Sunday morning feel good stories

| March 13, 2016

First up this morning – in Salt Lake City, Utah, a 37-year-old resident found a 69-year-old man with a knife in his yard and a confrontation ensued and escalated to the point that the resident felt a need to protect himself with a gun. The intruder was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived.

In Santa Clarita, California, an Hispanic man was pounding on doors and windows of folks in an apartment complex, by the time the police got there, he had broken a window, climbed through it and he was shot by a resident. He was DOT (dead over there) at the hospital.

When two men kicked in her door, a woman in Mount Forest Township, Michigan confronted them with her handgun. They fled the scene at a high rate of speed before she could employ her firearm.

In Coshocton, Ohio, a woman who happened to have a concealed weapon license and a handgun encountered four people she didn’t recognize leaving a relative’s home. She chased them down and caught two of the four and held them for the police. Another relative led police to the other two who were hiding nearby.

A business owner in Atlanta, Georgia, Lance Toland, paid for his employees to train with firearms and bought each of the a Taurus “The Judge” handgun which fires .45 Long Colt and .410 gauge shotgun rounds. None of his businesses have been involved in crimes, but he’s just looking ahead.

The family of the Miami, Florida teen who was killed during a burglary and an altercation with a woman on Friday is angry about his death. His cousin, Nautika Harris, told the journalists “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.” By stealing, which is perfectly acceptable, I suppose, when his family won’t clothe him or bring him up right.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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The Miami follow-up story shows that just when you think you’ve seen it all . . . you haven’t.

Sheesh. Sounds to me like the local PD needs to start watching “Cousin Nautika”. Closely.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Yes, there are those who can defend the home invaders and burglars. And they say it like they believe it:
His cousin, Nautika Harris, told the journalists “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”


Good morning.

All good stories……….BUT, the Miami story about the “victim’s” point of view??

Absolutely mind boggling!


Nautika? Like Nautica, the clothing line? Yea, that kid wasn’t doomed from birth.


It’s Naw Teeka. Like Shit is pronounced
Shie eet.


Years ago I saw some paperwork for a young woman with the first name Toilette. I was told it was pronounced twa-LET.


Possibly named after the first shirt her mother shoplifted?

A Proud Infidel®™

Just ask her brother whose name is Reebok.


Reebauq….fixed it for you


Wife heard from an EMT she worked with of a woman who had to be LifeFlighted here who named her kid Ta-a… Tay -ah, Tah-ah, ?? No, it was Tadasha….


Back in my days on road patrol, I encountered a young lady named Airmeter. It was pronounced “Ahmeta”.
Momma named her Airmeter, because they put her out during childbirth, because she couldn’t bear the pain. When she awakened, she saw a gauge on the wall of the recovery room, and asked the nurse what it was. The nurse explained it was an oxygen flow meter, or air meter.


Before I forget: today’s armed citizen batting line. 8 total perps; 2 DRT, 4 in custody (but unventilated), 2 on the run, 0 successful crimes. That’s 6 for 6 with 2 HR, plus 2 walks. Damned impressive.


And one outta the gene pool.


How did I know that you’d provide a play by play – lol.

Seems as though N A U T I K A is batting .1000!


Yeah, sure, cousin Nautika, happy to consider HIS point of view – he be dead due to his (and apparently your) attitude that it is OK to take what is not yours. We call that the natural result of unlawful behavior. His choice to take the chance. Perhaps his death will help you to reconsider YOUR risk assessments of future interactions with strangers.

OK, done considering his side of this.


They won’t. They think they are entitled to steal what they want. You know, because Black Lives and all that bullshit.


“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view”

This article is from a satire site, right?

How he gonna get his money to have clothes? well, there is this thing called work which is done at what we call a job. Do it and you get paid.

Hack Stone

Maybe if they did not charge $400 and more for Air Jordans, they would not have to steal as much. I bet Bernie Sanders has a plan for every inner city kid to get a pair.


Think of all of the clothes money they’re saving now…

Silentium Est Aureum

He was really into education.

Yeah, dipshit got a hard life lesson, for sure

A Proud Infidel®™

“His cousin, Nautika Harris, told the journalists “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?”

Another product of the entitlement generations that thinks they’re automatically entitled to whatever they want when they want it because of their skin color and where they live. I wonder if they’re both say, fourth generation welfare/public housing recipients?

J Wright

The criminals point of view:

The business end of a .45 ACP