More Clintoon “Private Email” News

| February 18, 2016

Still think there was nothing classified on that “private”, unauthorized, and ineffectively-secured email server Clintoon used to conduct official State Department business? If so, do you also still believe in the Tooth Fairy?

Here’s a quote relating to the latest revelation about what was found on that “private”, unauthorized and unsecured server. I’ve added emphasis where I felt warranted.

One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said such unauthorized disclosures are “presumed to cause damage to the national security.”

Don’t know about you, but my reaction on reading the above was, “Oh . . . sh!t.” Why? Because people literally can die if and when information like that falls into the wrong hands.

Fox News has an article with more details.  It’s IMO worth a read.

“Not classified at the time” my ass.  Someone would have to be a complete moron to believe that information was unclassified.

Some people need to go to jail for this. For a loooong time.

Category: Crime, Foreign Policy, Legal

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I’m old and my memory is not as sharp as it could be sometimes, but it seems to me I recall my security briefs saying if the information was such that a reasonable person would consider that it should be classified, that by default it must be treated as such. Apparently I missed the codicil that said “unless your name is Clinton.”

The Other Whitey

Hildabeast has repeatedly made it clear that the Law is beneath her.

MSG Eric

“I know what classified is.” – Hillary Clinton

Roger in Republic

“Someone would have to be a complete moron to believe that information was unclassified.”
That line pretty much sums up what has become the American left.At least those on the left that support Hillary Clintoon.


Someone needs to remind Shrillary Clinton that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before he became president. (sarc off)


Well, old shrillary has said (somewhere) that Bernie is out of touch with the whole civil rights thingy, and someone has found footage of him being arrested in 1963 at a Chicago civil rights demonstration. Now, he hasn’t said anything about it yet, but his yearbook portrait from then appears to be the guy being arrested in the film.

Looks like those puffy clouds of lies and fabrications only hold up for just so long, right?


‘Classified’ is bad and all–but simply the ‘official business on private email,’ is bad enough for me already. Everything beyond is definitely worse, but being anywhere on the ‘shady’ end of the spectrum should be quite enough for the average Joe. At least my ideal for average joes…

I guess clinton must have also missed her annual IA training sessions too, because every one I’ve had, mentioned this kind of thing directly. Googling around, I seem to be seeing that this kind of training is not at all exclusive to the DoD.

Of course, my tinfoil hat also thinks that maybe certain government executive could simply have anything found on that server declassified anyway.


No we did a Civil Humanitarian deployment down to South/Central America and when we went into the embassy’s or any state Property we had to have those certificates and had to singe a document that we would use only their Net for message traffic Un-class and use the Secret of course for all the other shit. That was 2007/2008and that was in place before that dumb bitch so it has been Policy for state for some time. Did same thing in Pakistan 2005/2006 had to use their system for messages communicating with them. So as we all know she is above the law!!!

MSG Eric

Funny thing, when I went through AIT at Ft Bragg in 1994, we were getting a class about “use and handling of classified materials”.

Even back then, we had specific systems for sending and receiving and it was implicitly clear that no classified information was to be sent on an unclass machine. Be it a fax, xerox copier, computer system, phone, etc.

I remember having to try to get the STU-III phone to work so “we” could have a conversation with someone. If it didn’t work? Well, we’ll try again tomorrow. If it still doesn’t work? Take a document over to higher HQ’s office and send from the secure fax.

And at the end of the day, ignorance is not an excuse. Whether implied or real ignorance.

A Proud Infidel®™

Apparently laws are ONLY for us common peasants and NOT for self-coronated royalty like the Klintoons, just ask any Hillaroid campaigning for her.


That’s really what this comes down too. Anyone else would be under a federal indictment already. Gen. Petraeus went out in disgrace for less. Scooter Libby did time for doing what hondo described above to Valerie Plame- who was nowhere near as endangered as an Afghan national would be.


Unfortunately someone else will take the fall, something all to familiar when it comes to the Clinton’s.

My guess is that Huma Abedin or some other top aide will fall on their sword allowing Hillary to claim plausible deniability or some other wordy lawyerly get out of jail free phrase.

I have posted to Facebook many times asking those in my circle that tend to lean her direction if they would be willing to sacrifice at least four years to scandal (real or imagined)?

I hate that bitch…her husband…and her ugly ass daughter. They are all as crooked as a sufferer of Osteoporosis.

MSG Eric

And I’m sure the deal will be, “Take the fall for me now and when I’m president, I will pardon you. then you can come to the oval office and get back to work under the desk for me Huma.”

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

The scariest part of the Shrillary debacle is that she has a decent chance of becoming President and in that case I’m not sure the US, as we now know it, will be able to survive the resulting dipshitary.

P.S. Having made 5 deterrent patrols on a SSBN I’m familiar enough with dealing with classified material to be appalled at the tales regarding Shrillary’s emails. More importantly, perhaps, having owned and operated a facility based ISP I’d be more than a bit surprised if at least one or two hackers hadn’t rummaged around on her private server.


The Hildebeast never received any emails marked “Classified” (in her very Bill Clinton manner of parsing words) because emails aren’t marked “Classified”. They are marked “Confidential”, “Secret” or “Top Secret”.
Of course when you direct your minions to strip all classification markings out of the email, you won’t receive any emails with classification markings!!!!
Some of those minions better start looking over their shoulders because a Greyhound is headed their way.
I’m waiting for one of them to catch a clue and rat her out before the bus hits them.

MSG Eric

Problem is, defense attorneys go out of their way to use techniques to get jury members with more than two brain cells dismissed from the jury.

Bill M

[“Not classified at the time” my ass. Someone would have to be a complete moron to believe that information was unclassified.]

Remember, we are talking about Shillary! here. If you look in the OED, Shillary!’s picture is right next to the definition of ‘moron.’

Silentium Est Aureum

I don’t fear Hillary in the White House.

I fear the people who put her there.

2/17 Air Cav

So, where is the indictment? I mean. the feds can amend later. The grounds for 20 or 30 counts that they must have by now would seem to be sufficient.

Hack Stone

This has posted for 7 1/2 hours, and Lars has not made an appearance yet. The WiFi must be down at the Berkley Starbucks. Don’t worry, Lars saw this type of mishandling classified material all of the time while serving, but never bothered to report the violations. He must be bucking for a cabinet position if she gets elected.


“Someone needs to go to jail for this..” Doubt that will happen for a looooong time.


Just imagine the damage done by a hypothetical H Clinton term as President.

Four years. No scruples. Pardon anyone who would “assist her”. Unleash the full power of Colossus against any who oppose her, or even annoy her.

And does anyone seriously doubt the sheer vindictiveness of H Clinton?


What I find amazing is people actually think that Huma Abedin or whatever her name is will fall on her sword for this bag of shit.
I would never fall on a sword to protect anyone let alone a criminal like this woman is.
How stupid do you have to be to do that?
Think about that, you know this is coming down and her enforcers take you for a drive to explain the benefits of life in prison versus being planted on a hill somewhere for the rest of creation.
And you would go along with it? I damn sure wouldn’t.

MSG Eric

I stated the same thing above, “I become President, I’ll pardon you…”

I’d bet that when it comes to ALL the women Bill sexually assaulted or harassed, there are two dozen more, at least, who weren’t made public. I’d bet money she was involved in deals to get them to shut up about it. Special monetary deals, upper echelon jobs with “associates” of the Clintons, etc.

Granted I’m sure there were plenty that went full groupie on Bill because he was governor / president. But there are definitely more who took a deal to keep quiet.

Hillary knows what she’s doing and how to twist things and people to benefit herself.


Look how many people took one for Team Clinton during the whole Whitewater debacle….those that didn’t turned up ‘suicided’; but those that did received Presidential Pardons.


I am certain that no paperwork was ever signed by HRC to document any warning, briefing, or other advisement of the rules. I rather doubt she attended any such required briefings, nor did she ever permit anyone to discuss the rules in her presence.

Thus she probably believes she is untouchable.