Rainbow Ray and the Navy’s highest priority

| April 6, 2016

“Yesterday I wrote a humor piece, “Yeomama?” for my favorite military blog, This Ain’t Hell, where I jokingly pointed out that Obama’s Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, who in his holy quest to give his liege lord, Barack, the rainbow-hued, unicorn mounted force the Narcissist-in-Chief so desires, has, in naval jargon, run aground.”

The problem according to Mabus and his chief enlisted naval adviser is that, try as they might, their naval social justice retitling team can’t seem to come up with a satisfactory gender-neutral replacement for the Navy’s traditional title for a clerk, which, as it has been since the birth of the United States Navy, is yeoman. I kid you not, folks: with all the problems our military faces in this very dangerous world, our secretary of the Navy has his top chief petty officer, Master Chief of the Navy Michael D. Stevens, busy changing the titles of the countless combat specialty ratings in that force, which includes the United States Marine Corps. This quixotic quest is necessitated by the relentless insistence of the Obama administration that women be allowed to serve in all combat units and positions regardless of continuing demonstrations that this is a clearly foolish program with coming deadly consequences.

While my recent piece drew many humorous suggestions for a replacement title for yeoman, one commenter soberly noted that this is no laughing matter when it comes to the Navy’s real budget needs. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party have taken an accounting axe to our military forces, demanding drastic reductions everywhere, across every fleet and every force. In the Navy, that means not only fewer ships, but also fewer sailors to man and support those ships remaining. Because of Obama’s budgets, naval aviators aren’t allowed to fly sufficient training missions to retain their flying proficiency. Even special naval helicopter units that fly SEAL missions are being shut down, with their mission being shifted onto the Army. Point is, money’s tight, and the budget constraints are affecting mission training and performance.

And yet Ray Mabus wants to spend scarce funds to rewrite hundreds if not thousands of Navy and Marine Corps manuals governing training, maintenance, and operations of those forces while reprinting virtually every form with application to the combat arms of both those forces. I can guarantee you there is absolutely no one in the office of Ray Mabus who has a clue as to the needless and unaffordable costs of these changes they are pushing at a time when every penny of the budget should be earmarked for combat operations and not such administrative idiocy.

I’m particularly interested in how Rainbow Ray and his Unicornians are going to rewrite MCRP 3-02B, Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, so that it instructs 130-pound female infantrypersons in how to engage and overpower 180-pound male jihadists in the bloody, vicious, unrestrained fury of hand-to-hand combat.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Navy

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I’m curious what the Navy’s new name for the Crackerjack uniform is going to be also.

Crackerjack is offensive in so many ways….



Bruno Stachel

Every Marine a Rifleperson.


Here’s the problem right in front of you, Poetrooper.

‘And yet Ray Mabus wants to spend scarce funds to rewrite hundreds if not thousands of Navy and Marine Corps manuals governing training, maintenance, and operations of those forces while reprinting virtually every form with application to the combat arms of both those forces.’

It’s not so much that funds are scarce. There’s really plenty of money. Social Security and VA disability compensation haven’t gotten raises for two years, y’know.

There’s no money for anything if it is NOT DECIDED ON A WHIM.

If, as with this ridiculous rewrite, retread, or whatever the hell it is, the cost is not considered, it’s because the people who want to blow smoke up bodaprez’s ass don’t have to pay for it.

But because this whimsical bit of fluff is generated by the Good Idea Fairy, the cost is inconsequential to the goal, which is to completely remove common sense from the brains of people like Raymie Maybee – and that’s IF HE EVER HAD ANY IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Please, sir, can I have some more, sir???


EX, you know I would say you are correct, but they are not freaking thinking and when I say they I am talking senior Navy Leadership. What the hell do we have senior enlisted adviser up top, that being MCPON and he doesn’t have the balls to bring any of this shit up. The guy is done there is no more moving up and can’t grab a set of balls and call stupide stupide WTF. We need MCPON Campa Back or someone like him. The problem is they will never let a Brown water ground type in that position ever again because they get it..

Here is the other problem these names are so engrained it will not change over night. What do you do with the old crusty Gunny and or Chief that is all they have known and one day they let it slip hay construction man get your ass over here. The gunny ask who the rifleman of such PLT and SQD is. You make them go him correct and now all that Combat knowledge is gone.
We had name changes when I was in and some changes due to women coming to NMCB’s (Battalions)and it sucked I kept using the old terms we used when we didn’t have females in our deployed units and still used terms when I was a Chief for a while and I was not the only one. This took me 10 years to stop saying the old shit, so what the hell are they going to do with all the troops that continue to use the old term. Example of most common written and spoken term in my community is Man-day and Man- Hour.


should be “home” not him. fat fingers on IPAD…


I think the current MCPON is marking time until he hears the Bos’n piping him overboard. I get the distinct impression that there are many senior officers and NCOs, all services, looking around and wondering if anyone will really notice when they’re gone.

I don’t understand any of this. It is an attempt to ‘fix’ something that wasn’t broken in the first place, and whoever gets elected in November gets the job of cleaning up the mess left behind by a pack of bleedin’ idiots.

The worst part is that we who pay taxes have to watch our money go down the toilet instead of being wisely put to use.

Oh, while I’m at it, the word ‘yeoman’ goes so far back in history that dropping it is uncalled for. It had to do with being guards and rangers in the pre-Norman days of Angleland.

And the term ‘petty officer’ is derived, like ‘petticoat’ from the Middle French ‘petit officier’ and ‘petit cote’. Petit simply meant lesser or lower-level, as well as small.

This is ridiculous. They don’t want to offend anyone, but they somehow manage to offend more people than there are stars in the sky. They should have been stopped before they got started.




Retirement is right around the corner. Retirement is right around the corner. Retirement is right around the corner.


Oh, you poor bastard! I thank God every day I don’t have to deal with this bullshit!


I got two years. Luckily I will be out of ITB before the first official female infantry students come through, though I did deal with the entire test process.

MSG Eric

At least you’re in sanctuary then. Though, if HRC had their way, they’d kick everyone out at 19 years and not give them anything.

B Woodman

Yes. Everyday I read this crap, I’m glad I have my DD214 woobie blanket, and that my g’son is not in any of the services (so far).

Climb to Glory

Secretary Mable is an idiot. Plain and simple. Fuck him.

Bruno Stachel

Get off the table, Mabel.

The two bits is for the beer.

Bill M

Rim shot!

B Woodman


Green Thumb

He never had any……

MSG Eric

May a Bus run your legs over and then back up over the rest of you….

That’s the perfect photo of him though, he’s got that “I just sucked off the Commander in Chief!” look on his face.


Reminds me of the city of Houston… looming budget crisis caused by huge retirement programs for police – and the mayor spends $24 million repainting all the cop cars to a new color scheme.


HuMAN! MANual labor! HuMANitarian! MANipulation! MENstration! When will the shit lord English language stop oppressing womyn!!!


Where is the white knight Lars to swoop in and save us all!?!?

2/17 Air Cav

“Man, Woman, or Trannie overboard!”

Green Thumb

Mabus overboard!

Fuck him!

Roger that!

Return to your station!

Synan D. Bauchery

Wish I had saved my “Savus from Mabus” bumper sticker.

2/17 Air Cav

“In this man’s Army” No.

“Officer and gentlemen” No.

“Enlisted Men” No.

“Quartermaster” No.

Forest _Green

We just referred to them as “YoYo”. That’s generic enough, isn’t it?

Green Thumb

Maybe they could officially change the term “shitbag” to the more politically correct term “Mabus”?


This whole story leaves me pretty much underwhelmed. Best I can do is bring up the old movie……………
The Maybos and Mandy Show. Back to Vaudeville Rayboi. That phony disingenuous fake ass smile has run its course and worn its welcome. You always looked better in black face!
It’s this form of keeping up with changing times that shortens the career choice of many who can only tolerate so much. Many a good man has decided mid-stream the military was not all it was supposed to be. Especially in the face of upper echelon folks who were ready to make a name for themselves at the expense of those who suffered the ship of fools.

Guard Bum

I think I will subnit a benesug to rename Secretary of the Navy “Fucktard”.


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