Southern Maryland Veterans Association shuttered by State

| February 18, 2016

Brown Neck Gaiter sends us the news that another veteran-related charity has been shut down, this time by the Maryland Attorney General’s office;

In response to multiple complaints, an investigation by the Secretary of State’s Charities and Legal Services Division, aided by the Office of the Attorney General, showed that the organization was allegedly not assisting the housing needs of veterans as claimed in marketing materials. The charity was also not registered with the Secretary of State.


Solicitors for Southern Maryland Veterans Association had been a visible presence at retail and grocery stores in Calvert County and elsewhere in Southern Maryland. Fund-raisers for the charity would distribute documents that claimed to show that the organization was registered with the state, when in fact it was not.

Because of their poor accounting practices, the government isn’t sure how much money they’ve collected and misspent in the names of veterans. So, while you’re out and about in Maryland, if you see someone collecting money for them, contact Michael Schlein, Investigator, Charities and Legal Services Division at 410-260-3879

From the Washington Post;

Brashear said he wanted to help veterans when he got out of prison in 2012 after serving 22 years for killing his then-girlfriend. His first charity venture in Western Maryland ran into financial problems, and an assistant accused him of misusing funds, Brashear said.

Now he plans to operate shelters for veterans in Texas and Indiana, and he said he’ll appeal the cease-and-desist order to clear his name.

Yeah, I don’t know why anyone thought that a convicted murderer wouldn’t do right by veterans.

Category: Phony Vet Charities

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A Proud Infidel®™

Shit like this is why I am VERY skeptical every time I see someone with a bucket asking for donations anymore, especially when they spied the word “Veterans” in their name or sales pitch!

A Proud Infidel®™

“…sport the word…”

Damn auto-correct can be a real mother forklift sometimes!


As I’ve said before: “Where free stuff can be gotten by asking, sooner or later someone who doesn’t qualify will ask for – and get – it.”

It’s been my experience that it’s generally sooner rather than later.

I hope the People’s Republic of Maryland goes after these a-holes full bore.


See a few “I am a veteran” buckets around here, usually not around long.


What people like this are doing is just more damage to real veterans and real groups that help them. As API says, I’m as skeptical as you can get now.


Hell, I thought I remembered that charity’s name. Jonn’s written about them before – they apparently employed at least one really “nice guy”.


A scammer steals from a scammer…how poetic.

Too bad the only ones who lose are the vets that the money should be going to.


Maybe he actually worked for them, and when he got caught, they let him take the fall instead?

Brown Neck Gaitor

Very plausible that when the state went to prosecute said “nice guy” they tried to look at the books of SMVA and discovered they were cooked..


That would be my first guess, BNG. Although I suppose it’s also possible he decided to play “Let’s Make A Deal” with the state in exchange for leniency after he got caught – and spilled about the cooked books being cooked.


Maybe they can use some of the donations to buy Wickre a new mailbox

bernie Hackett

A released murderer starts a veterans charity? Makes good sense to me. What could possibly go wrong? Doesn’t anyone keep an eye on someone like him? Besides all the Law school innocence projects undergrads? Must have been a convincing liar.

2/17 Air Cav

“[Brashear] said he’ll appeal the cease-and-desist order to clear his name.” Clear his name? He murdered a woman and spent 22 years in prison. Knock. Knock. Brashear? Anyone home?


I don’t get the connection. He spent 22yrs in prison for murdering his girlfriend and when he got out he immediately thought about starting a charity to help Vets?

2/17 Air Cav

“Around 10:00 p.m. on October 17, 1990, Prince George’s County police officer, Corporal Charles Smith was on motor patrol in the Temple Hills area of the county. As he passed 4424 Beech Road, he observed a woman lying on the ground next to a pay telephone as the appellant was standing nearby holding a baby. Upon determining that the woman, [Named], was unconscious, Corporal Smith had her transported to the hospital. Unfortunately, [Named] died the next day. The medical examiner opined that she had died from two blows to her head.” From the facts as presented in Brashear’s losing appeal of his conviction for murder. 90 Md. App. 709 (1992)

He got 30 years, which means he is on parole until the legal expiration date of his sentence. The case is a gem, a veritable handbook of WHAT NOT TO DO if you are suspected of murder. He made the case himself for the prosecutor. If a young woman, the mother of an infant, had not been killed, it would be funny.


Please don’t give any ideas to OJ ( considering he still owes the Browns $$$ from the civil suit).

Anne Moreland Dorai

Good Morning, My name is Anne Moreland Dorai. I work with and for Mr. Brashear. My family and myself have watched Mr. Brashear for almost two years work without pay to help house homeless Veterans. My mother donated the house for use in Indiana and I will sponsor the Texas locations. This past year I have paid close to $20k in bills to house the Veterans in the Calvert, St. Mary’s and Charles counties. I am no ones fool. I don’t throw my money away. The charity is legit, as is Brashear. Neither Dan or myself need a home. He is been at the same address for 40 years and I paid $800k cash for my home in Charles county in 2010. Neither of us need to steal from anyone nor did we. We have worked everyday for free motivated by a promise I made to a homeless Veteran I met living in the woods in Charles county in 2010. We have and are housed Veterans and their families. No one cares that the real story here should be how I received calls from three Veterans this week and they have no place to go. All the shelters are full. They need help and that is what Dan has done. His name will be cleared. He will continue to work to house homeless Veterans. Dan cares because he is a Veteran himself. Mr. Schlein jumped the gun trying to make a name for himself. I am reporting him for not doing his job correctly. I have already contacted the Governor’s office concerning this matter. I personally know that the investigator contacted me on February 16,2016 at 4pm and asked that I provide him a list of Veterans we housed, when, and where. I wrote up a nine page report and delivered to Michael Schlein around 10am. Michael had moved forward without even receiving the information he asked for. I also provided text messages between Randy and myself proving Randy was responsible for the soliciting. Randy is planning on starting his own Veterans organization and has hired Mr. Castro to defend… Read more »

Capt Kaos

800K? You mean that abandoned, nasty looking, unfinished, run down shack on Kirk Drive? Have you lost your mind? You must be completely insane, running around with a convicted murderer and a registered child sex offender! I’m sure Calvert County Child Protective Services will be very interested in the living arrangements. No child should be subjected to that type of abuse and negligent parenting, probably criminal, but the courts can decide that. It seems not only veterans and those contributing to this fraudulent operation have been ripped off, but children have been exposed to child molesters too. You and your associates are pure evil! Can’t wait to see all of you charged and locked up!

an insider

I would like to reply to Capt Kaos. Brashear is not a registered sex offender and never has been, Brashear’s project on Billingsley Road had sheltered some military veterans who were required to register as sex offenders, but none of their cases involved children, most involved former adult partners, who were allowed into the shelter because they are military veterans and had no where else to go because the holier tthan thou attitude of the community.

Anne Moreland

Wow. I sold it for more than I purchased it for and owed no mortgage. Calvert County did investigate my home and found that I live alone with my children and pay all our own bills including health insurance without public assistance from funds I earn from my construction projects that have nothing to do with the time I volunteer for charities or work towards completing my decree. They found both my home and myself to be safe. Unlike some women who leach off men for support I live alone with my children, pay my bills, help others both financially and with my efforts and time and pursue my education. I take no salary from SMVA nor tax deductions. I have a nine page report of who, where, how and when I housed veterans at zero cost to them or their families with no government support. I have and had no access to financial records other than what I was told. I am aware of what I donated in time, services, goods and money when and who and have my atm records. As for the theif in this picture I can not imagine why a man who raped a twelve year old is free? I am from Texas and we think he should be locked up. Maryland people must be a lot more liberal. Then he gets caught stealing and all that happens is he loses his job where he was stealing. Y’all swallow anything. Me. I’m opening my shelter in Texas. I’ve witnessed first hand what a difference safe shelter makes in a homeless person’s life. Hope you find something to help you refocus your attention in a positive way rather than blab bull crap about me, a loving mother, sister and daughter. A friend to many strangers. In short, fudge you.


mmm… fudge…


Don’t trust “her” fudge, you never know where the sock on the sock-puppet has been.

Green Thumb

Probably on a Phildo.


[…] Lonely Conservative: What About “Rape Culture” In High Schools? This Ain’t Hell: Southern Maryland Veterans Association Shut Down By State Weasel Zippers: DC Police Want Help Identifying #blacklivesmatter Thugs Who Beat And Left Hero […]

2/17 Air Cav

As a longtime resident of Maryland, including some 22 years as an inmate in the state’s prison system, and as someone who has prior experience in Maryland charities, how can it be that Brashear failed to register the SMVA (I like the letters VA were worked into the initials) as a charity? That’s the issue. That’s why SMVA was shut down by the state. Whether solicited funds were taken and used for other than the purpose for which they were solicited and collected is a separate, criminal matter that is being investigated.

There’s no reason for me to pore over Anne’s comment, but I especially liked the part where she says Brashear is innocent of killing a young woman. Well, a jury of 12 decided otherwise, convicted him of murder, and a judge awarded Dano 30 years. As far as I can tell, he’s still on parole. The way Anne tells it, you would think this SOB is some sort of victim and a hero.


I hope all these thieving SMVA turds are rounded up and face trial. Jesus may forgive, but the community doesn’t have to! May all of them rot in HELL!

Ellie Phunt

Anne has serious issues. Check the court case:

“Finally, Anne argues that there is no evidence to support the trial court’s determination. She next argues, The record reveals that the trial court judge sanctioned Anne Moreland Dorai numerous times all of which were the result of her mental disability which prevented her from understanding the judge’s instructions or allowing Anne Moreland Dorai to remain focused on the issues at trial. The record shows numerous occasions in which Anne Moreland Dorai’s disability interfered with the trial and when taken all together more than likely resulted in the court making its conservatorship decision inconsistent with the wishes of the parents.

We conclude that Anne’s admitted difficulty in following instructions and remaining focused during the span of a one-day trial could have been a basis for the trial court to conclude that her mental disability could similarly impair her in the rearing of her child. This is some evidence, then, upon which the trial court could have ruled that Suri should have the right to designate the child’s primary residence.

We hold that Anne has not established that the trial court abused its discretion by appointing Suri as the parent to have the right to designate the child’s primary residence. We overrule Anne’s third issue.”

Anne Moreland

Read further….the court upheld the previous judges ruling from the 308th court granting Anne Moreland sole custody of her child. Oh but I forgot the average person has a 4th grade level of reading comprehension. Guess you can be clubbed with the masses. On a more personal note due to physical illness I also could not stand and continued to pass out during many days of trial. My transplant is costing me 100k and I can pay for it. Could you? Not bad for the woman you described above. Feel free to respond. I’m vacationing in hospice until my transplant. Working on my next development and homeless shelter and enjoying the company of my family. Kiss the back of my leather heals punk.


“I’m vacationing in hospice until my transplant”

Anne, hospice is where folks go to die. You’ll be sorely missed.


SFC D, while not taking up for Anne in any way, shape, or form I must correct that misconception.

Some hospice care is end-of-life care.

Some hospice care, such as that I signed my invalid brother up for, is invalid care. He, specifically, is invalid with minimal chance of regaining full use of his body. He qualifies for a form of hospice.

So – Anne may be on a form of hospice yet not near the end of her life from a medical standpoint.


Well, well, well. The sock puppet returns, and it appears to have developed a hole in the toe since we last heard from it.


I love zombie threads. They just draw more attention to themselves.
Idiots just don’t understand that.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, I forgot all about this murdering scumbag. I’d love to see the transcript of the hearing at which Annie went off her rocker. It must have been a laugh riot.


You are probably still scamming people with your ex-con murderer boyfriend Dan. I wouldn’t be surprised if you try to sell the transplant donation on the black market, because you are an evil crooked witch. Hillary can’t come close to your thievery. If your medical issue is real, I hope you suffer like the veterans you and the SMVA scammed. Please die.


Your donor brain from the Humane Society will be an improvement, because you are one crazy bee-itch! On the bright side, your mental disorder means you won’t have to spend time in jail, like your SMVA associates, you get to watch TV and eat pudding in the looney bin, how fitting. Mmmm, pudding!

forever semper fi

hey guys, guess what fuck you all with your comments, Brashear took me and my family in for four months at a place he was paying for in Lusby, he didn’t charge me shit, he helped me to get the money to get my own place, loaned us his vehicle to get my son to his appointments and I was one of the people standing out their collecting funds as an honorably dissccharged United States Marine Seargent to help keep my place to live going forr me and the other two veterans living there, nobody else was willing to take me and my family off the streets and help me including the VA who was supposed to and not one of you sanctimonious bastards offered to help me I wrote a statemeent to tthe Secretary of State telling him I was housed in Dan’s place and the goofy bitch doing the hearing ignored it because she didnt wwant any evidence that dan was actually doing what he said hee was because iit would make her boss look bad for mouthing off before he was aware of all the facts, so give dan a break, if you needed his help, he’d sure as fuck give you one, and if you dont believe me call dan and ask him his number is 20249597xx


Thanks for clearing that up for us….I think.

What you left out of the equation is, What did you do to get yourself and your family off the streets?

2/17 Air Cav

The guy just doesn’t breathe, does he? Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat….

USMC LC 4 Life

You are one lying sack of dog feces! Nice try Danny Boy, you will soon be behind bars, again, you murdering piece of shit! And your girlfriend is a psychopath too! There is a special place in hell for those who steal from us vets!

chris hughes

Hey forever, this is Chris, when did dan go up for the hearing. They called me and wanted me to say nasty shit about dan and anne and when I told them stuff they didn’t want to hear they cut me off and never called back. whole lot of these fuckers run off at the mouth about shit they know nothing about fucking keyboard warrior REMF’s


So you hang out with a murderer, a pedophile and a crazy women, all of whom enriched themselves by ripping off money and donations meant for homeless vets. Yeah, you are a real credible person. There is a reserved seat in hell for people associated with the SMVA and worthless turds like you!