Yeah, That’s Gonna Work Just Great
I guess everyone has heard by now that we have a cease-fire in the Syrian civil war, albeit a rather shaky one. And it also looks like that gang of naive fools and clueless tools currently running the show in DC the current Administration has a plan for what to do if that cease-fire doesn’t hold.
Their “Plan B”? Arm the “moderate” Syrian rebels, of course.
Gee. Seems to me we already “saw that movie”. We already tried one program to train and arm those “moderate” Syrian rebels – a program with a $500M budget. We also had other programs which provided alleged “moderate” Syrian rebel groups weapons and equipment. Under the first program, we managed to train a huge army of those “moderate” Syrians. I believe the total number trained was 5 or so – before we terminated the program because it was ineffective.
Oh, and did I mention that at least some of the weapons and equipment we provided to those “moderate” Syrian rebels in the past were in turn later transferred by those “moderate” rebels to radical Jihadist organizations allied with al Qaeda?
But fear not, Americans; it will be different this time around. The plan will most assuredly work this time. Our Fearless Leader’s and his minions say so!
One description of insanity is repetitively doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome. Perhaps someone should explain that to this DC Clown krewe Administration.
Sheesh. I will be so freaking glad when this nation again has adult leadership that knows the difference between its butt and a hole in the ground.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Reality Check, Terror War
$500 million spent on arming a bunch of goatherders. But there’s no money for a raise in VADC for people who are dependent on it, or Social Security, either, because the price of gasoline hasn’t gone up.
Hey, Clueless! It has gone back up about 10% since last year! Prices of things like eggs, milk, meat (beef, chicken, pork) fluctuate regularly, just like oil and grain prices.
You know as well as I do that this colossal mess is going to land on whoever gets elected next. Frankly, I wouldn’t wish that crap off on anyone I disliked, with the exception of shrillary and the Bernout. They both talk out of both sides of their faces, so I’m sure they could lie their way out of this in a heartbeat. It could be the democrap version of ‘Bush’s fault’, couldn’t it? Something they’ll never live down, like Watergate?
Just askin’.
In truth, Ex-PH2, I don’t think all of the $500M was actually spent. I believe the program was terminated due to ineffectiveness after spending about half its funding.
Still, it was a massive waste – and IMO, a hugely counterproductive one at that.
If Hillary or Bernie get elected it will STILL be Bush’s fault… if the Republicans get in it will be Obama’s ad infinitum. There’s not really a lick of difference between the two parties, just some minor differences between the scumbags and pretenders running.
Maybe I need some range time, too…
Range time? I’ll join you.
I think he meant the shootin’ range, Ex. Not the cookin’ range. 🙂
I know what he meant. There are ranges, and then there are ranges.
Sometimes with this administration it seems the arrogance runs so deep regarding how intellectually superior they are to the rest of us mere mortals that it’s painful to watch.
$500 million for another 15 shaky Syrian trainees. Money well spent! /sarc/
They’d be better off giving you and I half that amount Sparks…at least that way most of it would end up back in the US economy doing some good….instead of in the ME aiding and abetting our enemies by default.
Remember… Bodaprez sez that we’re up against the JV team!!! We have them on the run!!!
Fuck this mess… Obama is making LBJ look like a military genius….
Apparently, some of ISIS is really on the run. To Libya, where they will soon begin the same depredations they carried out in Syria/Iraq.
At least the lefties are consistent – they stick with any lame brain idea FOREVER once it has received consensus approval as a “good idea.” Reality, facts, nothing gets between them and their “good idea.”
Article in today’s newspaper says that bodaprez is considering arming the Syrian Kurds.
Well, if he’d done something concrete in the first place, he wouldn’t be waffling now. But then, all he knows how to do is waffle, isn’t it? I’m sure he could find a good job at Waffle House when he’s done with this mess he’s created.
Well, by the time they minimum wage where they want it, he won’t take much of a pay cut.