Thursday morning feel good stories

| April 14, 2016

Carrie Leigh Richards, 24, and Hannah Nicole Kenney, 23 broke into a Greenville, South Carolina home which alerted the homeowner’s dogs. The resident met them with his firearm which he used to hold the pair until the police arrived to cart them off to the hoosegow.

In Cincinnati, Ohio a group of armed men forced their way into a college student’s apartment. The student, though, was armed, too and busted caps on the group. It looks like he missed them all, though, but they all un-assed the AO at a high rate of speed.

You might remember the story of Trayvon Johnson from last month in Miami. Florida where Treyvon tried to burglarize a home, but the woman who lived there killed him. His cousin famously defended Trayvon’s life of crime as his sole means of support. Well, his brother, Vaughn, turned himself in yesterday as Trayvon’s accomplice that day. Vaughn made a video confession and he’s been charged with Trayvon’s murder.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

That was downright nice of Treyvon’s brother to ‘fess up to being the missing accomplice.
He can tell his friends in prison about how poor Treyvon was just out getting some money for some school clothes when some damned citizen had the nerve to want to keep his own things.


in Chinese terms, having a name that sounds like Treyvon doesn’t seem to have a lot of lucky.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And all of these “criminals” are “pillars of their communities” and “good church-going” men and women…

If you believe that, then those flying monkeys from “The Wizard of Oz” are flying out of my backside this AM…

Herbert J Messkit

Our Canadian cousins would say that none of these self defense actions were “proportional”.


Shouldn’t that be “defence actions”? 😉


Regarding the first story, would you believe Greeneville, Tennessee?

(It’s spelled with three ‘e’s in Tennessee, but two in North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi.)