Washington Post: Bergdahl deserves mercy

| March 24, 2016

Bergdahl and pal

The Washington Post editorial board steps out of their lane once again to beg for mercy for Bowe Bergdahl. They call him Sergeant Bergdahl, but, I don’t. I was a Sergeant – I studied for weeks before I sat in front of the senior noncommissioned officers in my battalion, sweating buckets and stuttering like a moron. I spent weeks at the Primary NCO Course, spit shining the “autobahn” strip in the middle of our hallway between endless classes and practical application of leadership skills. Bergdahl has done none of that, so he’s not really a sergeant. Just like he’s not airborne qualified but he gets to wear a maroon beret when he’s at his assigned unit. Bergdahl has a lot to be thankful for that he has been given, things that he never had to earn like the rest of us. Now the Washington Post decides that he needs “mercy”. No, he didn’t earn that either.

I used up any mercy I had for Bergdahl while he was being held. I, along with hundreds of others, was fully aware of the circumstances of his capture. None of us thought that he deserved to be beheaded for his transgressions – we kept our mouths shut, because we knew that once he no longer had value for his Haqqani captors, he would be killed. So we called for his return without revealing what we knew about him – for five years. I think that’s pretty damn merciful. In the meantime, his team mates who knew the circumstances much better than me, went out for months looking for his stank-ass. Putting their lives on the line for a deserter. That seems pretty merciful.

What began as a test of Mr. Obama’s ability to deliver an American from captivity has thus mutated into a test of American military justice’s ability to remain impartial amid pressure from political overlords and a deeply polarized political debate. We agree with those who say that Mr. Bergdahl’s conduct in leaving his unit was wrong, that it put lives at risk and that, despite his psychological issues, he should be accountable. At the same time, the Army may have contributed to this debacle by enlisting a soldier it shouldn’t have. And even without formal accountability, he has already suffered horribly for his actions.

The debate about Bergdahl isn’t “political”. It’s about right and wrong. There is no mental condition in which wandering around Indian country unarmed should seem normal to anyone. I think that Bergdahl was more surprised than anyone that the Haqqani found him before his squad found him. I have no doubt that he suffered for his mistake, but suffering isn’t punishment. He suffered the consequences of his own bad choices, but he hasn’t been punished by the people who were harmed most by his departure from his unit – namely the Army and his squad.

General Dahl, the investigating officer in the case urged that Bergdahl avoid imprisonment, but his investigation was based solely on Bergdahl’s own words, since the Haqqani wasn’t around to verify Bergdahl’s accounts of his escape attempts, starvation and torture.

Of course, the Washington Post blames the Army for enlisting Bergdahl in the first place – the evil Bush war machine enlisted a retard. Hardly. he made it through Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training – someone who went through all that isn’t completely retarded.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

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With a frozen pineapple, wrapped in razor wire, inserted fronds first.

A Proud Infidel®™

AFTER it’s been wrapped in asbestos.


Deserves mercy FOR WHAT? for deserting his fellow soldiers? for leaving them in the lurch and putting them in danger searching for this piece of shyt? This queer little bas-ard hanging on his pet squeeze in the picture…I volunteer to tie the hangmans knot or be a member of the firing squad, except a firing squad is to honorable for that scum sucking little A.H.! HANG HIM!!



Silentium Est Aureum

Mercy? Putting him out of our misery would be the merciful thing to do.

I’m not in it for blood lust, but dude deserted his post in time of war in a combat zone and got a lot of good people killed. And these fuckers think he deserves mercy?

Silentium Est Aureum

And again, Jonn, good timing for putting up the picture on Man Love Thursday.

Chris M

ah yes!



A bullet to the head vs. slow, painful execution.

Okay. I’ll buy that…we are a civilized nation you know.



2/17 Air Cav

“What began as a test of Mr. Obama’s ability to deliver an American from captivity….”

I am grateful to the WaPo for indirectly reminding us all that it was indeed “Mr. Obama” who unilaterally and secretly released five terrorists from Gitmo in a trade for a traitor. Bergdahl is ensconced in a “political debate” because of that questionable act of oBaMa’s and his staging a hero’s welcome-home and ain’t-I-wonderful party in the Rose Garden. By the way, where are those former prisoners now? I’d start looking in Belgium myself.

Virtual Insanity

“…unilaterally and secretly…” And, illegally, it turns out. He did not notify congress 30 days prior to the release of the Talibani as required by law. Because, they would have objected.

The Rose Garden thing with the parents was a blunder, as well.

I have been listening to the NPR (yeah, I know) Serial podcast series about Bergdahl. It’s very well done; the 10th episode is all about the trade and the Rose Garden thing.

What it drives home is that the Obama administration is terribly arrogant and also terribly naïve.

Virtual Insanity

MMA = Mercy My Ass. Here’s my mercy for him. One jar of Vaseline every six months, in addition to one tube of solution for canker sores on his mouth every two weeks. Time wise, a sentence for no longer (trying to have at least some mercy) than 90 years at the VERY most. Finally, when inmates leave the custody of Sheriff Joe Arpio, Bergie Doll is to receive any leftover shit stained pink undies free of charge. As an additional sign of mercy, for the sake of his own anonymity, change his name so he will not be burdened by the label. My recommendation would be to change it to something less recognizable……Peter Puffer sounds about right.

2/17 Air Cav

You are all fascist, racist, Nazi scum!

I just thought I’d sum it about before you know who appears and writes that and 14,000 other words of nonsense.

NR Pax

You forgot to write about your experience as an Army Intel Officer and your Berkeley education. Other than that, B+

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We’d be racists if Bergdahl was black, he’s not so we’re only expressing our own right wing execution fantasies while victimizing the mentally ill.

It’s a well known right wing attribute, victimize the mentally ill. It’s why the lefties had them all released to starve and wander the streets while be victimized by street criminals and sleeping exposed to the elements.

That’s so much better than being housed and fed. But it’s what we do, we don’t look at something wrong and say hey let’s fire the incompetents, jail the criminals and hire some qualified personnel. Nope we retain the pedophiles at the VA because vets aren’t children (of course they have children, but the VA hopes the pedophiles won’t get at those kids…)and don’t fire those who steal because we don’t fire everyone who steals…apparently the volume of thievery at the VA is so large it’s impossible to find them all, like illegal aliens…

You right wing SOBs…always talking about accountability and shit, where do you get the nerve?


2/17 A C….thanks for the reminder/warning. Now that you have brought that to my attention, best I modify my suggestion of the repulsive name change. In anticipation of Mr. Know It All Mr. L., I now recommend his name be changed to a more moderate “Raggedy Anne the Cotton Rocksucker”.


This is just another attempt to short circuit the courts martial process. “Hey, since you should probably not give him a jail sentence anyway, why have a court martial?”

I don’t really care if he spends a day in confinement (if found guilty). I do care that he receive a fair hearing (and if found guilty) doesn’t profit from his crime receiving several hundred thousand dollars in tax free money in POW pay.


Mercy takes many forms…I would be more than happy to administer mercy upon him.


Very true. For an example, look up the origin of the term coup de grace.

Dave Hardin

He deserted his post in the face of the enemy. Why he did it is of no more interest to me than why Ted Kennedy swam away from a drowning woman.

I am sure they figure as time goes on people will loose interest in holding him accountable.

I might forgive his ass in the same amount of time it takes me to have pissed on Jane Fonda’s grave.

The man never wants to cross my path.


You can now read the Article 32 investigation at this website:


I’m waiting for the weekend to read it, so I won’t lose worktime fuming about it.


Mr. Bergdahl wants mercy and is employing the press to whine for it. Well, the Army is not going to shoot him, right? No, he gets prison time, maybe gets to see a shrink weekly to ‘splain himself, and maybe even gets to have a ‘look at me’ blog like that little pissant womanning over in the other section of Leavenworth.

Meantime, how many lives have been placed in jeopardy while people were looking for his sorry ass? How many more lives are in jeopardy now, because five murdering thugs were traded for his sorry ass?

The Haqqani released him to the US in generally undamaged condition. He’s a spoiled brat.

Does he deserve mercy?



He deserves mercy? Not so much. IMO, he deserves +/- 1 hot a day, a thin cot, substandard medical care and whatever lovin’ he can get from his bunkies. He DESERVES mercy? Foolish me, I thought we mostly earned what we ‘deserved’ in life.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

At this point I figure my opinion no longer matters with respect to what I think should happen. I suspect what will happen is whatever is expedient for the military and the government at the moment.

Whether he gets mercy or not isn’t up to me, it never was. I can only hope the people in charge do what is appropriate. I don’t carry a lot thought that they will do what’s right because the government very rarely does what is right only what is expedient and what suits their current world vision.

Justice in the United States isn’t about justice anymore, I’m no longer certain it ever was. It’s about what’s expedient for those making a profit at the moment, the defendants are products to be utilized during a business transaction between opposing sets of attorneys.

When pedophiles serve in the VA, and a man who left a woman to die by drowning while he went home to consult with an attorney becomes one of the most revered politicians in the nation I think we can see where American justice resides. We lock up the weed smoker next door, but can’t find the child molester with the ankle bracelet.

We let rich guys plead out (if we even charge them) of robberies so large the nation would collapse if we didn’t bail them out with trillions of dollars so they wouldn’t miss their multi-million dollar bonuses.

Justice….there isn’t much left if we’re being honest.

Whatever happens to Bergdahl will happen. We’ll see if he receives punishment/justice/suffering etc…and if he does no doubt someone will be along shortly after him to get a free pass. Most likely someone wealthy or senior ranking.

Justice indeed.


Hey WaPo,
I just wanted to, like, you know, say that I don’t quite get your logic but I’m sure you mean well just like the wondering boy you defend. Thank you so much for having the courage to fight against the bullies that don’t understand the feelings Bowe must be wrecked with.
Love, hugs and kisses,
P.S. /sarc off- you pissant, ignorant, bed wetting fucks. Do all of us that know this prick deserves justice a favor, shut your mouths, sit in the corner quietly and play with your crayons.
P.P.S. And your welcome for the freedom to print this garbage.


Anyone else pick up on how Dahl suddenly earned an additional star almost immediately after his farcical “investigation” into this?


Yes indeed. What a surprise!

BERGDAHL: Oh, I wasn’t deserting. I was super-concerned about morale and discipline, so I snuck out in the middle of the night with the intention of walking miles through enemy territory, alone and unarmed, to make my case to a general!

DAHL: Shit, that’s good enough for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to update the rank insignia on all of my uniforms….

Seriously, the extent of this “investigation” appears to be asking Bergdahl questions, and then unquestionably believing the answers he gives.


Here is mercy for you. Send him back to his ISIS friends and FORGET about him.
He thought there was things wrong going on in the Army let him see the other side for the rest of his life.

Green Thumb


Let his whole family have a taxpayer-funded vacation there.

Green Thumb

I did not know people even read the Washington Post anymore.

My in-laws are SUPER liberal and even they have become a little disgusted with the bias of their reporting agenda.

I thought the only thing the Washington Post was good for anymore was covering up bums on park benches, cat litter boxes and picking up steaming piles of Phil Monkress deposited in your yard.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

How many men were either killed or wounded trying to look for him? How much intel did he give up to his “friends”? And we’re supposed to be compassionate to him?

Not going to happen with me in this lifetime or my next.

As for the Washington Post editorial board – FUCK THEM!



Only thing he deserves is a Firing Squad!


PVT Bergdahl has been diagnosed with a Personality Disorder. There is NO PERSONALITY DISORDER that relieves the individual of their responsibilities as an Axis I psychotic disorder might. Bergdahl’s problem is Bergdahl, and probably how he grew up. People with PD’s know right from wrong. I know what’s going on here and so does everyone else. Again, this idiotic, childlike administration jumped the gun for a “legacy”, invited his parents to the White House, then went OOPS. So it’s cover up time, let this whole thing dry up, get so old, like Hillary’s problems, that people will say, who cares, this was years ago. I regret that I predicted this to my wife when he was released. It looks like it’s going to come true and nothing could make me vomit more. I hold the Army responsible for what happens here. If they knuckle under to this administration, I will have lost my faith in my beloved Army.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I hope they don’t knuckle either, but if we’re being honest over the last 7 years we’ve seen some senior officers not only knuckle under but pucker up and get in there good and deep with the french kisses as well…

It doesn’t bode well for justice.


At minimum what I think we would LIKE would be some hard time followed by a dishonorable including forfeiture of all pay and benefits, with a stipulation that all moneys made from his little adventure be donated to the families of anyone injured or killed while searching for him.

What we’ll probably get will be “somewhat less” – he’ll probably do the ceremonial re-ribboning of Guantanmamo for presentation to the Cubans.



Pinto Nag

Mercy is the balancing of justice with compassion — not absolving criminals of their crimes because they came into custody thin and dirty and brutalized by their personal choices. I have no doubt that he suffered at the hands of the Taliban; I also have no doubt that his fellow soldiers suffered because of him. Mercy, in this case, will involve Bergdahl being prosecuted to the fullest extent of military law allowable in his case.

Data Dawg DV X

The only mercy I think Bergdahl is entitled to is a limited term in prison. Otherwise, Dishonorable Discharge, Reduction to E1, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances I think is required to give the current Army leadership any semblance of balls that clang. We have too many pudenda in the military as it is.


“How many more lives are in jeopardy now, because five murdering thugs were traded for his sorry ass?”

Second and third order effects meets the law of unintended consequences.

In other words, the inmates are in charge of the asylum. And Barry dances the Tango in Argentina; any resemblance to Nero fiddling while Rome burns is purely coincidental.

A Proud Infidel®™

Has Bowe Bergdahl ever expressed even a remote smidgen of remorse over his fellow Soldiers that ended up KIA and WIA while on missions searching for him?

FUCK Bowe Bergdahl up the ass sideways with concertina wire and copies of Commissar’s essays and theses wrapped in asbestos!

Fuck every one of the Washington [Com]Post’s Editorial Board.

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m guessing that was the first thing his lawyers told him on the plane ride back.

Any acknowlegement of them would be tantamount to an admission of guilt.


Hopefully when Bergdahl gets the book thrown at him the book is an M67.

Bill M

Court Martial – if guilty, Dishonorable Discharge; Reduction in grade to E1; Forfeiture of all pay and allowances; 30 years Leavenworth.

(I don’t see any other possible verdict from a Court other than guilty, given his desertion from his post.)

Bill M

Forgot — that’s my idea of “mercy” WA Post. If ya don’t like it, frack ya!


My views on Bergdahl should be quite well known. But I’ll restate them, just in case.

Desertion during wartime shifts danger from the deserter to his buddies – or to those looking for him. Bergdahl’s desertion appears to have cost several US lives and/or severe injuries. For that, he should pay dearly.

IMO the court-martial panel, and the theater CG, got it right with Slovik. Bergdahl deserves exactly the same.

He won’t get that. But that’s what he freaking deserves – WaPO’s ignorant opinion to the contrary be damned.


IIRC, shortly after his disappearance, a COP in the near vicinity was partially overrun, leading to the deaths of two American Soldiers. This attack was successful in part due to the COP’s lack of ISR assets, which had been redirected to look for Bergdahl.

There is blood on his hands. He deserves no mercy.


Found a WaPo article on the consequences of his DUSTWUN. Didn’t bring up the incident I’m remembering, but it did mention how he contributed to COP Keating ‘s tragedy. My point stands.