More on the USS Carl Levin

| April 13, 2016

USS Carl Levin

The other day, we talked about the naming ceremony for the USS Carl M. Levin. Mabus ignored the hundreds of other heroes that the Navy has produced in the last several decades to make the political decision to name a destroyer after the Congressman? Apparently their sacrifices don’t compare to the contribution of Carl Levin – who has never served a minute in uniform – anyone’s uniform. Well, there was that time at Band Camp….

According to the Washington Times, naming a ship for the Congressman doesn’t meet Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ own guidelines for naming ships;

Capt. Patrick McNally, Mr. Mabus’ spokesman, told The Times: “He names ships for American heroes and considers Senator Levin’s long commitment to the nation worthy of recognition …. The naming conventions are guidelines set by the secretary. He can deviate from them if he desires.”

The Times notes;

The George W. Bush administration named a Virginia-class attack submarine after former Sen. John Warner, who also served as a Marine enlisted man in World War II and as a Navy secretary.

Actually, Warner enlisted in the Navy during final months of World War II right after his 18th birthday, and then reenlisted in the Marine Corps when the Korean War started and served as a ground aircraft maintenance officer in the 1st Marine Division. See the difference, there, Mabus? Mabus also named an entire class of ships after John Lewis, the civil rights fellow, turned Congressman who admits that he can’t even swim. He’s also named ships for former president Lyndon Johnson, the fellow who embroiled us in Vietnam using the non-event of the Gulf of Tonkin as an excuse, Cesar Chavez, another civil rights fellow (who spent two uneventful years in the Navy) and John Murtha who falsely accused the Marines at Haditha of being murderers before the investigation even began. And then there’s the USS Gabrielle Giffords. I’m seeing a pattern here.

Levin’s most valorous moment was the event pictured above where he “twerked” for the press at the naming ceremony.

Category: Navy

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Sounds like Mr. Mabus is just trying to get in good with the folks in the capital. Maybe one day we will see Senator Mabus.


I doubt it. He was run out on a rail after his first term as Mississippi’s governor (I have family who wanted to put their “Save us from Mabus” bumper stickers from the 1991 election on the walls of the Pentagon’s E ring on the Navy floor when I worked there). No majority in Mississippi is going to elect him, especially after the turn for the Republicans in the state. He can always try to pull a Hillary and run in Massachusetts or California.


He can always run in Virginia or Maryland, where he spends a lot of time. If he lives in one of those states now, he’s established residency.


Yeh, hanging from a tree! Along with the rest of the scum!imho




I’m a retired Army NCO and even I can’t wait for Mabus to leave.


Trying to stay positive, hard to do about seeing a boat named after the former Senator from Michigan. At least it would be better being a crewman on this boat than the USS Murtha.

B Woodman

I can just hear it now. . .

With all those “STFU CARL” jokes going around, even as fine a ship as I’m sure it is, I wouldn’t want to serve aboard her (him?).


If we’re really running out of ship names, we surely must be building an awful lot of them. Tens of millions of ships must be under construction as we speak. It follows, then, that according to the naming policy, the one named for me must be somewhere in the next few batches. I’ll start getting my acceptance speech ready.


Carl is twerking with that fat cow, Stabenow.
I hear that she and Hillzy both get their outfits from Omar the tent maker.


hey, when a muu-muu is a custom fit…



I’d hit it…..get some sparks flying off those warm heavy thighs.

2/17 Air Cav

Nothing says dignified like that pic of Levin. Congratulations, Carl. Condolences, you water people.


You’d probably spontaneously combust, Sarc.


I have a great idea. Let’s just fire Ray Mabus and name the ship after something historical like Shiloh or Apollo 11.

As I recall, the guidelines for naming ships were established a long, long time ago, before Raymie Maybee was even a twinkle in someone’s eye. But I guess tradition is something that gets thrown out the window now, along with decency and good manners. Right?



They are throwing all the old traditions away in favor of political correctness.

My son has told me some startling stories about the ‘new Navy’.

-Aquaflage, instead of Dungarees

-Breathalyzer testing at the brow when returning from liberty

-Shellback initiation watered down (literally)

-Chief Initiation done away with

-Crow tacking…(I guess with the removal of dungarees that is moot)

-Throwing away the Johnny Cash’s and Good Humor Men uniforms, and replacing them with some black and tan monstrosity.

What’s one more tradition?


I lived it and as I was retiring in 2013 it was getting out of hand. Why do you think all the commanders and Command Master Chiefs are being relieved. We miss the fact the in some cases tradition can help in good order and discipline. I left right when they were brining on the breathalyzers and it sucked. The other thing is some of these social justice warriors are the one in command and that s crews good order and discipline they have had 20 + years so some of them are in the 07 and above positions I worked for some. I hate to say it but a lot of it started when they opened combat ships and combat support jobs in the Navy Because those females are in charge now.. So Infantry and SOF HOLD ON IT’S GOING TO BE A ROUGH RIDE!!!!


If he wanted to go the inclusion route, why not name the fucking ship after a real Hero?

PO2 Doris Miller, and recipient of the Navy Cross for his actions at the Pearl Harbor attack.

He is a personal hero of mine.

The most these politicians deserve is a tug boat named after them; for all the late night ‘tugs’ performed in the cloakrooms in order to get their deals approved.


A ship was already named after Doris Miller…but since it’s been decommissioned for some time. I agree it’s a helluva better idea than the twerking buffoon.

2/17 Air Cav

The USS Miller was sold to Turkey 20 years ago, used for target practice and sunk. Miller was one of four Navy heroes to be featured on a postage stamp. That was 2010 and it’s the most kick-ass stamp I have ever seen. He was lost with some 600 other sailors in 1943 when their escort carrier was torpedoed in the area of the Gilbert Islands. His body was never recovered.


Thus….right there is a list of 600 Sailors more deserving of such a legacy than Mr. Neverserved.


Can you just imagine the Bosun’s Mate choking the bile down every time the skipper arrives or departs the ship?

Ding Ding…Ding Ding

“Carl Levin Arriving”

Ding Ding…Ding Ding

“Carl Levin Departing”


Gonna use a boatswain’s pipe…or a pan flute?




Meat Whistle or Bonaphone


You forgot:

“Carl Levin swallowing.” (gag/burp)

Old Trooper

Mabus is a class 1 mod 0 jackass and political hack of the highest order.


The Murtha is undergoing final outfitting at the shipyard just downriver from me. I have to see that travesty every morning driving in to work.

Mabus can’t GTFO of office quickly enough.


Didn’t there used to be an unwritten rule that you don’t name something more-or-less permanent (yes I know ships don’t last forever but they last a long time)?

Seems to me there’s a good reason for such a rule. A living person can still step on his crank big time and then the name becomes an embarrassment.

As for ship naming conventions I sometimes think we should follow the British route. They give their ships cool names like the HMS Repulse, HMS Intrepid, HMS Resolute, etc.

If we don’t change this rule soon it will only be a matter of time before the USS Hillary Clinton is christened (<—sounds like it's from the Duffel Blog but I'm serious, I could totally see it happening.)


Lieberals can’t be embarrassed. One has to have a sense of shame for that to happen.


Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse you pull that name out.

You’re despicable.

Bill M

The USS John F Kerry; USS Anthony Weiner; USS Bernie Sanders; USS Huma Abedin; USS Jerry Brown; USS Ray Mabus. The potential is staggering. Maybe Ray is angling for a ship being names after him…

‘Scuse me while I go puke; I’ve managed to make myself sick with this one.

charles w

You forgot the USS Kaitlyn Jenner.


USS Chelsea Manning. And the electronic surveillance ship, the USS Snowden.

Don’t forget the USS Bowe Bergdahl.


Forgot to add that the Bergdahl will be a Benedict Arnold-class destroyer. 😉


The USS Obama is going to be bad enough.

The Other Whitey

How about these: USS Lee 1LT (later MAJ) Kurt Chew-Een Lee USMC, Machine Gun Platoon B 1/7 Marines. “The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to First Lieutenant Kurt Chew-Een Lee (MCSN: 0-48880), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as Commanding Officer of a Machine-Gun Platoon of Company B, First Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces in the Republic of Korea, on 2 and 3 November 1950. Immediately taking countermeasures when a numerically superior enemy force fiercely attacked his platoon and overran its left flank during the defense of strategic terrain commanding approaches to the main supply route south of Sudong, first Lieutenant Lee boldly exposed himself to intense hostile automatic weapons, grenade and sniper small-arms fire to carry out a personal reconnaissance, well in advance of his own lines, in order to re-deploy the machine-gun posts within the defensive perimeter. Momentarily forced back by extremely heavy opposition, he quickly reorganized his unit and, instructing his men to cover his approach, bravely moved up an enemy held slope in a deliberate attempt to draw fire and thereby disclose hostile troop positions. Despite serious wounds sustained as he pushed forward, First Lieutenant Lee charged directly into the face of the enemy fire and, by his dauntless fighting spirit and resourcefulness, served to inspire other members of his platoon to heroic efforts in pressing a determined counterattack and driving the hostile forces from the sector. His outstanding courage, brilliant leadership and unswerving devotion to duty were contributing factors in the success achieved by his company and reflect the highest credit upon First Lieutenant Lee and the United States Naval Service.” USS Capodanno LT Vincent Robert “Grunt Padre” Capodanno, Catholic chaplain of 3/5 Marines. “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Chaplain of the 3d Battalion, in connection with operations against enemy forces. In response to reports that the 2d… Read more »


We should always have a Destroyer named for Evans, IMO.

E-6 type, 1 ea

The USS Lee is out because someone might mistake him for Robert E. Lee, and that’s waycist.

USS Capodanno and USS O’Callahan are out because they were priests and that is not separation of church and state.

USS Evans is out because he grossly violated current ROE.

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK Levin.

I suggest the name USS Chris Kyle. Let it make every sniveling snot-nosed thumbsucking booger-eating bedwetting liberal shit themselves sideways


“FUCK Levin”…. With a frozen pineapple, wrapped in rusty razor wire, dipped in hot sauce, then asbestos.


Unfortunate these conversations will never be held to this degree in public. A gullible citizenry will hesitate to speak the truth, even in hushed tones about those who consider themselves the elite and entitled. As always has been, those in politics take care of their own, moving “has beens” around in life’s chess game. The older I get the more I want to scream , “F__k you politicians…no wonder Trump is doing so well”.


If we are throwing tradition out the window, why not have the next administration rename the ships to something honorable?

Brown Neck Gaitor

I like it.

Go to port.
Remove all trace of offending name

Week tops. Or 6 months if on O7 or above gets involved in the planning.


I have one from a small Navy community that goes unnoticed and unrecognized for their accomplishments around the world in peace and war. They have had one ship USS Stehthem could be the first casualty of war on terror. for service as set forth in the following CITATION: For The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pride in presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumously) to Construction Mechanic Third Class Marvin Glen Shields (NSN: 3904693), United States Navy, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Seabee Team 1104, Mobile Construction Battalion Eleven, near Dong Xoai, Republic of Vietnam, on 10 June 1965. Although wounded when the compound of Detachment A-342, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, came under intense fire from an estimated reinforced Viet Cong regiment employing machineguns, heavy weapons and small arms, Construction Mechanic Third Class Shields continued to resupply his fellow Americans who needed ammunition and to return the enemy fire for a period of approximately three hours, at which time the Viet Cong launched a massive attack at close range with flame-throwers, hand grenades and small-arms fire. Wounded a second time during this attack, Shields nevertheless assisted in carrying a more critically wounded man to safety, and then resumed firing at the enemy for four more hours. When the commander asked for a volunteer to accompany him in an attempt to knock out an enemy machinegun emplacement which was endangering the lives of all personnel in the compound because of the accuracy of its fire, Shields unhesitatingly volunteered for this extremely hazardous mission. Proceeding toward their objective with a 3.5-inch rocket launcher, they succeeded in destroying the enemy machinegun emplacement, thus undoubtedly saving the lives of many of their fellow servicemen in the compound. Construction Mechanic Third Class Shields was mortally wounded by hostile fire while returning to his defensive position. His heroic initiative and great personal valor in the face of intense enemy fire sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S.… Read more »

CB Senior

That’s our Boy. Never Forgotten by us. Rarely known in the Fleet.

You know the saying

“Oh their Seabees”

Heard that many times. For good and bad.


Yep, I was in 11 my last couple of years and deployed to AFG. The funny thing about it is we were doing the same SOF missions like the Seabee teams and had some contact but not that bad we did have some teams take a couple wounded and received PH’s and some Valor awards. Everyone thinks all we do is stay on FOBs and that is so not true that’s what Red Horse does. We build or help improve all the KOP’s or in SOF term’s VSP’s and VSO’s. We also create the wire before you go outside the wire a little danger there.

I’m with on “Oh their Seabees” got out of some shit because of that.


Senator privilege in action.

Washington slug that’s been living it up on the tax payer dime for decades.


mabus is obama’s political lackey.
He’s done his part at damaging the Navy and it’s good name internationally.

The last blow, to name a Ship after another socialist political hack.
Levin has no honor remotely close to the Military heroes that should have been considered.
But that’s the point, degrade our military heroes, right mabus?
What will he do next?


To appease the PC crowd and the politicians (oops, my bad, two of the same thing) I see the following named ships in the future:

USS Reverend Al
USS Reverend Jesse
USS Tranny

and, my ‘favorite’

USS Obama (you knows this one is on the horizon)

Heads to explode in 3 … 2 … 1 … BOOM


Re: USS Obama.

Does the Navy still have Garbage Scows??


Why would you insult garbage scows like that? At least they are useful for taking out the trash

The Other Whitey

How about a wastewater treatment barge. USNS B. H. Obama.

Bill M

Now yer talkin’




It is far past the point of ridiculousness what our Country is doing in naming the Ships of the US Navy. The Carriers names now are completely senseless The Gerald Ford???Ronald Reagan? John Stennis? What about the historical names like Lexington ,Yorktown, Hornet, Wasp, Saratoga, Franklin. Back when the USA was the hope for the world.(Thank God there may be a new Enterprise)
How about a destroyer named for Capt. Ernest Evans..(Look it Up)or a sub named for Howard Gilmore..What happened to naming subs after fish? Wahoo, Silversides,Tang, Growler, Tinosa etc. I’m not that old and we have gotten away from tradition. Crazy


This will date me for sure. Somewhere in the back of my mind I am wondering if Ray Mabus might have been the errant son of Moms Mabley? Change a few letters of the last name and there you have it….such a respectable and deserving name. Come to think of it, they DO look somewhat alike!


Ya, I saw that and I think Duncan Hunter has a hard on for the Navy for some reason because of all the investigations and other shit he has been doing to NSW and the fleet. I think he just hates SECNAV and in some ways he might be looking out for his Corps and that is a good thing…

The Other Whitey

Hunter is a combat Marine. Enough said.

Mark Lauer

The USS Gabriella Giffords. Just what you want. A ship named after someone who had holes shot in her.