A week of action; mental masturbation to reach zenith

| September 17, 2007

If you think that the ANSWER/IVAW protest last Saturday was the a big waste of time, they have a “Week of Action” planned reports the Washington Post;

Dozens of war opponents, including some who were among the 192 arrested Saturday, spent yesterday training for this week, which will be “the most intense week” of planned actions since the Iraq conflict began, said Brian Becker, national coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, which organized Saturday’s rally and march and many of the other large antiwar events across the country.

Apparently, being a dumbass pest takes training – a whole day, so I guess it’s not a long journey. But first of all they needed to get out their horror stories from their arrests this last Saturday;

Activists came to four training sessions held at George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs yesterday, many trading stories from their arrests or from clashes with several hundred war supporters who lined the march route.

Yeah, their harrowing ordeal or their arrests best recorded by Jack Langer of Human Events;

Then, one at a time, around a dozen antiwar veterans of the Iraq War jumped over the wall. The cops grabbed them as they went over, cuffed them with flexicuffs, and marched them away. Emboldened, other protestors hopped the wall. Soon, the cops had scores of protestors lined up, with their hands tied, waiting to be carted off to jail. A kind of collective frenzy overtook the crowd. Old women from Code Pink went over the wall. College kids jumped over. At times there were so many of them that they were left to mill around for a few minutes before an officer became available to cuff them. Altogether, I’d say around 150 protestors were arrested.

The police showed great restraint. When older protestors or women went over, the cops offered their hand and gently assisted them down off the wall. But after about an hour of this, the cops had had enough. They began pushing back would-be wall jumpers with their riot shields. Then, when two young men danced a little too long for the crowd on top of the wall, the police hit them with pepper spray. Blinded and choking, they went over the wall anyway. A protestor taunted the cops, yelling “Ha-ha, they won.” I suppose if you define “winning” as getting gassed and arrested, then yes, the two men won.

The anarchists really disappointed me. None of them jumped the wall. They portray themselves as the most militant wing of the antiwar movement, but they didn’t even have the guts displayed by the Code Pink grandmas. The anarchists claim to want a revolution, but apparently not a single one of them is willing to risk a misdemeanor arrest to achieve that glorious goal.

What a soft nation we’ve become when the police are polite and helpful while aresting people – where were the slobbering dogs and the riot batons, for cripes sake. I wonder if the Iranian or Chinese police would that polite. Oh, but I digress – the week of action…

The Post story goes on to tell us about this action-packed week;

They are calling today National Truth in Recruiting Day, during which war opponents will try to reach young people in particular, as well as anyone considering joining the military. Activists said yesterday that they planned to visit area recruiting centers, schools and other places young people might go and that war opponents would be doing the same in such spots across the country.

“You have to ask the right questions, find out what’s motivating them, share with them the truth and dispel myths,” Adam Kokesh, co-chair of Iraq Veterans Against the War, told the crowd, which included local college students as well as older activists, many of whom had traveled from outside the District. “My reasons [for volunteering] were patriotism; I wanted to put my life on the line for my country.” But in hindsight, “I could have been convinced that there were better ways to further democracy in the world.”

Other strategies include trying to eat up recruiters’ time by calling and visiting centers and pretending to be potential recruits.

So I guess the recruiters will be harrassed for a week by a bunch of goofy kids making crank calls. Well, September is a good time for that – recruiters have already made their mission for September from last Spring’s high school graduates, so this mastermind Kokesh is just engaging in mental masturbation – he’ll feel better about himself, but will have accomplished nothing.

As long as Kokesh is talking about the truth, let’s hear him tell us the truth…that he’d been to Iraq and volunteered to go back on another tour, but it was discovered that he’d smuggled an Iraqi pistol back on his first tour and was denied his coveted second tour. He was busted from Sergeant to private for his crime and that’s the reason he hates the military and the war – because he’s a sociopath who can’t follow the marine Corps’ simple rule to not smuggle firearms back from a war.

While he’s at it, he can tell us how he hadn’t been discharged before he illegally wore his uniform to protest the war last Spring, as he had claimed to the ignorant and pliant press. In fact, he still had his military ID card and used it to gain access to military bases in Germany during the investigation.

I find it somewhat disengenuous of Kokesh to tell these lies and lying about the numbers of the participants in last Saturday’s protest, yet demanding “truth in recruiting” – as if recuiters aren’t being truthful about military service.

More from Michelle Malkin’s “The Left’s seditious war on military recruiters“. Tacobell at SandGram gives you a real soldier’s reaction to Kokesh and his merry band of attention whores. He also mentions a record deal for Kokesh – is that what this is? Publicity for a garage band?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Media, Politics, Support the troops

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excellent points–all of them! i didn’t know kokesh’s story so i appreciated reading it here. the left’s actions discust me in ways that jeffery dahmer disgusts me. and that piece of crap sheehan? i’d love to deport her–maybe dump her in somalia (she’d last, i don’t know, a few hours? a day?). or the middle of the pacific ocean.


Great post Jonn – especially the call-out to Kokesh. BTW the Park Police are NOW saying it was vandalism at the wall.

Jonn wrote: Yep, it was on the local news last night and Michele Malkin reported on it yesterday afternoon. I updated last week’s post on it. Funny how they denied it before the protest and then when the protest ends and the Eagles leave town and the admit it was vandalism.Â