Can you imagine them in basic training?
Over at American Thinker this morning is an article by Rick Moran recounting the results of a visit to Rutgers University by a conservative speaker. Milo Yiannopoulis, a tech editor at Breitbart News spoke to these special snowflakes and so traumatized them that this transpired:
“Students and faculty members held a wound-licking gathering at a cultural center on campus where students described feeling scared hurt and discriminated against,” as a result of hearing the Breitbart editor’s views.
“One student at the event told the Targum that they ‘Broke down crying,’ after the event while another reported that he felt ‘scared to walk around campus the next day.’ According to the report, ‘many others’ said they felt ‘unsafe’ at the event and on campus afterwards.”
“‘It is upsetting that my mental health is not cared about by the University,’ said one student at the event. ‘I deserve an apology; everyone in this room deserves an apology.’”
“A number of organizations were at the event to offer support to the poor traumatized students.”
Just consider that some of these wusses could end up being military officers although with their leftist indoctrination, it’s doubtful. And if you want to see how threatening this ogre, Milo Yiannopoulis is, just Google his name.
Go read the entire article at American Thinker.
Category: Politics
“Just consider that some of these wusses could end up being military officers although with their leftist indoctrination, it’s doubtful.”
Astroturfing is a well established practice. There’ll always be that. And, these little darlings are world famous for not taking reality into account in any way, shape or form while decision making. No telling what idiot brain fantasy these weak-sucks can dream up to motivate themselves into wanting to wear a uniform.
On the other hand, they don’t need to actually join up to work their destructionist ways on the military. All that’s required is for them to join up with whatever outrage about the military is popular on twatter, facefuckbook or whatever else is possessed by the demon socialist comms network, and the spineless, sniveling degenerates that run our country on both sides of the isle will cave to the outrage of the day. They always do.
Being that they are at Rutgers and crying just from hearing someone speak about a subject, I’m guessing these bags of dick already have a job setup for them by Daddy or Mommy’s business associate after they graduate.
They won’t “need” to be in that icky nasty military, nor in the “real world” because Mommy and Daddy are still protecting them (and probably still breastfeeding them as well)
The really ironic part of this is I used to date someone (a long time ago) who joined the US Army Reserve, attended Rutgers for 4 years, graduated, then went OCS, so it is not unheard of.
Don’t ask me how she turned out because I lost touch with her right around 9/11. I heard some of what went on with her life through a continued friendship with her mother, but even that has passed as the years went by.
I served with a pilot who went to NROTC at BERZERKLEY!!!!!!
A very rare bird indeed.
So Pete, you had a continued relationship with the mother, huh?
Did you end up hitting it you old motor boatin’ son of a….
I believe this is a scam being run by “the left” in order to prevent future speakers from “the right” to ever be allowed to speak on campus again.
Yes, these pussy farts are tender, but they are not dumb.
The best trick the devil ever played, was to make people believe he didn’t exist.
The funny thing is; Milo is a homosexual, so if they are all homophobes for disagreeing with him.
Milo makes them all look like a bunch of fucking pussies.
Trooper, I left out that little gem so Lars wouldn’t come storming in here all outraged and accuse me of some phobia or the other. That’s another aspect of political correctness, that even when personal information is pertinent to the discussion, we’re not supposed to notice or mention such facts.
Oops. Sorry I blew up. Of course, I don’t give 2 shits what Lars says about anything, anyway.
It is only “pertinent” if you agree with all of the liberal talking points.
Zactly. Screw that. I have no irrational fear of gays. I just think it’s sick, repugnant, and flat-out disgusting. And when someone finds a gay gene, please let me know. Then–and only then–I will reconsider.
So no threesome on your bucket list then huh?
I have no issue with lesbians, as long as they’re hot and let me watch or hop in. Because I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, who wants to keep his penis right where it is.
Watch out MSG…
You might have a car accident, it’s having tranny problems from the sounds of it…
Liberals don’t really have any talking points. They wait for yours so that they can object to them or have hysterics over them.
That’s fair dang close to full true, Ex-PH2.
Maybe the Inclusion and Diversity Departments at U.S. colleges need to invest and distribute those “Hurt Feeling” reports?
No…they were a bunch of pussies before he even spoke…what a freaking disgusting bunch of male, notice I didn’t say MEN, that this country is raising!!
Is it safe to assume that Rutgers doesn’t offer a degree in Going Medieval Studies?
Probably not… but I would bet that they offers degrees in Manginafeminism and Socialjusticewarfarism Studies
Well, that special snowflake who “felt scared” ought to go hang out at that McD’s in D.C. where Chris Marquez was attacked. See how he feels after some of those guys who could be Øbama’s sons pay attention to him.
Or, perhaps, he should go visit the South Side of Chicago, or perhaps Compton, Ca., or Detroit.
If these people are the people who are going to lead this country, we’re doomed.
I remember bringing up Compton once to a civilian in my office who lived there.
“What’s wrong with Compton?”
“Yeah my bad, because NWA was Straight out of Thousand Oaks….”
I thought NWA was out of Anaheim… or was it Rancho Cucamonga? Malibu? Pacoima? 🙂
Bakersfield, like Luis Obispo.
Thanks, John… as a SOCAL native and an Honorary Brother since 1985, I can never get where these rap groups call home anymore.
I thought the Nazi Low Riders was the only thing to come out of B-field, except for Buck Owens and Merl Haggard.
I was born in Long Beach, just like Snoop Dogg, so I got some props from a few black people for that years ago.
I thought that they were Straight out of Salt Lake City.
Well, okay, I read the article about the appearance by Milo, but what did he say that so traumatized these delicate flowers that they wilted in droves?
If I don’t have that information, how can I possibly respond to their behavior, ridiculous or otherwise?
Does anyone have a copy of what he said? It must have been something vicious, right? Like ‘shower with a friend to save water’ (SO 1960s)?
I must have some idea of what Milo said that set off their tear ducts. Did he point out the obvious – that they are helpless fodder in the face of real adversity? Or did he insult them by mocking their lack of skill in longhand?
I did send an e-mail off to Milo asking him to let me know just what it was that had those twits in a snit. If it’s good for a round of lung-clearing laughter, I will relay it to you.
I think he deserves some credit for being a good-looking guy. Good taste in clothing, too.
Here you go: and
From the article, it appears to have been the usual Black Lives Matter hooligans trying to heckle another event or something.
That’s hilarious. So aside from the topic of the speech “How the Progressive Left Is Destroying Education” which was enough to cause their little heads to explode, it appears what really had them in the fetal position was the reaction from their fellow students. There may be hope yet.
Reading that, it sounds like most of the ‘traumatizing’ was coming from the anti-free-speech BLM folks. Not a huge shock; that seems to be the norm nowadays: Free speech is your right – as long as you agree with us.
Here’s another link:
The girl quoted -Melissa James- was allegedly “scared to walk around campus the next day.”
I cherish the irony that Milo’s tour is called the “Dangerous Faggot Tour.”
Seriously WTF ! ! ! ! !
Is this how people raise their kids now days ????
They will be the first to go if shit ever hits the fan ! ! ! !
Jeez, these folks are such wusses. (I do remember psyching out some hippies years and years ago. My ROTC Drill Team friends and I walked in step everywhere we went and we all had cleats on our shoes, so we weren’t exactly “sneaky” when we came up behind people while crossing campus. Many shoulder twitches and rapid changes of direction by folks in front of us. We found it amusing. This was in the late 60s.)
A frat brother of mine made the cover of Life in about 1969 putting a headlock on a hippy protester at KU. On another tack, my roommate a few years later used to terrorize the old Campus Crusade for Christ lads when they came around passing out flyers to people sitting outside bars – he would look at the flyer a few seconds, then hand it back saying “No thank you, I’m with the opposition.” They somehow failed to appreciate the humor.
I think it was Thomas Ricks who recently wrote that the country no longer needs the Service Academies. This story right here is a shining example of why we still need the Service Academies.
One of my overseas COs was a USMA Grad that was a bleeding heart Clintonista and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a Hillaroid these days. Oh well, can’t teach ’em all, one of the PL’s in my Company on that tour was a Columbia grad that was as dyed-in-the-wool Conservative as I am!
My last year AFROTC class at Duke Univ ended up with at least 6 full Colonels and one MGen. Best three years I had in the AF, teaching at Duke (78-81). And a great class. (I taught the seniors and despite that, they turned out pretty darn good!)
My son commissioned out of Rutgers Army ROTC in May of 2013 along with eighteen(18) other fine young American men and women. He branched Infantry and is currently serving with 1/5 Cavalry. Eighteen out of a class of 14,000. During his time there he was called a “baby killer” and worse. He just smiled and Charlie Mike’d.
Liberal college professors and administrators have encouraged this type of pansy behavior from students. Now the students are eating their own by turning on these professors and administrators and demanding their dismissal for what they see as slights that wound their precious butterfly psyche. Keep it up, kids. Soon you’ll have nobody to protect your pansy asses and will be forced to live in the real world. Your real-world employer won’t much give a crap about your feelings or what you think about things.
These candyassed little sprinkle-coated cream puffs are SO going to get eaten alive by the real world when they get there. That or they’ll keep living with and leeching off their parents until either they pass away or they get thrown out, more products of the happy-huggy-kissy-everyone gets-a-trophy culture.
Can you imagine them in basic training?
Yes. But in an exercise in dark amusement regarding one of them being eaten by the DI I feared the most. The verbal abuse would bring a lone manly tear from me as I gazed at the beauty of the scene.
It gets better. One of those special snowflakes filed sexual assault charges with the university police because she felt physically assaulted by his words, saying that he forced her to listen to them which is like sexual assault. My God, how do these fucking potatoes even breathe without feeling bad about hurting all the oxygen molecules they are destroying?
SOMEWHERE OUT THERE are a number of trees and other plants that have spent their lives recycling CO2 into oxygen for them to breathe. I HONESTLY believe that they owe said flora a HUGE apology for the oxygen that they have wasted!
KIND of like this:
O-M-G!! I honestly could not tell if that carbon based lifeform at the end of the video was a male or an extremely ugly female.
And, just exactly did these luddites get to that gathering? Did they DRIVE? (gasp! the horror!)
Oh fekkity fekking fekk….why did it have to be in NC? FFS
Maybe they’re suffering altered mental status from vegan B-12 deficiency and secondary pernicious anemia? Yeah, I’ll just go with that…and ahmma have some whiskey
I’d almost guarantee you that this happened somewhere around Asheville. Plenty of stank-ass hippies have migrated to that area over the years to be “close to nature” (but not too far from urban comforts), Warren Wilson College draws in a lot of them as well.
(Taking the liberty of speaking on behalf of my people, most hillbillies can’t stand them)
After reading this article, I started wondering why I gear up and go to work as a police officer. I am traumatized all the time….(slight sarcasm here)
I think the worst Case of Puss-citus I ever saw was a kid that literally curled up in the fetal position and started bawling while he was still in the yellow footprints in recieving. He had been a recruit for under 5 minutes.
I ran separations Platoon at the time and had he had to stay there for three days while he processed. He didnt even get a haircut.
wow…and wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been getting VA disability payments ever since.
Wow, a turbo-wuss! Sounds like a bunch of which infests today’s colleges, I wonder if he hasn’t been featured on TAH as a poser?
Every Rutgers student should be required to read Jack Jacobs book. ” If not me , who”? He was awarded the MOH. Vietnam 1966 I believe. He also graduated from Rutgers early ’60s if memory serves. Don’t forget that Rutgers students also booed and otherwise harassed the West Point football team and cadets about 6 yrs ago at Rutgers Stadium. A classless bunch of shitheads.
This reminds me of the Facebook photo that has been around for years. It shows two pictures. One is of troops landing on D-Day and the other is of two young men with My Little Pony hair color accents and tiny tears on their cheeks.
The caption reads, “In 1944, 18 year old boys stormed heavily defended beaches and parachuted into life or death danger. In 2016, 18 year old boys need a safe place. Because…words do hurt.”
This sums up theses sniveling Rutgers students pretty well. God please, let us never have to depend on the likes of them in the event of another world conflict when out nation’s very existence is at stake.
The only quibble I would make with that is that in 1944 those were 18 year old men same as their counterparts throughout history. And any boy worth is salt aspires to be like them, so maybe we should refer to the Rutgers students referenced here as geldings or eunuchs or “bois”.
Is that area sandy? Must be a lot of sand in areas of people.