Weekend open thread

| February 19, 2016

A special army vehicle paves a road between the two fences at the border line between Greece and Macedonia near the city of Gevgelija, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Feb. 18, 2016. Worried that the country may become stuck with thousands of people if countries to the north clamp down, Macedonia began reinforcing and expanding a mesh- and razor-wire fence on the path of migrants arriving from Greece. Thousands of refugees continue to pass through Macedonia on their way to the European Union.  (EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI)

A special army vehicle paves a road between the two fences at the border line between Greece and Macedonia near the city of Gevgelija, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Feb. 18, 2016. Worried that the country may become stuck with thousands of people if countries to the north clamp down, Macedonia began reinforcing and expanding a mesh- and razor-wire fence on the path of migrants arriving from Greece. Thousands of refugees continue to pass through Macedonia on their way to the European Union. (EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI)

Here’s your weekend thread, have a ball.

Category: Open thread

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Heeeeee Hawwwwwwwwww ! ! ! !
gotcha suckers


I was waiting and didn’t refresh cause I was looking for FU emojis I could post. DAMN!

╭∩╮( ^∇^)╭∩╮
/You down with DRG? (Yeah you know me)
Who’s down with DRG (Every last homie)
You down with DRG (Yeah you know me)
Who’s down with DRG (All the homies)


Snoop Dog or Dr Dre ?????
It’s been a little quite lately
But it seems all the other turds have been doing the 2am ninja post on threads
I do wonder


Naughty By Nature – O.P.P



Old school all the way 🙂


I mm all alone on the weekend open thread
Where is every body at





Nice Chip I have to figure out how to do that with my key board Lol…



Uh, Skippy, just cut and paste and save in an e-mail so you can get it when needed?

2/17 Air Cav


Hey. It works. No talent required.

2/17 Air Cav

( ̄Д ̄) I sweepy.


“No talent required”

So then Bernath would be able to do it too?


Here’s a bunch of happy ans sad and angry ascii emoji/emoticons



Thank you Lord l…


Eggs is present – just out of a retirement ceremony for a very much loved and respected pilot. All the best for Spanky.


Is that THE Spanky…helicopter pilot?



Tom Huxton

nobody can parse the hillbilly grammar.


Skippy, I’ve been out getting a broken brake line replaced. Sorry I missed your call.


I think someone on here needs some recipes 🙂


It’s Dennis down below on the recipes


We be busy with the DRG. I been BAD and then really BAD…

Silentium Est Aureum

Not first. Don’t care.

Still stuck in NY. Bastids!


Yuck… very C-Cold there

Silentium Est Aureum

-18 last Sunday morning.

Today is a balmy 29 with snow/sleet mix.


It was 95 here on Wednesday wish we could trade some heat for a little of your cold weather it’s way to early for 90s here


Skippy, it’s NEVER too early for 90F and bone dry as yer daily high.

Lurker Curt

I’m with Hondo on this one

dennis - not chevy

Maybe, if we ask real nicely, Ex-PH2 will post one of her recipes. I’ve been doing most of the cooking lately and Mrs Dennis – not chevy said if she eats one more meal from the microwave she’ll glow in the dark.


Until Ex shows up to the rescue, try this marinade for fish (salmon and tuna woks, err works, well), pork or chicken-
I presume you have mad cooking skillz, so:

2 parts soy or teriyaki to one part maple syrup. Add some crushed garlic, sliced ginger, rough cut scallions, and some red pepper flakes. Marinate pork for a couple hours, chicken for an hour and fish for 15-30 minutes.
Grill, or pan sear (this way you can reduce remaining marinade down and make a sauce) until desired doneness. Serve with rice and steamed veg.
And a nice white vino, of course. Enjoy!
Actually, I’ve swapped honey for the maple syrup for grilled flank steak- very nice.

Dennis - not chevy

Sounds much better than what I have planned; steamed rice with tuna and whatever vegetables I have handy.


Sounds like you’re half way there. If you’re out of maple syrup, use honey or brown sugar.

Then go buy some maple syrup.


As an alternative, get a small/medium pork roast, rub it with Lysander’s Chipotle Rub, put it on a rack in a roasting pan with 1/2″ water below it, cover, and roast 30-40 min per lb at 350F.

Goes well with rice or potatoes and whatever veggies are handy.

Let your and spouse’s tolerance for spicy foods dictate how much of the chipotle rub you use – it’s got a bite, but isn’t extreme. Might want to go light the first time unless you both like things spicy.


A cook uses a clock. A GOOD cook uses a thermometer. For perfect pork, roast until the internal temp is between 135-145 degrees F. Any much more and you’ll have dried out and tough meat.

Disclaimer- unless your cooking wild pig. Use that for ‘Q (slow cook to 190+).


Thermometer is good to check for safety. But no – cooking past that point (135-140F) doesn’t render the meat dry and tough if you do it properly.

That’s why you (a) put the 1/2″ of water in the roaster, and (b) cover the whole thing. If the roaster has no cover (e.g., a roasting pan), an aluminum foil tent crimped around the lip of the pan works fine.

IDC SARC can probably tell us for sure, but I don’t think 135F is high enough to kill any encysted trichinosis that might be present. (Probably not a consideration for domestic pork, but I’d prefer not to take even a small chance – that stuff is pretty nasty.) What I’ve seen says 165F or higher for 15+ seconds is required.



Trichinosis is a non-issue in modern pork products. Cooking pork to 135 and allowing it to rest under foil for 15 minutes will carry over the heat to 145+ anyway. All bets are off for wild game, hence my disclaimer.
Internal temp doesn’t care if you use a tent or water. Give it a try- take a pork roast to a safe 145, and see the difference.


You two need to get a room.

Preferably a kitchen.


Thanks for the recipe and cooking techniques.


Yeah, I know that trichinosis is generally not present in US pork, and that the risk is very small. But we still see about 10-12 cases in the US annually. All it takes is one idiot who feeds wild game carcasses or offal to his pigs to start a small outbreak. Plus, the strain of trichinosis typically found in wild game requires higher temperature to kill than the one formerly most common in pork. Pigs fed wild game carcasses or offal can end up infected with that variety.

To each his own. I’ll continue to err on the side of safety when cooking meats – particularly pork.


Oh! You brought back a memory. While living in Mexico, I bought pork chops for the very first time, my bros favorite. I come back and my bro said hell no. He put kerosene on the chops and worms were coming out. YUK! after that we stocked up in the States before heading to the vacation home.


I’m making Lasagna here at Casa Gringo. Home made with Italian sausage, ground beef and home made marinara sauce.

I’m a pretty good cook, if I do say so myself.

Five Beers

Is anyone fixing pizza?


Nope, no pizza tonight, Five Beers. Just plenty of other good food.


Does this make me #4? Or do replies and additional posts by #1 count?


The First Post Rules Committee says the number you claim must be one greater than the number displayed beneath the title. This post is 39th.

2/17 Air Cav

Who formed the committee? Each member will be shot. I share the power with no one. Noooooooooo Onnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee.


So sez Kim Jung 2/17 Air Cav!

A Proud Infidel®™


HMCS(FMF) ret.

Another Friday, and another shoutout to Dickless Danni-boi Bernasty and his anal buttsekks buttbuddy DuLlAsS (aka; QuEeFeRs). Hopefully you two has a “romantic” getaway on V-Day with some DRG “cocktails” while listening to your favorite performer Samwell performing his single “What, What(in da butt)”. Boys, ou just need to embrace that “sentive” side of you and really express yourselves…

It’s just a matter of time before both of you are looking at a menu full of cockmeat sammiches and tubesteak in the local/state/federal “poundyouintheass” jail!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

BTW – 224th and proud of it!!!


Word ^^^^^^


Danni-boi, the founder of the DRG is a busy, pissed off and insane. Never, ever order a lady who she can/can’t communicate with. Find me dumbshit…


Right now, have a bad taste in my mouth for “First.”

I think Claw officially declared him a Deserter.

This one is for “First.”


Yep, the “First” has been declared a Deserter and has been DFR’ed.(Dropped From Rolls) So I reckon we can talk bad about him if we want, because Deserters are just that, Shit Bag Deserters.

Found another instance of him being a “First”, as in the First to preload the sleeves of the ASU with Service Stripes before hitting the appropriate Time in Service mark.

There is a picture of the First (linked in with his Wikipedia page) captioned *hanging a copy of a letter to the troops in his office at the Pentagon* dated 1 Feb 2007.

If you count the number of Service Stripes on his ASU, he already has the 11 stripes for 33 years service sewn on. Yes, a full year and four months prior to his hitting 33 years of active duty.

So, I’m thinking more and more, that he truly believes his time started the day he was sworn into the DEP in 1974 and that’s why he is eligible to be wearing the third award of the NDSM and can call himself a Viet Nam Era veteran.

It’s too bad he won’t sack up and stop the cricket serenade over on the appropriate thread, but that would only be wishful thinking.


Oops, sorry, that would not be the ASU.

It would be the old style “Blues”.

I regret any confusion, says the man who never wore a set of Blues in his life.


never wore blues…lucky bahstid


You both are better Troopers than PV9 of the Cricket Brigade.

And Claw: When you break PV9 Sabers (remember, he was a Horse Guy), please break it into a million, zillion pieces…and make his Buddy eat it so that he truly know what torture is.

And please IDC SARC: No Medical help for that SOB even though I know you took that oath “Victus quoque rationem ad aegrotantium salutem pro facultate, judicioque meo adhibebo, noxamvero et maleficium propulsabo”.

Next check on Cricket Brigade is Bling Bling Williams and his Navy Sidekick Schwartz.


I meant Bling Bling Richards.

I’m still trying to get over the Tree Blog Headache as well as recovering from the Punch Drunk affects of the Jenkins Dead or Alive Fiasco(yes, Ex-PH2, I did everything you recommended).


Not that anybody gives a shit, but my selection for Message of The Year goes to the video of the police captain in Louisiana. Thanks Tony180A….that give hope to MANY of us. Would like to see acceptance by EVERY police department in EVERY town or city. Then see some results. Pick ’em up and show the country before mass shit holes are dug for the perps to be rolled into. Nice finishing touch would be head stones made out of Popsicle sticks being planted while “HEll HELL, The Gang’s All Here” was being played on bongo drums. Add free chitlins for those in attendance. Weekly event would be even better. Hell, I could ramble on and on with this! Let some other cracker add as he pleases.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

That video kicked some major league ass… did you see the police dog hide behind his handler while the Captain was talking, I thought the dog was gonna run away.


Jarhead, took the liberty of reposting the video that Tony180A sent in another Thread in case others have not seen it.

Thanks, Tony180A.


😀 😀 😀

A Proud Infidel®™



12-year-old boy (not in Englewood) is in a hospital with a breathing tube right now, barely hanging on, because he was out playing in his own yard last night when a car pulled up. The not-a-man in the car pulled gun out and shot the 12-year-old because he didn’t flash a gang sign.

Real brave piece of human waste, that driveby shooter was.

We could use more like this sheriff, everywhere in this country, right now.


No problem Marine. I think his message should be spread as Captain Higgins said “from Sea to Shining Sea”. I have family in that area of Louisiana and those turds have been begging for an embalming fluid injection for quite some time. There is a multi agency task force exterminating the gremlins and a few other shit sniffers who have been terrorizing the local citizenry. (Primarily the ones that look like them).


Cuz it’s open thread – I just found out the the Medal of Honor Convention is gonna be held here in Mpls, MN this October.


Wow, you are lucky.

Hope you will get the honor of meeting those great gentlemen. The majority of them are getting up there in years.


John Giduck – the turd with a face!

Zero Ponsdorf

Eviromentalists are in a snit. A poor gentle monkey was given booze by mean humans in Brazil. The monkey then went and got a big knife and returned to the bar where the humans were and attacked. Video at link.
See what harm we humans to to the environment.


Monkey with a knife???


That one NEVER gets old!

Zero Ponsdorf

Technically that is a CHIMP with the AK. Not a cute little monkey. Pretty funny though, thanks.


What kind of place is it where a chimp can have a full auto AK, and I can’t?

*kicks rock*


A movie studio making a promotional film for one of the newer “Planet of the Apes” films. (smile)


Yes, I know it’s a move trailer. But still….



DRC advance course.
Aviation school and law degrees are next.


Those environmentalists have never been bitten by an angry monkey, have they?

Hint: one of them can bite your fingers off. A chimp can rip the skin off your face. A gorilla can kill you quickly.

They are not ‘gentle’. Chimps in the wild go on rampages and kill and eat their neighbors. Baboons will go on tribal rampages and kill whatever is in their way, including humans. Primates, including humans, are not ‘gentle’.


Words can’t describe this.

“Honor – USMC Body Bearers”


HMCS(FMF) ret.

Thanks for sharing that… Semper Fi!


That is an awesome video, one which should be viewed widely. Lefties should be forced to observe who we are and what the uniform means to each of us. You Marines do it better than the rest of us, but we all still have it, just a bit better hidden.

My apology to you, Marine_7002, for posting my frivolous post immediately following yours of great significance. I had stepped away from the computer long enough for you to post yours, and just wasn’t paying close enough attention to detail here.

Dave Hardin

Honor is earned and never forgotten.


Thanks for posting that.
I’ve done numerous Patriot Guard Rider Flag Lines and am always honored just for the opportunity to be there at such a time.
The hardest one I went to was a 49 year old Army Veteran that got pneumonia and wouldn’t take his antibiotics so he died because of his stubbornness.
That’s not the hard part, this is.
He had a 7 year old son that he loved to take fishing, playing football and spent many hours with him. The young man was the apple of his eye.
Before the service we all witnessed the young man practicing how he was going to take the flag when it was presented to him.
There wasn’t a dry eye anywhere on the flag line when we saw that and then watched him take the flag.
He was so brave, we all felt so bad for that young man…
I couldn’t swallow the lump in my throat for at least an hour…
The US Army sent an Honor Guard and the VFW also had one there.
It is an amazing experience. It is an honor to stand for those that cannot stand for us anymore…
The moral of the story is that when the doctor prescribes antibiotics for your dumbass, TAKE THE DAMN PILLS, you are NOT immune to death !!!

Dave Hardin

The thanks all go to Marine_7002, I just found the video on youtube.

Outstanding post. There is another video of the training requirements for them.

Semper Fi,

Dave Hardin

Here are the five military buddies that all veterans have, or have had, at one point or another. 1. The one who waits to leave the military to get in shape. Back when you guys were roommates, the farthest distance you ever saw him walk was the seven feet from his sweat-stained La-Z-Boy to the fridge so he could grab another beer and a slice of three-day-old pizza. Now he’s doing Tough Mudder every week, uploading daily sepia-toned gym selfies to instagram, and announcing to his friends when his posts are the top hit on #bodybuilding. You can’t decide what’s more impressive, or irritating: his sudden transformation from fat body to body builder or that his gym selfies always have perfect composition and use the rule of thirds. 2. The guy who suddenly gets all sophisticated. The last time you saw each other in the military, he was passed out on the floor with an empty handle of Sailor Jerry’s rum next to his head, and partially choking on a full horseshoe of Grizzly Wintergreen Long Cut snuff. Now he’s attending an Ivy League school, doing a double major in postcolonial literature and art history, reading Descartes and Derrida for fun, and pronouncing their names correctly. 3. The guy who’s still pretty much in, except now he has a beard. He’s been out for three years, but still ends every sentence with Hooah, ‘Rah, or Kill. He goes to school or work with his service-issued backpack and unit patches, waiting for someone to ask, “Were you in the military?” The only noticeable change is that now he sports a meticulously well-manicured beard or goatee. Sometimes you wonder if the only reason he left active duty was because of the regulations and restrictions on facial hair, piercings, and tattoos — he has full sleeves. 4. The guy who gets accused of stolen valor when he says he was in the military. When you troll his Facebook page, there’s no difference between the profile picture he has now and the one he had a year before he enlisted. Between the hemp sweater… Read more »

Dave Hardin

That should have posted as a new separate comment.

My apologies.

Zero Ponsdorf

Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing with all, Marine_7002.

Semper Fi.


Damned dust is back…


We just finished the best snack we’ve had for years – BACON SANDWICHES! Great little roll, nothing but mayo and BACON! Yummy, yum, yum.

Used to eat like that all the time, but age finally gets even those of us with cast iron stomachs eventually. Found some nitrate free bacon a couple of days ago that looked exactly like what we grew up with. Tastes like it as well. The Udi brand gluten free hamburger buns are great, as is the soy substitute mayo.

We are so new at this new age eating stuff that I really had no idea where you purchased it. The local grocery is now carrying all sorts of it. There must be enough of the lefty strange diet folks in the hood that the goofy stuff is readily available. See? They are good for something.

Zero Ponsdorf

Many of the Proper Foods will give you Gas as well… THAT smells the same too!


OKay, so Dennis-not Chevy wants a recipe. This is easy to fix, requires minimum work, and is purely delicious.

You need either a slow cooker or a crock pot with a LO-HI setting.

2 loop links of smoked sausage (pork or beef, or both)
2 cans of red kidney beans, or 1 each cannellinis and red kidney beans – your choice
Really good barbecue sauce. I like Sweet Baby Ray’s original, with just a hint of dry mustard (1 tablespoon) or Dijon and maybe some Worcestershire sauce
1 whole chopped fresh onion

Put the beans in the pot first. Add 3/4 of the chopped onion. Mix in the barbecue sauce.

Put the smoked sausage links on top. Put the lid on. Cook on high for 5 to 6 hours. The crock pot on high does a fine job, but stop lifting the lid to sniff it. Let it cook.

Serve with the rest of the chopped onion sprinkled on the beans, plus a portion of the sausage on top of that and some cornbread or catshead biscuits with real butter, plus cut-up fresh veggies and olives. When I say ‘a portion’, how much can you eat in one meal? The smoked sausage cooked this way is to die for.

You need the fresh veg like the onions and zuke strips to offset the beans.

Finish up with favorite pie. In this case, I tend to like a tart cherry pie with vanilla ice cream.

And include your favorite beverage, of course, but since there is so much sweetness in the barbecue sauce, I would avoid anything sugary.


Ex, you forgot desert!

Chocolate Lava Muffins
• 8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
• 1 stick butter
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 3 tablespoons flour
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 4 eggs
• Butter, to coat muffin tin
• 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
• 1 cup vanilla ice cream
• 1 teaspoon espresso powder
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Place a small metal bowl over a saucepan with simmering water. Melt the chocolate and butter in the bowl. Stir in vanilla.
In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, flour and salt. Sift these into the chocolate and mix well with electric hand mixer. Add eggs one at time, fully incorporating each egg before adding the next. Beat at high until batter is creamy and lightens in color, approximately 4 minutes. Chill mixture.
Coat the top and each cup of the muffin tin with butter. Dust with the cocoa powder and shake out excess. Spoon mixture into pan using a 4-ounce scoop or ladle. Bake for 10 to 11 minutes. Outsides should be cake-like and centers should be gooey.
While muffins are in oven, melt the ice cream in a small saucepan. Stir in the espresso powder. Serve over warm muffins.

Family favorite, with thanks to Alton Brown.


Am gaining pounds just by reading this.


Everything in moderation, dear, including moderation.


Any resemblance to a recipe posted on another site like, say, Day By Day Cartoon, is purely co-inky-dinky.


Five Beers

Sounds good, especially the pie. Is that a Mrs. Smith’s pie?


Pies can be Mrs. Smith’s or Marie Callender or Centervillepies.


Or you can make it yourself. It’s all good stuff.

Dennis - not chevy

Thank you. I will try not to lift the lid to sniff.


Ah, go ahead and lift the lid! Just keep in mind that every time you do it adds at least 30 minutes to the cooking time. If you can manage to leave the lid on, it keeps the moisture (and heat) in – seriously reducing the amount of liquid needed for cooking.

Yeah, we use the crock a bunch. In fact, we’ll be doing a hunk of round steak and chipotles for burrito stuffing tomorrow. Onions, garlic, herbs, and spices, too, of course.


Sixty FIRST!


Not sure where the players are coming from or where they are housed, but this seems odd to me.

U.S. Military All Stars bases baseball team at Cocoa Expo

The U.S. Military All Stars baseball team will base its operations at Cocoa Expo Sports Center, under a deal announced Thursday.

The team, which includes active-duty members from all the military branches, will play 10 to 20 games at Cocoa Expo this year, starting in June.

Next year, the team plans to have an expanded schedule, with 40 to 50 games in February, March and April at Cocoa Expo, off State Road 520, just west of Cocoa.

That’s Cocoa as in Brevard County, Florida.

More at this link:


A Proud Infidel®™

Happy Friday to all of the Real People of TAH! I also extend a heavy duty GO FUCK YOURSELVES sideways with 2000M of rusty triple strand concertina wire wrapped in asbestos to the dregs that are The Dutch Rudder Gang! Each member of the Dutch rudder Gang is crystal clear evidence of the overwhelming power of the human sex drive and each of them should have been a backseat upholstery stain at a drive-in movie theater but they became back seat car accidents instead. Yea, beginning with Daniel A. Bernath the Fred Phelps clone and QuEeFeRs-*SLUUUURRP!*41, they BOTH promised they’d find me and visit what – TWO YEARS ago? Wow, talk about refugees from the shallow end of the gene pool, very often I think Daniel A. Bernath the Fred Phelps Clone is living proof that anal sex CAN Produce offspring and QuEeFeRs-*SLUURRRRP!*41’s parents disliked him to the point that he only had a hair dryer and a toaster to play with in the bathtub!!!


Holy Crapola it’s true ! ! ! !
Billary was under fire in the Balkans in the 90s here is the footage:)


HILLERYEOUS!!! Favorite part was when she shot those bad terrorists..
Thanks, Skippy!


no problimo 🙂


Jeebus….that was damned funny. BZ!


this maybe a better link



Today dinner described in 3 words

Mississippi Pot Roast


I’ve seen variations where they use onion soup mix instead of au jus. I used both in my recipe and DAMN is it good.


This being first on weekend open threads is stacked in your favors. I’m 4 hours behind most of you guy/gals and work night shifts so when I wake up it is already at least 2100 where you are at. I call discrimination against us time zone challenged people.


JFK said it best, amigo: “The world is not fair.”

You could always leave AK and move to the East Coast. (I’d question your sanity if you did; but then again, I question your sanity a bit for living in AK. However, I hate cold weather with a passion – so I’m not exactly unbiased on the subject of where to live. [smile])


Alaska is one of the places me and my better half have been looking at to relocate to, I had a old battle of mine that was stationed up there, that just ETSd March of last year and is on his way back up there, it’s a hell of a lot cooler then here in Tucson, Az. so that is a plus for me and my nerve issues. and there is plenty of space so I don’t wouldn’t have to worry about the morons like we do
here in the, people’s republic of tucson… we may come up there in the fall to check it out…


It’s good for your wallet if you come up during the fall. While summer here is great, it is also tourist season and lodging prices go through the roof that time of year. Granted, if you came to the interior all you would have to do is drop me a line and you wouldn’t need to worry about paying for lodging.


Interesting phone conversation I had a work tonight;

SSG: “This is SSG *** and I’m trying to do the range closing report for Battalion. Do you have a 8 digit grid to the qualification range?
Me: “Are you serious?”
SSG: “Yes”
Me: “Does your Battalion know where the range complex is?”
SSG: “Yes”
Me: “Do you have a map?”
SSG: “Yes”
Me: “Do you have a protractor?”
SSG: “Yes”
Me: “Then why do you need me to tell you the 8 digit grid?”

I go out of my way to try not to be an asshole, but when someone who should know skill level 3 tasks is calling me to do skill level 1 tasks for them I get annoyed.


yikes… that is sad, what are they teaching In the army now days
I’ve been out only 2 and a half years.
a Staff Sargent that can’t read a map is a little scary Lol… 🙂
makes me thankful for all I have


I think it was more on the line of laziness than not being able to read a map. I think that he thought that I had the grid at the tip of my fingertips and didn’t want to do the work for himself.


When I was S3 I had a list of grids for all pertinent ranges and training areas, as well as az/el data for recurring microwave links. Smarter than your average bear!


Number 103!!!! (I’ve been busy…the wife and all ya know.)


By the way, today is my favorite and only son’s birthday. Born at 0556 hours. I won’t tell his age because bone head math could reveal mine within a decade or so and that’s way too close.


I forgot…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY NAMESAKE! (Yep I hung my name on him so he’s a Junior but now that he is an, ah-hum older man, he dropped it long ago, as I did the Senior part.)


Hey guys and gals, I’m not hearing any Happy Birthdays to my son yet!!! If this keeps up, you’re all going to give me 50!


I can’t do 50 anymore, Sparks, sooooo…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sparks, Jr! 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

Sure you can! Do five. Have a beer. Do five more. Have another beer. Continue until you either run out of beer or get to 50 push ups.


weLl i tOOK YOUr adVIcE, CAv. 10 CAnS=50 pUShUps. goTtA Go pEe In bUSheS BY tHe bRokeN MAilBOx. thANkS, BuDdY. (Am not good with Dligophy).

2/17 Air Cav

Excellent! Laughing here. Best of luck when you come to.


Happy Birthday! I’ve been busy with the DGR, founder, BERNASTY.


Happy birthday to Junior Sparks. As a kid growing up I went by my middle name. When I joined the Army I started going by my first name. I have now hung my middle name on my son.

By the way, I have a DD214 that says I don’t have to drop and give you 50.



In case anyone was wondering: yeah, THIS one is legit. Col Cherry was shot down and taken prisoner in North Vietnam on 22 October 1965; he was released by North Vietnam on 12 February 1973. He was held 7 years, 3 months, and 22 days.


Rest in peace, Col Cherry. Rest in well-earned peace.


This part made me smile:

He had grown up in the Jim Crow South, and his captors made it clear he could mitigate the harshness of his incarceration, including routine torture, and improve his living conditions by speaking out against the racial injustice and discrimination that he had faced as an African American in the United States.

When beatings failed to bring him around, his jailers tried another tactic. They assigned a self-described “Southern white boy” as his cellmate, hoping that racial antipathy between the two men would weaken his resolve and produce a propaganda triumph for North Vietnam.

The plan failed.

Instead, the two men, Col. Cherry and a Navy fighter pilot, then-Ensign Porter Halyburton, became fast and lifelong friends. Each would credit the other with having saved his life.


RIP Col. Cherry…

To the POW-MIAs still not home, YOUR NOT FORGOTTEN by family, friends and those you served with..

Captured 3/16 1968
#3409N 1080234E
PURPLEHEART for injury during firefight before captured with LT.DUNN

Three escapes earned him The SILVER STAR

Promoted while in captivity to SSGT

We know the truth about everything Jimmy, including the bullshit in your files.

SSGT. JAMES M. RAY aka JIMMY RAY we wait for your return.

You know us ?




Rest Well Sir


A Proud Infidel®™

Rest In Peace, Sir.
Enjoy Heaven, you did your time in hell.


Damn, I mean DAMN!

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s a fine example of a “Professional Spouse’, the type that you see with multiple military ex-spouses, also known as a “Dependopottamus”.


Hillary voter.

2/17 Air Cav

Justice Scalia’s funeral Mass was earlier today. I watched most of it on a Catholic TV station. I didn’t see oBaMa and later learned that he chose not to attend, just as he chose not to attend Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. One article I read put the matter in perfect perspective. The thrust of it was that there are a few times in each president’s term that calls for him to represent the nations, not as a political being, but as the face of the country. Thatcher’s and Scalia’s funerals were two such times and oBaMa was a no show.


Yeah, but he took time to attend the funerals of the victims in South Carolina (where he sang “Amazing Grace”). Nothing changes.


He’s going to Cuba in a few weeks. Sucking some communist dictator’s “cigar” is much more important than publicly paying respect to an icon of the nation such as Scalia…


so my wife’s family is from north of the border and her cousin sent the to her about our November elections.. enjoy it’s funny as hell 🙂


this is a link that works sorry about the one above


A Proud Infidel®™

Thither was a knave termed Bernath, the air
that swore he’d vail ye a launder within court
he evermore missed,
his cases dismissed
he screamed he was whist suing
he screamed hewhile his affront was bluing
he was evermore machination and musing
innocent people he was accusing
Time and hour once more, Bernath was laughed forth of bench
He had a sniveling scullion termed Dallas
who acted as though a phallus
he had nay brains
and all the class of knotty-Daneted stains
a blithering fool
as whole as a tool
a blithering drunk
who smelled as though a skunk
and he too was a want-wit knave

©2016, A Proud Infidel®™



A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s the non-Shakespeare version:

There was a fool named Brenath, the sort
That swore he’d give everyone a bath in court.
He always missed,
His cases dismissed.
He screamed he was still suing
While his face was bluing
He was scheming and musing
Innocent people he was accusing
Time and time again, Bernath was laughed out of Court.
He had a sniveling lackey named Dallas
who acted like a phallus
he had no brains
and all the class of foul stains
a blithering fool
as well as a tool
a blithering drunk
who smelled like a skunk
and he too was a dumb knave

©2016 A Proud Infidel®™



A Proud Infidel®™


Jeb has said uncle & tapped out. Guess money isn’t everything as he blew through over $100M in super pac dough…only to finish in the cellar. If he had brother George W’s sharp ruthless political skills & charisma, well it could have made things pretty interesting.
Just didn’t seem like Jeb had his heart in it in first place. More like he felt obligated due to being a “Bush” & getting pressured by GOP establishment donors to run. Meanwhile, the Trump train is just steamrolling.

A Proud Infidel®™

Aah, so now we’re minus the candidate that the GOP Establishment wanted to either coronate or put up to be beaten like with Romney, McCain and Bob Dole.


DRG sighting on a beach in Florida.

(do I really have to put a spew warning with that kind of title?)


A Proud Infidel®™

Fer SURE!!! And I think that ANYTHING saying “DRG sighting” is synonymous with “SPEW ALERT”, he must have eaten the paint chips from his DRG Cocktail before choosing that.


Bernasty naked on a beach in Florida… The poor kids would have lifetime night and day terrors..
Find my tiny cameras? No? Its because we’re good. Plant and retrieve right under your nose….
Find me? No? Its because we are DAMN GOOD!

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY REB! On June 6, N&W #611 is scheduled to pull and excursion from Manassas to Riverton Junction VA, still interested? Anyone else wondering what i’m yapping about, just Google “NW 611” and you’ll see what I’m talking about, that machine is a majestic living, breathing moving work of ART!


I’m in, unless I get called out. I’m on a job now, split last night. I’m supposed to be sleeping, big day tomorrow morning. I put it on my calendar.. Spring break! I’ll bring the kid… Grog going?

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath still works balls while sniffing taint.

A Proud infidel®™

They say that website ads are due to a visitor’s previous site visits, so are the spandex ads due to the Dutch Rudder Gang members’ lurking after their usual web surfing?


Heard that the VPAC Conference last week went well. Glad to hear it. Hope we hear more about it down the road.

Hack Stone

I have been pretty busy over the weekend, so this is the first chance that I have to post on the open thread. This coming week is very hard on me, since it is the first year anniversary of my girlfriend getting “shot in the fucking face” in North Philadelphia. Despite the taped confession of the murderer, he still walks the streets a free man. He has to walk, since his car won’t start.

A Proud Infidel®™

I feel for you, those fucks STILL haven’t found me YET.


WTF! I’M so so SORRY HACK! Taped confession and he’s walking free??? Get my email from Jonn and forward everything you got. I got friends in Philly. There has to be a reason why he hasn’t been arrested.
Hugs from me…