Happy days are here again

| March 12, 2016

The following is a guest post from our own Ex-PH2;

Flag horizontal format

Voting season is here again. It’s fun, isn’t it?

And who are the candidates? It’s The Trump, the blowhard, making a lot of noise. It’s Rubio, the only real opponent he has, standing up to him. And then there’s the flip side of the coin: Shrillary the potential felon and Bernie the badly aging hippie. Those are your choices. I don’t know what happened to Kasich. He seems to have dropped by the wayside. Carson threw up his hands and left.

Lots of noise comes from both sides of the fence. The closer we get to the real election in the fall, the louder the noise will become. In Chicago, a huge crowd of protesters gathered to riot over the appearance of the Donhair. One of his idjit ‘guards’ – Lewandowski, I think – grabbed a girl reporter’s arm and bruised it. Whine, whine, whine.

Someone suggested that those protesters were paid to show up. Sure, why not? It’s Chicago, after all, where everybody votes, including the dead, and as many times as possible. No electioneering, right? Hah! Every time I went to vote in Chicago, there was someone outside the polling place, but inside the legal limit, telling me how to vote and for whom, and that is when I started using that old response: SHUT THE FUCK UP, ASSHOLE! They didn’t like that, but I offered to take them into the polling place so they could speak to a cop on duty there.

Now we have a pain in the ass candidate who is a public bully with a big mouth, showing up against a former SoS whose ability to lie like a cheap rug from the Big Lots store is widely known.

This looks like a real free-for-all, and I can only add my noise to it and say this: It’s about damned time.

The primaries are well underway. Now the ‘no one I want to vote for’ whining is starting up. Well, grow up. This is not The Senior Prom or that asinine vote for the Homecoming Queen and her Court.

It’s The Government. Like it or not, it is your government. It is your country and your US Constitution guarantees that you have the right to vote in a secret ballot. If you don’t like the candidates, you can write in your own name. Hell, you can write in mine or someone else’s, for that matter.

What does matter is that you get your flabby, whiny ass off the couch, quitcher bitching, and go vote. Vote in the primaries, even if you have to hold your nose to do it. Then vote in the Fall, in November, in the main election. Why? Because if you don’t, then you have nothing to complain about. The candidates did not fail. You fail to support your own country if you don’t vote.

This is America. It’s the ONLY place in the entire world that sets the real standard for the human condition. Why the hell do you think people come here? Why have so many people migrated here from countries where they have no voice at all? This is a melting pot. It isn’t the all-white, boys only club.

I’d like to remind you whiners that black people had the right to vote FAR ahead of women in this country, when the 14th Amendment was passed. It took us girls until 1920 to get a basic human right: the right to vote.

Go look it up.

You guys just take it for granted. The argument was over the meaning of the phrase ‘all men are created equal’, meaning it was a boys’ club, and women were excluded because VAGINAS! BREEDING RIGHTS! Women had the right to vote in England before we had it here in the USA.

This is America. It ain’t some furren country like the Soviet Union (not a country, but a conglomerate) where everybody voted, or ELSE, and for one candidate only. Is that what you want? Because if you don’t go and vote, but pout about the choices like some spoiled little snot, you have only yourself to blame if we do end up like that.

We have choices. If the choices don’t meet our needs, who the hell are we to decide to not vote and stay home? We have an obligation to support the very thing that lets us make choices. It’s a little thing I like to call FREEDOM. I’d like to remind all of you that Richard ‘Tricky Dick’ Nixon got fired because he didn’t do his job properly.

So quit your bitching about Trump/Rubio/whoever and get off your dead ass and go vote. If you don’t, you’ll end up with Shrillary or Bernie the aging hippie instead. Is that what you want?

Go vote in the primaries, and go to the polls in November. And shut the fuck up, asshole!

Category: Politics

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No argument from me, because I agree.

HH6 and I caucused for Dr. Carson. If the blow hard Frat-boi is the Repub in the General Election, I will vote for him.

Not voting is NOT an option.


Sorry to tell you Rubio or (rubber o) is a stinking RINO, that sucker would let everyone in the world migrate here and give away the store…think we can support all those leeches? the hosptals would close, they would be bankrupt from all the free services and no one that wasn’t an alien could get a job…you better pay closer attention to whats going on imho!


Not referring to Rubio. I call Trump a blow-hard Frat-boi.


The RINO is Trump. Really. He’s a Democrat, running as a Republican because he can.

That said, I’ll vote for the Repub, because any of them is better than the two potential Democratic nominees.

2/17 Air Cav

“And who are the candidates? It’s The Trump, the blowhard, making a lot of noise. It’s Rubio, the only real opponent he has, standing up to him.”

Please say that you meant Cruz, not Rubio.


At last count he was about 100 delegates behind the Donald-easy striking distance.

2/17 Air Cav

Just to clarify, 68W58, Cruz was the he you were referring to, not Rubio, whose last gasp will be in FL. As of today, Cruz has more than twice as many delegates as Rubio and Trump has 99 more than Cruz, an insignificant number with the big states pending.


Yes-I was referring to Texas Ted.


Yeah, it was my mistake. My bad. Sorry. But I don’t see a lot of real differences between the two of them.


No differences between Rubio and Cruz? Oy Vey! Many, not the least is that Cruz is the only one left that can catch Trump.
Cruz 2016


Cruz shot himself down when he said Trump voters are low intelligence! spoken like a true GOP RINO!


He was actually riffing off of Trumps comment that “I love the low educated”. I also have my doubts about Trump supporters.


Frankly, I have my own doubts about this entire campaign season.


Good read, but Rubio instead of Cruz struck me as seriously wrong, too.


Well, between Cruz and Rubio, there’s not much real difference, IMHO. Rubio hasn’t actually dropped out just yet. He’s hanging in there, but Cruz is quite close behind The Donhair. He’s simply not defying him.

What may happen is that at the RNC, either Rubio OR Cruz gets the nod from the Donhair. I don’t see Trump ignoring the Latino vote, period. He’s much more pragmatic than that.

2/17 Air Cav

If you mean that Cruz is not mudslinging to the degree Rubio was, I agree. Rubio is toast. He is also a liar and a turncoat. He is a sonovabitch. Cruz has been a rock-solid conservative throughout and even stood up to Bitch McConnell. Rubio will go the way of Jeb Bush and the other pretenders to conservativism.


Plus Ted just picked up endorsements from Mike Lee and Justin Amash. That should help him firm up support from the libertarian wing with the more libertarian western states yet to come.


Amnesty and the Gang of 8 killed any real chance for Rubio in this election, and is a striking difference between Rubio and Cruz. If anyone is going to stop the Trump train, it’s Cruz.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, indeed. Rubio took his chances sidling up to The Insiders–and lost. That aside, Cruz is not a consolation prize. I have liked him for years now and will make a fine president. Trump is on top and has a lot going for him but he was in bed with the very people he claims to oppose now. Part of that is pragmatism. He needed liberals and progressives at various times to effect or stop legislation. How else does one explain his donations? At other times, he didn’t just use them, he was one of them.


No, Rubio is not “hanging in there”. He is hoping to throw enough of a monkey wrench into things to get to a convention and steal the nomination from either Trump or Cruz. Rubio does not have any mathematical chance of catching Trump. None.

Zero Ponsdorf

Well said sailor, but I found “So quit your bitching about Trump/Rubio/whoever and get off your dead ass and go vote.” troubling. You got a camera hidden around here somewhere; don’t you?


Yes, Zero, and it’s in your medicine cabinet.


Is that the one with the booze or the drugs.


Jonn, may I suggest you re-run this piece Friday, November 4th?

I agree with the sentiments here completely. Conservatives lost the 2012 presidential election because so many evangelical Christians, who are normally bedrock conservative voters, stayed home, rather than vote for a Mormon. We can thank those evangelicals for all the damage Obama has inflicted on this nation since 2012.

In 2016 all conservatives damned well better turn out and vote regardless how much their sense of ideological purity may be offended, because staying home could result in one or more leftist Supreme Court justices who will shred the Bill of Rights. Your vote for whomever the Republican candidate is may well save you from having to physically fight later to retain your guns.

Yes, it’s that serious.

Zero Ponsdorf

Agreed as to the crucial nature of our vote in November, however this old tune lightens my mood some – while being oddly on point?


Poetrooper, staying home is NOT an option this time.

We need to spread the word if only to keep those two democraps out of the White House. It’s our house, too, you know.


“We need to spread the word if only to keep those two democraps out of the White House…”

Good point, Ex-PH2.

This is what I don’t get when researching the legal voting age in the US (unless it is not true):

•In Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, and Wyoming 17-year-old Democrats may caucus, but are barred from participating in the Republican caucus.”

Dave Hardin

There is plenty of blame for our current situation to go around.

Its not just the Evangelical Christians. I observed many who have no religious affiliation, Agnostics and Atheists do worse than just sit at home.

They voted for a man that did not hold, and was not going to represent their political views. They voted for him because they put their religious opinions before their civil responsibilities. In this particular case, they voted against a Mormon rather than for a President.

The average person with no religious conviction tends to lean to the left. Many of us do not. I will give it a complete stab in the dark, but it is probably 60-40 to the left.

When Jefferson built his wall of separation, it was not to separate citizens…it was to separate religious zealotry of any kind from ruling the people.

The polarization of people who are free to believe as they wish has been used to divide and conquer the masses that do not hold the political ideology of either side.

Most people of faith I know respect my right to believe otherwise. I do not personally know one Atheist that does not believe and would fight to protect the rights of their neighbors to worship as they choose. Myself included.

The result of this polarized view is the loss of a responsible and effective government. Responsible to the people and effective with their money.

Neither the Republican or Democratic parties have many in their ranks that can provide the leadership to govern responsibly. The few who could can not get the majority in the middle to mobilize.

Our government continues to seize the wealth of its citizens at an alarming rate at all levels. They are simply pandering to a now majority of the population that receive a subsidy from the government in some form.

There simply are not enough of us left to pay the debt being created by government.


“Our government continues to seize the wealth of its citizens…” to which I would add corporate America.


Ex: Well said.


Thank you. I will keep saying it, no matter what.


Yep, well said and on point. I also blame those who sat home with giving us 4 more years, and the risk of the country becoming irretrievable.

Got no problem voting for Trump, or Cruz, or any of the candidates who stood there for the first debate. Any of them are far better than the alternatives the Dems might offer.

No, I don’t know who Trump would appoint to the Supremes. It’s a bit of a crap shoot. We do know that the other side would appoint far lefties, so the chance that Trump would appoint someone favorable to American business, to include his, seems pretty likely.

Roger in Republic

These protestors crack me up. If conservatives were as hard hearted as they claim, half of these people would have starved to death for lack of welfare checks. More than half of the latino students would be looking for work for lack of free college money. When the pendulum swings it often swings very far to the other side. Work and eat, don’t work and starve. I don’t care which you do so long as it’s on your dime.

A Proud infidel®™

CTHULU 2016!!!


Chthulu-why pick the LESSER of two evils?

Perry Gaskill

An interesting rant, Ex. The sheer awesomeness of your ire spun up is enough to cause some of us emotional distress and want to hug our service dogs.

Still, there’s a subtle aspect that bothers me, and it gets to the root of the current political climate. It might be pointed out that when the 19th Amendment was passed, it took a majority of men to do it. Something that seems to elude a feminist faction who find it easier to simply dump all males into the hog trough of oppression.

It’s also not hard to see the same thing happening with the black community. My great grandfather fought with the Union cavalry in the Civil War, and not once have I ever heard a black person say they appreciate the blood spilled by Union troopers in places like Shiloh and Chickamauga. Reducing things to white oppression is to paint in monochrome a picture of good and evil.

Politics as victimhood. Somebody did the bad thing, now they need to pay.

Some years ago, this was back when Detroit’s car business was getting its ass handed to it by the Japanese, there was a management concept floating around called Theory Z. Basically what the theory said was that Japanese management style, due apparently to a cultural artifact, was different from the American in that companies in Japan saw conflict resolution as a matter of focus on fixing a problem, and not fixing the blame for the problem.

It seems to me that if the current political climate had a little more Theory Z, and a little less vitriol, people might be more inclined to vote because they could identify as stakeholders, and not as audience for those who can shout the loudest.


Yeah, I have an answer to that ‘victim’ crap, Perry. My great-grandfather and his three brothers, their uncle, and my grandmother’s uncle all fought on the Union side in the Civil War.

I have enough stuff like that in my ancestry column to tell these ‘privilege’ whiners to go pound sand. I think I can truly say that if it had not been for THOSE men and others like them, the ‘privilege’whiners might have no privileges at all. This frothing at the mouth over stuff that these whiners read about in a book, a book with a distorted POV, is going to come to an end at some point.




I got you beat ph2….one of my ancestors fought with Francis Marion, the swamp fox, on my moms side one was a Lt with the Union and on my Dad’s side, several were with the confederacy! so iz jis be a mixxed up kid ya hear?


Huzzah….got’s Union vets on my side as well. Have the tattered 30 star flag their sister made that they carried into battle.
Same side goes even further back, arrived at Plymouth, 20 years after the Mayflower. I never miss the opportunity to vote.


If you don’t vote for trump then you have voted for the witch and the democrat party. Four years with this new mess and you will probably never get another chance to vote Republican.


Actually, Trump does not beat Hillary in any head to head match up in any poll that I’ve found. Cruz does and Cruz has fought for our Constitutional rights before SCOTUS and called Mcconnell a liar from the floor of the Senate.


If Trump is the nominee we won’t get a chance to vote Republican. I don’t believe his alleged conservative conversion for a minute. If he is actually trying to win, it’s by saying whatever he thinks it will take to get him there; I don’t think he actually believes half (or more) of the things he says. And although I usually mock conspiracy theories, I can’t shake the feeling that Trump’s is the ultimate reality show performance: a put-on designed to divide the Republican Party and assure his old pal Hillary’s victory. If it’s the latter, the strategy appears to be working; the latest polls I’ve seen show Hillary beating Trump easily in a head-to-head race, with the other Republicans either beating Hillary or no worse than neck-and-neck with her.

I’m hoping that Cruz will pull through and snag the nomination; I’ll have a candidate I can vote for without hating myself in the morning.


One columnist’s point of view on this is as follows:
In politics, there can be no doubt that the dynamics are changing rapidly, especially in the USA. Donald Trump is revolutionizing the Republican Party. Conservatives are losing their power, while a new breed of independents and dissatisfied Democrats are crossing over to support him. Others, however, are leaving the Republican Party, and will probably sit out this election. You either love him or hate him. His approval and disapproval ratings are extreme, as are those of Democratic contender Hillary Clinton. – MMA Weekly Cycles.

He also says that bodaprez will probably nominate another to SCOTUS before long, and we really won’t like this next choice.


I have my doubts about all of those cross over votes and people changing party affiliation to vote in the primaries for Trump. Seems odd to me.

I’ve read that bodaprez will nominate someone as early as this coming week. We will see if Mcconnell has grown a pair or not. I’m in the not camp


No matter who you choose, get off your ass and vote. Millions have died to give you the right to do so. If you don’t vote then shut the hell up with what happens.


Failure to vote allows the establishment politicians to act badly.If you can’t stand either GOP/DEM candidate then vote for someone else.

Start putting a few Independents or Libertarians in office to counter the corruption maybe the establishment will take notice and change their behavior.

2/17 Air Cav

“No matter who you choose, get off your ass and vote.” I have never subscribed to that admonition for a couple of reasons. For one, I prefer that people who are ignorant of issues and not truly knowledgeable about candidates just stay away from the polls. I really dislike the notion that someone who thought oBaMa was going to make her car payments for her effectively cancelled out my vote. Two, direct elections we do not have and we do not have a universal system for delegates, allowing some delegates to cast their votes for whomever they personally choose, while others are locked. Additionally there is the winner take all versus apportioned distribution approach in use. Third, voting is akin to the 2nd Amendment in one regard: One has a right to vote and a right to possess a firearm, generally, but that doesn’t mean one must possess firearm or that one must vote. Fourth, Congress does many things which anger me and has many members that I loathe. Am I to STHU b/c I cannot vote against them or for someone to replace them? And then there’s the Supreme Court, today more powerful than Congress itself. It gave us obamacare. It gave us abortion. It gave us gay marriage. All these things and so much more and, yet, what happened to my vote? I didn’t get one, that’s what. Lastly, if someone wants to cast a vote for anyone who wants to transform America, I prefer that someone stay the hell home.


I would love to see none of the above with each party and once each group has their person, then lets vote. I can hear somebody telling me to stop trying to make sense of something that doesn’t…

2/17 Air Cav

jonp. I should have said that I like your take on matters and we have shared space here for a long time. I respect your view. I just don’t agree with it because, at heart, I am an elitist bastard, I guess.


lol, differences of opinion is what makes this place great and what most of us on this site fought for. Disagree away!


If we need to do anything with the electoral process, one thing that is practical is to either eliminate the electoral college, or change it so that it spreads the vote to all candidates.

It is an antiquated system that was meant for use in a time when communications were slow and the population density was much lower than it is now.

If the elections were decided on the popular vote instead of the EC’s all-for-one approach, several things might have had different results. Same thing, if the per-state votes of the EC had been split along actual poll results at the ballot box, instead of going all-for-one at the end. The EC disenfranchises states with lower population densities during national elections. It’s time that was changed.

And in regard to what I just said, I can hear the howls of dismay growing now.


The electoral college was intended to prevent a handful of concentrated population areas from dominating elections.

Absent the EC, a handfull of cities would determine the President. (Large and corrupt, mostly)

The US constitution was crafted by people who saw the danger of straight-out majority rule: the mob easily overwhelms the one or the few. And the mob does so with gusto.

The original format was: representatives of the people, elected by same, representatives of States, where the state govenments chose their senators, and the balanced election of the executive, where the rather clever EC made sure that voters in rural rhode island had some realistic say in the vote.

I would keep the EC, unless you want to see this great nation torn asunder, when the “don’t matter anymore” crowd says “enough!”


Well, the heavily-populated areas still dominate the elections, which means that the only votes in New York state that really count are those in NYC, and the voters in the rest of the state don’t have a real voice. Changing the EC to split the votes according to the ballot box might resolve that.

Same thing in Illinois: Chicago’s voting population outweighs the rest of the state, which means they aren’t heard at all.

It was just an idea.


Exactly. If the Electoral College was designed to avoid the “Tyranny of the Majority” as some claim, it has failed miserably. To be fair, I don’t see how any human being, at the time of the Republics birth, could have envisioned the size of many US cities, let alone monsters like NYC or L.A.

Like here in Las Vegas, the population density dominates the rural population of the rest of the state, so the mythical “Tyranny of the Majority” is now a matter of fact, and not a mere fable to guard against.

And IMO, it has the Republic by the throat.


The problem is that in most states the Electoral College votes are winner-take-all generated by the popular vote. All the lefties squeal about voter disenfranchisement – winner take all hits close to 50% of the population. Say you’re a Democrat in Texas, or a Republican in Kalifornia – effectively you have no vote. Now say the electoral votes are split proportionately and the state with 50 electoral votes splits 60-40 – under WTA one candidate gets all 50 votes. A truly representative system would split those electoral votes 30-20, not disenfranchising the minority voters.


I just watched the opening of the Trump rally in Kansas City, 20 to 30 minutes or so, carried by Fox.

There was a series of protesters disrupting the show, and he handled it beautifully.

If he is the Republican nominee, I will vote for him with a clear conscience, because his character suits the times.


The trouble for Cruz is that the winner-take-all states start this week .. and Trump is going to win at least 3, probably four, and maybe all five.

Which I’m fine and dandy with since I’m not a fan of Cruz in the slightest. Where it gets interesting for me is in a Trump v Clinton matchup, my dislike of Mrs. Clinton generally exceeds that of the issues I have with Mr. Trump.

I think, realistically, a lot will come down to VP picks and how things shape up down the road, policy-wise. The general election cycle is often a different beast from primary season.

Silentium Est Aureum

I’ve cast my primary ballot. And it sure as hell wasn’t for Trump.


This is to the retired CPO at USNAV Retired:

I wasn’t aiming solely at military, ex- or otherwise. I was aiming at everyone. There are far too many people who do not vote because the candidates aren’t -whatever- and/or there’s no one they want to vote for. And then they complain about the election results.

My message was if you don’t want Shrillary or Bernie the Hippie in the White House, then you’d better vote for the other side of the political fence.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Great post, Ma’am. And reinforces what I have been saying for years:
“If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome of an election.”


Was undecided about who I supported until the past 48 hours. I am now all in with Trump.

He was not my first choice. He wasn’t even my second choice. But he is now the ONLY candidate who is standing up to the bullies on the left. Blaming him for the tactics of Bill Ayers et al is absurd. For the blame to be coming from Reps is just crazy.

Americans have reached their limit of tolerance for hypocrites, terrorists, and other bullies who consider themselves as winners when they can shout obscenities loud enough to cause normal, sane people to leave the area.


This is one of the few times I regret not having a working TV. The snippets from the news services don’t quite cut it.


This is my take.


I am not yet a Trumpeter, but I am keeping a careful eye on what he says and does, as well as on what happens around him. I may at some point decide into which pool I want to cast my vote.

I am leaning toward Trump as it is, and if this childish nonsense going on at these gatherings does not stop, I will most likely be all in for Trump. Just sayin’.

As I said, I do regret not having a working TV right now, but there is a place I can go to if I want to see what is happening this campaign season.


It is your country and your US Constitution guarantees that you have the right to vote in a secret ballot.

I don’t believe the US Constitution says anything about a secret ballot.


I wonder about the definition of “secret”.

Some States make known to John and Jane Public (the Internet) a person’s voting preferance/registration when it comes to that person’s Party choice.

Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Connecticut are some examples of public information.

Additionally, if one makes a financial contribution to a Party, that information may be public information as well.

L. Taylor

There was a time just a month ago when a head to head match-up between Hillary and Trump would have been a disaster for liberals. Trump’s base is motivated to vote and their high turnout against the tepid support liberals have for Hillary might have not only cost liberals the white house but could have put contested races at all levels at risk.

However, the level of bigotry, ignorance, and violence the Drumpf movement has displayed is now motivating liberals to turnout, not necessarily in support for Hillary, but instead in resolute opposition to Drumpf and his ignorant low information fascist-bigot political movement.

Drumpf is motivating liberals to participate in in the process in order to oppose Drumpf. So Drumpf is now helping both Hillary and Bernie.

My only concern is that he is starting to motivate centrist republicans to turnout to vote against him as well, while they will give Hillary the win, they will tip other contested races toward republicans.

I expect to see Kasich to do much better in primaries moving forward due to the increased turnout by centrist republicans now motivated to turn out in opposition of the Trump movement. Considering Kasich actually BEATS Hillary in a head to head match right now (a lot of centrist liberal do not like or Trust her) and he polls better against Bernie that any other GoP candidate, a Kasich nomination is actually the GoPs best chance of winning the white house. The GoP establishment knows that and will do whatever they can to get a Kasich nomination moving forward.

2/17 Air Cav

So, the Left would like to help the Republicans choose the Republican nominee. Isn’t that thoughtful of them? We are told that Ohio Governor J. Kasich is the Republicans’ best chance for a competitive head-to-head against Wide Load or Old Commie. Hey, at least one poll result said so and you know polls: they are never wrong. No matter that Kasich is in a fight right now just to win his home state. No matter that he is far behind Rubio in the delegate count, the same Rubio whose candidacy is about to reach its expiration date. No matter that Kasich is so distanced from Trump and Cruz that they are on one radar screen and he’s on another. And now that Mitt Romney, the guy who could have skated to victory in the last presidential election if he had a single hair on his ass, is supporting Kasich, how can Kasich possibly lose? Easily, for this reason alone: both the Left and the RINOs would like to see him win. And that ain’t gonna happen.

2/17 Air Cav

Rubio’s expiration date has been reached on, of all dates, the ides of March. How wonderfully fitting, the turncoat SOB. He’s the junior senator from FL whose election to office with the help of the Tea Party he squandered by being a charter member of the infamous Gang of Eight. He’s toast and I am smiling.


Latest poll results:

Shrillary is leading the Bernout by a growing margin. Her voice is beginning to crack, too.

Kasich won Ohio 100%, but Trump won elsewhere.

It will be Kirk against Duckworth in the fall in Illinois.

It’s going to be interesting.