989. the difference between Carter and Reagan as Commander In Chiefs was (to me) even felt all the way down to the lower enlisted ranks. Under Reagan morale went up, more hair balls were chaptered out and training improved. During Carter all we had was those poor souls who gave everything for OP Eagle Claw….heros all.
Some one break out the Billy Beer…..
I respect the office of the President, but Jimmy is no longer in that office so FUCK HIM!
Carter has tapped a reservoir of inherent stupidity.
My guess is that he knows the end is near and is attempting to atone for his past sins 🙂 .
You know, Carter is right, it is racism causing part of Trump’s popularity. The only thing he’s wrong about is where the racism is manifested. that would be the current administration.