Tuesdays with Claymore

| February 23, 2016

Poor, stupid, white…Republican

To the face

Might want to worry about your own convention, sparky.

Every body wants to rule the world

Are these the droids you’re looking for?

Didn’t see that coming…

Jar Jar Biden

As if the Cubs didn’t have enough on their plate

I’m going to guess ‘racist’.

Beyonce’s not responsible for white people killing cops. What?

How do you destroy that which has no life

Hey, did y’all know John Kerry was in Vietnam?

Obamacare “not the problem”…yeah, right.

You white people need to learn your place

¡Ay, caramba!

Well, if the DUmpster fits…

Berning for Trump!

Clinton the political assassin

Hillary hates brown people

It’s Utopia, really

Gun control thread derailed

Haters gonna hate hate hate

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Somehow, it’s good news week. The DUmb & DUmbers are turning their backs on shrillary? That fellah who makes the posts almost sounds vaguely sane? Did I misread his intentions?

What’s happening? Am I in the Twilight Zone or something, and nobody told me?

Enough of that. I almost put the lyrics to the Hedgehoppers Anonymous song ‘Good News Week’, but changed my mind.

Those $20/hr jobs? Oh, they left a LONG time ago, you idiots. Or it sort of looks that way, doesn’t it? Well, no, it’s not true. There are plenty of jobs with bennies. You* lazy twinks just don’t want to work at them. It’s that simple.

*’You’ refers to the SCDUs who inhabit that tunnel of d’oh.

John S.

So much for a degree they couldn’t easily monetize.


The Obamacare thread is the one that makes me shake my damn head. Prior to Bobo fucking around with 1/3rd of the economy (hey, it’s not a tax…but it is if it makes it legal!), I had some pretty decent insurance. Not great, but decent. After ACA, our state administered plan had to conform to the “gold-silver-bronze” bullshit that the rest of the nation had been suckered into. With that and the changes to everything from how much you could put into your HRA, what constitutes a “medical device” (plastic fucking tubing????), to a $10k family deductable, my insurance is basically there for catastrophic care. My sleep doctor wants me to have an updated study so she can track progress…the last time I had this done was in 2009. It was almost 100% covered then. Today, MY portion (of a 75/25 split) is nearly $4500. Guess what…I will not be getting a new sleep study done any time soon. So when assholes try to whine about their coverage and simultaneously try to say Obamacare isn’t the reason for the bullshit they’re dealing with, I want to throat punch them.


Keep a dreams journal. That’s less expensive than a doctor.

I have Medicare and the VA. It’s nice, but the VA doesn’t take Medicare. I’d get just as good care and better rates from my veterinarian, and no waiting.

That line about ‘dropping or refusing someone is against the law per ACA’ – just how dumb are these people, that they actually TRUST the government to do something like handle health insurance?

And I remember when I had an HMO that paid 100% on just about everything, copayment on prescriptions, and a zero deductible for any major medical. I also had a Flexcare Savings account to cover those copayments. Those days are history.

Now I have a headache.


Well, the sleep study is more for the fact my brain “forgets” to breathe while I’m sleeping, so I have to be attached to a machine that will breathe for me when these apnea events strike. It’s called non-obstructive sleep apnea and it sucks ass.


Sorry to hear that. I thought it was bad dreams. My bad.


No worries…there are bad dreams too. 🙁

John S.

Having to wear a face mask like Maverick fom “Top Gun” is a pain, but not waking up in a fog makes it worth it for me.


That’s only about 50% of it for me…I also have to take a Schedule III narcotic to stay awake during the day. Not only is that expensive, it’s a pain in the ass because of the strange side-effects.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”

And the FSA (and others) gets dorked in the squeakhole over their healthcare coverage… “but it’s not Obamacare’s fault”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The arrogance of the people on DU is often quite amazing to me. They attempt to assess why Republicans vote the way they do, often expressing the concept that it must be because Republicans need to feel superior to someone in society, they do with this with such obvious condescension that the irony of their explanation is lost on them. The problem with DU’ers is they think the dems can do no wrong and the repubs can do no right, when sadly the truth is neither party is interested in advancing the economic concerns of the nation’s middle class because neither party is obligated to the middle class. Both parties are obligated to their 1% masters and their actions are consistent proof of that obligation. NAFTA didn’t pass with republican only support….both parties conspired to screw the middle class on that deal. The same with the favored nation trading status for China, both parties “helped” the United States with that move. We the people have willingly ceded control over our future to a mere two parties both of which are owned part and parcel by Wall Street interests. We, the vapid voters have decided we’d rather engage in idiotic hyperbole over cake bakers than whether or not anyone will actually have jobs that allow us to buy those cakes. We the non-engaged electorate have abdicated our responsibility to our children and allowed those who would sell uranium to the Russians to run our government. We willingly cede our economic freedoms to a two party system wholly owned by big money. The truly sad part is how many of our fellow citizens actually believe they have a choice between different candidates during the election season. This time around, they just might have two options but the reality is those two option are also thirty year products of the very same system both claim they will deconstruct. We’ve given away our choices by refusing to consider voting for someone with a different letter than we’d like after their name. We’ve allowed these politicians to split us into tribes like some third world… Read more »


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sadly this is all too apt a setting…


Maybe it’s time to revive the Whigs.


The only difference between France in the late 18th Century and us is that they called it an aristocracy and we call it a plutocracy. Similar solutions are, however, to be encouraged.

John S.

Robspierre went a little to chop happy for a while there.

B Woodman

Sorry, Claymore, I could only partially get through the first one “Poor, Stupid, White. . .Republican”, without having my head explode. It’s too early in the AM and I haven’t ingested enough liquid caffeine yet to be able to tolerate that much weapons grade stoopidity.


What’s hilarious is that they think people spend more than 1 minute a day actively contemplating the demise of brown/gay people. Not only do I NOT care, as long as those same groups of people leave me alone, I’m golden. The fastest way to get me wondering how to oppose someone, regardless of who they’re sleeping with, or how much melanin they have in their skin, is to tell me I’m financially responsible for them on some level. Other than that, I just DGAF.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That’s because you can be counted among Heinlein’s surly curmudgeons…as can I an most likely a fair host of others.