Trudeau won’t bomb ISIS if attacked

| January 6, 2016

Justin Trudeau

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed a suicide pact today with ISIS, well, not literally, but rhetorically, when he promised that Canada will not attack the terrorist thugs even if they succeed in killing Canadians at home according to The Guardian;

The decision to end the combat mission against Isis was one of Trudeau’s first policy announcements after his election but it is unlikely to create much tension in the Canada-US relationship, said Andrew Finn, with the Canada Institute at the Washington-based Wilson Center.

“Canada is still going to be involved in the intelligence sharing, they’re still going to have their trainers there,” he said. “There’s still a commitment to the fight.”

From Israel National News;

Trudeau argued that the greatest threat to ISIS is a tremendously open and diverse society in which Muslims and other minorities are fully integrated into mainstream secular society, and that compatibility between extraordinary diversity and a successfully safe society is Canada’s greatest strength and that that is what needs to be highlighted.


Trudeau said that “Canada is committed to having a military engagement in the fight against ISIL (ISIS) but in a helpful and substantive way.”.

All Canadians are looking forward to their government supplying them Skittle-shitting unicorns by Spring.

Category: Politics, Terror War

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Lurker Curt

…dafuq did I just read?

Pinto Nag

The details of Canada’s new mass immigration policy, I think.

Lurker Curt

So, he’s gonna friendly them into submission…huh. Can’t wait to see how that works out…


Hack Stone

Killing them with kindness?


That pathetic liberal A.H.! Bought and paid for by the NWO and doesn’t give a ratz butt if they attack Canadians? Lock that bas-ard up in a looney bin!!


It would be more effective to lock up the people who put him in power.


Is he Obama’s 1/2 brother?

Climb to Glory

He is Canada’s Obama. He’s an amateur of the highest order. A trust fund bitch who’s never held a job in his life. And he’s dumb. I mean real dumb. He makes our politicians look like MENSA members. He’s truly a child.

Climb to Glory

Think a younger version of John Kerry, but dumber. Or Marie Harf.


“Think a younger version of John Kerry, but dumber. Or Marie Harf.”

Is it possible to be that stupid and still remain conscious?


Sure. Just look at the voters in Pelosi’s Congressional district.


Ah man, I just had a mouthful of Bullet bourbon go through my nose. Thanks for that.


The cursed offspring of Kerry and Harf


3 Words:

1. Pretty
2. Boy
3. Pussy

PS: Betcha our Canadian Conservative and Military Brothers are mounting a political revolt! Pulse check! He could be gone as quick as a Montreal Clipper!

But what do I know …

Pinto Nag

He looks like he should be modeling men’s underwear in a fashion magazine.


I think you mean panties.


maybe he is one of obozo’s bathhouse boyz


So do I. Though the mental image that creates makes me want to puke, followed by either several stiff drinks or some heavy chemicals, with that followed by a dose of Psyclorox Brain Bleach.

Pinto Nag

Uh, guys…I know you probably don’t peruse ladies fashion mags, but stop and think about it for a minute. A GUY. Modeling MEN’S UNDERWEAR. In a LADIES’ fashion mag.

If it helps…hum “I’m too sexy for my shirt” under your breath while you meditate on it.

dalton coldiron

What a wuss. He wouldn’t last 3 seconds at my rodeo.


Neither will you, bunny-sniffer.


Your ex-girlfriend told me you jump off after 8 seconds.


Hell, this tool looks to be at least as “manly” as you are, bunni-boi.

So . . . where’s the DD214, fefe-forker? Did you send a copy to Jonn yet? No? Why the hell not?

Now go home and get your (flashing) shine box!

A Proud Infidel®™

SHUT UP, BUNNY-FART!! Where’s the DD214 you promised?


He’s the type of guy to buy a Sybian….FOR HIS OWN USE!


What is that?


Master Chief I saw it demonstrated on Howard Stern. It’s a buzzing pleasure sawhorse for women. Of course Mr Metrosexual here probably rubs his taint on it nightly!


OK, I am going to confession now!


I had to google it and am sorry I did….just goes to show I’m getting a little long in the tooth.


In other words, he opened hunting season on Canadians with no fear of retaliation.

Y’know, I’d be thrilled if that touchie-feelie bullshit actually worked… but throughout history bending over and spreading your cheeks to your enemy ends poorly for the spreaders. ‘Bout 100% of the time.



You are spot on!


John S.

Are we witnessing a Neville Chamberlain “peace for our time” moment here?


If Obama had a son, he’d look like this asshole.


No, not quite!

But, I do get your point …


Skittle-shitting unicorns, eh? Our Glorious Leader has acquired API’s taste for hyperbolic forms of expression, which is entirely appropriate in this case.

I wonder how Trudeau will look with his head on a pike at the gates of Toronto. ISIS/Daesh likes to do that now, you know. He really does look like the other side of the page bodaprez was printed on, doesn’t he?


He is a Montreal man!

Roger in Republic

You mean a “cheese eat’n surrender monkey”?

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Nah… he’s a pooosay… just like his dear old daddy.


Ça ne fait rien! Il est le Président du Canada entier. Cela inclut de Montréal et Toronto.


“Skittle-shitting unicorns”


I took note of that as well, my attorney is drafting a request to Jonn and the TAH Worldwide HQ writing staff, to use that in any and all future endevours of mine and my hiers.

It is an epic quote!


That kool-aid must really taste good!

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he’s related to Garry Trudeau, the creator of the “Doonesberry” comic strip? He’s enough of a cotton candyassed metrosexual milquetoast liberal!


Maybe he’ll appoint Justin Bieber as ambassador to ISIS

B Woodman

We can only hope.


Trudeau must be a French name.


Thank you CAPT Obvious!

Sit down and be quiet!


I am tuning into Cananada C-Span tomorrow … This schitz is going to get serious in Parlymentee! Aye!


It appears that we’re not the only Western nation with a spineless wimp running the show these days.

I think even Merkel has bigger “stones” than this wuss. And I don’t think she has any.


Unless and until Trudeau goes on TV to cry about something, he’s still more of a man than Øbama. Not that that is saying much, at all.


Wonder if he’ll still feel the same if they come from him and his own. Or is this just the policy for attacks against the subjects?


Ok, new immigration plan.
Before we deport all the illegals have them build a wall on the northern border. THEN deport them.
We don’t need this idiots stupidity affecting us. We have our own crop of stupid politicians.


Not a lawyer, but I’d say Dream Boy here is now criminally liable for all death and destruction caused by this clueless statement. The West is currently being led to suicide by their leftist leaders.


Not a suprise. When his father was the PM of Canada, there was discussion by some in the NATO/SHAPE HQ about if the Canadian government would honor it’s commitments. That is if the Soviets invaded western Europe if good ol’Pierre would say that Canada was neutral and make some decision that aligned with him earlier socialist/COMINTERN teachings. It appears his son is living up to the shadow that is his father.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

What would anybody expect from Canada anyway. I am not putting down their troops, or anything like that. I just do not see them mounting any kind of major military mission against anybody. Their resources are rather paltry without ours right next to them. Maybe they can bring sandwiches, or something.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

His Mom was hot, but kind of a skank. In a good kind of way.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

One could say she was a “professional slut”.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

If I remember she had problems with drugs and alcohol… loved to party in NYC and was in the local fishwrap at that time.


If you read up on Pierre and his political leanings, you find he didn’t even believe that WW2 was a just war. Even after France was occupied by the Germans, since where he was from in Quebec they still thought of themselves as French territory occupied by the English. Even after Hitler violated the pact, which caused most COMINTERN travelers to sing another tune, he stuck with the idea that the war between the capitalists and the facists was wrong and double down on that idea against the Japanese.



Old Trooper

His dad was a pussy and his mom showed hers to anyone that would look. He’s a pretty boy with no clue what he’s doing. Elections have consequences and all the leftist/prog/commies in Toronto are celebrating the fact that someone is more of a pussy than they are and they elected him PM.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Sounds like the background of bodaprez… all hat, no cattle!


“Trudeau argued that the greatest threat to ISIS is a tremendously open and diverse society in which Muslims and other minorities are fully integrated into mainstream secular society …”


That ain’t workin’ out too bueno for Europe, but then these dingalings never let facts get in the way of their Utopian Fantasies.