20% of valor medals were awarded in secret since 9/11

| March 1, 2016

Silver star

USAToday reports that 216 valor medals were award in secret during the war against terror, probably because of the increased involvement of special warfare units.

Since 9/11, the 216 medals were awarded in secret for missions that cannot be publicly discussed, according to the records. One Distinguished Service Cross, the second-highest medal awarded to soldiers, and three Navy Crosses, the equivalent medal for sailors and Marines, have been issued for courageous acts during classified operations. The Navy awarded 112 Silver Stars, and the Army 100 more for undisclosed actions. The Air Force has not issued a Service Cross or Silver Star in secret since 9/11.

A number of people have sent us the link thinking that it increases the likelihood that phonies will start claiming secret medals. Probably, but only because they don’t understand that the award itself isn’t a secret, it’s still in folks’ records, what is secret is the circumstances that earned the medal for the individual. There might not be a citation, but there will be orders and an annotation of the award in their record jacket.

Besides, if I’m questioning you about a Silver Star, you didn’t do a very good job of keeping it secret, did you? Secret medals aren’t stuck to the window of your pickup truck or posted on Facebook and kept secret very long.

Category: Who knows

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Let me repeat this for folks that have a problem with reading comprehension….

” The award itself isn’t a secret, it’s still in your records, what is secret is the circumstances that earned the medal for the individual.”

” The award itself isn’t a secret, it’s still in your records, what is secret is the circumstances that earned the medal for the individual.”

” The award itself isn’t a secret, it’s still in your records, what is secret is the circumstances that earned the medal for the individual.”

Oh and let’s throw out Senior Chief Shipley’s quote while we’re at it….

“There are records of every man who has qualified for the title of SEAL; there have been and will continue to be secret missions, but there are NO secret SEALs.”

“There are records of every man who has qualified for the title of SEAL; there have been and will continue to be secret missions, but there are NO secret SEALs.”

“There are records of every man who has qualified for the title of SEAL; there have been and will continue to be secret missions, but there are NO secret SEALs.”



The mission was so secret even I didn’t know I went.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice one.


Said every drone pilot ever.

(while sipping a slushy while playing a console game)


There is a documentary on Netflix about drone pilots and PTSD.
Haven’t watched it.
Got no time for losers.

Peter the Bubblehead

That statement could be true for some submariners. Just saying.

Silentium Est Aureum

Like my first underway, spending 60 days cranking.


I would tell you how I got my NDSM, but it’s secret.


Wish you could tell us how the 1st SEAC of the JCS got 3 NDSM, but I guess only SGM (Retired) William Joseph Gainey of the Gainey Cup will keep that secret with him until he goes to the grave. And most likely on his headstone,he will be recognized as a Veteran Era Veteran, even though he was born in 1956, graduated from High School in 1975 and came on Active Duty in July 1975. He is not very knowledable on the Delayed Entry Program. He needs to be nominated as the Supporting Cast of the Michael Killam story. And so does Bill Schwarz( Retired Navy) of the Shriners in Colorado who is still supporting Edward William Richards who claims to have been awarded his PH during WW2, even though Richards was born in 1932. Schwarz has even admitted Richards Colorado car tags is a PH car tag. Have emailed Schwarz twice about Richards records and as usual, no replies. The only way to get all 4 of their attention is to have that type of SV tournimant with the Enablers or Supporting Cast identified. The same goes for the other enablers of other phonies.


You are spot on about “Secret awards”. The citation will be nonspecific about the mission and will only cover what the person actually did to deserve the award. Awards are public record. The phonies have watched too many Rambo and Chuck Norris movies.


Until it was taken down recently, you could find a copy of the Distinguished Service Cross Orders and Citation on the Army’s publications pages. While it mentioned the soldier’s name, the citation did not mention the actual location.

The Marines made the decision to keep both their member’s name classified for the Navy Cross.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I’d tell you how I got my seven GCM’s, but it’s classified at security level “RABID WOMBAT”…


I’m cleared for “Flatulent Rhinoceros” and “Sleepy Weasel” so I should be able to access “Rabid Wombat” records.

FYI “Flatulent Rhinoceros” and “Sleepy Weasel” were actual names I submitted for platoon level ops. They made it passed the Company Commander to the BN Co, who was not amused.


Well, I guess your Bn Cdr wouldn’t have liked my two favorite candidates, either: FTXs “Rigid Crank” and “Giant Cluster”.



What? No ‘Languishing Richard’ or ‘Crapweasel Patrol’?

Old Trooper


Damn, he just got over Macho Grande.


You know, I’d have sworn that didn’t look like it was filmed anywhere near Taylor, TX. (smile)


SSS missions. Super Secret Squirrelly stuff.

Tom Huxton

BTDT Got my SS shoulder patch

Green Thumb

Think Bob “The Maggot” Hay.


2/17 Air Cav

Here you go. Here’s mine. I framed it.

“Be it known that ****** ****** is awarded the ********** for action in the *************, *************** while engaged in ******************** on ** **** ****. [Details of grounds for award intentionally omitted, pursuant to Special Order **-****] This is in keeping with the highest traditions of the ********************************.”

2/17 Air Cav

And in case anyone doubts me, I’ll have you know that I am looking at the framed, printed citation at this very minute. So, don’t doubt me.


I Read this in the Army Times.. 100 bucks says a bunch of turds show up claiming to have a few of these high speed awards in a few months to a year or so Lol….


I asked my cat how he got his awards. He blinked, yawned, and said “I sucked up to the judges. How d’ya think I got ’em?”


At this stage any public display/mention of military awards I just automatically think it’s fake.


I resemble that remark. Looking at the article it says that the Air Farce has not given out and secret medals. That is not true.

Even though my DD 214 shows that I retired in 1995; in my mind I have received many secret medals from “secret missions” that I have done most weekends and some Wednesdays, since I have “retired”.

I cannot talk about them here; but if come riding with me with the Super-Secret Squirrelly MC club I can tell you all about them. I would post a picture of my Vest but it is also classified and can only be access by riding with me.

I do (or will) have certificates to prove all of them as soon Frank gets them to me. I wrote him because he has a way to recover (forge)anything that I need.

If you want to contact me you have to wait; my e-mail is down awaiting Hillary getting another server. She offered a deal that I could not pass up. She also guarantied the security of my e-mails. She said nobody would have time or want for my e-mails; they would be too busy with hers. //SARC OUT


My CSM hates me because I have a SS license plate. Or is it that I put the SS plate on my car because my CSM hated me?
Cant remember now. PTSD, TBI, and all that.


One of my favorite awards is the Order of the Mistletoe Belt Buckle.