Brussels under attack
This past weekend, Belgian police arrested Salah Abdeslam who was involved in the planning for the Paris bombings earlier this year. Today, bombs have been detonated at the main airport and subway stations in Brussels, according to the New York Times;
The explosions killed at least 13 people, according to news agencies. While the causes of the blasts were not yet clear, they set off meetings about terrorism throughout Europe.
The attacks put the Belgian capital in a state of virtual lockdown. All flights were canceled for the day. All subway, tram and bus travel was shut down. Eurostar canceled its trains connecting Brussels with Paris and London. Cellphone lines were jammed as panicked travelers and Belgians tried to make calls.
According to Reuters, the airport attack was the work of a suicide bomber;
A witness said he heard shouts in Arabic shortly before two blasts struck the packed airport departure lounge. Pictures on social media showed smoke rising from the terminal building through shattered windows and passengers fleeing down a slipway, some still hauling their bags.
All public transport in Brussels was shut down, as it was in London during 2005 militant attacks on the underground that killed 52. A further 225 soldiers were sent into the city and the Belgian Crisis Centre, clearly wary of a further incident, appealed to the population: “Stay where you are”.
The media is now reporting that 15 were killed in the attacks. Belgian government officials are saying that they expected the attack for several weeks. I’m sure the victims are grateful that the attacks were not unexpected.
Category: Terror War
Muslim terrorist assh*les, and more are coming here
When is the US and Europe going to wise up and put a bounty on those bas-ards? At the very least, cut the balls off of everyone of them so they can’t breed!!
Religion of peace.
Still waiting for words of wisdom from Cuba.
He said a couple of lines before going into praising the Communist Dictatorship for their amazing human rights record, that he knew nothing about.
It won’t interfere with Obama, the wife and kids and his Mother-in-law going on to Argentina. That was close, no need to even entertain the idea of travelling to Brussels to show solidarity with our allies.
I got nothing. Neither does oBaMa.
Don’t sell yourself short 2/17. Even with nothing, you have way more than Obama.
I’m offering free hugs* to anyone thinking of jihad.
*applies to around the neck only, letting go at my discretion
I’m thinking a free neck massage ending in something called the “Istanbul twist” would be more apropos for jihadis. But that’s just me.
I likey! Too bad I’m not knee deep in volunteers to practice that technique but my fingers are crossed.
I’m thinking the proper yheropy would be six turns of Det Cord.
“Therapy” Gol dern it!
Ah, I see the Religion of Peace has decided to bless the world with additional peacefulness..
Why am I not surprised at this?
Because unlike many libidiots, including the current Administration, you have a working brain – and you use it.
They just need jobs right? Then all the terror killings will stop, right? Right? The present administration is so clueless. The only way to stop a vicious animal is to kill it.
It was probably radical Mormans or Methodists.
Nope, it’s got to be the Amish again…
They do wear beards and favor dark clothing those Amish.
Those darn Amish!
So, when will the people rise up and take matters into their own hands, and chase/burn the Quoranimals out of Europe?
There are no innocents.
As a rule, the Belch don’t do that sort of thing. They tend to get squished from multiple sides in a conflict. The other Euro nations are suffering the awful panic-paralysis reaction that follows the realization that the beverage you just gulped down contains poison. At this point, the strategy seems to be to hope for the best–that there are a finite number of suicide bombers and that the sooner they act, the sooner the wanton terror will end. In other equally appalling news, oBaMa, Raul Castro, and select attendees will be watching a baseball game and eating ice cream in Cuba this afternoon. (I guess that woman who was working oBaMa’s first presidential campaign with the Che Guevara poster on her wasll was right after all.)
Obama speaks Belgian….or was it Austrian?
Corpse-man! Corpse-man!
Just remember, Bush was the idiot.
Imo, the Europer mindset is completely incapable of considering any form of governance that is in any way competent.
It’s either commiescumism or naziscumism. There’s very little recognition of anything in between.
Also, given that the parasitism of socialism has done its obvious and predicted work in eroding even the idea of self reliance, I really don’t see the Eunix figuring out how to stand on their own two feet and develop enough spine to form the shield wall necessary to blunt and then turn back this invasion of barbarians.
About the only long term fix I can see the Eunix going for is a full surrender to Russia so Roody Pooty can make everything better for them.
My father spent a Christmas season in Belgium once. He said it was a quaint, beautiful little country, except for all the Germans and their tanks. Once they were cleaned up his grand European tour moved east.
MSNBC reported this morning that racism and not receiving equal social services lead to frustration and cause these things to happen. No, I shit y’all not.
Someone needs to smack those people silly.
Oh, wait – they are already silly. Sorry, I forgot about their disconnect from reality. Maybe professional help with that for them????
Yeah, maybe a professional baseball player with a few dozen or so good bats.
Butcher’s bill is up to 31 dead, 100+ injured.
and statements of condemnation from mainstream Islam start in three…two…
I checked, David. The banner on CAIR’s website reads, “Thank You for Making Our Work Possible.” I’m hoping that’s not a reference to these latest Muslim terror attacks, but ….
It’s up now, David. They had to wait to ensure that might not have been a Cruz supporter. CAIR is not at all happy with Ted Cruz. Yeah, that will hurt his campaign.
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 3/22/16) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today expressed solidarity with the people of Belgium following attacks in that nation’s capital that left more than 30 people dead and many more injured.
One out of how many Islamic groups? Remember the world wide outpouring of emotion after 9/11? If I don’t see the same level of condemnation from Islam…I’m not impressed.
You’re welcome.
You’re not seeing the same outpouring of emotion because “34” is nearly 100 times smaller than “about 3000”. Plus, we’ve had 15 years to develop a thicker skin.
I read the statement on CAIR’s website. Yes, they did say, “Such heinous attacks are antithetical to the ideals of civilized society.” That’s a nice PR-pablum soundbite.
What I didn’t see was any direct condemnation of those who’ve claimed responsibility – Da’esh.
Civilized society?
Obviously they weren’t talking about Islam. …
“Such heinous attacks are antithetical to the ideals of civilized society.” But quite in keeping with the barbarity that calls itself islam apparently.
Last report on the death/injury toll is 34 dead, 170 injured, including people from the Metro train bombing.
Also, the nuclear reactors at Doel and Antwerp have been evacuated and closed.
There will be a mid-day report on the 11AM news from Chicago news.
Airport security at all airports around Chicago has been tightened.
Sad… But No Surprise, wait until Dufus gets out of the White House.
I see that bodaprez is being ghettofabuluos with his new Cubano friends… probably looking for a golf course to play on instead of doing something substantial about what happened today.
Nah, Chief… He’ll probably read about it in the paper the next day or two, then he’ll have someone write a “strongly worded letter” in response.
Strongly worded, as in Cameron’s response? ‘Appalling’ – ‘Savagery’
Nah. More like, “You see, if they had jobs and free stuff and guaranteed health care and weren’t being oppressed by the jooos and the US, they wouldn’t have to act out like that.”
Just heard from a friend, that one of her sons friends and several he was with were among the injured in the Airport attack.
Islamic Extremism must be eradicated. It has to start with the Islamic nations, or it has to end with them. They need to join the 21st Century, and end their religion of hate, intolerance, and oppression.
You wanna go sit in a bar and vent, RB325th? Sounds like you need it.
I go in, I may never come out…I quit going to bars 4/1/1989. I am a big enough ass without the added alcohol inducement.
Having been targeted by terrorist in Europe in the 80’s, knowing people who died on 9/11, being here for the Boston Marathon Bombing…
I will go vent at the gun range, and rebuild that muscle memory, and hope to never need it.
I’ll be going to HSC on Saturday. Get the stress out the good way. Think of those bastards in a good sight picture.
how long are we going to start seeing Muslems dragged out in the streets and exicuted in public.
At some time, someone or some group is going to snap and make Brown Shirts and Hitler look like a nice guy.
Nope. It’s been bred out of them. And us too, apparently.
Don’t be so sure, PN. The concept and term pogrom originated in Europe. And although the word is of Russian origin, the concept and practice in Europe was historically hardly limited to Russia.
A few more incidents like this, and I fear we may begin seeing modern-day European pogroms targeting a different religious group than their traditional targets.
I hope you’re right, Hondo, truly I do. My despair comes from the videos of people standing around, walking by, while a British soldier had his head sawed off in broad daylight on a city street. But I do sincerely hope that I am completely and utterly wrong in my comment — it would mean our civilization still had some kind of chance at survival.
And just to clarify my meaning…I don’t want to see ethnic cleansing. I want to see the decent people left alone, but absolutely no mercy shown to terrorists of any stripe when they’re caught.
Agreed. They can start with Anjem Choudary.
The problem, PN, is that – if it happens – it almost certainly won’t be that clean and “surgical”. A large number of innocents will almost certainly end up dispossessed and/or dead along with the hardcore jihadis.
Don’t give up so easily, PN. We Americans are not nearly the pussified wimps that ISIS has been given to believe.
We still have a few stones to throw.
Settle down. Lars will be here in a minute to explain everything to everyone.
I can hardly wait.
I wonder if the pope will cancel his appointment or maybe screen the participants?
Our local diocese was very choosy about who had their feet washed by the local Bishop. I hope the Vatican would have the sense to show the same discretion.
I doubt it. At least John Paul had seen the Elephant and knew what evil looked like. This joker is believing the lies and spitting them back out. Well, when another Metma Ali Aga takes a shot at him, maybe he will smarten up.
We will have the world’s first ever toe jam biological chemical attack.
Aloha Snackbar!!!!
D’aesh has claimed responsibility. This was a lot quicker than last time, when it took them about 14 hours to do so.
The claim is meaningless. It is in their interest to claim responsibility for the attack even if they had nothing to do with it – it makes them look more scary.
That’s true. What is needed is a notarized statement. Or ISIS can announce the next attack before it happens, but that would probably be dismissed as a lucky guess. We better go with the notary.
Referring to what ChipNASA said, above:
Considering the angry developing among many people in various European countries, with the rise of various vigilante groups that seem to be forming since December last year, if there is NOT street warfare and vigilantism and mob action by these people, I will be very surprised. They all have a great deal of deeply buried anger that has been stirred by these ongoing attacks.
I think this is a powder keg and the fuse is slow, but has definitely been lit. As was clearly demonstrated in 2011, when London was set ablaze, it takes very little to stir the pot.
Ah, I see the contained JV squad has claimed responsibility.
Ralph Peters and a few others have been saying this for a number of years, you push the Euros too far and the Jackboots are going to come out. I think these folks in Syria have not read history and don’t know who they are poking. The leaders might be a bunch of PC Pansies, but there might be another guy with a mustache out there. Wonder how the Jihadis will like being on the wrong end of a European Pogrom. Not that I want to see that but, there is a long history of it in Europe.
If Cuba is now open to travel perhaps good old Danial Bernath will try his luck at gravity again. Best wishes.
One ‘analyst’ on the news this evening said we should not ‘demonize all muslims’.
I agree. We should not. But he also said it is only a few engaged in these acts, compared to the rest of the extremist population. He has his head in the sand if he really believes that. The full demographic if radical terrorists included in ISIS/Daesh may be a percentage of the actual muslim community.
But to say there are only a few of them as opposed to thousands of non-radicalized muslims is indicative of willful ignorance. That would be the same thing as saying that the Nazis were only a few compared to the German population in general, that the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot were only a few compared to the 2 million++ Cambodians they slaughtered, never mind those that survived torture and starvation, and that the Japanese who tortured and starved Allied POWs and took women as sex-slaves during WWII were only a few, and the rest of the Japapnes population were nothing like them.
It is, in fact, the DUMBEST statement by an educated individual I’ve come across in a long time, including the poodle’s ramblings.
When the RC Church was finally forced to face the fact that a number of her priests were child molesters and rapists, it began a soup to nuts program to identify and eradicate that sick element. Are all of the criminals gone from the priesthood? Sadly, the answer is no, I fear. But the approach of priest-candidate selection and sexual abuse reporting, including suspension upon allegation and referral to civil authority has no doubt reduced their number considerably. The Church is global. My point in writing this is that there are steps the “peaceful Muslims” can take, that Muslim countries and Muslim governments can take, if they so choose. There are potential solutions IF Muslims truly want to slow the terrorism.
One last thing. Despite what political hacks are saying on our behalf, I do not stand in solidarity with Belgium or France. I do not even know what the hell that means.
And Cruz is saying we need to monitor Muslim neighborhoods.
While I’m not disagreeing with him per se, you knew the media was going to take that statement and run it into the fucking ground.
OH, so what group did this? Was it:
A) Santa Claus
B) The Easter Bunny
C) Elvis Impersonators on LSD
D) Radical Muslim Males between the ages of 18 and 40.
ALLAH PIGSHIT X 10,000,000,000,000!!!